"Ouch! It's so disgusting. How could I eat such disgusting things?" Bai Ji lost her appetite just looking at these things.

Eggs, can this thing really be eaten in your mouth? It’s white on the outside and yellow on the inside. The yellow layer will stick in your mouth if you eat it. It’s so disgusting that it makes me want to vomit just thinking about it!

And these seasonings, ugh, what are they filled with? It smells so bad. Are humans eating these things? Can they eat them? No, I seem to be a human too.

"Calm down, calm down, eat whatever you can." Bai Ji said to herself, as if to cheer herself up. "I could eat it before, why can't I eat it now? Calm down, I think, therefore I am, I think, therefore I am. The body is just a shell and cannot control my behavior!"

She crumpled the paper into a ball and stuffed it into her nostrils. According to the ideas in her memory, Bai Ji stood on her feet and worked on the stove for a while. She didn't know whether it was because her thinking mode had changed with her body or because her height had become shorter. She always felt that the operation now was not as skillful as before, and it didn't have the same flavor as before, but she just couldn't explain why.

"Okay! The noodles are done. As expected of me, full marks!" Bai Ji shouted, holding a large bowl of wide noodles, but her expression was somewhat reluctant.

"Eat the noodles while they're hot. They won't taste good when they're cold." After cheering herself up like this, Bai Ji got closer to the noodles little by little, smelling the smell, but her face couldn't help but look ugly.

I always felt that I somewhat understood how Lilith felt when he brought the noodles in front of her on the first night she came to his home.

This doesn't really taste right

If I had to describe it, it was like shit-flavored chocolate. Even though I knew I could eat it, I just didn’t dare to eat it. "Uh-huh, okay, so sad." Bai Ji put the noodles back on the stove with a bang, slipped into the living room, and after a while, pushed Nalinya into the kitchen.

"What on earth is going on? Do you want me to stand by and watch while we have a meal?" Nalinya was a little impatient.

"You, take a bite!" Bai Ji brought the noodles to Nalinya. "Help me see how it tastes!

"Why don't you try it yourself?" Nalinya said with a look of disdain on her face, full of disgust. "If you make something yourself, you have to finish it with tears in your eyes."

"It's as if what I cook is terrible! I, I just asked you to help me taste it. Who wants you to help me finish the meal? What will I eat after you finish it?" Bai Ji was not angry. The way.

"Tsk, you idiot Muggle made something by yourself, don't you think about it?" Nalinya said with disgust. "Don't you think it's too much to let others try it even if you feel disgusted?"

"I can't help it. Apart from your slightly normal taste, there's no one else here." Bai Ji snorted and moved her mouth.

"You think I want to try it with you. Besides, this is the first time that I have made something for others to eat. Please accept it with gratitude!"

"???" After hearing this, three question marks appeared on Nalinya's head, and then her face became weird.

"Wo nest!" Bai Ji also realized the problem and covered her mouth. "Oh my God, how could I speak in such a tone?"

These words came out subconsciously, as if passively, and she didn't even react.

"Ah, is this the eldest lady's temper?" Nalinya's strange expression gradually turned playful, and her cute little tiger teeth appeared in her grin. "It's not bad. You get into the role very quickly. It probably won't take long before you can perfectly assume the role."

"You, please don't come here. Anyway, eat quickly! Try how it tastes!" Bai Ji hesitated for a long time and said in a frustrated voice.

"Hmph." Seeing Bai Ji's deflated expression, Nalinya stopped fussing with her and picked up the noodle soup and took a sip without hesitation.

"How?" Bai Ji said nervously. Although there was a problem with her statement, this was indeed the first time for her to let others taste the food she made, so she was somewhat nervous.

It tastes weird. Nalinya took out a paper towel and wiped the corner of her mouth expressionlessly. "Is this human food? I really can't get used to it." "

"It feels disgusting."

"It's not that it's disgusting, it's just that I can't eat it. It's probably because the tastes of humans and succubi are very different." Nalinya gave a pertinent answer.

"Is that so? Well, it's not like you can't eat it, right?" Bai Ji swallowed, picked up the noodles that Nalinya had put down, and poured herself a mouthful of noodle soup.

"Hey, that's where I ate... Nalinya was about to say something, and then she saw Bai Ji's face looked wrong after drinking the noodle soup.

"Ugh!" Bai Ji knelt down and spit out the noodle soup in her mouth along with some unknown liquid.

"Okay, so disgusting! Vomit."

"Are you okay?" Seeing Bai Ji vomiting so much, Nalinya didn't have time to cause trouble for her. She squatted down and patted her back, hoping to relieve her symptoms.

