"Sorry sir, I still feel that this job is not suitable for me." Everyone was hesitant.

Without saying anything, Lin Tuo took the lead in standing up and setting an example.

"Oh? Is that so? What exactly is inappropriate?" The cleric was not surprised, but looked calm.


"I feel that I am not the kind of big shot who can take responsibility for the rise and fall of mankind, nor am I suitable to be that kind of big shot, so I

So, I'm sorry, I can't agree to this. "Rejecting the other party head-on, Lin Tuo was a little nervous.

"I still have my parents. They are the people closest to me. I can't just end my life so easily."

What will happen to them if I die? Please forgive me for refusing, because my life does not only belong to me. "

"Oh, so it's for this reason?" The priest smiled after hearing this. "Don't be nervous boy, we are

Messengers of justice, not demons with extremely evil nature, we will not force you to make a decision, we also say

Have you passed?"

"Thank you for your understanding." Lin Tuo breathed a sigh of relief.

And because Lin Tuo's expression set an example, the other students who were still hesitant also expressed their attitudes.

Expressed it.

"Actually, I'm the same. I don't want to go to that temple. Sure enough, an ordinary life is suitable for me.

"Yes, me too.


"Okay, I understand." The priest nodded, and finally counted the students who were willing to join the temple.

to ten.

"What about you, classmate Ji Bai? What's your attitude?" The man in black next to him was writing on a list.

Writing and painting, the priest has now asked the last person, which is Bai Ji.

"I? Don't want to go." Bai Ji answered simply.

"Oh? What is the specific reason?" The cleric narrowed his eyes when he heard this, still looking amiable.


"Is it because of the relationship between the parents, or is there something unspeakable?

"None of them." Bai Ji spread her hands. "I have nothing to hide, and I was born without a mother or father, no.

These exist, sir. "

"Then, why don't you choose a new home for yourself?" The cleric opened his eyes kindly towards Bai Ji.

arm. “You are always welcome in our temple and want to be your family.”

"No, sir, I don't think it's necessary." Bai Ji spread her hands. "I'm used to being free on my own. I don't want to join any temple. Thank you."

"Oh, so, okay, this is your decision, and we all support it, but please also remember that we, Saint

The gates of the temple are always open to you. "The white-robed priest patted Bai Ji on the shoulder.

"Everyone here also remembers that although you refused to join the temple today, the great master of the temple

The door is always open to you and you are welcome to come. This is my contact information. Please remember it in case anything happens.

If you have any problem, you can come to me...""

After asking the men in black to send everyone out, the white-robed priests left with those students who were willing to join the temple.

Lin Tuo and Bai Ji returned to the classroom together. This period was the class teacher's class.

When Fatty Lao Zhang saw the two people returning, he immediately knew where they had just gone.

"I'm glad to see you two back in class." After Lao Zhang said something incomprehensible, he continued

Continue class.

"Old Bai, tell me, wouldn't it be bad if we rejected people like this?" After class, Lin Tuo still

Couldn't help but said to Bai Ji.

"What's wrong? If you really want to volunteer, just go up. Since you have concerns and don't want to go, can you force me to do so?"

Are you going by yourself?" Bai Ji rolled her eyes at him.

"I always feel that as a human being, I feel a little unjustified if I don't contribute to humanity."

"Does joining the temple mean that you are contributing to humanity? I don't think so?"

"Ah? What did you say?"


As the clergy said, after they refused to join, they were told not to inform anyone of their existence.

The others just left and nothing happened.

For some reason, Bai Ji always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

She patted her head and wondered when she, like Nalinya, liked to speculate maliciously.

Someone else? ?It is still a temple after all, and it will definitely not be able to do anything out of the ordinary.

After school, - - returned home as usual, she came back at a very bad time. At this time, Li

Liz is having a meal, um, reading about eating and writing about having fun.

But Bai Ji is almost used to it, so naturally she is not surprised.

"Babe, it's time to eat." After finishing, Lilith knelt down on the sofa, put her hands on her knees, tilted her head, and said softly

Her silver hair fell down, intentionally or unintentionally exposing her charming white neck.

"What the hell is it that dinner is ready!" Seeing Lilith's appearance, Bai Ji subconsciously thought of yesterday's scene, and she couldn't help but blush, turned her head away, and refused to look at anything inappropriate.

"But you are growing. If you don't eat, you will become malnourished." Lilith said calmly.

As expected, I still can’t accept sucking blood or anything like that!”

