"The gentleman in the white robe is right. As long as the demon species is still in this world, there will never be peace for mankind.

," Lin Tuo clenched his fists. "I was so stupid, thinking that these things are none of my business, so I can be very free.

Yu's sleeves are really thanks to this incident for reminding me. "

"While the Temple fought to protect us, we fled, and when they succeeded in defeating the Temple,

It was our turn, and by then there was no one left to fight for us. "Lin Tuo's mood is very wrong now, maybe

It was because of the loss of his loved one and the heavy burden of family that suddenly fell on him that his temperament changed.

"Calm down first. You have been dazzled by hatred. In fact, the temple is not what you think.

It looks so good.

"You are my friend and the only person who can talk to me now. Do you even want to stop me? " Lin

Tuo's eyes narrowed.

"I'm not stopping you, this is your own choice, of course I choose to support it, but now you are angry because of

Nu has lost his mind. Looking back and thinking about it, could this matter be... Saint Baiji and being hated and angry?

Unlike Lin Tuo, who was stunned by the fire, her reason and IQ still occupied the high ground, and she put forward her own ideas.

However, before she could finish her words, she was dismissed by Lin Tuo.

"Stop talking!" Lin Tuo interrupted Bai Ji. "The reason why you can talk about conspiracy theories here

Just because this kind of thing has not happened to you! If it happened to you, you would probably be no better than me.

, after all, the people who had the accident were not your parents!

"Bai Ji didn't speak.

In the alley, the two people were silent.

Lin Tuo also realized that he was too emotional and said the wrong thing. Bai Ji is an orphan and has never had anything since she was a child.

Having experienced father's and mother's love, he clearly knows it best, but he still can't help saying such hurtful words.


"I'm sorry, Lao Bai, I just made a mistake."

I'd better calm down without you. The world is not as black and white as you and I see it. "

"Calm down? I really need to calm down now, but even if I calm down now, I can't

Helps. "Lin Tuo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"You may not understand my situation, just like I don't understand your situation now." Lin Tuo sighed

Bai Ji hesitated to speak. She felt that there was a layer of metalized glass between herself and Lin Tuo.

Li, although they can see each other, they can't reach each other.

And she had a hunch that this layer of glass would gradually thicken over time.

She and Lin Tuo were now standing on opposite sides of the crossroads, one turning left and the other right, neither looking back.

Head, it will only go further and further.

"Let's say goodbye, Lao Bai." Lin Tuo, who was wearing a white robe, turned his back, and Bai Ji could only see his back.

"This is a point of no return, are you sure?

"Maybe it's like you said, this is a road of no return, but I have no choice." Lin Tuo's voice was full of

A little heavy.

"Even so, I sincerely hope that you can live a good life. My friend, don't be like me and can't help but

Sincerely choosing a path that I don't like, I still have no choice but to go on. "

"Go back and forget about me like everyone else. We may never meet again in the future.

"Lin Tuo, maybe because of becoming a woman, Bai Ji has become more sentimental than before. This kind of

The situation made her throat feel a little clogged.

"Since we have chosen different paths, from today on, this is our fork in the road." Lin Tuo replied

head. "Is there anything else you want to say to me? If not, I'll leave."


"Actually, you have been lying to your friends. Your true identity is actually a vampire, right?"

At this moment, a voice intervened.

Lin Tuo and Bai Ji looked up at the same time.

Several black shadows descended from the sky. They were wearing white robes and holding holy water and cross swords. Bai Ji instinctively felt...


She subconsciously wanted to run, but the white-robed cleric grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up.

"Long time no see, little vampire, do you still recognize me?" It was the white-robed priest who was in the school that day.

, he grabbed Bai Ji's neck, lifted her up like a chicken, and said with a cruel smile at her.

Oops, it’s a trap!

Bai Ji was slow to react at this time.

"Student Lin Tuo, you have caught a big fish this time. Thank you very much for your help. Don't worry, this achievement is indispensable."

It's yours, don't worry. "The white-robed priest smiled at Lin Tuo.

"You are following me? Kuaishou, what are you doing?" Looking at the actions of the priests, Lin

Tuo was shocked and quickly stopped.

"He is my friend. Mr. Jielin, do you know him? ? He is the one who came with me for inspection that day.

The student taking the test is not a vampire!

"Oh, student Lin Tuo, I know who he is. I don't need you to remind me. In fact, I recognize Ke Zhen.

Cut. "The white-robed priest named Jie Lin grinned.

"Then, what are you doing? He is a human being. Is it because he is unwilling to join the temple?

Will he take action? ?”

