Blood Princess and the Knight

18~The succubus who knows math

"Zi, forget it, it's nothing, you go to bed." Lilith looked complicated.

"Don't call me bastard!" Bai Ji said very unhappy.

"Then, call you Bai Ji?

"Can you call me by my original name?"

"Well, but."

"No, but, isn't it very rude to change someone's name without permission?"

"Okay, I understand." Lilith knelt down on the sofa and nodded obediently.

"Your Highness Lilith, you are the princess of the blood clan." Nalinya next to her reminded helplessly. "none

No matter who you were dealing with, your attitude just now was too weak. "

"But that's my cub."

"Your Highness Lilith, she is a human being." Cai Linya had a headache when she thought of this. "Even now

In terms of blood relationship, she is your child, but her cognition is still human cognition, and you cannot force her to

She transforms into a vampire. "

"She must be allowed to adapt to the new body by herself and slowly understand the differences between herself and humans. Otherwise, she will

It is absolutely impossible to integrate into the vampire collective. "

"Cai Linya, weren't you very repulsive to her earlier?" Lilith said, tilting her head.

"It's a done deal, what can I do." Cai Linya looked at Lilith helplessly. "What your Highness did is really too...

No need to think about it, have you ever thought that you will one day return to the Scarlet Blood Realm?

With a child, what will those nobles and princes think of you? Most importantly, what will they think of this child?

"Her identity must not be hidden. Those grand dukes will not allow a foreigner to be their leader and daughter.

Emperor, this is not in line with their interests and principles, so where will this child go in the future? It is impossible to leave her behind.

It's not okay to accept her, she will face a very embarrassing situation. "

"It's okay, I will protect her." Lilith vowed. "My mother will also protect her, no one

Dare to bully her. "

"Your Highness Lilith, you are still too naive. Even Her Majesty the Queen wants to protect her, but those nobles

So what if the archdukes object? The Scarlet Blood Territory is composed of various classes. It is controlled by the noble class and the royal family.

Director, if something is really not in their interest, do you think those nobles will give up?"

"Even if this is the case, I will protect her. I didn't care before, but now she is my cub and no one can hurt her.

Harm her. "Lilith's expression remained unchanged, perhaps because the special ethical blood relationship of the vampires was activated, and Lilith showed an extremely maternal side.

"Okay, please stop talking, Princess."

"Xiao Nai, you are on my side, right?"

"Of course, of course, of course I am on the side of Her Highness the Princess. Wasn't it just that I was advising Her Highness the Princess just now?

Making a plan? "Nalinya sighed.

At this moment, Bai Ji is on the bed.

Recalling everything that happened in the past few days, the causes and consequences, it was like a dream, just like waking up

Traveling through another world is almost a bloody experience.

But whether it was time travel or this kind of encounter, Ji Bai was not willing to do it.

Traveling through time and changing bodies may seem exciting, but only fools would truly desire such things.


In this world, he has his own life trajectory, his own friends, and his own life.

Anyone who wants to travel through time or change his body when he has nothing to do is either a lunatic or a fool!

Okay, I haven’t thought about it for so many years. It’s too late. If you have something to do, think about it tomorrow. I’ll have to do it early tomorrow morning.

Get up and go to school-

After thinking about this, Bai Ji hugged the pillow and closed her eyelids, forcing herself not to think about those strange things.


He was a happy-go-lucky person, and no matter what the situation was, she could suppress her curiosity and fall asleep quickly.

I'm not interested in girls' bodies or anything like that.

Women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword.

But why, why can’t I sleep? ?

Bai Ji sat up from the bed, rubbed her head, rearranged the pillow, and then lay down again.

Still can't sleep.

What's going on? Why is she not sleepy at all? ?

She got up and looked at the clock. It was almost two o'clock. Why did she not only not want to sleep at all, but also get more and more sleepy?

The more excited you are? ?

"Bang bang!" The bedroom door was pushed open with a bang, and Bai Ji, wearing pajamas, walked out with a gloomy face.


"Baby, are you awake now?" Lilith didn't seem surprised by this.

"I woke up like a ghost." Bai Ji said angrily. "I can't even sleep now. When I close my eyes,

I’m so excited that I can’t calm down at all!”

"No, Bai Ji looked around, as if she was looking for something. Finally, she fixed her gaze on the schoolbag placed on the sofa. "Found it!"

"What are you doing?" Seeing Bai Ji throwing herself on the sofa and searching for her schoolbag, Cai Linya was a little curious.

"What else? Of course I can find someone who can

I found the hypnosis tool that helps me calm down and fall asleep!" said Bai Ji.

Hold up the book in your hand that has the words "Three years of college entrance examination and five years of simulation" written on it.

