"I don't think about it at all. I think it's fine to be ordinary. I don't want to make such big news." Bai Ji sighed softly.

gas. "You are young. Nothing has happened now. You are eager for novelty. As long as you don't go to school, you will be fine.

Strange, as everyone knows, only ordinary life is happiness. When one day you can’t enjoy this blessing, you will regret it.

regret. "

"What do you mean by this? It sounds like you have transcended to another world and can never return to ordinary life." Lin Tuo said disdainfully. No one wanted to hear such nonsense from a peer of his age.

"You don't understand." Bai Ji shook her head. "Oh, forget it, you probably can't understand it. What should I say?

, I have fallen into the endless darkness and cannot extricate myself. "

"Can you speak in human terms? I think you have indeed fallen, but you have fallen into the abyss of chuunibyou.

Extricated himself. " Lin Tuo joked. "Why, you're already in high school and haven't passed the second grade yet? Oh, I almost forgot.

The guy next to me is a knight-errant. "

"By the way, the man in white robe calls himself a temple. Since the temple represents justice, there should be priests and knights.

A job like that? Are you not tempted? You shouldn't be. Normally, you would have lost your composure. "

"My heart is moved? Only a ghost can be moved." Bai Ji said matter-of-factly. "Reality is reality. Film and television works are film and television works.

Anyone who confuses these two is an idiot. "

"How do you know that the knights in real life and the knights in the comics are the same thing? ?"

"That's not the same thing. Aren't they all the embodiment of justice?" Lin Tuo said - an extremely boastful expression.

Zhang's posture.

"What kind of justice? Everyone is his own master." Bai Ji muttered in a low voice.

"Oh? This is not what you said. Come on, who are you? Where is my old man hiding?

??" Lin Tuo pretended to be wary. "Are you the alien they call you? ?"

"Haha." Bai Ji smiled unconsciously.

To be honest, this guy's sixth sense is quite good sometimes.

"Think about it carefully. If you get involved in this matter, will you be able to stay out of many problems in the future? Think about it.

Think about it, if you are in trouble on the battlefield, what will happen to your family and friends? Even if you don’t consider this

What about your games? What about those comics you bought? "Bai Ji said softly. "As a human being, you still have to do it.

It’s better to think more comprehensively. "

"Although I don't know what you have been through, I think you are probably right. Lin Tuo didn't hesitate.

A decision was made. "Well, if that's the case, I'll just follow your decision."

"Well, that's great if you think so."

Although there was a small episode, today is also an ordinary day. I just don’t know how such an ordinary day can be.

How long will it take?

"I'm back~" Bai Ji, who was carrying a schoolbag, opened the door and entered the room happily.

He frowned, wondering if there was something wrong with his reaction.

"Xiao Baiji, are you back?" Lilith stretched out a lot and walked out from under the coffee table. She just happened to

When I got up, Bai Ji came back just in time to exchange clothes.

Since Bai Ji didn't have any suitable clothes at home, Lilith proposed to lend her clothes to Bai Ji.

, Bai Ji refused at first, because she just wore it if you couldn't let her, and it was a girl's clothes.

It's not appropriate for a grown man to say anything.

Secondly, letting her wear a dress will cost her her life. She has never worn such a thing since she was born.

, not only is it embarrassing to wear, but it is also particularly easy to fall into trouble.

So the two of them settled down, wearing only the undershirt and a coat on the outside.

Don't mention it, Lilith's inner garments fit Bai Ji quite well, at least not as loose as her previous clothes.

Like words.

"I've already cleaned the house." Lilith said as she took off her clothes.

"Hey? Don't take off your clothes in the living room!" Seeing this, Bai Ji quickly covered her eyes.

"What does it have to do with it?" Lilith was puzzled. "There are no people of the opposite sex here, they are all people of the same sex who are very close to me."

"It's very rude of you to speak like that!" Bai Ji said angrily with her hands on her hips. "I'm good or not, no matter what I say, it doesn't matter

He must be a male!"

"?" A question mark appeared on Lilith's head. She tilted her head and reached out to rub Bai Ji's forehead. "This kid

What's wrong with my wife? Why is it that not long after we first embraced her, she's talking all nonsense?"

"Stop touching your head, the president is not tall!" When Bai Ji heard what the other party said, she became angry and slapped the other party's head away.

Hand, said somewhat angrily.

"I can't grow taller to begin with." Lilith explained to Bai Ji in a popular science tone. "Your size

Among the empresses of the vampire race, she is considered to be at an average level. If nothing happens, she will never grow taller in her lifetime. "

"Well, of course, if there is an accident, it can only grow a little bit at most, but it can't grow much more."

