Blood Princess and the Knight

22~Mysterious “Sister”

"It's already six forty. If you don't go out to school, you'll be late!" Bai Ji quickly grabbed the schoolbag next to her.

, picked up the books scattered on the floor and stuffed them inside.

"Are you sure you want to go to school?"

"It's not nonsense. If you don't go now and are late, you will be punished by standing in front of the whole class!" Bai Bai

Ji said matter-of-factly. "I have never been late this semester. I am an honest and good student. How could this be possible?

Why are you late for something like this? ?”

"Ah? Don't worry. Even if you are late for class now, no one will dare to punish you." Nalinya said playfully


"Hey, Bai Ji was stunned. When she was about to run out of the entrance hall, she saw her appearance in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and immediately reacted.

Come over.

"Wow, this?" Bai Ji then remembered that she was no longer a human being, and now she had white hair and red eyes.

The vampire looks like this, let alone his classmates, I'm afraid he has a biological sister, and her sister doesn't even recognize him.

"You have to say goodbye to your human life. Do you now have a deep understanding of this sentence?"

Nalinya raised her eyebrows

Why is this like this!" Bai Ji sat on the ground in despair and covered her head. After becoming a vampire, due to the time

She didn't think about it at all because the time was too hasty.

"Why, aren't you ready to say goodbye to this society?"

"How can you be prepared, bastard! I have lived here for nearly eighteen years, and every tree and plant in this old city is...

They are all very familiar with leaving at the drop of a hat, how can I accept it? ?" Bai Ji collapsed a little. "Anyway, okay

At least give me an adjustment period, don't let me say goodbye to everything so soon.

"Cai Linya, did you bring that?" Lilith asked, unable to bear it.

"Ah, are you talking about the disguise pendant?" Nalinya pursed her lips. "I do have it with me, but that thing can only be deceived.

Ordinary people's eyes, those bastard glasses in the temple are all coated with holy water, so they can't be deceived.

"But this guy has just turned into a vampire not long ago, and has been a vampire for less than a month. She has

Her vampire aura is very weak. Even the temple may not be able to sense her. Maybe giving her the disguise pendant will help.

It has a great effect. "

"Here, take it." As she said that, Nalinya handed a finely carved brown pendant to Bai Ji's hand.


"Hold it and imagine your original appearance." Nalinya instructed.

"The original appearance? Bai Ji was stunned for a moment, then she closed her eyes and imagined quietly, and the figure in the mirror gradually appeared.


"Eh?! Did I really change back?" Looking at the familiar figure in the mirror in disbelief, Bai Ji was shocked.


""It's not that it has changed back. This is just a visual illusion. Your body changes accordingly.

This pendant is used with this magical voice-changing item. Otherwise, your body will be that of a male, but your voice will be that of a young girl.

sexual. "Cai Linya handed another pendant to Bai Ji.

Putting on both pendants, Bai Ji regained her former appearance and body, at least visually.

"Thank you.

"If you really want to thank me, then don't screw yourself up." Cai Linya still looked very rude. "now

You here are equivalent to carrying an immeasurable secret treasure of our blood clan. If you are gone, this secret treasure will also be lost.

It will no longer exist, so you give me some food, do you understand? "

"Yeah! Anyway, thank you. You guys stay at home, I'll go to school first." Bai Ji always felt that

I didn’t explain anything, but I couldn’t care about that much. I was going to be late for school, so I just took a nap while carrying my schoolbag.

He went out and disappeared into the street.

"Xiao Nai obviously cares about that child."

"Who cares about that stupid Muggle? I'm just worried that she won't get herself into trouble. After all, she is now

But I bear the blood of Your Highness, right? "Nalinya snorted. "If something happens to her, our entire Scarlet Blood Territory will

Everyone has to follow her into trouble. "

"Yeah, Xiaonai always has such a strange way of caring about others."

"I told you I don't care about that guy!"

"Hey! Xiaobai, you came just in time, I have your packages here!" Bai Ji was running through the alley.

As she was speaking, a familiar voice stopped her.

"Uncle Li?" Bai Ji was stunned and stopped.

Uncle Li, the gatekeeper, has been working as a gatekeeper in this old city for a long time. Along with most of the wealthy people,

After moving to the new city, he still insisted on working as a doorman here. If the position of doorman has a hierarchy, then this uncle

At least he is at the Immortal Station God level.

"Do you have my package?" Bai Ji was very surprised. She was just a poor student with no relatives. Even if she wanted to have relatives, she would have

It's not on his head, right? How could anyone send a package to her? ?

Then he soon realized who it was.

It was probably that person, and only that person, who would send her something.