With that said, Bai Ji took off her clothes and planned to take a cold shower to calm down, but she forgot that as a vampire, she

Cannot be washed in running water.

When she was carried out of the bathroom by Nalinya, her whole body was frozen.

"This kid is really stupid." Nalinya said, holding her forehead.

After struggling like this all night, Bai Ji still failed to move her biological clock back.

Excited, as if I had turned into a nocturnal creature, unable to sleep at all

If nothing else, she would fall asleep on the table again during class.

"Bai Ji, little Bai Ji, wake up quickly, it's time for you to go to class." In the early morning, Lilith wanted to be like the little mother of the Gu family.

After cleaning up the house, he asked Bai Ji to get up and go to school as a routine, and thoughtfully prepared a small schoolbag and lessons for her.


"Gu, don't disturb me. I didn't see that I managed to fall asleep!"

"But it's already morning. You should go to school. If you don't go out now, you will be late."

When Bai Ji heard this, she reluctantly got out from under the coffee table. She was delirious because she hadn't slept well for several days.

She was mumbling some incomprehensible remarks.

It's full of complaints like "it's too hard for vampires to go to human schools," it's annoying, it's annoying, it's annoying.

words to read.

Ever since I turned into a vampire, I don't know why, but I always feel like this kind of two-tiered coffee table can change my face.

It was also covered, and the sleeping mode without seeing any sunlight was very comfortable. Gradually, she instinctively fell in love with the drill.

coffee table.

"There's no need to rush her, Princess. She probably doesn't need to go to school today." She lay lazily on the sofa and watched.

Nalinya from the news said boredly.

"Ah? Why?" When Bai Ji heard that she didn't need to go to class anymore, she immediately cheered up.

"Watch it for yourself, is this your school?" Nalinya pointed at the picture on the small TV.

"Eh? Our school is on the news? ?"

"It is said that there was a terrorist attack. For such a big thing, of course we can't let students come to school to talk to you.

Are the terrorist organizations in human society so crazy that they dare to attack places like schools? Are they really idle?

Things to do. Cai Linya complained.

"Terrorist attack?!" Bai Ji was shocked. She really didn't expect this. The security of the city she was in was very good.

Nothing similar to a terrorist attack has happened. Such things are far away to her and only exist in news consultations.

"Really? ?"

'That's what it says.'

"Let me see, it's really our school." Looking at the picture, Bai Ji was stunned.

"By the way, according to what was mentioned above, this school was not the only place that was attacked by terrorists, but also many places in the new city.

All suffered varying degrees of damage, causing many casualties. They defined this as a terrorist act of extremely bad nature.

attack. "

Nalinya looked like it had nothing to do with this matter. This matter had nothing to do with her in the first place. The life and death of human beings

She never cared, not to mention that this was a fratricide among human beings. It had nothing to do with her succubus. She just watched the fun.

"Many places in the city have been subject to terrorist attacks? What about the old city?" Bai Ji was a little scared now.

"What are you afraid of?" Cai Linya said disdainfully. "With me and His Highness here, it would be better if the terrorists really dare to come.

Now, there’s no need to go looking for food today, it’s them. "

"Ah" Bai Ji then remembered that the two animals she kept at home were not human beings, not even herself.

not human.

"By the way, that boy Lin Tuo." Bai Ji murmured a few times, and immediately thought of her damaged friend.

She dialed her old, shabby cell phone and called Lin Tuo.

"The number you dialed is currently unavailable.

"This guy, why don't you answer the phone?" Bai Ji called several more times, but there was no response, and she couldn't help but

Somewhat anxious.

"Damn, this kid, why didn't he answer the phone at such a critical moment? ?" Several calls couldn't be made.

Bai Ji was a little anxious. She knew the direction of Lin Tuo's house, and because she was restless, she planned to go and take a look.

"Where are you going?" Cai Linya called her. "The situation outside is not stable yet. You can go out and say no now."

You will definitely run into danger. "

Anyway, I have to ask why that guy didn't answer the phone. "With that said, Bai Ji no longer hesitated.

, took the mobile phone, put on Lilith's leather shoes and rushed out of the house.

"Xiao Nai." Lilith motioned to Nalinya.

"Ah, I know, I know." Cai Linya's tail on the sofa was wagging helplessly.

"You want me to follow behind to protect her? I understand.

"Taxi, taxi!" Outside, Bai Ji called a taxi and went up to report the address of Lin Tuo's home.

"Kid, are you sure you want to go there?" The taxi driver looked surprised. "There was a terrorist attack there.


Place of birth. "

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