"No, it's impossible, right? This is completely impossible, right?" Cai Linya's eyes widened in disbelief, even though

She repeated the so-called reality in her heart over and over again to no avail. The facts were in front of her and shattered her.

three views.

"Am I dreaming?" So Nalinya began to doubt her own knowledge and vision.

The scene in front of me is really incredible.

The inheritance of the blood royal family is undoubtedly the first embrace, and in order for the object of the first embrace to accept this - huge bloodline

With such power, the person chosen must often be a family member with royal blood or directly the contemporary Blood Spirit Queen.

Close relative, sister or daughter.

Although Lilith and the contemporary queen probably were not originally a daughter and mother, after their first embrace,

They all acknowledge the relationship and truly agree with it. This is the ethics of the blood clan originating from the blood. They become mothers after they first embrace each other.

They all think there is nothing wrong with female relationships, but if they were humans or other races, they might find it strange.

Extremely different.

For example, a former tribe mate or a biological sister is now his daughter. This is not the case with human beings.

Ethical concepts are acceptable.

To sum up, if you want to receive the direct bloodline inheritance of the blood royal family, you must first have the blood of the royal family.

It can't be that kind of remote kinship. There is a chance of failure when you first get married. This is not a joke. You have to choose someone who is willing.

You must choose relatives who are very close to you. Immediate relatives are the best, which can maximize the success rate.

The contemporary vampire queen did not give birth to a child, and Lilith was not her daughter originally. Regarding her first embrace,

As someone who has experienced it, Lilith knows something about it.

Although the environment for her first embrace was different, Lilith was on the ceremonial stage in the Blood Spirit Capital, but now there is no

It takes a long time to embrace for the first time with the help of enchanted items that increase the probability, and the first embrace is still a human being.

Unique in the history of the vampire clan.

That’s not to say there is no such thing. There once was an ignorant vampire queen who loved her blood slaves so much that she thought...

In order to grant him eternal life, he overcame all objections and gave him the opportunity to embrace him for the first time. As you can imagine, the blood slave

Unable to withstand the huge power of the royal blood, her body exploded and died, and the queen also closed herself off.

In modern times, due to the dilution of the bloodline from generation to generation, it is impossible to have a successful first marriage except for close relatives.

The queen of the non-contemporary blood race has a biological sister. I'm afraid she really has to go to battle to give birth to an heir in order to succeed her.

of blood.

Yes, Lilith is the biological sister of the current blood queen and the daughter of the previous blood queen. But that was the former blood queen.

What happened before, now she has a "mother-daughter" relationship with her sister.

Almost everyone who is slightly close to the center of blood power knows this, but no one realizes it.

Strangely, they all think this is the normal ethics of the Vampire Clan. As a race within the jurisdiction of the Vampire Clan, although Nalinya

I don’t think this is surprising, but it is enough to prove how high the vampire threshold is for first love -

It must be an illusion or a coincidence. This childlike first love will end soon and end in failure.

Well, that must be the case.

Cai Linya told herself this in her heart, just because she couldn't accept that a creature like a human could also become the king of the blood clan.

room, and even more unable to accept that a human would become the queen of the blood race in the future.

You must know that the first love of the direct blood family royal family only happens once in a lifetime, and it cannot be changed if it succeeds. That is to say, if

Success, no matter what, this human will be the king of vampires sooner or later.

Are you kidding? ?

Even as a succubus, she couldn't accept it, let alone those vampire nobles who had too strong a sense of blood.

Well, if they find out, they will definitely not give up easily! -

After reading this, Nalinya covered her head with a headache. She felt that Lilith was still too lack of consideration.

I was so hot-headed that I wanted to repay my kindness, but I didn’t think about what would happen after that.

No, why do you think so? ? Could it be that deep down in my heart, I have already acquiesced that my first love will be successful?


Nalinya, who realized this terrible fact, felt her breath coming out of her lungs and looked at the "corpse" lying on the ground.

"The body" sucked in a mouthful of Liangpi.

It's not that it won't happen. At least people can't be like this, and it won't happen even if they become spirits.

However, reality seems to be crushing Cai Linya's pitiful succubus look, and the blood boiling is like being hurt by...

As if he was called, he jumped up and surged as if he was looking for the target, and finally locked the target lying on the ground.

Ji Bai's catharsis came in.

"Really, it worked." Nalinya was stunned, and Lilith was also stunned. To be honest, she was just trying her best.

He worked hard to save Ji Bai's life, but he really didn't expect that the first embrace ceremony was actually successful.

Lilith also felt a little confused, and looked at Ji Bai thoughtfully.

Could it be that Mr. Ji Bai has blood from the blood royal family in his body? ? Otherwise this would not make sense.