"Speaking of which, where is Nalinya?" Her ears felt a little clean tonight, which surprised Bai Ji.

"Oh, Xiao Nai, just now

I was hungry when I woke up, so Lilith looked away. "She's in your room now

Time for repairs.

Oh." Thinking of a scene that happened yesterday, Bai Ji nodded silently.

It's obviously been a day, but that scene seems to be engraved in her DNA, lingering.

"You haven't eaten for two days, Xiao Baiji, you must be hungry too." Lilith thought for a while. "Newborns need nutrition very much. How about asking Xiao Nai to work harder later?"

"No, no, no, I will never suck other people's blood!" Bai Ji said firmly.

Sucking human blood was enough that she couldn't accept it, but she was also asked to suck the blood of a succubus.

But, having said that, what does the blood of a succubus taste like? A pink-haired loli succubus, the blood tastes good

Wouldn’t it taste good? ~

No, no, what are you thinking about? How can you have such thoughts?

After a while, a disheveled Cai Linya came out of the room.

"Hey, you're back? It's quite early. I thought you wouldn't come back until after dinner."

"I don't have evening self-study." Bai Ji pouted. "Oh, by the way, you still remember our school's physical examination, right? Today

Bai Ji told Nalinya and Lilith exactly what happened today. After listening, they both

There was a surprisingly unanimous silence.

"Huh, let me just say it. It turns out that human beings select elites starting from childhood education." Nalinya must be indispensable -

It's ironic, after all, she still has a lot of opinions on humans. "Indoctrination of hateful thoughts into human beings begins at an early age.

It’s a victim’s mindset, so that’s really no wonder. "

"That's not true. I think it's okay for humans to be victims."

"Maybe it was like this in the beginning, but now." Cai Linya snorted. “You know, today’s human leaders

The land is even bigger than when the war first started, you know that right? How many races and countries have they invaded over the years?

"Even if a human like you doesn't have this strength, right?" Bai Ji pursed her lips. "In comics, humans

The forces are all in the corner, huddled in the cracks to survive, for the glory and survival of the race, and

Fight against evil forces. "

"Of course. If I were a human official, I would definitely use comics, film and television works to

Try to brainwash your own citizens and establish a preconceived notion. "Nalinya said indifferently. "They are all correct.

Normal operation. "

"Okay, if you say so, then that's it." Bai Ji crossed her legs, her face full of dissatisfaction.


"Ouch! Lilith, why did you hit me?" Bai Ji didn't want to be beaten on the head by Bai Ji.


"Baby, sit up straight." Lilith said calmly. "As a member of the royal family, sitting like this is too casual.

You know, like a street gangster, you have to learn to restrain yourself at all times no matter where you go. "

"Tch, she does look like an old woman." Bai Ji whispered, but she didn't dare to disobey Lilith and obediently lowered her crossed legs.

"You really don't believe it. I think the things the temple can do are far worse than this." Cai Linya speculated.

"How bad can it be? They don't force us to join the temple. Although they didn't tell the whole truth, no matter what they say,

It is also for the collective benefit of mankind. "Bai Ji muttered.

"Give you the right to choose? No, I don't think they would do such a generous thing.

The alliance began to change as early as the moment it passed the dangerous period. "

"It sounds like you vampires are not just for territory and resources." Bai Ji snorted, and then gave Lilith

Hit it.

"Oh! Why did you hit me again this time?" Bai Ji covered her head and couldn't understand, feeling aggrieved. "I clearly

Sit down!"

"Baby, if you say such inappropriate words, you are also a vampire now, and you are not allowed to say such rebellious words.

"Lilith said expressionlessly. On such a big issue of right and wrong, her attitude has always been very firm.

It’s not like I want to be like this, ah, okay, okay, I get it. "Seeing Lilith again

Bai Ji was immediately frightened by the raised hand and quickly changed her words.

"Of course it's different. Although we are also doing it for resources and territory, we have a bottom line." Nalinya chose

Raise an eyebrow. "The temple in the past may have been as advertised, but now, what is the temple like?"

It is obvious to all. "

"If there really is a terrifying alien race in this world that the Temple promotes, then it must be the Temple itself.

Because for now, they are also one of the unstable factors in this world. In other words, if they want world peace,

It would be absolutely impossible while the temple was still there. "

"Of course there is. For example, in this recruitment, ordinary students will be ignored. If the quality is excellent, how can

Even if I refuse, they probably won't let me go. "

"For example, secretly using means to force them to submit."

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