Blood Princess and the Knight

12~This is what you call justice?

"Go ahead and capture her, Your Highness the Vampire Princess. In the name of God, alien, your good luck has come to an end." Three

A knight wearing a white cross cloak and armor proclaimed.

They stood with swords in their hands, holding them with both hands as if praying to the gods.

"Are your gods really omniscient and omnipotent?" Lilith asked calmly, enduring the pain.

"Of course, why, what does Her Highness Lilith want to do when she asks this question?" A cleric joked.

"I'm afraid it's too late to defect to Christianity now, Your Highness. It's not certain whether God will accept vampires or not."

"If your god really exists, then he must be a very bad god, or in other words, he has endured

You guys for a long time. "Lilith mocked back. "Violating the treaty and attacking us in public, you still always turn the so-called Tao

We talk about morality and the bottom line. Is this what you call the moral bottom line? ?.

For the sake of justice, we will inevitably do things that dirty our hands. We are not gods and cannot be fair.

To everyone, we are nothing more than the will of the gods. Whatever the three gods want to do but are unable to eradicate,

Let us do it for you!”

"Besides, do you need to talk about the spirit of the convention to vampires like you who do evil things?" The priests

hummed. "These are all redundant. Only by catching you all in one fell swoop can mankind gain eternal peace!"

"This world doesn't just belong to you. Do you want to drive out all living things except humans?"

?Paranoid madness

There is no room for further negotiations between the two sides.

The situation is absolutely unfavorable for Lilith. She was injured and had not eaten enough, and her magic power was insufficient.

A priest can hold her down and beat her.

"The three of you acted privately, right? You are not afraid of your organization punishing you?"

"It doesn't matter whether you are punished or not. As long as you can be arrested and brought back, even the biggest crime can be offset. Not only can

Offset, the three of us will get the chance to be promoted, and we will be promoted to three levels in a row!"

"Your little pet has exhausted its magic power and fallen asleep. Now, no one will help you. We don't want to do too much.

However, Your Highness Princess, you'd better resolve it yourself, so that both of you will feel better. "As he said that, the cleric took out

A bunch of silver handcuffs were thrown at Lilith’s feet.

"Lilith didn't say anything, she picked up the handcuffs calmly, and then threw them hard at the priest's head.

"Hmph! You don't know what is good!" The priests seemed to have expected such a scene, and took out a glass bottle

The ice blue potion was thrown towards Lilith.

Lilith got away in time, but due to the narrow sewer, there was some water stains from the explosion of the glass bottle.

"Hiss! When the blue water touched Lilith's fair skin, bursts of white smoke came out, like

It gnawed at her skin like maggots attached to the bone.

"Little princess, it's useless. This is the holy water left by the baptisters of the church centuries ago. Even if

As a member of the vampire royal family, you will be burned and ignited if you touch it!"

Lilith kept retreating, and the injuries caused by the holy water could not be recovered. This was undoubtedly a problem for her current condition.

It’s a snowy mountain.

Just when the priests were about to rush forward, a voice suddenly came from across the sky.

"Damn it! Yes, he is a knight, he is actually a knight!!"

"What?" The three clergymen were all attracted at this time, and one of them was facing the gatekeeper.

The cleric winked and glared.

"Didn't I tell you to watch the exit!?"

".How do I know that there will be pedestrians passing by at this time?" The cleric was obviously wrong.

"You three, I'm sorry to disturb you!" A young man rushed out of the shadows, not knowing where he came from.

The pen and paper that came out were handed to the three clergymen, their eyes shining with smart light.

"Three gentlemen, your COS is so great! To be honest, I am a loyal fan of Templar Weekly.

Your outfits are so professional! The ones in COS are from the weekly Holy Guardians, right? Oh, to be honest

To be honest, I have seen a lot of COS at comic exhibitions, but none of them are as professional as you!

The three of them talked non-stop, not giving the latter any chance to speak.

The three priests looked at each other in confusion, and after a brief moment of confusion, one of them gave the other a look.

"Well, that's right, kid, we are currently filming and are busy. Can you please first

Stay aside?"

"Hey, are you filming? Then, are the injuries on this young lady's body an illusion caused by props?" Ji Bai pointed out

He pointed at Lilith who was not far away, and the latter obviously recognized this young man, with confusion and confusion written all over her face.

What is going on? ?

Four of the five people present could not understand the situation, and only Ji Bai kept chattering.

"Uh-huh. Yes, that's right." The three priests were embarrassed for a while, in order to prevent the young man from knowing more about

Regarding the alien race and the temple, they could only choose to lie more.

"Wow, wow, wow!" Ji Bai put down

He took out the paper and pen in his hand, handed it to the priests, and came closer.

Check out Lilith.

