"I said, are you going to go there wearing this? ?" After finishing, the two walked out of the alley and glanced at

Seeing Nalinya's current attire, Bai Ji said with suspicion.

Are you sure she won't be regarded as a street girl? ?No, no, if you are so short, you probably won't. At most

Being regarded as a delinquent girl or an exhibitionist girl.

"Are you thinking of something rude about me wearing a pendant?"

"No, no way." Bai Ji turned her head away.

"Speaking of which, what is this?"

"The Bronze Beast." Nalinya glanced at the dirty corpse on the ground. "A tribal species that inhabits the southern part of the continent

The tribe was invaded by humans and occupied its territory. The entire tribe has now become a guinea pig on the human experiment table. "

"Is it so exaggerated?" Bai Ji said in disbelief. "Is the temple so powerful? ?"

"To deal with this group of primitive beasts, human technology is more than enough. After all, the bronze beast has nothing but savagery.

It has strong power, but does not have any magic spells, so it is easier to deal with it. The first thing after the rise of mankind is to put these

Easier to deal with racial slavery. " Nalinya explained.

"Listening to what you said, it makes it seem like human beings are the same as the source of all evil." Bai Ji complained.

"At least in this world, human beings are not far away from the source of all evil." Nalinya said meaningfully.

"I want to know how many other races are enslaved by humans?"

“Countless, and I’m not specialized in this, you should ask your mother.

"Tch, it sounds like the Vampires didn't enslave other races. You are so powerful, you must have done it too.


"I did." Cai Linya did not deny it. "We are one of them."

"Ah?" Bai Ji realized that Nalinya was a succubus.

"Is your race a colony of vampires?"

"It might have been the case before, but it's not the case now. Everyone belongs to the Scarlet Blood Domain. I've never been affected by it in the Scarlet Blood Domain.

Whose discrimination, live well. "Nalinya spread her hands.

"If that's the case, then it's the same for you, humans just haven't gone through this process yet."

"No, human beings have a very strong heart that is different from those of our species, and will never allow other intelligent races to compete with them.

Sit on equal footing. "Cai Linya is very sure about this.

The two came to the new city where Lin Tuo lived. As the taxi driver said, the place was in a mess.

The housing area was surrounded by white ropes, and the four words "No Entry" were written in bold red letters on the sign.

Police cars were parked neatly on the roadside, and not far away were several ambulances filled with wounded people, sirens blaring.

The scene made people's hair stand on end.

If she didn't know better, Bai Ji would have thought that these police were here to arrest her.

"What? Your friend? What's his name?" People came to the door during working hours, and the policeman who maintained order

Cha asked impatiently.

"His name is Lin Tuo. He lives in this community, on the fourth floor of Building 4."

"Four buildings? Are you talking about that building?" The policeman pointed to the building in front of him that collapsed directly from the middle.

"That's the fourth building?!" Looking at the familiar painting style, Bai Ji's eyes widened.

"That's the fourth building. If the person you're looking for lives here, I'm afraid it's more likely to be bad." The policeman

He said with a cigarette in his mouth. "All the residents of this building were carried out just now."

Where are they now? ?”

"It's in the ambulance."

"There are still half of them that haven't been lifted. The ambulance can't fit them in, so they're placed over there." The policeman pointed to a place not far away -

A small shed.

"Lin Tuo, Lin Tuo! Is it you? I'm sorry, good brother, I'm still a step late after all!" Looking at the small shed

Bai Ji knelt down in grief and mourned the young man who was covered with white cloth.

"What are you crying about? I'm not dead yet."

"Eh?" Bai Ji glanced to the side. The man was covered in bandages and could only see a pair of eyes.


"Old Lin, you're not dead!" Bai Ji hugged him excitedly.

"Damn it, it's so disgusting, don't hug me, I don't like men!"

"Oh, you're not dead. It's great that you're not dead! You still owed me three and a half yuan from the canteen last time. If you were dead,

Who will pay me back the money?

"Okay, so this is the only thing you care about? I'm looking for a fight!"

"These two people are inexplicable." Nalinya, who was watching from the side, had a strange face and really couldn't understand what was going on.

The brotherly relationship is so close that they start fighting each other the moment they get along.

"How are you? Are you okay? I see you are covered in bandages. Could it be that you injured your head?"

Bai Ji poked the gauze on Lin Tuo's head.

"Go away, it's just a minor injury. It's just that those nurses and doctors only injured me so slightly. They had to treat me all over the body."

All wrapped up.

"By the way, where are your parents?

"Lin Tuo's eyes dimmed.

"Don't worry, lucky people have their own destiny, uncle and aunt will be fine." Bai Ji didn't know how to comfort her.

Lin Tuo

The building was attacked by a terrorist attack, and Lin Tuo's parents were admitted to the intensive care hospital. They are still unconscious. Lin Tuo found out

Zai's mental state was very poor. No one spoke to him in silence. Only when Bai Ji came to see him did he speak a little.

Get better.

After comforting Lin Tuo and staying with him for a while, Bai Ji and Nalinya went back. When they returned home, they were already

It's evening.

"Letter? For me?" Looking at the envelope on the table, Bai Ji pointed at herself. "Could it be sent by mistake?"

She couldn't figure out who would send the letter to her.

"It was sent at noon today. I named it and said it was for you." Lilith explained.

"Who will send me a letter? Wait, it can't be her?" Mo Li opened the letter, and as expected, it still looked familiar.

The handwriting has a familiar greeting tone.

The general content is that the person who claimed to be her sister heard that she had suffered a terrorist attack here and wanted to

Come and see for yourself.

No, who are you? ?We have never met each other. What do you think I am doing? ?

Bai Ji doesn't understand.

Who is this person who always sends him letters and money, claiming to be her sister, what is her name, or what does she look like?

In this way, Bai Ji didn't have any thoughts about Hercules, let alone meeting her.

However, Bai Ji was quite curious about what the other party looked like, and she didn't object to meeting her.

Take this opportunity to return the money to her and ask why you think of yourself as her brother.

A week later, the city gradually regained its vitality, and the school did not become a location attacked by terrorists.

A few days later, they went to school as usual. However, the strange thing was that Bai Ji did not see Lin Tuo. According to him, he

The injuries on the body don't need to heal for as long as a week.

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