"What does it mean to lead to the supreme greatness? Bai Ji did not understand the words of the priest in front of her.

"Young man, what do you think the world is like?" The cleric patted Bai Ji on the shoulder.

He has a mysterious way, so he thinks he is handsome with an unfathomable appearance. However, in Bai Ji’s opinion, this appearance is much more

How much does it deserve to be beaten?

"I? I think the world is like this. It may be round, square, or triangular.

Rhombuses, polygons, irregular shapes, etc. Different people see different worlds in their eyes. "

"Ah, this." The priest was speechless for a moment, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He had expected many kinds of Bai Ji's answers, but he didn't expect any of them.

Seeing that the other party could answer such a brilliant question made him feel it was difficult to speak again.

Why, I’m here to talk to you about dreams and life, and you’re here to talk to me about philosophy, right? ?

"Then, let's change the question. Do you really think the current world is what you see?"

"I don't know. To be honest, this question is quite boring. The world is what it should be. It has its own

Thinking about it, we can’t control what it wants to look like, so why should we take the initiative to “feel” what it should look like? "white

Ji frowned

"The corner of the priest's eye twitched. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he really wanted to slap this young man on the left side.

On his face, I yelled "Can you chat?", isn't this deliberately trying to make him find nothing to say? You always say that.

So how should I continue my opening remarks?

"Ahem, since you were a child, have you never taken pictures, such as what the world looks like?" Saint

The employees still don’t give up.

"No." Bai Ji decisively refused.

Haha, young people today are really interesting. Well, young people, you don’t want to answer these questions.

It's okay, I just want to ask you one question now. "

“If God gives you a divine power, and the world happens to be very uneven, how will you use this divine power?

Where’s the strength?”

"This world is very peaceful, and God has not given me any divine power. In short, sir, where are you?"

What are you talking about?" Adhering to the spirit of asking questions without knowing anything, Bai Ji tried her best not to get involved with these guys.

"You, very good, haven't you already spoken out the world you pictured in your heart? In your heart

, this world is a peaceful and dispute-free world, everyone is living well, and you have not been rewarded by God.

"But, classmate Ji Bai, the truth is exactly the opposite. This world is very uneven. There are innocent people every minute.

Human beings are dying violently, and the terrifying alien races that you can't imagine are gradually eroding the world with their fangs and cruelty." The priest began to brainwash, but Bai Ji raised questions in her heart.

Is it really?

You obviously have to provoke other alien races, okay? According to Lilith’s remarks, the Human Federation is not the victim

Instead, they were the beneficiaries of the war. They invaded, bullied and enslaved races that were weaker than them.

Internally, humans are not allowed to know the existence of aliens, so that they will forever become the lowest level producers and support

The upper echelons launched a war of aggression.

Whether it is true or not needs to be verified, but if he can tear up the peace treaty and force a war, Bai Ji thinks this is nothing.

He could totally accept it if it was true.

"I know you can't accept this fact for a while, but that's the way it is, yes, this

There are not only us humans in the world, but also many large and small races. They are alien races to us, collectively called

Demonic species. "

"For their own selfish desires, they continue to launch wars and provoke disputes on the continent, causing the continent to

They were devastated! Countless humans were enslaved by them and became their food and playthings.

Only Bai Ji and the students who were detecting non-white light were left in the room, including Lin Tuo. They were all gathered together.

Together, at the instruction of the cleric, the people in black played a video.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood that makes people have a physiological reaction and make them want to vomit just looking at it, and the fragments of human body parts are piled up

It has become a small mountain, with white bones mixed in the thick blood, among which the red and green ones are the individual human beings.

The fluid flowing out of the organs is clearly visible, and you can even see the internal organs stuck to it.

"Several students present were made to vomit by this unsightly scene, and Lin Tuo's face also turned a little pale.

"This is not a movie made with special effects and props, but something that really happened." The priest said with a solemn expression.

"This is a village that was looted by aliens. These are the human bones that were brutally killed by aliens and piled together.

Bai Ji's expression was slightly stern. Although she felt a little uncomfortable looking at these scenes, it was not as serious as these students on the whole, and her face did not change much. However, she still had to pretend to be greatly affected to avoid suspicion. .

