Blood Princess and the Knight

32~Lin Tuo’s changes

"Strange, where did that kid go? Why didn't he come to class today?" Bai Ji felt strange, but it made him even more confused.

What is strange is the attitude of the students in the class towards this.

"Well, is everyone here?" After the school bell rang, Lao Zhang walked in as usual with a folder under his folder

In the classroom, I saw all the classmates nodded, took out the attendance register and started signing in.

"Chen Lin, Wu Da,

Lin Tuo's name comes before Bai Ji, so Lin Tuo should be named before Bai Ji, but Bai Ji didn't think about it.

What happened was that Lao Zhang directly ignored the name Lin Tuo on the list and directly named himself.

"Wait a minute, Teacher Zhang!" Bai Ji stood up.

"What's the matter, classmate Ji Bai?" Lao Zhang looked at Bai Ji expressionlessly, as if he was not satisfied with her sudden interruption.

Somewhat dissatisfied.

"Teacher Zhang, you forgot to order Lin Tuo. He didn't come today."

"Lin Tuo? Do we have this classmate in our class?" Lao Zhang looked surprised, while the other students responded accordingly.

Echoed, feeling strange about Bai Ji's question.

"Of course, he is sitting next to me! Doesn't the seat next to me belong to him?" See everyone's

The reaction was as if Lin Tuo had never been in this class, and Bai Ji became a little anxious.

"You all think about it carefully. What is your reaction? This is a classmate who has been with us for more than two years. You

How can we just forget about it?

"Okay, classmate Ji Bai, stop messing around and stop it." For some reason, Bai Ji always felt that Lao Zhang was

There was a hint of warning and fear in his words.

"Now that everyone in our class is here, let's start class. We can discuss these trivial matters after class."

"But Lao Zhang, you obviously remember Lin Tuo, why are you pretending?"

"Okay, let's stop it!" Lao Zhang turned around, a hint of anger flashing in his eyes. "This is a classroom, not a county master

In the court, you have to choose the time to seek justice. "

"Ji Bai, do you want to continue to mess around? Then you should stand and listen to this class. In addition, come to my office after class.

Go to the room. "

The students looked at Ji Bai with expressions that were either strange, surprised, or gloating. Anyway, this

She has no friends in the class except Lin Tuo.

How could they forget Lin Tuo? ?Obviously they often laugh and joke with Lin Tuo, how come they are now?

, no one remembers him? Are you pretending, or do you really not remember him?

This class passed in such a blur, Bai Ji's mind was blank the whole time, and she waited until she heard the bell to end the get out of class -

He woke up instantly.

The classmates may not know about this, but judging from Lao Zhang’s reaction just now, he must know something different.

Hidden secrets known to everyone.

He followed Lao Zhang to the office. After one class, Lao Zhang seemed to be less angry and signaled to Bai Ji

Sit opposite yourself.

"I didn't call you here to criticize you."

"Teacher Zhang, you must know something inside, right?"

If you don't know about this kind of thing, try not to know about it. "Lao Zhang's face darkened. "You are all mine.

Students, since you have no other thoughts, you should focus on your studies. This is good for everyone. Can you listen?

Do you understand what I mean? ?”

"In other words, Lao Zhang, do you know where Lin Tuo went? ?"

"I told you, you are a student." Lao Zhang frowned slightly. “Students should put academics first, not

It's something else. "

"But isn't Lin Tuo also your student? ?" Lao Zhang has always been a very responsible teacher.

, Bai Ji knew that she knew that the other party would not leave Lin Tuo and sit idly by.

"Not now, I can't control him anymore." Lao Zhang turned away. "Now that I can control him, order him

Yes, it’s that group of students. Since you stay, it means that you want to be an ordinary student, an ordinary student.

of office workers. "

"This is your decision. Since you choose to be an ordinary person, naturally the less you know, the better."

"But Lin Tuo is my friend, I can't just sit idly by and do nothing!" Bai Ji said firmly

Forget it, you have touched the people over there anyway, so it probably doesn’t matter if I tell you. "Look deeply

After looking at the determined Bai Ji, Lao Zhang sighed.

"Do you know the temple?

"Lao Zhang, you also know the temple? ?"

"How could I not know?" Lao Zhang said with a bitter smile, revealing his right arm. faintly floating among them

A cross-shaped mark was exposed, perhaps because it had been too long and it was not obvious anymore.

"This is?

"This is the mark of the temple. Everyone who joins the temple will have such a mark on their right arm or other location." Lao Zhang explained.

"Are you from the temple too?" Bai Ji said in surprise.

"No, no, I can only say that it was once." Lao Zhang shook his head. "The Temple knows I won't reveal my secrets, so I don't need to undergo 'cognitive deactivation' like a student."

