Blood Princess and the Knight

23~Physical examination

"Go away, dad doesn't have time to play tricks with you today." Bai Ji rolled her eyes at Lin Tuo, hung her schoolbag on the chair and sat down.

He came down and lay on the table without any movement.

Why is this table so high? "Bai Ji complained in a low voice. In the past, she could lie down on the table wherever she wanted. How could she

How can lying down be so comfortable? Now she has to sit on the edge of the chair to lie down smoothly on the table. It's really wrong.

Very uncomfortable.

"You still say that your kid is okay? Your face is so pale that you almost have the word "weak" written on your face." Lin Tuo

As if he patted Bai Ji on the shoulder as usual, he saw a burst of excitement and she sat up as if she had been stimulated.


"No, don't do anything casually, okay?" Bai Ji covered her shoulders and looked at Lin Tuo with some annoyance.

"What are you doing? What happened to you today?" Lin Tuo scratched his head and didn't know why he just took a picture.

The other person got so angry just by tapping on the shoulder.

No, I'm a little uncomfortable, let me rest for a while." Bai Ji also realized that her state was a little abnormal, and rubbed

He shook his head and then lay down on the desk again.

"You have a fever?" Lin Tuo stretched out his hand, but was startled.

"Damn it, why is your head so cold? It's like a dead person in a funeral parlor."

"You are the one who died because you returned someone to death." Bai Ji said angrily. "As if you had touched a dead man's head,

I told you not to do anything, right? - Go and cool down. "

As the school bell rang, Lao Zhang stepped into the classroom from outside with his books under his arm.

He acted cautiously and coughed twice to signal the noisy crowd to quiet down. He seemed to be in no hurry to lecture.

"Students, be quiet. After the second period this morning, I would like to waste a little time. The school will give students

We arranged the venue

"Oh!" When they heard that they were going to have a physical examination, all the students became excited. It's not that the physical examination is very interesting, as long as

They are very supportive of no classes or activities that can delay class time.

"Okay, be quiet. This may be your first major physical examination since you entered school, but there is no need to mention it.

Prepare something beforehand. Just listen to the staff's arrangements. Okay, that's it. Let's start class.

Physical examination?

Bai Ji got up from the table and secretly thought something was wrong.

Isn't it the kind of sex where you have to take off all your clothes? ? Then that's okay. If someone touches you, you can see everything.

Are you here? !

Bai Ji clenched the two pendants in front of her chest, hoping that the physical examination had little to do with taking off her clothes, or that the examination was

He wouldn't be so meticulous, otherwise he would be completely exposed.

His current body temperature is lower than normal human body temperature!

I just hope that this magic pendant will work and even simulate a human body for her, otherwise she will be

That’s bad!

With an uneasy mood, Bai Ji was called out by the teacher several times for not paying attention in class, and the teacher also noticed that Bai Ji was not paying attention in class.

There seems to be some discomfort.

"Classmate Ji Bai, what happened to you this morning?" Lao Zhang, the head teacher, asked curiously. "How do you feel about your attention?

Not in class at all? Are you too excited because you heard that you are going to have a physical examination? You want to know how much weight you have gained."

No, no, no, I'm afraid it will be found out that not only did she not gain a few kilograms, but she actually lost weight - that's most of it.

It's a horror story.

"To be honest, teacher, I feel a little uncomfortable and want to go home and take some medicine, but I left my medicine at home.

"But we have a physical examination soon. It's okay to go back and forth to get it, but can you make it in time?"

"It's too late, it's too late! I'm very fast." When she heard that Lao Zhang wanted to go back and take medicine, Bai Ji immediately agreed.

"Well, if you really feel uncomfortable, go back and get medicine." After hesitating, Lao Zhang agreed.


"Okay, thank you, teacher." With that, Bai Ji pretended to be very uncomfortable and walked out of the classroom.

Then he quickly ran out of the school gate.

"Taxi, taxi!" She planned to be extravagant and call a taxi. After all, she was in a hurry.

After returning home.


The door was pushed open with a bang, and Bai Ji rushed towards the petite figure on the sofa from the outside.

"What are you doing? This is so disgusting. Go away. Go away." Nalinya looked disgusted and stretched out her legs to kick Bai Ji away from her.

"You stupid Muggle, didn't you go to school? Why are you back? Did you skip class?

"I need your help!"

"What's wrong with this?"

Bai Ji hummed and told the whole story.

"Oh, physical examination." Nalinya looked disdainful. "You humans still do these things from time to time."

"Please, if you don't say anything else, just measuring your height and weight, everything will be exposed at once!"

"You came back to see me just for this trivial matter?" Cai Linya said with disgust. "Don't worry. It's just a physical examination. It will be a minor problem to deal with it."