The first step in the first embrace is for the queen to draw a magic circle on the ground with her own blood.

Qualifications of first time supporters

If you are qualified and fully meet the requirements for first-time embrace, then the blood will continuously emerge from the blood array and will be wrapped by the first-time user.


The vampires throughout the ages have interpreted this phenomenon as praying and asking their ancestors.

For the vampires, the first embrace is the inheritance of the royal blood and is extremely sacred. Such a sacred ceremony is naturally

You have to ask the opinions of the blood queens in the past, and this first step is regarded as praying to the blood queens. If they allow the first embrace to proceed, they will issue instructions to guide future generations, which is the phenomenon of "blood tide". , which proves

All vampire queens agreed and agreed to this first embrace.

"The ancestors have appeared." Lilith gradually regained her composure, murmuring to herself with her hands in a prayer position unique to the Vampires. "

It turns out that even the seniors support this first embrace, then Lilith understands. "

"Wait, wait a minute! Your Highness, isn't this a bit too childish? He, he is still a human being no matter what." Cai Linya was still unwilling to accept this.

"Cai Linya, this is the instruction of the ancestors." Lilith said firmly. "The ancestors agreed to this first embrace,

In other words, with the wisdom of past queens, they believed that this first embrace would not only be successful, but also bring future success to the vampire clan.

Unprecedented prosperity. "


"Cai Linya, the instructions of our ancestors cannot be questioned." Lilith didn't hesitate at all, holding her long skirt and squatting down,

She clung to Ji Bai's body, pressed lightly against his chest, and took a deep breath.

Now she can feel her mother's mood to some extent. Every blood spirit queen has only the first time in her life.

The opportunity we have, inheriting the bloodline is very important, for fear of any flaw in any detail, Lilith can now profoundly

I have experienced this feeling.

Although she still felt hesitant and uneasy in her heart, she still firmly believed in the guidance of her ancestors, and her fangs dripped a few traces of

The liquid was redder than blood. He leaned down and stabbed his fangs lightly into the blood vessels of Ji Bai's neck.

Cai Linya was still suspicious of the succubus, but Lilith had already put her first embrace into action.

When he opened his eyes, Ji Bai found that he was in a total darkness, with his feet dangling in the air, as if

There is no concept of time and space.

Did you lose your temper?

That's okay, anyway, I pretended to be sexy in front of the beautiful girl before I died, so it's not a loss.

At least, this is fine, living with this rotten heart, worrying that I will die every moment and every second

Sudden death, instead of living in fear like this, it is better to be like the knight in the comics, through the warmth of the mouth

Die before your blood cools down.

Okay, X is done pretending and his life is gone. It’s time for him to be reincarnated.


"I'll go, this won't be hell, right?" Ji Bai complained. "Please, I'm just a citizen, even if I don't

Even if you have done any good deeds, you won’t be sent directly to hell and unable to be reincarnated, right? ?”

It can't be because I helped the vampire. God, he doesn't want to see me anymore, so luckily he just left me

Am I going to hell?" Ji Bai covered his head. He was confused and had no idea what was happening to him.

Suddenly, a beam of light came in

Nalinya, come and help. "

"Come, come, Your Highness, open your eyes, she has opened her eyes!"

It’s so noisy, why is hell still so noisy??

"Open your eyes? Come on, let me see."

It seems that Lilith's voice is strange. Why does it sound so weak? It sounds like she has just given birth to a baby.

Like mother.

"Your Highness, congratulations! It's a girl!" Nalinya, who had no choice but to help Lilith, actually became the

He called the "midwife" and conveyed the good news to Lilith.

Is she really giving birth to a baby? No, this is hell. Even if she is giving birth to a baby, she shouldn’t come to hell.

Are you alive?

Ji Bai was a little curious and wanted to open her eyes to find out, but her eyelids were too heavy to move, so she could only tap...

to regain control of the body.

What's wrong with my body? It feels so heavy. It doesn't feel like my own body at all. What does it feel like?

It hurts so much

No, isn't she already dead? Why does she still feel pain? Why can she still feel herself?

Do you still have a body? ?

What on earth happened.

She opened her eyes, and what came into view was a pink-haired, um, horse that looked about the same size as Lilith.


"Your Highness, wake up, she seems to be awake!"

"Let me see her quickly." Then, the silver-haired girl lying next to her weakly hugged her waist.

What? ?

Ji Bai looked hard at his body and realized that at this moment, he was covered in blood, and

Naked and naked.

? ?What do you mean, where are my clothes? What happened? And, why is my body suddenly so

It’s awkward, it’s like I’ve changed my body, it’s so difficult

At this moment, she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

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