"Hey, hey, even if you want to cry, don't squat here and cry. If you want to cry, go back and cry. People will see you later.

good. "Nelinya pouted and glanced into the alley. "He has already disappeared. It's useless for you to be sad. "

"Okay, okay, I was obviously a boy before, crying and crying. Is the assimilation completed now?"

"Get out of here, I'm not crying." Bai Ji stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Sorry, I'm late. "

"Do you always apologize to others?" Bai Ji was a little surprised.

"Oh, so in this case it's better not to say anything?" Nailinya snorted and then hesitated.

He hesitated. "Let's go, we probably have to leave this city.

"Leave? Why?" Bai Ji was stunned.

"Why else?" Nailanya glanced at Bai Ji. "Your identity has been exposed. Without knowing this saint,

Are you going to tell the news to others and not leave, waiting for the temple to send troops to surround us?"

"What are you afraid of? After all, you are so strong." Bai Ji said indifferently.

"In the temple, there are quite a few people who are on the same level as me and even better than me."

"Ah? Aren't you the Succubus Sword Master?" Bai Ji asked curiously. "There are many who are stronger than you. Human power has turned out to be

So strong?"

"Otherwise? Why do you think humans can conquer so many races? Not with strength, but with talk.

?" Nailanya looked at Bai Ji with an expression that looked like a fool.

“Anyway, let’s go home first.

After returning to her small rental house, Bai Ji felt a sense of security in her heart. Although she knew that this rental house

There is no way to stop the temple, let alone protect yourself, but when you return to your familiar home, you instinctively feel safe.


Seeing Bai Ji covered in blood, Lilith almost immediately narrowed her eyes and her gaze became dangerous.


"Who did it?" Her voice was calm, but it seemed to contain stormy waves.

"I have already taken care of them all." Then, Nailinya told Lilith what happened today.

The latter remained silent.

"Indeed, it's time to move." Lilith also agreed with Nailiya's idea.

"Wait, let me tell you, did you say you wanted to change my thoughts?" Bai Ji pursed her lips and then threw her ass.

Sitting on the sofa, his face was silent. "If you want to leave, you can go, I won't leave."

"Baby, be obedient. There is no room for nonsense in this kind of thing." Lilith touched Bai Ji's head.

"No." Bai Ji slapped Lilith's hand away. “This is the place where I was born and raised, I grew up here

Never left. Even now, I will never leave. "

"But the people you are familiar with have left one after another." Lilith wanted to say something else, but Nailinya preempted her.

"Your familiar friends, and even familiar people around you, will become the same as you after your identity changes.

Strange road. "

"When people around you no longer recognize you, are you sure this is still the familiar city in your eyes?"


"To live an ignoble existence, to put it bluntly, you are deceiving yourself, implying that you can continue to live a human life, but the truth is

In fact, even you yourself know that you are deceiving yourself. "

"Think about it carefully and look again. Is this still the city you are familiar with?"

"Or do you want to end your journey here? Then I have to remind you in advance that you will be caught by the temple.

Death is the best outcome. You will be locked up by them, sliced ​​and studied, and all your internal organs will be dug out.

, they will obtain various data about the vampire royal family from you, and may even arrange for a human to match you~

Plant it. "The last sentence Nailanya said was nonsense. In order to scare Bai Ji, she naturally went towards the most terrifying and serious consequences.

Frankly speaking, given human urine, it is indeed possible to do such a thing.

The effect was very good, Bai Ji was so frightened that her legs became weak.

There are no people in the world who are not afraid of death, and there are no vampires who are not afraid of death, let alone this torture that is worse than death.

Who is not afraid? ?

"Now, does Miss Bai Ji know what she is facing? We don't care, but are you sure?

Come with us. "Nelinya continued to be seductive.

"Now, the only people you can trust are us as the same race. Now, we are leaving tomorrow and leaving completely.

If you leave here, you won't come back. You only have one chance. If we leave, there will really be no one to take you out of here.

Lilith hesitated to speak. She wanted to say something but was stopped by Nelinya.

Well. "Bai Ji, who calmed down, also began to waver. No, she was so frightened that her face flushed and her legs trembled.


It’s not like she hasn’t read the contents of those indescribable little albums. When Nailinya mentioned this aspect,

She almost subconsciously made up the contents of the small album. When she thought that the protagonist in it would become herself, she immediately became excited.

Cold sweat broke out.

"How about it, have you decided? Should you stay in this city, starve to death, become a prisoner and plaything of the temple, or come with us?"

"Well, Ming Na, can you wait while I prepare a suitcase and bring all the things I need to bring?

?" Bai Ji said weakly, finally succumbing to Nailinya's desire.