He took out the pen and the white strap from the document bag, and tied the strap to his head, full of enthusiasm.

"Okay, let's start the hypnosis!" Bai Ji unscrewed the cap of the pen and stared at the title in the book with all her concentration.


She still couldn't solve the question. Yes, it was right. It was something she couldn't solve even if she tried hard. However, after reading

After such a long topic, not only did her eyes not feel bitter or swollen, nor did her spirit show any signs of depression, but she also felt that she was interested in the topic.

I became even more irritated because I couldn't solve the problem, so I didn't feel sleepy anymore.

"Give up, Mr. Ji Bai, you should have heard of such things as the biological clock." Cai Linya tilted her head beside her.


“Every living thing has its own biological clock. For example, humans have human biological clocks. When they need to rest,

When he is tired, his brain will automatically urge him to rest, and the same is true for vampires. "

"Now is obviously not the rest time for the blood race's biological clock. You will definitely not be able to sleep, just like if you sleep at night

I had enough sleep, but still wanted to fall asleep in broad daylight. "

"Huh? Biological clock, I'm sorry, that kind of thing doesn't exist for knights!" Ji Bai raised his hands.

"The May 3rd math problem is always paying attention. Just looking at it twice can guarantee the quality of sleep for one night. This is not

It has nothing to do with the biological clock. My mind should guide my body, not my body.

Control my thoughts and actions!"

"Your Highness Lilith, it's a pity that you are not in the Scarlet Blood Realm now." Nalinya said something that Bai Ji didn't understand.

"Hey, does this have something to do with the current situation? Can I sleep well in another place?"

"Of course it's related, but it's not related to your sleep, but to your brain." Nalinya's face was expressionless

The poisonous tongue said. "If you are in the scarlet blood realm, you can find a palace physician to look at your brain."

"You vampire, don't look down on me, let me show you my perseverance!"

"I'm not a vampire, I'm a succubus. Mr. Ji Bai has read such a pair of knight comics. He doesn't even know what race I am.

Can't you tell the difference?" Cai Linya teased.

"Humph." Bai Ji ignored Nalinya and went her own way.

Half an hour later.

"Wrong, wrong, still wrong, it's all wrong, so wrong." Holding the exercise book, Nalinya complained

He said, waving the exercise book in front of Bai Ji who had an unconvinced look on her face. "Is this your perseverance? It's funny enough

Well, there is not a single answer to the entire page of exercises. Are you really doing them seriously? Or are you just thinking about your comics?"

"Tch, if you say it's wrong, it's wrong!" Bai Ji said unconvinced. "I also said that what I did was right.

"Really, what kind of era are these? A vampire would jump out and teach me how to do math problems. It's so weird.

Weird. "Bai Ji whispered in her mouth.

"Zai, I think what Xiao Nai said is roughly right." Lilith interjected next to her. "When I was in the academy, Xiao Nai

He is the best in math and science in our class. He is the first to submit the paper in the exam and gets full marks every time. "

"Huh? Do you vampires still study mathematics, physics and chemistry? ?" Bai Ji really didn't expect this.

"If you have stupid problems and don't learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you may not even be able to arrange spells well. Don't think of us as

How about lower creatures like worms? Nalinya said coldly. "Moreover, our level of study is much higher than yours."

, an arithmetic problem of this level is too childish. You can see the answer at a glance and you can still calculate it wrong. It’s like no one else.

"Huh?" Bai Ji suddenly felt her blood pressure rising.

Yes, her academic performance is indeed not top-notch, but any succubus that pops up can point it at her nose.

I can't bear to scold her for her poor studies.

"I'm not afraid of having a long nose when I talk big. Then you can tell me what the correct answer to this question is?"

"Half - root number three." Cai Linya crossed her arms and glanced at it, then replied casually. "You can actually calculate minus three

Go, that's so wrong. "

"Humph, is that so? Then I'll let you have a look!" Bai Ji took out the answer book and said confidently.

To be fair, his math score shouldn't be lost to that of a succubus, right? And a creature like a succubus shouldn't

Should your mind be filled with thoughts of Sykes? How could you focus on proper studies?

Bai Ji, who was full of confidence, looked at the answer page, and then her face gradually stiffened.

Still, she really got it right.

"Impossible, coincidence!" Bai Ji expressed disbelief and pointed to the next question. "What about the next question? ?The answer is

How many?"

"Five times the root of two."

"next question!

"one third."

"Bai Ji was stunned. Unable to accept it, she immediately came to a conclusion. "I understand, this book is your charming one.

The devil has seen it and memorized the answer, haha, otherwise it would be impossible. "

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