"Look, those are the aliens who have done these "good things"!" As he spoke, the priest pointed his finger at the corner of the screen. Those beast-like humanoid creatures with ferocious faces that they had never seen before seemed to feel that someone was there. While looking at them, the face turned around and faced the screen directly. The big bronze face seemed to be full of emotions.

Endless hatred and disgust for human beings.

As soon as the screen turned, shouts of killing arose from all over the place. Human knights wearing armor and stomachs fought against the terrifying aliens.

From now on, the scene is filled with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

"In order to protect ourselves and our people from these arrogant and unreasonable foreign minions who cannot communicate,

We have made a lot of efforts and paid a lot of blood and price, and finally preserved the most important thing for human beings to survive.

Back home. "The priest explained from the side.

"To safeguard the interests of mankind, we can only use the weapons in our hands to fight with the only words that the aliens can understand!

This is what we in the Temple have always done, stand up and fight for the survival of humanity. "

"Now, students, do you know? Our world is not peaceful. In the poor mountains and evil places that you don't know

In the land of water, a group of people are fighting bloody battles for your peace, throwing their heads and blood. "

"Where is the peace? It's just that somewhere you can't see, there are people who are fighting for your peace."

Just sweat and blood. "The cadence of the priest's voice was very contagious, and the students present were in disbelief from the beginning.

There was silence at the end of the letter, and everyone seemed to be thinking about something.

"You may not have a deep understanding of how powerful the alien race is. The description in language is pale and far from...

I am shocked to see it with my own eyes, but I can tell you responsibly that aliens are invulnerable, except for us

Except for the latest technology developed and the sacred objects passed down from ancient times, nothing can harm their differences. This is why humans and aliens cannot harm each other.

War is always the cause of losses. "

"So, what's the turning point in this war for human dignity?" The Hierophant knows it's time, and he will

His eyes turned to Bai Ji and others. “Everyone, the turning point is yours.

"We humans are born with a special power, which is given to humans by gods for self-protection.

However, this kind of power can be large or small, strong or weak. This instrument is used to test the size of power.

Facts have proved that God does treat you favorably. "

"Everyone, you all have the power to subvert this war. The choice is yours. I will not force you.

Selected. "

"Join us, or turn a blind eye to this and continue to choose ordinary, we will not force you." Saint

The employee spread his hands. "But before that, I think I need to tell you about the many benefits of joining the temple.

After all, you will be students of the temple after this, but don’t worry, you won’t go to the battlefield right away;

There is a lot of training, and you will not be exposed to the things you should be exposed to until you are able to stand alone.

"First of all, tuition fees in the temple are free. Not only are they free of charge, you as students in the temple will have a special salary.

, as the defenders of peace in the human world, your status should be above others, and you will not be lost among the crowd.

However, you must remember that you are not allowed to reveal your identity in front of the public at any time.

Under the many conditions described by the priest, Bai Ji could see that many students present showed excited expressions, but they were still struggling a little, perhaps because they still did not want to believe the truth of this world.

Seeing the expressions of these students, the priest's mouth curved slightly.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. I said our temple is merciful, God loves people, and we will strengthen our will."

Add it to anyone, so you have full choice in this matter, don’t be in a hurry, go back and think about it carefully, but just say

As I said before, don’t tell anyone what happened today, otherwise, that person will be permanently deprived of joining the Holy Spirit.

Not only that, you will be on the temple’s blacklist and you will be banned by the temple. "

Lao Bai, what do you think?" On the way back, Lin Tuo was silent for a long time and asked Bai Ji.

"What do you think? - It's just superficial words. You can believe part of it, but you can't believe it all. Why, do you want to add it?

Enter that temple?" Bai Ji glanced at Lin Tuo

Haha, how should I put it? They said I have special abilities. To be honest, I really want to know what my special abilities are.

Extraordinary. "Lin Tuo said half-jokingly.

"What the man in white robe said is not entirely true. Do you really want to go?" Bai Ji was a little surprised. Although she didn't understand Bai Ji,

Did the special powers mentioned by the robe deceive them, but she was sure that the guy must have mixed some lies into his words.

She would definitely not go. Going there would be like seeking death.

Bai Ji is somewhat self-aware, but now she has become a vampire, and she has penetrated into the temple.

Isn’t this why you are looking for death if you live a long life? ?

"Well, then, do you want to go?"

"I? No, I think it's good to be ordinary." Bai Ji said nonchalantly.

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