When I woke up again after fainting, I saw this familiar small ceiling again, and the familiar

Bai Ji felt that her head was still dizzy and she couldn't exert any strength.

The situation is similar when you are almost hungry.

"Baby." A gust of fragrant wind came, and in an instant, his sight was completely covered by that face that was as delicate as a porcelain doll.


"Hmm?!" Before Bai Ji could react, she was hugged into a warm embrace. Although holding her

The human body temperature is not high, but it gives her an instinctive sense of security.

Being hugged by Lilith, Bai Ji's chin rested on Lilith's shoulder, and she was very close to the snow-white neck.

, just open your mouth slightly and your teeth can touch.

Wait, why do you have such strange thoughts? ?

"Baby, you must be hungry." Lilith stroked Bai Ji's head and whispered softly in front of her earlobe. "When you're hungry

Just follow your instincts. "

"Although this cannot be done every time due to ethical issues, as the first step for a newborn, the mother is willing to

You get through this together.

"Abandon those useless values ​​​​in your heart and follow your instincts. As a vampire, you no longer need to

It’s time to take human values ​​into consideration again. "

"Since you don't want to hurt others, then don't hurt others. Let me let you take the first step." As she said this, Lily

Si hugged Bai Ji tightly.

"No, don't hurt others," Bai Ji swallowed and looked at the blood vessels with clear veins close at hand.

Some couldn't restrain the impulse in my heart.

"No need to hold back, I'm ready."

"Wait, wait! No matter what you think, you can't do this kind of thing!" Although Bai Ji, who was a vampire for the first time, didn't know this.

What does this action mean to the vampires, but her instinct tells her that she must not do this, it is too contrary


"It doesn't matter. Since you don't want to suck human blood, then come and suck mine. Don't worry, my

There is enough blood to feed you. "

"This, this Bai Ji's eyes turned like mosquito coils, and she seemed to have fallen into a chaotic thinking storm.

"The newborn is in urgent need of nutritional supplements, and you haven't eaten for three days. You won't grow taller if you don't eat.

Oh, come on, let your instincts go~"

"It won't hurt anyone, right?"

"Don't, stop talking

Lilith's words were like the devil's whisper, causing Bai Ji to sink step by step. Heaven and man were at war in her heart.

Humanity and lust wander back and forth, torn apart by the struggle between the two sides.

"Yes, I want to break it." Bai Ji was in a daze, feeling like her little head was going to explode because of this.

Anyway, it really can’t hurt anyone, right? Lilith’s wounds can regenerate, and they won’t be damaged due to loss.

Get some blood and die.

Finally, in the chaos, Bai Ji lost her remaining reason and took the first step to become a vampire.

Instinctively, she threw Lilith onto the bed.

dinner time

Bai Ji bared her sharp fangs and crawled on Lilith, while the latter looked like she was ready to take advantage of her.

He took the initiative to cater to Bai Ji's movements.

Two very similar-looking white-haired lolita were rolling around on the small bed.

After a muddy day, in the evening.

"Huhu." Lilith hummed a cheerful ditty and walked out of the room, half-dressed and full of energy.

On the other hand, Bai Ji walked out of the room later, with a tired and bitter face, as if she had been squeezed dry.

"?" Nalinya, who was watching TV on the sofa, was very surprised to see this scene.

Didn’t Her Highness Lilith say she wanted to feed her in person? Why does it feel like the positions between the two are reversed?

"Your Highness Lilith, what is this?" Nalinya hesitated again and again, but couldn't help but ask. "You can't help it, bitch

Is the position reversed?"

Although from an ethical point of view, Nalinya does not support this kind of behavior, considering that if Bai Ji is starved alive,

If he died, the blood royal family would be in danger of losing their descendants, so they had no choice but to agree.

However, looking at this situation, it was reversed later?

"No." Lilith shook her head.

"Then why?" Nalinya pointed at the exhausted Bai Ji who was following Lilith. The meaning was self-evident.

"Oh, I was afraid that the baby wouldn't be able to absorb it, so I tried another method. Well, it was more radical, but the effect was definitely

Still good. "Lilith wiped away the trace of blood on her lips

Cai Linya didn't dare to imagine what method she used, and she didn't dare to ask, but she almost had it in her mind.

Already have the answer.

"Tch, it's true." Nalinya said a little jealously. "If Her Majesty the Queen knew about this, she would probably

Guys can really take it. "

After all, the current Scarlet Queen is well-known for being a daughter-in-law. If she knew that her daughter gave herself a granddaughter during her escape, and even did such and such things, I am afraid that all her anger would be exhausted.

Let's leave it to Bai Ji.