"Tsk, are you sure that won't affect our actions?"

"I can't help it, I really can't let go of these comics and games," Bai Ji said with tears in her eyes.

“Okay, okay, you go ahead.

"Yeah!" Bai Ji, who was successfully deceived and became lame, immediately got into her room and started tinkering.

Nelinya made a 'get it done' gesture towards Lilith.

"Okay, now that we have decided to leave, let's discuss the route." After Bai Ji packed her suitcase,

, the three of them gathered in front of a small map and looked solemn.

"This is our location. As far as the current situation is concerned, heading to Lorraine City is the shortest and safest route.

On the other hand, Lorraine City is also one of the borders of mankind. Once you leave the city, you will reach the outside area. No one will be able to control it at that time.

It's got us. "Nelinya analyzed with a lollipop in her mouth.

"But Lorraine City is too far away from us. To go there, you have to at least take a plane, right?"

"I don't think it's realistic for us to pass the security check before we fly." Bai Ji said worriedly.

To be honest, she was very uneasy about leaving the familiar city and everything she knew.

"Well, and before that, do I need to go to school and ask the teacher for a long vacation or something, otherwise the school will

Not so good over there

"What kind of long leave are you asking for? If you just go and ask for it, will your teacher agree?" Nailinya looked at him speechlessly.

Bai Ji. "We will never see each other again. We will never interact with each other until we die. What's the point of asking for this leave?"

"But, Xiao Bai Ji is right, it is indeed impossible for us to pass the security check." Lilith thought.

"How about we take the train?" Bai Ji suggested after a long silence.

"Is there no security check on the train?" Although Nailinya didn't know what a train was, it sounded like one.

Personal transportation means, to be honest, human beings are still very successful in laziness.

"No, although trains also have security checks, they are more relaxed than planes. Some fire trucks are used for smuggling cargo.

There wasn't even a security check on the car. "

"Then do you have any knowledge in that area?" Nailinya raised her eyebrows.

No. "

"Then what are you talking about? Isn't this funny? ?"

"Ding dong." At this moment, the doorbell rang.

"? ? ?" The three people who were conspiring to discuss were stunned at the same time, and then their eyes were filled with vigilance and caution.

"The guys from the temple are here so soon?" Nailinya drew out her long knife and looked at the entrance coldly.

"Nelinya, you are responsible for protecting Xiao Bai Ji. The room is too narrow. After the war begins, we will immediately

rush out. "Lilith stood up and said.

"Um, can you listen to what I have to say?" Bai Ji said helplessly in the middle. "Wan-not the temple

, but the one who charged the water bill to check the gas, or the one who rang the wrong doorbell. That was not an accidental injury to an innocent person, but also exposed his location by the way.


"Let me go over and take a look first."

Lilith and Nailinya looked at each other and acquiesced to Bai Ji's statement. After all, it would be dangerous for them to start a war here.

Extremely disadvantageous.

After Bai Ji put on the disguise pendant, she took a deep breath and walked to the entrance and looked through the cat's eye.

At the entrance of the dim corridor, a woman whose appearance was unclear stood outside the door.

"Who is it?" Bai Ji asked without letting down her guard.

"The figure outside the door was silent.

An alarm bell suddenly sounded in Bai Ji's heart. A stranger rang the doorbell and asked her who she was without telling her who she was. She just stood there.

It seems suspicious no matter how you look at it.

"I'm going to call the police if you don't speak." Seeing that the other party still didn't say a word, Bai Ji added.

The figure outside the door finally panicked after hearing this.

"I, who, do you still remember me?" - A clear and sweet female voice echoed through the corridor, and the figure

Seems a little nervous.

"How do I remember who you are? Sister, have we met?" Bai Ji thinks this girl is very funny.

"I am. The figure outside my door seems to have mustered up the courage. "You, are you Ji Bai?"

"I am, what's wrong?" The other party knows his name, so it doesn't look like he rang the wrong doorbell, obviously.

Come prepared.

"You really don't know me anymore, I'm your sister."

"Huh?" Bai Ji tilted her head and was stunned for a long time. "Miss, you've got the wrong person, right? What sister? You are the one

You shouldn’t recognize me as a poor person even if you identify your relatives randomly, right?”

"No, I didn't lie to you, I'm really your sister!" Seeing Ji Bai say this, the figure outside the door changed from his calm expression.

His tone became impatient.

"Do you remember those letters? Those are the ones I sent to you."

"Trust?" Bai Ji suddenly realized when he heard this, and suddenly remembered it.

Oh, it turns out that the person who sent the letter came to your door?

"Those letters were sent by you? ?"

Well, can you let me come in and talk?

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