Blood Princess and the Knight

19~Annoy two demons at the same time

"Okay, you can try another book. This one is too childish. It really can't improve my level."

It’s hard to find a new one for you, although I don’t know where I can find the textbooks for you humans.

Go, after all, the brain capacity and understanding ability are there. "

"Wow, this person is so arrogant." Bai Ji was furious after hearing the other party's remarks. "My mind is full of

Sykes’s succubus has the nerve to comment on humans’ mathematical learning abilities. Okay, then I’ll let you be healthy.

How awesome human beings are!"

"Really?" Cai Linya smiled but said nothing.

"Just wait for me." Looking at Cai Linya's indifferent expression, Bai Ji was furious and stamped her feet.

With her shoeless feet, she turned over her little school bag.

"Humph! Found it." Then, Bai Ji took out a green book from her small school bag, as if she had found it.

What a good toy - it turned around in front of Lilith and Cai Linya to show off.

"Oh? This is it?"

"Hmph, this is the most advanced alchemy material in our school! No, it's a math and physics exercise book! "Green Gang Examination"

"Horse"! Even college students will worry about the above questions, and graduate students can't even customize them! "

"Oh, let me take a look." Nalinya took the green book and flipped through a few pages. "Well, it's definitely harder than the one just now

Some. "

"Huh, right!

"However, everything remains true to its roots. It's not that difficult to say that it's difficult. It's just a few more formulas and a few more changes.

Already, it’s just a few of them in varying order over and over again, nothing new. "

"Huh? Nothing new? Then why don't you study new energy sources?" Bai Ji pouted her mouth and expressed her dissatisfaction.

The word "angry" was written on his face.

"I'm not good at it, but you can figure it out visually!"

"It's not difficult." Nalinya drew a few strokes on the book cover with her nails. "Well, the answer is out."

"What nonsense!" Bai Ji glanced at the answer book and took a breath. "You succubus. Could it be that Sykes

Do you need to use high numbers? ?’

"Don't always think of those dirty things when you mention succubi." Nalinya narrowed her eyes. "If it weren't for the sake of the public

For the sake of His Highness, I will definitely find a rope to hang you up and give you a beating. "

"Exactly, but that's the impression you give people, isn't it?" Bai Ji muttered as she threw away the green book in disappointment.


"Succubi can indeed increase their strength in that way, but that's not all succubi. Just like you humans, there are people from the temple, and there are also stupid people like you."

"Hey, who are you calling stupid?" Bai Ji rolled up her sleeves and acted like she was going to fight Nalinya.

"Want to fight?" Nalinya suddenly smiled charmingly. "Okay, but change the place. You happen to have a bed at home.

Right~ You can go there and fight, I don’t mind.

As she spoke, Nalinya's heart-shaped tail swayed behind her, seeming to be very excited.

never mind. "Bai Ji sat down with some frustration. "I can't even sleep, so how can I think about fighting. "

"Yes, I'm just helping you fall asleep." Cai Linya's jade-like fingers gently touched her lips. "Sleep, no

Difficult, suck out all your energy and energy, and you will fall asleep naturally, but you may have backache the next day

oh. "


"Xiao Nai, stop talking nonsense. Bai Ji is a girl, how can you suck her essence?" Lilith tilted her head and said

"Don't call me Bai Ji. What the hell is Bai Ji? Please call me by my name!"

"But, this name really fits."

"Of course you can. As long as there is life, there will be energy and spirit. Do you want to give it a try, Princess?" Nalinya

Licking his lips, a trace of blush appeared on his face. "Cai Linya doesn't mind, you can serve two at a time."

"No need." Lilith refused without hesitation.

"Gulu gulu. At this moment, there was an embarrassing sound.

"Ming Zhenzhen, it's all your fault. I can't sleep and keep talking to me to consume my energy. It's now...

I'm all hungry. "Bai Ji said sadly, stood up, patted the dust on her pajamas, and walked into the kitchen.

"Forget it, let's make a bowl of noodles."

"Zai, you can't eat human food now."

"Who said that!" Bai Ji poked her head with two index fingers and made a very neutral posture. "I think about the past

I am here, so it should be my thoughts that determine my actions. The body is just a shell, and my thoughts have already

I have transcended the confinement of the body!"

"Your Highness Lilith, have you ever considered hiring a tutor for this child?" Nalinya sighed. "Too noisy

He is angry, and he always talks nonsense that no one can understand. If he is taken out in the future, he will make a big joke.

"Hmm. It's within the scope of consideration."

"Who are you calling a child?" After hearing this, Bai Ji, who had not yet entered the kitchen, turned around and said dissatisfied. "How rude,

You have to call me big brother. Don’t forget, I used to be a human high school student, so I’m older than you!