"Puff, puff, puff!" After finally vomiting all the things in her stomach, Bai Ji glanced at her and fainted.


"Muggle, are you okay? Hey, hey? Don't scare me?

When Bai Ji woke up, it was a familiar ceiling and familiar people, but not like the plot of the novel.

This is all just a dream. When you wake up, you can return to the place where the dream started.

"Baby, how do you feel?" Lilith stroked Bai Ji's forehead.

"I, what happened to me just now?

"It's my fault. If I had known earlier, I should have stopped you from trying human food." Lilith said apologetically.

"The current

You can no longer eat those things, such as soy sauce, lard, eggs, etc., you will have physiological symptoms when you eat them.

The feeling of sex is nauseating, this is the body of a vampire. "

Bai Ji rubbed her head. At this moment, she was resting on Lilith's big white legs.

"Uh, uh! Let me get up." Bai Ji rubbed her head.

In any case, it’s too shameless to collapse right after drinking the noodle soup!

"I hope I won't get gastritis."

"Gastritis? That's the kind of human disease you can't even imagine now." Nalinya complained next to her.

"How's it going, cub, how do you feel now?"

"No special feeling, just very hungry

"Oh, I'm hungry." Lilith glanced at Nalinya thoughtfully, and the latter's face suddenly showed a slight expression.

Hong, then approached Lilith with a warm and ambiguous face.

"Your Highness, are you ready to eat? ~~"

"Sorry, there isn't enough food here, so I can only

"Ah, I understand, isn't this one of our roles, but really let me wait until this day

It’s here~~”

"Ah? What." The interaction between the two made Bai Ji confused. She had no idea what the two were communicating about.


"Is this a local telegram?" Before Bai Ji could react, Cai Linya's face was full of charm under Bai Ji's eyes.

She took off the clothes on her shoulders charmingly.

"Eh, eh eh?!" Bai Ji was so frightened that she immediately moved back. "You, you, you, what are you doing? ?"

"Baby, this is the first lesson. Let me show you how vampires eat." As she said that, Lilith catered.

The ambiguous Nalinya secreted saliva from the tip of her tongue.

"Well, woo

"This is really true." The way the two of them were sticking together was so disrespectful that Bai Ji looked away.

"Silk~~" She swallowed the saliva into her lips, and her fangs pierced Nalinya Baizhe's tender and smooth skin.

"Ah~~Your Highness, don't worry, be gentle, be gentle, it hurts~"

These two people are really shameless!" Bai Ji's embarrassed face showed a trace of pink.

But these two don't seem to be human beings.

After a while, Lilith gracefully wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, while Nalinya lay disheveled on the bed.

The edge looked like it had been squeezed dry.

"Do you understand, darling?" Lilith herself looked very normal, not at all like she was showing off to others.

The appearance of a person who has done something shameful.

"If you don't look carefully, eating will be very difficult. Even the knowledge about eating is very detailed.

Yes, when we vampires eat, we pay attention to elegance and propriety.

"Huh? What's the point of biting someone's neck and sucking their blood? ?"

"Sucking blood and eating food are consensual, why can't we be more particular about it?" Lilith tilted her head in confusion.

"Forget it, please be careful, okay? I'm still next to you!" Bai Ji resented.

road. "I'm just a child, why are you letting me see this?"

"But sooner or later you need to learn that no matter who you suck, you have to do it, otherwise you will starve to death." Lilith said

A very serious and realistic question has arisen.

I would rather starve to death than do such a thing. "Bai Ji pouted.

"Oh? Really?" Nalinya, who had recovered her breath, began to mock Bai Ji again after hearing this, and she smiled teasingly.

If you don't suck blood, what would you eat? Could it be noodles?"

"Go to hell." - When it came to noodles, Bai Ji's face became uncomfortable and she recalled the situation just now.

"I've been tired of talking to you for so long. Just in time, the biological clock is coming, and I can finally

Went to bed. "Speaking, Bai Ji stretched out greatly.

"The biological clock is coming over? No, please take a closer look?" Nalinya pointed out the window in a funny way.

"Wow! It's dawn!" Bai Ji realized at this time that she didn't know how long she had been quarreling with these two people.

It's daybreak.

"Oops!" Bai Ji glanced at the time and looked desperate. “It’s time to go to class!

"Huh? What are you talking about? Why do vampires go to human schools to attend classes?" Cai Linya was speechless.


"Isn't it okay if you don't go?"

"It's not as easy as you said. There are a lot of people in the class who know me. If I don't go, the head teacher will give me some advice."

Let’s visit each home, okay? ?Schoolbag, where is my schoolbag? ?”

"But do you dare to go now?" Cai Linya said playfully. “Don’t even look in the mirror, what do you look like now.

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