"To sum up, that's what happened." Late at night, at Ji Bai's house, Lilith seemed to be a criminal who had made a mistake.

Doing this, he knelt on the ground and apologized to the girl sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

"Now, Mr. Ji Bai, do you understand?"

"I'm still a little confused."

"It doesn't matter, I can repeat it to you until you understand."

"Your Highness, you used the wrong word." Nalinya, who was watching from the side, reminded. "No matter what your status is, you are

It's inappropriate for her to use honorifics. Your Highness, you should change it. It feels weird. "

"Really?" Lilith thought about it for a moment, and seemed to feel that something was not quite right, so she nodded.

"Then, Zai, do you need mother to repeat it again?" Lilith organized her words and said what she thought was the current situation.

He could only use the most suitable words to say to Ji Bai.

"? Miss Lilith, is there something wrong with your statement?" the girl said with her hair covered in black lines, even though she was wearing-

She only had a bath towel and the blood stains on her body were washed away, but she still felt extremely uneasy.

Her silky silver hair is flowing down, and her delicate porcelain doll-like appearance is like a princess from a fairy tale.

Your Highness, your bright scarlet eyes are like priceless agate.

The girl who couldn't find a single flaw except for her beautiful breasts was actually herself?!

No, no, no, this is no longer unacceptable.

"But now, in terms of blood, we are indeed mother and son, oh no, mother and daughter." Lilith

He tilted his head and said.

"Do you need me to repeat to you - the ethics related to the Blood Clan?

"No, no, I probably understand." Bai Ji lifted her wet long hair and immediately found her

His behavior was too feminine, and he was very troubled by it.

“I probably understood what you said, but I probably didn’t. Maybe I understood, but

Essentially, I don't quite understand." How should I put it? It's not that Bai Ji didn't understand what Lilith said, but she didn't know

Why could she not understand these words once they were strung together into complete sentences?

Well, to be precise, I can’t understand it.

"It doesn't matter. I've just joined the ranks of the eternal nobles. It's normal to not understand. As a mother, I will always know how to do it."

Repeat it over and over again until you understand it. "Lilith said seriously.

"Okay, so, according to your wishes, when I'm about to die, you hug me for the first time.

Rescued. "


"Thus, my body became that of a vampire."

"To be precise, it's the royal bloodline of the Vampire Clan."

"And since the vampire only has the queen, her body has changed, and Jill is gone."

"As a girl, you shouldn't use such rude words on your lips." Lilith reminded.

"This is no longer a matter of rudeness or not!" Bai Ji rubbed her head with a sad face. "When I first woke up

At that time, I was covered in blood. When I lowered my head, I saw that Jill was not there yet. I was so frightened that I thought I was being physically separated.

Speaking of this, Bai Ji covered her heart with lingering fear.

It's simply too scary!

"It's okay, kid. It doesn't matter to you now whether we are separated or not. It's gone anyway." Meet Bai Ji

Looking down, Lilith thought for a moment and planned to comfort her with words.

"Hearing this, Bai Ji's face became even more sad. She didn't know whether Lilith was comforting her or hurting her.

"Eh? Seeing Bai Ji's mood getting worse, Lilith wondered whether she should continue to comfort Bai Ji.

So she walked up to Bai Ji and rubbed her bitter little face.

"Eh? What are you doing?" Bai Ji shrank in shock.

"It's okay, Mr. Ji Bai, just look at it. There's nothing good about that thing. Look, from the time you were born to the time you lost your

When it was released, it was brand new and original, right? Even though it was there, it had never been used.


"Pfft!" Lilith said these words with an extremely serious expression and tone, which annoyed the naphtha next to her.

Linya couldn't help laughing.

"Since it's of no use at all, it's not a pity to lose it, right? Although, if something like that is lost, it will be lost.

Come on, don't feel bad. "Lilith continued. "There's no need for it anyway. "

"Don't, stop talking," Bai Ji begged, looking like she was about to cry.

She is now convinced that Lilith is actually a hidden villain, and she must have said this on purpose!

"Ah, that's right. I will still be a virgin until the day I die. What's wrong? What's wrong? It's intentional!

See you? ?" Bai Ji gave up on herself.

I just didn't expect that she would turn into a virgin without even having sex once.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" Seeing that Bai Ji was unhappy, Lilith said cautiously.

No. "

"Or am I doing something wrong?"

"No." Bai Ji's face was filled with sadness.

"But you seem unhappy."

Well, Miss Lilith, I'm grateful that you saved my life.


