Blood Princess and the Knight

34~The last time to help you

"Ahhh! Even if she becomes a vampire, the pain is still there. She still feels the same as before.

Pain, fingers connected to the heart, the pain caused by having a finger cut off made Bai Ji scream.

"What are you doing? ?"

"Don't worry, classmate Lin Tuo, vampires cannot be judged by our common sense, just like this

You see, her fingers have grown back, which is much faster than our hair. "Jerlin doesn't care


"Now, do you realize? She is a vampire, and her purpose of approaching you from the beginning was not simple.

"You, you're talking nonsense, I've never been there before." Bai Ji gasped and hasn't recovered her breath yet.

Pain took over her brain.

"Uh-huh! Another finger was cut off.

"Devil that confuses people, do I allow you to speak?" Jie Lin said angrily, kicking Bai Ji in the abdomen.

Kicked her to the ground.

"I, I haven't lied

"Still want to fight to the death? ? Haha, no one here can save you, give up." Jie Lin grabbed Bai Ji's head

Hair, lift her head.

"Don't pretend to be innocent here. You have been in this city for so long and you have to eat a lot of blood every day.

In order to survive, during this period, you must have attacked many humans, right?" Jielin narrowed his eyes. "In our case,

Before you know it, countless human beings and countless of our kind have suffered from your murderous hands, and now you actually

And you said you’ve never lied to anyone? ?”

"Student Lin Tuo, you should thank us. If we hadn't discovered this hidden danger around you earlier, we would have said

You may be the next target of the attack. "

"I have never harmed any human being!" Even though she was pushed to the ground by the priests, Bai Ji still refused to give in.



Vampires don’t harm humans? This is the funniest joke I’ve heard this year, you guys

Vampires are monsters that feed on humans! If you are not completely eliminated, you will one day enslave us and will

We all become food!" Jielin said viciously.

"I have never harmed human beings. How can you slander others without any evidence? ?"

"Then tell me, whose blood have you drank these days to survive?

"Bai Ji was silent. It was impossible for her to tell these priests that there were other vampires in the city besides her.

"Haha, you can't explain it, right?" Jielin snorted coldly. "Vampire, you have a lot of excuses, wait a minute

You hang on the bishop's cross and you have plenty of time to repent of your sins!"

"Bai Ji raised her head and looked at Lin Tuo, who was silent next to her.

"You have always been a vampire, right?" Lin Tuo asked after a long silence.


"Then how did you survive?"

"Bai Ji was silent. She couldn't answer. She didn't expect that even Lin Tuo didn't trust him now.


"Why hide it from me? ?"

sorry. "

"Do you want to take them back alive?" A priest frowned slightly. "If we don't deal with her on the spot here, if

If someone rebels on the road, it will cause panic in the city. "

"Don't worry, this vampire is still relatively young. If he could cast spells, he would have blown us away." Jielin said with a smile. "And, believe me, she's worth it."

"Did you see the color of her hair?"

"Silver? What's wrong?"

"The hair color of this vampire royal family means that this female vampire may be a royal vampire.

Dedicating her to the bishop is a great achievement - one thing, maybe we can officially break away from the ranks of the clergy and move to the next level.

Well, when the time comes, all the branch teachers may be in charge.

"Yes, as expected of you, Brother Jielin, you really have a way."

"Seeing the greed flashing in the eyes of these priests, Bai Ji gritted her teeth and roared as if she had exploded.


"It's different, it's not the same at all!" Bai Ji's sudden shout attracted everyone's attention.

"This is completely different from the priest and knight I imagined! .

"You are not knights, you are clearly a group of racist killers! You are a group of people who will do whatever it takes to rise to the top.

How can a civil servant who gets rich be a clergyman!

"You bunch of butchers, in your eyes, the Vampires are killers, but in the eyes of other races, how are you?

Not a killer, an invader? ?”

Lin Tuo looked at Bai Ji slightly stunned. These words reminded him of every moment he had spent with her.

That guy always talked about the so-called principles of chivalry, and he looked like a middle-aged boy...

That's right, could it be that just because of his identity, his past with her would be completely denied? He obviously

He is the one who knows her past best, isn’t he? ?

"Shut up, vampire, it's not your turn to judge our sacred ethics!" the priests said to Bai Ji.

A violent kick.

"Sew her mouth shut to stop this dirty bat from biting people." The cleric snorted coldly.

"Let me do it." Lin Tuo volunteered at this time.

"Oh? What, figured it out?" Jie Lin joked. "As long as you have figured it out, you are worthy of being our comrade, right?