Open the yellow paper package, there is a layer of plastic film inside, and put

There is a small box,

As expected, there was a letter and a wad of shining gold banknotes inside, all of which were of the highest denomination.

Even with the consumption standards of the new urban area, you can live happily for a while.

It's her again.

Bai Ji put all the money back into the box with an expressionless face, opened the letter, and could only read it without looking at it.

These instructions made me tired of seeing them.

Like "Eat something good recently, don't feel wronged. You must study hard, don't follow those who are ignorant and have no skills."

students mixed together" and so on.

There was also no signature at the end of the letter. Bai Ji once thought that the person who sent the package was to the wrong person, but the name was not there.

That's right, it's Ji Bai from No. 28 Street in the old city.

Bai Ji thought that there were only a few shops on the 28th Street in the old city. There was no way there could be another one named Ji Bai, right? For this reason

He also visited door-to-door to make sure that this person was not found and that he was the target of the letter.

But I don’t know her? Every time I send a letter, I just don’t sign it, and she always calls herself Ji Bai’s sister.

And she always makes irresponsible remarks about Ji Bai's life like an old woman, making it seem like she is Ji Bai's guardian.

In general, Ji Bai had never seen what this "sister" who always sent him letters and money looked like, not even when she was a child.

He knew there was such a person, and he didn't think he had a biological sister. He grew up in an orphanage.

How is this possible?

Is it possible that he could be the youngest son of a rich boss who accidentally lost him? Don’t be kidding, this kind of thing

It's okay to act in a novel, but the one who actually substitutes it into reality is definitely a fool.

If he is really the son of a rich man living on the street, then why haven’t they come looking for him yet? The rich man’s family is in need.

How much money does it take to support him?

Bai Ji was less suspicious than confused about the person who claimed to be her sister.

He is a poor boy, what is the point of trying to please him? If it is not profitable, then why do you have to pay for it every month?

Sending him so much living expenses? He didn't understand.

Ji Bai will not use this money. When he received this letter for the first time three years ago, he sent it back and

Attached is a letter asking whether the sender of the letter may have made a mistake.

However, every time I send it back, the letter will be sent back that day, with an extra line on the letter paper: It was sent correctly.

That's you.

Bai Ji was even more confused. She was convinced that she had no brothers and sisters, so she sent the letter back to ask for more questions, but the other party asked about this.

This matter kept going round and round in the letter, but there was no direct answer.

As time passed, Bai Ji, who knew that it was useless to send the letter back, no longer sent the letter back, but simply accepted the letter, and he did not touch any of the money sent to his home -

It turns out that he is a contented person. Apart from comics, tuition fees and ordinary food, clothing, housing and transportation, he has no need.

It costs money, and even if he is really short of money, he will not touch it.

No matter how dazzling these bills are, they are not his. If he uses them, he will not be able to sleep, so he can't separate them.

, keep them all, and return them all to her when she sees that person.

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Li." After putting the box into her schoolbag, Bai Ji went to school with her schoolbag on her back.

"Why does this kid feel a little different today?" Looking at Bai Ji's leaving back, Uncle Li scratched his head.

Head, he has been working in the old city for more than ten years. It can be said that he has watched Ji Bai grow up, but today he always feels

This child's behavior seemed a bit abnormal.

"I always feel that this child's behavior is a bit more feminine?" Uncle Li rubbed his head for a long time.

I remembered what exactly looked wrong.

Wow, I'm so tired. "Halfway through the run, Bai Ji was already a little tired. Since she had reached the point of physiological rest,

Coupled with the sun's rays, everything made her very uncomfortable.

For the first time, she felt that the sun in the sky was so dazzling and uncomfortable.

"Ah, is this damn sun sent by the gods to destroy me? ?" Bai Ji slowly swallowed lazily.

Walking under the sun, your mouth is full of all kinds of curses against the sun.

This was the first time that she was so fed up with this glowing light group in the sky. She felt like she was about to be illuminated by it, and the whole

Everyone is in bad shape, like a frog caught in the flashlight, unable to move.

Although it won't be completely wiped out like in novels, comics, movies and TV shows, vampires will still be able to bask in the sun.

Quite uncomfortable, Bai Ji's face looked very bad when exposed to the sun, and her already fair skin looked even paler.


By the time she got to school, Bai Ji was exhausted.

"Huhuhu, luckily, luckily I'm not late." Little Bai Ji was carrying a big schoolbag and panting heavily.


"Hey, what's wrong with you kid today? Why are you out of breath? It couldn't be because you had an affair with your little girlfriend last night.

Is it too much to cover the rain?" As soon as she entered the classroom and came to her seat, Bai Ji saw the same mean smile as always.

Haha, in a sense, he was really right.

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