"Cognitive elimination? ?"

"Yes, young people are hot-blooded and do not understand the stakes.

Yes, it is more difficult to shut their mouths, so

For these students who have no talent for holy martial arts, the measures taken by the temple have always been "cognitive elimination."

It's called memory erasure. "

"Erase the memory of Lin Tuo from their memories."

“How could it be so casual?

"Bai Ji is getting more and more puzzled.

"This is a necessary measure to prevent panic or chaos in human society. After all, such things are easy to cause trouble.

If it's not good, it might become a piece of news, letting more people know [the truth]. "

"The temple doesn't like this. They think it's too troublesome to manage like this. It's better to get rid of the root cause once and for all.

Solve the problem essentially. "Lao Zhang said solemnly. "This can be regarded as thinking about social stability. I was


"So, Lin Tuo joined the temple? ?But why?

"It is said that the problem lies with his parents." Lao Zhang paused. "His parents were devastated by the terrorist attacks.

He was in severe shock and now needed money urgently, and probably only the temple could afford this money. "

"Is that so? After hearing this, Bai Ji was silent for a long time.

"The reason why the temple has not erased your memory of Lin Tuo is probably because you are also gifted with the Holy Martial Arts.

They are waiting for your answer.

"My answer?'

"Yes, they are waiting for you to choose to continue being ordinary, or to become one of them."

"If this kind of thing happened in the past, I would probably accept it happily."

"In short, that's it. If you are unwilling to join, then you should still act like Lin Tuo in the future.

It's better to forget about it. "

The ordinary day is over. The students leave the school in groups, laughing and chatting. Only Bai Ji -

The human form is alone.

She took a deep look at the students in front of her who were chatting about new games, and she suddenly felt a little envious.

It's not that I envy them for having friends, but that I envy them for being ordinary.

Maybe as Lao Zhang said, there is nothing wrong with being a happy pig sometimes, at least in

In their eyes, the world is as beautiful and perfect as they imagined. They attend boring classes with their classmates and are occasionally beaten by their teachers.

Teachers criticize, fight with classmates after class, sit together during meals to discuss new games and new ways to play, go home and play black games with classmates online

Maybe this is the whole world for them. Although they are ordinary, they are very happy. Compared with those who know the truth,

It is much better for those who suffer from it all day long.

The truth is always cruel, knowing it can only lead to pain in vain

Is Lin Tuo's opportunity to join the temple really just because of his parents? Maybe there is helplessness in this regard

, but Bai Ji still felt that Lin Tuo might have his own ideas.

As he was walking, he was suddenly pulled into an alley by a hand.

"Wow! What are you doing? Robbery? Robbery of wealth or sex?!" Bai Ji shouted immediately.

"You kid, can't you even recognize me?"

Lin Zhe!" Bai Ji immediately recognized the figure who pulled her into the alley and was slightly shocked.

"Is it you boy? ? Why is it you? ?'

"Why can't it be me? Do you hate seeing me so much?" Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows.

"Ah, you kid, what's going on? Why didn't you come to class today? Do you know that Lao Zhang is very angry?

I want to pay you a home visit to communicate with you? ?" Bai Ji lied.

"Huh? Don't tease me. What nonsense are you talking about? How is that possible? I'm afraid I don't know any of the classmates in the class now.

Me. "

"Speaking of which, what's the matter with your outfit? Where did you buy the COS suit? It's very handsome. I'll dress it up if I have the chance.

One. "Bai Ji tugged on Lin Tuo's robe and said.

"Okay, stop making trouble. I came here today specifically to say goodbye to you, my best friend.

Lin Tuo restrained his informality in fighting.

"Huh? Say goodbye? Where are you going? Don't be so impractical, kid."

"Shouldn't you know where I'm going?"

"You want to go to the temple? But didn't you say you like it there?"

Man's calculation is no match for God's calculation, this is my only choice.

"To treat my uncle and aunt?" Bai Ji also restrained her playful expression.

No. Like Lao Bai, do you know what the essence of this terrorist attack is? "


Aren't they just a bunch of lunatics wreaking havoc everywhere? "

"No, it's not!" When this topic was mentioned, Lin Tuo suddenly lost his mind. "It's the devil species, it's them

Well done!”

"Those non-human guys have been trying to make me understand until today." Bai Ji stopped talking and just looked at Lin Tuo quietly, with a little worry in her eyes.

"Now, I joined the temple, firstly for my parents, and secondly, for revenge!" Lin Tuo bit

He said through gritted teeth.

"I want all the demons in this world to taste the price of losing their loved ones, and I want to make my current pain

Give them back a hundredfold!!"

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