Blood Princess and the Knight

20~The beginning of the nightmare

"Ah, you two guys are really capable of killing me." Ten minutes later, Bai Ji, who was holding her buttocks, trembled.

He stood up from the sofa with an inexplicable flush on his face.

"Speaking is an art. I hope you can learn more from it in the future. After all, the chances of contacting nobles and princes in the future will be huge.

There are too many, so think of this as a special training for you in advance. No matter where you are, be careful when you talk~" Nalin

Ya pulled the whip in her hand, with a trace of remaining interest on her face.

"Wait a minute, who are the nobles and princes?"

"Who else could it be? Do you humans have the concept of nobility? Of course it is the noble grand duke of the blood race." Nalinya

Of course.

"Wait a minute, why did I come into contact with them?" Bai Ji hugged her arms tightly, feeling a little uneasy and a little nervous.


"What? No way? Don't you still have a preliminary understanding of your identity?" Cai Lin

Ya blinked her eyes and looked at Bai Ji in surprise.

"What knowledge?

"From the moment you were first embraced, no matter what, you will take the position of queen in the future." Nalin Yaxin

Admiring Bai Ji's expression, she smiled. "Perhaps one day the current Scarlet Queen will get tired of her position and retire.

Qian intends to give the Zen position to Her Highness Lilith, or maybe one day Her Highness Lilith will get tired of it, and from now on she will have no choice but to meditate.

Is the seat given to you?"

Ha?" Bai Ji was stunned. This was something she had never thought of.

"Wait, wait, you don't mean to let me be the boss of the vampires, do you? ?

"Otherwise? Who will do it if you don't do it with the orthodox bloodline of the blood royal family? Your Highness Lilith will be the only one."

I have given you my first chance to embrace you. If you don’t take the throne, are you waiting for the princes and nobles to carry you in a big sedan chair?


"Hey! This kind of thing is too random!" Bai Ji waved her hands desperately. “It won’t work, it definitely won’t work!

I'm just a human, how can I be the boss of vampires! ? This, this is unavoidable

"Of course, you are not qualified. This is something everyone knows."

"But so what? The deal is done. Since you are unqualified, then we have to let you pass.


"In any case, now you have a relationship with the vampire, and you can't get rid of it."

"Excuse me, um, actually I just want to live my life well by myself, um, as a human being." Before Cai Linya could finish speaking, Bai Ji spoke up.

"Oh, so you are ready to die?"

"Not only are you prepared to die, you even want to drag the entire vampire clan into trouble."

"What do you mean by pulling someone into trouble? I never wanted to interfere in the dispute between you and the temple!

I have always just wanted to be a small citizen."

"Well, so you think that when the temple finds out your identity, you can tell them this and they will let it go.

Are you?" Cai Linya snorted coldly.

"Have you seen the virtues of the temple? If you find an alien race, Lutongsha can't tell you any truth. If you find it now

If you can still say such childish things, then you are really stupid enough to apply for a world record. "

"Even so, I want to be a human being

"Bang!" Cai Linya pushed Bai Jibi against the wall, her charming eyes narrowed slightly. "It looks like

I haven't told you thoroughly enough, so I'd better tell you in a simpler way, Miss Bai Ji. "

"Idiot, with the blood of the royal family of the blood clan, it is impossible for you not to be related to the blood clan! You don't even think about it.

No matter what you think about it, you will have to leave this city, the Human Federation, one day, do you understand? ?"

"If you don't leave, you will be killed by the temple one day. Of course, it has nothing to do with us whether you are killed or not, but

, now you are the heir of the blood clan. If you die, we will be very troubled. I hope you won’t give it to me.

We are causing trouble, that's it, do you understand?" After finishing speaking, Nalinya took a deep breath, ignored Bai Ji, and

Gu Zi returned to the sofa.

"Paji." Bai Ji knelt down and sat down, a little lost.

"Xiao Nai, you talked too much." Lilith came over and wanted to comfort Bai Ji, but she couldn't speak.

"She will know these things sooner or later. Since it is a matter of time, it is better to let her know something in her heart.

The last bit of luck left in her heart was destroyed, otherwise it would only become more and more troublesome to explain in the future. "Cai Linya didn't realize

I have to figure out what I did wrong.

"In short, it is simply impossible to become a vampire and still want to continue living as a human being in a human city-state.

Just wishful thinking. "

"Okay, okay, don't be sad. It's too early for these things. You don't need to think too much about it now." Lily

Si hugged Bai Ji, held her petite body in her arms and said.

"I, I haven't finished chasing the Knight comics yet." Bai Ji was like a broken music box, uttering these words

Words with unclear meanings and full of regrets. “I haven’t played the game yet

"I haven't eaten enough delicious food, and I haven't been in love yet."