We are your kind, but she is a vampire, the public enemy of mankind, so the choice is obvious, right?"

"But I want to ask, do I have a share of the credit?" Lin Tuo said expressionlessly. "After all, no matter what I say

I can be considered the one who leads you, so you can give me some soup, right?"

"Haha, what are you talking about, student Lin Tuo? Isn't this a natural thing?" The priest patted Lin Tuo's hand.

Shoulder. "Of course your share is indispensable, don't worry.

"Okay." With that said, Lin Tuo took out a roll of tape, without saying a word, pulled off a strip and sealed Bai Ji's mouth.


""I'll carry her, let's go. "

"Haha, tie it up tight, don't let this slippery little squirrel slip away, let's go." The priests all came forward


Taking this opportunity, Lin Tuo took a deep breath and quietly pulled out the cross sword worn on his waist.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Seeing Lin Tuo drawing his sword and walking towards her, Bai Ji's eyes widened and closed her eyes.

However, the latter passed her directly and rushed towards the clergymen who had their backs turned to him.

"Huh? Lin Tuo boy, what are you doing!" The priest who had just turned around saw the man holding the

Lin Tuo, who rushed over with the cross sword, was startled for a moment.

Lin Tuo used his strength to sprint and stabbed Jie Lin in the lower abdomen. However, the combat experience of both parties made him aware of it.

At the critical moment, Jielin relied on muscle memory to dodge, but was still pierced through the waist.

"Wow!" Although the injury was not fatal, it still caused heavy bleeding. There was a sword stuck in Jielin's waist, and it hurt.

Gotta scream.

"You, you kid?! Are you crazy? What are you doing all of a sudden?!" Jielin said angrily.

"No matter what, she is my friend." Lin Tuo said coldly. "I almost got entangled by you just now. Ning Ke.

I don’t want to trust a bunch of suspicious guys who I’ve only known each other for a few days, but I don’t want to trust friends who have been with me day and night for many years.

A fool. "


"Boy, you are stubborn!" The priests were angry and drew their swords. “Church regulations cover heretics

Those who do so will be considered as guilty of heresy!!

"Seeing the priests rushing toward him, Lin Tuo's sword was stuck and he had no choice but to stop.

Lin Tuo was just a student, so it was naturally impossible for him to be an enemy of a group of priests. Within a minute he was

He fell to the ground.

"Oh, you brat, I was kind enough to share the credit with you, but you still dared to stab me!" Jie Lin stood up with the help of his companions and said with a smile.

Ferociously, he looked at Lin Tuo lying on the ground and stepped on him a few times.

"This stinky boy! Get rid of him. That's fine. One less person will share the credit, and everyone will be happy!" Holy

The employee snorted coldly.


"Bai Ji struggled fiercely, but her strength was too weak. After turning into a vampire, she couldn't even

As strong as she once was, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from the shackles of the tape.

She is still too weak

It wasn't until today that she realized that with her current status, not only could she not survive in human society, she could not even protect her companions.

There is no room left.

"Okay, it's almost done." After beating Lin Tuo, Jie Lin felt relieved and raised his sword to kill Lin Tuo.

Solve it.

"It's such a pity, such a good seedling, but why can't it be so hard to think about? ?"

"No!" Bai Ji shouted in her heart.

At the critical moment, a familiar sword light took over the battlefield, and in an instant, the priests were torn apart.

"Lin Tuo, who was beaten to a pulp so quickly, was stunned.

The sword light bathed in the blood light converged, and the girl with long pink hair stepped out of the blood light.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nailinya asked after tearing up Bai Ji's note.

"Wukou has regenerated. Didn't he say that he was led away by them? ?"

"Ah? Divert me away? You mean the three clowns who made fun of me just now?" Nailin Yapeng, who was carrying the sword,

He pursed his lips.

"How to deal with this guy?" Nailinya glanced at Lin Tuo with a questioning look.

He already knows the identity and existence of Nailanya and Bai Ji. To be honest, keeping him is a trouble

Thank you, Lin Tuo. "After being silent for a long time, Bai Ji stopped talking.

It turns out that you have such a powerful helper. It seems that I am just being sentimental. "Lin Tuozi


"No, I'm very grateful. If it weren't for you, I might have been taken away by these priests."

From now on, where should you go?"

"Where else can we go?" Lin Tuo shook his head and got up from the ground. "I don't have a choice, my parents are still here

In the hands of the temple. "

"But these people. "

"They are all dead, and their mouths will be clean. There will be no more. But this is probably my last time."

Help you, I

friend. "Lin Tuo smiled miserably in response to Bai Ji.

“From now on, we really have to go our separate ways.

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