"Eh? Then, do you have any new enchanted items for me?" Bai Ji's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"What a beautiful thought. How can I have so many enchanted items for you?"

You? You’ve already taken two pieces. What else do you want? "Naphthalene

Linya hummed. "Don't worry, it's enough.

"Ah? Is it possible that your enchanted pendant can simulate a body for me?"

"No, but for some reason, your human aura is still very strong after the first embrace, and the pendant deceived him.

They are certainly a breeze. "Cai Linya said indifferently. "Okay, please keep your voice down. Didn't you see that His Highness was asleep?

If you have nothing else to do, you can go back. "

"Ah this." Bai Ji scratched his head, completely unable to understand what scientific principle this was based on.

This doesn't feel like science or magic.

"Okay, I understand." This trip was in vain. In order to catch up with the physical examination, Bai Ji had no choice but to choose

I chose to take a taxi.


The time was just right when we arrived at the school. get out of class was just about to end. Everyone entered one after another under the leadership of the class teacher.

Physical examination place.

"Old Bai, how are you, are you feeling better?

"Well, I'm much better after taking medicine." Bai Ji, who was queuing up at the door of the physical examination room, nodded. In fact, this time she was

It was all in vain, and I am still worried about my money.

Cai Linya, that guy shouldn’t cheat me, right?

With an uneasy mood, it was finally Bai Ji's turn in the physical examination room.

She took off her leather shoes, which were kindly sponsored by Lilith, and stood on the height testing table very nervously, with the testing rod hanging on the

above her head.

"Height, - 78 meters, next." The doctor recorded the data with an expressionless face, while Bai Ji was deeply relieved.


Fortunately, this pendant can really simulate height and weight.

The next tests are all insignificant, similar to testing lung capacity, although the tests are done between men and women.

The content is different. For example, the physical fitness test for boys is to run a thousand meters, which is really fatal, and it is almost noon.

The sun was so strong that Bai Ji was almost dry from the sun down there, let alone running down there.

Fortunately, Bai Ji recovered from her serious illness and was exempted from the running list. Otherwise, she might have died suddenly in the sun and become completely sunburned.

beach water.

It’s the last round of testing.

Compared with the previous rounds of tests, the style of this round of tests was completely different. The students were taken by a group of men in black clothes to a room similar to a utility room at the back of the school, and one by one they put their hands on a computer. on the instrument.

Everyone was curious about what these things were, but these men in black did not give any explanation, they just followed the steps

Taking the test on duty.

Many students walked up to the instrument and put their hands on it, but it only emitted a white light. The people in black looked dissatisfied at this.

It wasn't until a person walked up and the instrument glowed green that they looked slightly stern.

"Students who have finished the test can go back." The man in black ordered. "Students who detected non-white light stay.

Bai Ji instinctively felt that something was wrong. The temperament of these men in black made her feel vaguely uneasy, but she felt that something was wrong.

Can't tell why.

It seemed that his class was not the only class tested, which could be seen from the remaining students.

"Next, Lin Tuo."

"Oh." Under Bai Ji's gaze, Lin Tuo stepped onto the instrument. At this time, the instrument emitted blue light.

"The eyes of the people in black suddenly widened, and the look of the man in white robe at the head changed when he looked at Lin Tuo.

Changed, and his tone suddenly became a little more polite.

What is this instrument used for? ?

The doubts in Bai Ji's heart became deeper and deeper, but she couldn't get the answer.

"Next, Ji Bai."

Hearing the man in black read her name, Bai Ji walked up to the instrument. Just as her hand touched the instrument, -

The instrument that had been running suddenly stopped moving, trembled twice, and exploded with a bang.

"This..." Not only the students present, but also the man in black were shocked by this sudden scene.

"Sir, what is this?" The people in black were helpless and turned their attention to the man in white.

"Oh, I'm sorry, classmates, there seems to be something wrong with the instrument. In this case, the remaining students

Go next door and test it out. "Pretending that the instrument was malfunctioning, the man in white robe smiled and drove the remaining students to the next door.

"Little classmate, your name is Ji Bai, right?" After everyone left, the man in white robe came to Bai Ji and smiled.

"Well, yes." Bai Ji nodded, staring at the uniform on the man in white robe, feeling horrified.

This is the uniform of a priest

Bai Ji swallowed, fearing that the other party would see some clues in her. After all, she was not

Human beings.

And why do clergymen come to secular schools to conduct physical examinations on students? ?

"Haha, don't be nervous, relax young man, you are at a crossroads now." Ji Bai's

After seeing all the reactions, the cleric said with a smile.

"Crossroads? ."

“Yes, the crossroads.

"The crossroads leading to supreme greatness, or to continuation of the ordinary.'

“What does it mean to lead to supreme greatness?

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