"Oh, I almost forgot, student Lin Tuo, you don't know yet, right?" The cleric chuckled and clapped his hands.

Bai Ji's face. "You are a vampire who really knows how to play with people's hearts. To deceive such an innocent young man, your conscience

Doesn’t it hurt? Or do you mean that you don’t have such a thing as a heart at all?”

"Well, Ming." Bai Ji was speechless as her throat was strangled. She could only utter something incomprehensible.

If you understand.

"Vampire?" Lin Tuo's eyes widened. "What are you talking about? What vampires? Not all humans here

Well, where did the vampire come from? ?”

"I'm really sorry, Student Lin Tuo. I have to give you such a big gift when you first came here. I regret to tell you that you

This so-called friend is not human at all. "

"Not a human being? You, are you kidding? Isn't he a human being? Look, it's obvious to everyone that he

That’s human beings. "Lin Tuo was stunned, then explained with a reluctant smile.

"Don't you believe it? That's right. After all, I've been with you day and night for so many years. It's normal for you not to believe it. That's fine.

Let you accept the reality now. "Jielin shook his head helplessly and said - pulling the hair off Bai Ji's chest.


Lin Tuo's eyes widened.

"Have you seen it, Student Lin Tuo? This is the true face of your 'good friend'!"

Ji's silver hair, Jie Lin said with a ferocious smile.

"And this is her magic trick to deceive all living beings!" Jielin took Bai Ji's necklace and smashed it to the ground.


"Hey, you don't really think you're pretending well, do you?" Jie Lin kissed Bai Ji's face. "As early as the detection-

God, I realized when you blew up the instrument that you are a foreigner!"

"It's just that there were too few clergy at that time, so I didn't dare to take action rashly, so I let you live a few more days."

"Now, I have called all the fellow priests I know. You will not be able to escape today!"

"Wait a minute, even if this is the case, it doesn't prove that she is a vampire, right? ?" Seeing Bai Ji's appearance, I was so surprised.

Lin Tuo, who had difficulty coming out of the shock, continued.

"Ah? That's right. Student Lin Tuo, you have just entered the temple and you still don't know the characteristics of such a dirty thing as a vampire. He

How terrible they are. "

"They are not like those alien races. They look very similar to us humans, so they can distinguish our appearance.

But she can only deceive those ordinary people and deal with the priests of our temple, oh, how naive!"

"Come on, keep an eye on student Lin Tuo. Today I'm going to let you know the characteristics of vampires and observe them up close.

Check. "With that said, Jie Lin carried Bai Ji to Lin Tuo and asked the other two companions to hold Bai Ji steady while he forced himself

Xing opened her mouth.

"Look, these are the fangs of vampires. They use these to hurt humans. These two things penetrate

Blood will be continuously sucked out of human blood vessels. "The priest showed it to Lin Tuo.

He showed Lin Tuo the structure of Bai Ji's body as if he were showing a low-level rare animal, without completely understanding the structure of Bai Ji's body.

Bai Ji is treated as a human being.

"The eyes are as red as blood, and the hair is still white. Do you think this creature can be human?"


"Student Lin Tuo, this is your first lesson, the structure of vampires and their special functions." said

Then, the cleric took out a sharp knife from his pocket and asked his companions to hold Bai Ji.

With her mouth and throat no longer restricted, Bai Ji could finally speak. She faced Lin Tuo's complicated words.

He looked at her endlessly, biting his cherry lips.

"I have never cheated,

"Are you still sensationalizing when you are about to die? Haha, buying people's hearts can no longer save you, Ms. Vampire."

"By the way, how many years have you been pretending to be in the Human Federation? You are so calm, you want to collect a big piece of information

Do you have to do a big job and then go back to claim credit?" The cleric chuckled.

"I didn't! I used to be a human too!" Bai Ji retorted. "I've never lied to anyone!"

"Hahaha, who are you kidding? Can a vampire be a human before? ?" the priest said with disdain. "Don't think I

I don’t know, but the first love partner of the vampire royal family can only be a vampire. Ordinary vampires do not have the ability to have first love. "

"You are the only one who dares to say that you are human? ?Hehe,

"Uh-oh! Bai Ji turned pale as she felt like she was hit hard in the abdomen.

"Be bold." The priest said in one word.

"Why, are you still expecting someone to come to save you? Haha, it's useless. The person who helps you has been given by us in advance.

It's gone, and now, no one can help you. "

As he spoke, the cleric raised his knife and chopped off one of Bai Ji's fingers.


The severe pain caused her to scream, and her bright red pupils shrank.

"See? This is the vampire's ability to regenerate.

Monster, now, you still think she is

your friend? ?"

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