Well, he will definitely not die, Her Majesty the Queen estimates

He would smile while torturing her spirit.

"It's okay, no one will tell anyone, right?" Lilith said matter-of-factly. "Well, although look

She felt a little lackluster when she went up, but Xiao Baiji was finally out of danger. If she had continued to resist just now, she would have lost her energy due to excessive hunger.

Being comatose from hunger can be really troublesome. "

"Okay, this child hasn't had a good sleep for a long time, let her take a nap."

In a hazy consciousness, Bai Ji saw an illusory figure in a trance.

She was similar in height to him, not much taller, but she just stood there with her back to him, giving people a sense of height.

Breathing the breath of a superior -

Her silver hair was spread down, tied with a contrasting black bow.

The contrasting colors of the girl's outfit are very sharp. Her excessively fair skin is paired with black silk and a long black dress.

Dress, burgundy eyes like the best red wine at a banquet.

"Who are you, Lilith?" When the girl looked back at her, Bai Ji couldn't help but said.

No, no, not Lilith.

Although they look very similar, there are still some differences, and their temperaments are even more different. If you want to describe them, Li

Liz is a calm stream, but this one is a hidden turbulent deep sea. The next calm moment may bloom.

Shocking waves.

The moment her eyes touched Bai Ji, the girl smiled. She was breathtakingly beautiful, but also made people sweat and sweat.

Straight up.

"You, who are you?" Bai Ji swallowed unconsciously.

The girl smiled and didn't answer. Then, with just a blink of an eye, the beautiful and fair face of a child came closer.

Very close at hand.

"Hey!" Bai Ji was so frightened that she quickly backed away, only to find that her body couldn't move at all.

The girl smiled and said nothing. She stretched out her delicate index finger and gently lifted Bai Ji's chin.

Bai Ji only felt a little coldness on her chin, and then her head was gradually raised, forcing her to look at the girl.

"Uh, uh?!" Bai Ji's eyes widened. She saw her own reflection in the girl's burgundy eyes.

There was a look of fear on his cheeks.

"Are you afraid of me?" The girl finally spoke, her voice gentle and childish. It was hard to imagine such a lolita sound.

But with a hint of maturity and majesty that is completely opposite to it

without. "In front of the girl, Bai Ji couldn't even speak a complete sentence. She kept hemming and hawing, and her mind was in chaos, like a mess of colorful yarn balls tangled together.

"No, there is?" The girl tilted her head, her expression becoming more meaningful.

"Yes, yes!" Upon hearing this, Bai Ji immediately changed her tune, dumbfounded.

Do you want me to be afraid of you or do you want me not to be afraid of you?

"Both." The girl said with a smile.

Bai Ji was stunned.

This enigmatic silver-haired girl could actually hear her heart?!

"I don't want you to be too afraid of me, nor do I want you to have no respect for your elders, so, aunt

It's kind of both.

"Wha, what? "

"However, I can appear here and say something." The girl narrowed her eyes and said something Bai Ji couldn't understand at all.


"I have a lot to say to you, but let's forget it. The days are long."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Ji felt a faint-like pain in her head.

"Zai, Zai? Xiao Bai Ji?"

Uh-huh? Who, who is calling me?" Bai Ji said weakly when she woke up.

"You finally woke up." Lilith breathed a sigh of relief. "After you fell asleep, you kept mumbling something we couldn't understand.

He was talking, and his cheeks were covered with sweat. "

"Yes, is that so?" Bai Ji covered her head, feeling like she couldn't remember anything, as if her hair was in a dream.

Something happened, but she just couldn't remember it.

"By the way, what time is it now?"

"It's twenty past seven.

"Oh, you're a ghost!" Bai Ji reacted and felt bad on the spot. She picked up her schoolbag and

The pendant rushed out of the house.

Fortunately not late

What made her a little strange was that today was different from usual. There were a few more men in black robes at the school gate. When they saw her

They murmured a few words to each other, walked over and bowed to her first.

"Classmate Ji Bai, do you remember us? We are members of the association that examined you a few days ago.

this way please.

"But, I'm going to be late for school

"It doesn't matter, we have already told your class teacher that it is okay to be late today, come with us.

As he said that, one of the men in black led the way, while the others stared at Bai Ji.

Bai Ji couldn't shirk away, so she could only follow him.

Arriving at a small warehouse, Bai Ji discovered that she was the last person to come. All the students who tested non-white light a few days ago gathered here, including Lin Tuo.

"Okay everyone, we have given you enough time to think about it. Let's talk about your choice." It was still the familiar man in white robe, looking at the students with a smile.

"Sorry, sir, I think this job may not be

suit me. "Lin Tuo was the first to stand up and give his own response.

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