"Your thoughts are too dark. They are also temples after all. Since they are temples, it counts as doing it.

If you go out of your way, it’s for the sake of human beings. You definitely wouldn’t do such a thing if you were forced to do so, right?”

"Hmph, who knows?" Nalinya said meaningfully.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore, let's turn on the TV and watch it." With that said, Bai Ji walked to the small TV and turned on

Turned on the switch.

It is quite a luxury to have furniture like a TV set in this small rental house of less than fifty square meters, but this

Although the small TV set was in color, it only had four channels: a news broadcast, a sports channel, and a

There are on-demand channels, and the last one is a TV drama channel that often has a black screen.

"What is this?" A vampire-succubus looked at the flickering screen curiously. He had never seen it before.

They were very surprised by this novelty.

"Let's see if there is any news first." Bai Ji took the remote control board out of boredom, took off her shoes, and shook her head

Lying lazily on the sofa.

"Auntie is shopping for groceries this morning.

"Hey, why are they all such boring news? Can this be called news? News broadcasts can't be controlled.

Have you got a new life?" Bai Ji said with disgust.

"Baby, what is this?" Lilith knelt down on the sofa and pointed at the TV. "Projection magic?"

"No, this is a TV. It uses signals to transmit images to this small screen." Bai Ji snorted.

Twice, he explained the magic of television to the two primitive people in front of him. "You vampires don't have such magical things.

Right? With TV, you can learn about world events at any time without leaving home.

"But, to put it bluntly, the so-called news reported on this TV are all bad news filtered by the human federation, right?"

Nalinya said funny. "You can imagine that uncles and aunts shopping for groceries can appear on the screen. This thing is probably

The plan is also used to fool you. "

"How come you can be involved in cheating in everything? Don't speculate on human beings with such malicious intent, okay? ?Then

There are no good or bad people in this place. "Bai Ji muttered and held the remote control panel.

"Said the channel changer."

"Hey, wait, what are you changing all of a sudden? Wasn't the one just now interesting?" Bai Ji said as soon as she changed the channel.

Cai Linya's dissatisfied voice came.

"Uncles and aunts are quarreling while shopping for groceries. What's so interesting about fighting like chickens pecking at rice? ? It's better to look at this

What good TV series are there at this time? "

"How fun is it to fight? It's best to get a bloody head. Hurry up, you just saw the scene where the fight started, so hurry up and go back."

Nalinya urged excitedly.

"No." Bai Ji snorted. "Why should I let you see whatever you want to see? What is your identity?

, I only watch what I like!”

"Ah? Do you know who you are talking to now?" Nalinya narrowed her eyes, like a bird ready to attack.


"What, what are you doing? You don't want to be violent, do you?" - A little girl who can't even reach her shoulders (once)

Want to grab the remote control board from me? Are you afraid that she is still a man? ?

Bai Ji was not timid at all, she curled up and stuffed the remote control board under her skirt, then looked at Na Na triumphantly.

Linya. "Hmph, if you are brave enough, come here and get it. If you want to be a stinky gangster who will be infamous for eternity."

"Oh, that's what you said." Cai Linya sneered when she heard this, stood up and walked towards Bai Ji step by step


"Hey! You, you don't really want to come here to get it, do you? Think again, you are committing a crime, do you know?"

"Since the little princess has invited me like this, wouldn't it be very embarrassing if I refuse?" Nalinya smiled evilly.

, clenched his fists, then threw off his slippers and threw himself on the sofa.

"Wow! Lilith save me!

"Yan, you shouldn't tease Xiao Nai like this, I can't save you." Lilith sighed softly.

"No, no! I was joking, I was joking!"

"Don't make any noise. Since you like making jokes like this so much, you shouldn't mind if I carry on the joke to the end.

Right?" As she spoke, Nalinya licked her lips, grabbed the hem of her skirt and lifted it up.

"Wow! No, no, you can't chirp there.

five minutes later.

"Hmph hum~" Nalinya hummed a tune happily. As the winner, what would she like to see after taking control of the remote control panel?

It just depends on which channel it is, very comfortable.

"Fuck you, bastard! You weird aunt who bullies children." As a loser, Bai Ji was sat on by Nalinya as a meat mat.

Beneath him, his eyes were dim with tears.

"Okay Xiao Nai, stop bullying Bai Ji." Cai Linya didn't get up from Bai Ji until Lilith stopped her.

"Wu Ming, you Scarlet Blood Territory don't have any good stuff."

"Okay, be good, don't provoke succubi in this way in the future, whether it's a male succubus or a female succubus,

This kind of behavior will be regarded as the biggest provocation by the succubus. "Lilith patted Bai Ji's back to comfort her.