"That's right. If it weren't for Mr. Ji Bai, I'm afraid I would have been captured by those holy men for experimentation."

"But to be honest, I really can't accept the fact that I have become a vampire." Bai Ji pinched herself

These small white and soft, boneless hands seemed to belong to a stranger, not hers.

“I can’t even accept the fact that I have turned into a little girl.

"Is it difficult to accept? But in this way, you no longer have to worry about disease and life span, or even

Injury, as long as it is not fatal, the vampire's body can heal quickly, and your vitality will become extremely tenacious.

Neither congenital heart failure nor any disease can threaten your life, and your lifespan will be endless.

Endless, isn’t this good? "

“Maybe it sounds great, but it’s not a good thing for me.

"Honestly, I'm used to being a human being, and I don't really want to change my race and start over again. Besides, it's not right to live such a long time.

It doesn't make sense to me. "Bai Ji touched her little heart and smiled bitterly. "Well, it's true that my heart is not good.

You will feel pain. It even stops beating, so naturally it won't hurt anymore. "

"Sorry, the situation was urgent and I didn't consider your feelings." Lilith said apologetically. "Maybe

If you're one minute late, the chance of first love will be lost, no matter how much I think about it..."

"I don't blame you, well, I just can't accept it." Bai Ji said regretfully. "Actually, if possible, I

When I knew there was a place called the Temple, I fantasized about being a knight in the past. Now, I am probably

The public enemy of all mankind. "

"Miss Lilith, can you change me back?" Bai Ji took a deep breath.

"Don't you want to be a vampire?"

"If possible, I would rather be an ordinary human being, even if I suffer the consequences of birth, old age, illness and death.

Tortured, but as expected, in my heart, I cannot identify myself as a vampire.

"Sorry, I may not be able to help you with this." Lilith sighed. "Besides, you are a special case.

Before you, the Vampire Clan could not find any precedent of human beings being embraced as Vampire Clan for the first time. "

"So, at least I don't know the way to turn you back into a human. I don't even know that you can be embraced as a vampire for the first time.

What is the principle of . "

"That's it." Bai Ji was silent for a moment after hearing this. "How about you guys go out for a while?"

"Baby, what are you going to do?" Lilith felt something was wrong with Ji Bai's expression.

"It's nothing, I just want to be alone for a while." Bai Ji smiled back. "Just thinking about something

"Oh." Lilith felt more and more something was wrong, but she still obediently entered the room and observed the living room through the cracks.

Nei Jibai's every move.

After hesitating for a while, the latter picked up the fruit knife on the table and put it to his pulse point.

"Bang!" The inner door was knocked open, and Lilith rushed over from inside.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

"Put down the knife first." Lilith said without any doubt.

"Leave me alone!"

"Even if you want to die, you can't die like this." Cai Linya walked out and frowned slightly.

"I told you to let me go!"

"Really, he's just a kid who only has a tantrum?" Nalinya was a little impatient and drew a knife to Bai Ji's hand.

The fruit knife inside was shot down.

Seeing that there was no knife in her hand, and Lilith's arms around her waist, Bai Ji lowered her head like a deflated balloon.


"I'm sorry, Zai, it's my fault, please don't think too hard about it, okay." Lilith begged.

"Huh? I can't think about it?" Ji Bai widened his eyes and pursed his lips. "How could I stop thinking about it?"

"What are you still arguing about?" Nalinya snorted. "Really, I actually got an advantage by rewarding you with your status as a vampire.

Damn it, you know how many people in this world who want to live forever have no chance! Is this like committing suicide?"

Who committed suicide? Ji Bai's face was full of confusion. "I'm so afraid of death, okay? It's not easy to continue living."

, why should I die? If I die, what should I do with the knight comics I chased, and what should I do with the snacks I bought?

What should I do with the games and peripherals I bought? Wasn’t the money wasted?”

"Then what did you want to do just now?

"I just want to test whether the vampire's life is really so tenacious, and how quickly a cut pulse can heal.

La. "Bai Ji said resentfully.

"Don't you want to commit suicide, kid?"

"Why should I commit suicide? And don't call me a kid!" Ji Bai muttered. Although she has no parents,

You can’t accept an extra vampire mother appearing out of thin air, right? ?

"Okay, I understand, dear daughter."

"Is this worse? ?"

"But the relationship between the two of us now is...

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to bed!" With that, Ji Bai was about to enter the inner room.

"But, it's so late at night, can you sleep?"

"Ah? What do you mean? What am I doing if I don't sleep at night?"

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