"I don't want to be a vampire wow wow!"

"Well, although it is irreversible now, you can still do these things, right?" Lilith comforted softly. "After all, at least you're alive."

"Really? Yes, I'm still alive. Speaking of which, do vampires sell comics?" Bai Ji nodded.

, asked hopefully

No. "

"What about the game console? ?"


"Then, what do you usually use for entertainment? ?" Bai Ji almost cried, feeling that the life in the vampire clan was so boring.

Just like primitive society.

"Probably, read books, learn knowledge and enrich your brain, and then, probably it will be gone." Lilith said that she could think

Everything that came was told.

"Paji." Bai Ji leaned against the wall, eyes blank. "Are you really not savages?"

"Be careful what you say, human being." Nalinya said dissatisfiedly. "What you say now is equivalent to destroying the entire scarlet

All the residents of the blood realm have been scolded, including yourself.

No, no, no, no!" As she said that, Bai Ji's eyes flashed and she ran into her room with a cry.

Among them, a large box was vacated.

"What are you doing?"

"Since I have to leave sooner or later, I have to hurry up." Bai Ji confirmed. "Hurry up and read these comics

After that, I will take away all the game consoles and computers, and the computers will be full of single-player games, otherwise I will definitely die of idleness! "

"Don't worry, you probably won't need these things, so you don't need to bring them." Nalinya glanced at the things in Bai Ji's hand.

West, he said casually.

"Ah? Why." Bai Ji was puzzled.

"After arriving in the Scarlet Blood Territory, you will have a lot to do. In addition to sleeping, eating and other things, you will have to do a lot of things every day.

I have a full schedule besides normal physiological activities, playing games and so on, so I probably don’t have the time. "

“The queue is full? What do you mean?

"Study~" Nalinya said with a sweet smile this fact that almost made Bai Ji despair. "Not only

It is necessary knowledge for vampire students. There are also various etiquette classes and magic classes waiting for you~ Although the content we study is

It's almost the same as you, but the difficulty is several levels higher. After ranking these, I think you probably don't have this ability.

It’s time to play games and read comics. "

"These comics and computers, well, you'd better weigh them and sell them, since they won't be used in the future anyway.

“And because of the heavy workload, you know, you won’t have time to eat, drink and have fun.

"Boom!" Bai Ji knelt on her knees, her face pale.

"Don't worry, what Xiao Nai said is too exaggerated. It's not like this. Well, at least you still have time to go to the toilet, and you can ensure you have enough sleep."

"Yes, it also ensures that you get enough sleep. After all, you have to learn a lot of things every day, and you have to learn them from scratch.

Get up, lack of sleep is not good. Nalinya said with a bad smile.

"Her Highness Lilith has gone through a lot of training as an heir. Regarding this point, you can go and talk to

Your Highness Lilith will discuss in detail and share experiences. "

It’s okay, I will encourage you later and I won’t force you to learn anything. "Lilith comforted.

"But Her Majesty the Queen, it's not decided." Cai Linya made a precise last-ditch attack. "Her Majesty the Queen and Her Majesty Lilith -

Growing up, my relationship is pretty good. Think about it, if you treat your own sister and daughter so harshly, how can you

How was it destroyed?"

"Okay Xiao Nai, don't scare Bai Ji." Lilith sighed.

"This is hell!" Bai Ji held her head and shouted loudly.

What is hell? You learn while you are alive, and you still have to learn after you die. You learn while you are still alive, and you still have to learn after you die.

"Really, you have to learn wherever you go." Bai Ji said desperately. "Why do vampires have to learn so many things?"

,Isn’t it enough to learn how to eat? It’s completely different from what’s in the comics!”

"Do you think being a vampire only requires eating, drinking and having fun? Those grand dukes and nobles are very smart. Do you think

Will they let a guy who knows nothing be their Queen?" Cai Linya said funny

Then I have to seize the time to read comics and play games, and keep all these contents in my mind.

"It's better to make some space in your mind. Her Majesty the Queen will not let you rest so easily.

, it is not allowed to have other things in your mind that are not related to learning. "Nalinya seems happy to see

Bai Ji looked like she was about to cry.

"You can't mess with me. You have to go eat something." - After scaring him, Bai Bai seemed to have exhausted too much energy.

Ji still felt that her stomach was flat and very hungry, so she ran to the kitchen to prepare herself a bowl of noodles.


"Is this what I usually eat?" Looking at the ingredients placed on the table, Bai Ji came closer and smelled it.

Indescribable nausea.

"Yuck! It's so disgusting. Did I really like eating these things before? ?"

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