"Your virginity is still there and you are already Xiao Nai.

Show mercy.


"It's so boring." Looking at Cai Linya, she felt bored. "You can tell at a glance that these humans are

The acting has no energy at all. Although it is indeed an acting, how can I put it? "

"Let's go, we have to go on a routine hunt today.

"Let Bai Ji go with you this time." Lilith suggested.

"Oh? Is that so?" Cai Linya cast her eyes on Bai Ji meaningfully.

"What are you doing again?" Bai Ji suddenly had a bad premonition.


"Go, what are you going for?"


"Ah, this, I, I'm not sure

"No, this is an order from Her Highness Lilith. You must come with me. Come on, let's go."

"What does hunting mean to hunt humans?" Bai Ji suddenly became wary.

"Otherwise? What else can the recipes here include besides humans?" Except for the door, Nalinya took it as a matter of course.

Ran said.

"You want to hunt people in this community?" Bai Ji looked slightly stern.

"Well, walking too far away in search of food consumes too much energy, and it is never in line with your character to seek far away places.

, I will not allow you to do this!" As she said that, Bai Ji stood firmly in front of Nalinya.

"Interesting, do you have the right position to say such a thing now?" Nalinya was stunned for a moment, then said in a funny tone.

"Even if my body has turned into a vampire, I can't watch you killing other people in search of food.

Get through me first!"

"That's good." Cai Linya came forward with a smile. "Little princess, what you mean is that things like eating are simply not possible.

There’s no need to look for those irrelevant humans, I can just look for you, is that what you mean?”

"Uh-huh, I didn't say that!"

"You're really too polite. If you want to be eaten by me, just say so. Why are you so roundabout?" Nalinya

Licking her pink tongue.

"I didn't say that!"

"Really, that's really a pity. If you don't let me eat, then I can only use other humans as food.

Oh. "Nalinya said pretending to be distressed. "What are you going to do to stop me?"

"I won't let you go."

"Bang!" Before she finished speaking, Bai Ji was pushed into the corridor by Nalin Yabi.

"Okay, then, without further ado, let's get started~?" Cai Linya showed a look of success, and her lips gradually came closer.

"Miss Bai Ji, you have to understand me. Since you can understand those homeless people who have no food to eat,

Human, why don't you understand us succubi by the way? ?" Nalinya tilted her head and said.

"Human beings are pitiful when they have nothing to eat. Aren't we pitiful when we don't have food to eat? Is it true that the righteous Bai Ji

Don’t you think so, Miss?”

"So, will you agree?"

"Ming" Bai Ji couldn't move, and she couldn't move. Whenever she thought about her not having food, she would persecute the community.

She couldn't move.

Although some of the people in this community have weird personalities, they are all very good people and cannot be allowed to interfere with her.

Their lives -

After reading this, Bai Ji closed her eyes, but at the critical moment, Nalinya let go of her hand.

"Tch, it's really boring." Cai Linya muttered. "Are you really planning to be eaten by me as food?"

For a vampire, you are too bloodless. "

"Okay, let's go."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Of course we're going to eat."

"Sure enough, we still want to eat humans? ?"

"It's true, but not the way you said." Nalinya smiled mysteriously. "Okay, okay, little righteous man.

Princess, I promise I won’t hurt those humans, is that okay?”

"Really?" Bai Ji was dubious.

"But, I need a little help from you this time."

The corner of an old neighborhood.

Wang Ergou is an idle old man living in this community. The neighbors look down on him.

An older young man who has hands and feet but doesn't go out to work and spends all day dreaming about rich women and beautiful women coming to his door.

Today, as usual, this guy is on his way home.

He pretended to be looking for a job, but in fact only he knew that he was not looking for a job at all.

Instead, I went to the game arcade and stayed there all day.

"Girls were mumbling words, and Wang Ergou had already begun to recite the Bible in his mind, thinking about what he should do tonight.

Why did you lie to your mother?


"Ouch!" As he was thinking about it, without paying attention to his feet, he tripped over something.

"Tsk, damn it, why are these broken steel bars just placed here to block people? What do the doormen do for food?" After almost tripping, Wang Ergou became angry and kicked the steel bar incompetently and furiously.

"This shabby neighborhood is really old and smelly. All the people living here are poor, old and ugly.

Auntie, where can a rich woman live?

Here? ?”

“Hmph, when I get rich, I will definitely move to a luxury community!

Just when he was about to continue walking, his eyes flickered, and a beautiful white figure flashed in his field of vision.

So much so that he wondered if he had seen it wrong.

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