"Hey! Wait!" Seeing this, the priests wanted to stop him, but Ji Bai ran too fast, taking three to two steps to cross the border.

Arrived in front of Lilith.

"Eh? The makeup and wounds are so realistic. It's just like a real vampire." Ji Bai said seriously.

"Young man, wait a minute! Don't get close to that woman!" Upon seeing this, the priests hurried over and by then,

The exits are no longer blocked.

"Run now!" Ji Bai turned his back to the three priests, whispered towards Lilith and winked crazily.

Lilith understood and immediately transformed into countless bats, taking advantage of the time when the priests were not paying attention to her.

Then he rushed out through the gap in the exit.

"No! Let the vampire escape, hurry up!" The priests were anxious when they saw this, and couldn't care less about Ji Bai, so they hurriedly chased after him.

Go up.

Seeing the three priests leaving in a hurry, Ji Bai also followed him, but how could his physical strength be as good as those of the three?

A priest, even if he is holding on to his tail, he is still showing signs of fatigue.

"Hurry up! Otherwise, if the vampire runs into the city, there will be big trouble!"

"Don't worry, that vampire can't run far. Holy water was poured on it, and it is now in the mechanical and electronic field.

It's revealed on the map and can't run far. "The leader of the clergy has a way to be confident.

Just as the cleric said, Lilith did not run far away, and Ji Bai's help did not win her over.

After a certain amount of time, it took a lot of energy to transform into a bat. Finally, exhausted, she ended up in a secluded park.

Yuan stopped.

"Death struggle!" After the lesson just now, the priests no longer intend to give Lilith any chance to breathe.

, and planned to subdue it directly.

Three straight cross silver swords slashed at Lilith aggressively.

"Cut the vampire open! It will be easier to take back."

Lilith, who was exhausted, was gradually unable to dodge the sharp swords of the three men. After being injured in various ways, a cross sword

It stabbed straight into her belly.

"Woooo!" Lilith took a few steps back and bent her knees.

"Okay, the vampire has no room to resist anymore, take it back."

Lilith gasped for breath, knowing that no one would come to save her this time.

"You guys, stop!" The panting Ji Bai finally caught up with the four of them, and as soon as he arrived at the scene, he

He put his hands on his knees and gasped.

"You guys, wait a minute, put down your weapons!"

"The priests looked at Ji Bai in silence.

"Young man, you shouldn't have followed me."

"You shouldn't see these things."

"Ahem, I, I'm talking about you. Ji Bai covered his hot heart and said while coughing. "Three big men bullied

Are you ashamed of being a little girl? If I were you, I would be ashamed to see others. "

"Little girl?" The priests sneered at the words and looked at Ji Bai meaningfully. "Young man, she is not an ordinary person.

Tong little girl. This is none of your business. Leave now and act as if nothing happened. You can still survive.

Chance. "

"Otherwise? Is it possible that you messengers of justice still want to deal with me too? ? "Ji Baihao

He said with a smile.

"You asked unnecessary questions, young man."

"Superfluous? - Not superfluous at all! Don't you always say that God is always tolerant and kind? ?"

"God is indeed tolerant and merciful, but this does not mean that we, as agents of God, are also tolerant and merciful.

, and God’s favor does not extend to aliens and apostates. "The priest raised his head slightly.

"Oh, just now, am I already considered a traitor by you?" Ji Bai said, clenching his fists.

"Young man, do you know what you are doing? What you are doing now poses a great danger to the traitor.

The two words are very close. "The priest glanced at Lilith. "I just said, why can a vampire be in a human city-state?

It must be impossible to hide like this without anyone helping her. I don't think there are people who are really stupid enough to betray themselves.

A fool who goes to help a vampire as a fellow human being. "

"I didn't deliberately help her. I was just doing what I thought was right and helping the truth." Ji Bai

Staring at several priests who were much taller and stronger than him, he knew that his current situation was very dangerous and he would be killed if he was not careful.

He followed the sword with his hand, but even though his feet were weak with fear, he still couldn't bear the so-called "just acts" of these clergymen.

"She has clearly never hurt anyone. Even if she fainted from hunger, she has never taken action against any human being! Why?

Why should we execute her, a girl who has no ill will towards human beings? ?”

"Young man, you seem to have been bewitched by a vampire." The priest said coldly. "We are doing this for the whole person

The human race makes profits, and without the vampire race, humanity will be better off.

"Is it the peace regulations you broke? You don't hesitate to start a war. Is this also making profits for mankind? I think this

You are seeking your own benefit! Do you know how many people will die if a war breaks out in one day? Do you know that you are

Really!?" Ji Bai got more and more excited as he spoke.

"Young man, you seem to know a lot." The cleric's gaze gradually became dangerous.

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