"Oh? How old were you before?" Cai Linya looked at Bai Ji with a smile.

"Me? I'm seventeen. If you don't count your age, I'm already an adult!" Bai Ji puffed up her chest and looked like I was the best.

look like.

"Tch, you're only seventeen. I overestimated you. You're not even a child." Nalinya rolled her eyes.

"What did you say? ?" Bai Ji was very unconvinced. A succubus who didn't even reach her shoulders dared to touch her.

Being called senior in front of her made her very unhappy. "Then how old are you? ?"

"Your Highness Lilith and I are childhood sweethearts~" Cai Linya hugged Lilith's arm and said affectionately. "That is, she is the same age as her, and Her Highness Lilith is already forty-six this year."

"Much better than twice your age, kid."

"Tsk! Are you forty-six? You really didn't see it.

"Of course, it's not like you humans can tell the succubus's age.

Human beings are different. Time hardly leaves traces on us.

"Pfft, it's really hard to leave traces." Bai Ji snickered as she glanced at Cai Linya's horse.

"Your Highness Lilith~" Nalinya suddenly called Lilith sweetly.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Can I educate this disobedient child on your behalf?" Nalinya pinched the skin of her fist with a tic-tac-toe popping out.

He said with a smile.

"Cai Linya, please be considerate. Bai Ji was born not long ago. She is not sensible yet and does not have a correct view of the blood clan.

Nian, don't take what she said seriously. " Lilith comforted.

"But the succubus is okay. At least the body can still grow. The vampire is even more pitiful. Well, it's really

There is no development at all. "Bai Ji's eyes flickered between Nalinya and Lilith, and she realized with great solemnity

in conclusion.

"Cai Linya, I suddenly agree with your idea, go ahead and give this child a correct view of the vampire race.

Lilith suddenly changed her tune.

"Wait, wait! What are you doing? Why did you suddenly take the rope? Hey, you,

Are you taking advantage of the large number of people to bully the small people? ! Hey!

"What should I do with Nalinya? I still can't bear to kill the cub."

"Then, Your Highness Princess, tie her hands and hold her body down, and I'll beat her.

"Well, okay, that's it. Be gentle and don't damage it."

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

"Wait a minute, why are you Lilith too! Bai Ji never expected that you would be gentle and virtuous on weekdays with Xiao Xian?

His wife Lilith is actually determined to clean up herself!

"You, you!" Looking at the dangerous expressions of these two people, I was afraid that I would be beaten severely!

"You guys, can you really bear it?" Because she was afraid of pain, Bai Ji abandoned her moral integrity and clenched herself against this body.

The legs look so cute.

"Of course I can't bear it, darling." Lilith stroked Bai Ji's cheek affectionately. "Don't worry, it won't hurt. I'll follow you."

Xiao Nai is very gentle. "

"Oh, really, really?"

"How could I bear to let you suffer pain?" Lilith said, while tying Bai Ji's hands with a rope.

In fact, on the other side, Cai Linya pulled out a long whip from nowhere and whipped it up, making a gust of wind sound.

"Don't worry, this is just a lesson. It won't hurt at all. Just be patient and it will pass."

"That's it, but what you showed is totally different!" Bai Ji threw Lily away.

Si wanted to run away, but there was no room in this small rental house for her to run away. She was caught in two or three attempts and pinned down on the sofa.

"Help, wow! Two old aunts are bullying the beautiful young girl!" Bai Ji, who was caught, was still dishonest.

While kicking his legs, he screamed heartbreakingly.

"Shhhhh~ little piggy, don't make any noise. It's not good for the neighbors to hear it in the middle of the night. And let's scream like this again."

It's going to be a bit bad if you go down there. "The pink-haired loli succubus poked Bai Ji's cheek, and there was a trace of

An intoxicating flush.

Damn it, this reaction, this succubus is not shaking her head! ?

Seeing this, Bai Ji struggled even more fiercely and screamed louder.

"Stop screaming~" Nalinya took off her stockings, balled them up and stuffed them into Bai Ji's mouth. "Here~~ little piglet

Can’t you call me out now?”

"Woooooooo!" This woman really has a problem!

"Okay, then, the punishment begins~~" As she said that, Nalinya went around behind Bai Ji.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Lilith, who was sitting on Bai Ji's back, tilted her head and asked.

"Your Highness, you don't have to worry about anything, just sit here." Nalinya whipped the whip in her hand. "Then

If you can’t bear to watch it, cover your eyes because it might be bloody~”

"Oh." Lilith nodded and covered her eyes obediently.

"Hold it~ Because even if you scream, I can't hear you." - Lilith covered her feet with her feet on the sofa

Mouth, expression charming and excited.


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