"I, I am your sister!" The voice outside the door seemed to have finally mustered up the courage.

"Those letters? I wonder if you still remember those letters? I sent them to

"Huh? Those letters were sent to me by you?" Bai Ji was stunned. "You are the one who sends me letters and money every month,

The one who calls herself my sister?"

"Yes, yes, but I really am." The person standing outside my sister's door said a little aggrievedly.

"Sister, please stop making trouble. Why are you making trouble with me, an orphan without a father and a mother? I have had no relatives since I was a child.

Ugh!" Bai Ji was stepped on hard by Lilith who came up to her. She almost screamed out from the pain.

"Eh? What's wrong with you? Why does your voice sound weird?

"No, it's okay. I kicked the quilt while sleeping last night and got a cold." Bai Ji said, covering her mouth.

"Oh, is that so? Pay attention. Can your body open the door and let me in while you are talking?"

"Oh, wait a moment." Bai Ji turned her gaze to Nailanya and Lilith, and moved her mouth slightly: What should I do?


Lilith and Nelinya looked thoughtful.

"Ji Bai, are you in any trouble? If you are in trouble, you must explain it to your sister.

Well, it’s not that my sister is bragging, she is still very good at solving troubles. "Seeing that Bai Ji has been reluctant to open the door,

Door, the girl outside the door said seriously.

"No, no, I'm fine. I haven't had any trouble."

"Yeah, that's good."

Bai Ji swallowed her saliva and gestured to the two of them: It seems that this door must be opened. How about you first?

Hiding? ?

‘Okay, let’s observe who the other party is first and then talk. ’

Xiaobai Ji, please be careful. ’

After saying that, the two hid in the inner room.

Bai Ji took a deep breath and opened the door. The cold light in the room fell on the girl outside the door.

Purpose blond hair reflected.

"This must be your first meeting, my brother." Seeing Ji Bai, the girl seemed very happy.

She took off the large sunglasses and mask that obscured her face.

The girl's appearance really amazed Bai Ji. Unlike the charming Nailinya, the girl gave people a sense of sanctity and innocence.

It's hard to be offended. Her pure blond hair is swaying, which involuntarily reminds Bai Ji of comics.

The knight in the movie is beautiful and charming.

"Ji Bai? Are you okay?"

"Oh, hug, sorry, I lost my temper." Bai Ji quickly looked away.

"It seems I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Bai Ling Shenglun, um, that is, your sister." In Bai Ji

In front of him, Bai Ling still seemed a little shy.

"My sister? Well, this lady, the sister you are referring to, is she the kind who is related by blood, or is she

Do you recognize that one?" Bai Ji tilted her head.

"Of course they are related by blood!" Seeing Bai Ji questioning her identity, Bai Ling became a little anxious. "If you don't believe it

If so, we, we can go to the hospital for a blood sample investigation now. It’s definitely my dear sister.

"Well, don't get excited first." It was definitely impossible for Bai Ji to do a blood sample investigation.

Are you kidding me? If she wants to do a blood sample investigation now, she will be found to be a vampire in no time, okay?

If they can find out they are siblings, there will be ghosts.

"If you don't believe it, let's go and check it out now!" Bai Ling grabbed Bai Ji's hand and left immediately.

"Hey, no, I believe it, I really believe it! No need to check, no need to check, I already believe it!" Bai Ji saw this and said

hurriedly said.

Just kidding, how dare she, a vampire, go to the hospital to get a blood sample? ?

By the way, why is this girl so strong? ?.

Hugging me seemed a bit too much. "Looking at Bai Ji who suddenly hid in the corner, Bai Ling realized

When he scared her, he folded his hands on his lower abdomen and said apologetically.

"It's okay. If you have something to do, sit down and talk. Then sister Bai Ling, why did you come here to see me on this trip?"


When Bai Ji called her sister, the expressionless Bai Ling couldn't stop trembling.

After two clicks, my legs felt a little weak and I sat down on the sofa.

"Well, Ji Bai, what did you call me just now? ?"

"Ah? Sister Bai Ling? Well, can't we call her that?"

"Woo! No, no, yes, yes, absolutely yes!" Bai Ling nodded quickly. "You want to call me sister

It's totally fine, sister. "

"Oh, then, sister Bai Ling~?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"The expressionless Bai Ling felt like she couldn't hold herself any longer.

"Um, sister Bai Ling, what's wrong with you?"

"No, I just suddenly thought of some things from my childhood."

"As a child?

"Yes, that's what you called me when I was little. Bai Ling's cheeks were filled with a trace of nostalgia.

"Really?" Bai Ji didn't remember living with her so-called sister when she was a child.

"But you probably don't remember."

"Well, to be honest, I only remember that I was living in an orphanage since I was conscious, without parents or

Relatives. "Bai Ji scratched her head. She felt that Bai Ling didn't seem to be lying, but she didn't think about it at all.

to the other person’s memory.

"I can't help it. Forget it all. Let the past go by. How have you been doing these years?


"Well, it's okay. Oh, by the way, Bai Ji thought of something and brought up a large box from under the coffee table.

, placed it on the table, opened the lid, and pushed it to Bai Ling.

"This is the money you've sent me over the years."

"What does it mean?

Bai Ling was stunned for a moment, looking at the untouched money in front of her, feeling a little confused.

"I can't take the money you gave me. Besides, my money is enough. Thank you for your care over the years."

"Bai Ling was stunned for a while, her cheeks were slightly red, and there was a trace of tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Hey?!" Bai Ji didn't know why she was crying as he said it, but she was the least likely to see it.

Girls cry.

"Well, don't cry. I, did I make you angry? If you have something to say, please don't cry!" Bai Ji said

Bai Ling, whose face had changed very little since she came in, suddenly cried, which made Bai Ji very confused.


"My brother has grown up, doesn't he need his sister anymore? '

No, no, I really appreciate your care over the years. You still write to me every month.

Yeah, I'm really touched. "

"Then why did you refuse your sister's support?" Bai Ling raised her head, her blue eyes filled with tears.

Tears, red.

"No, no, I mean, I really can't use the money, I have enough money.

"I understand, Ji Bai still doesn't recognize me as her sister, right?

"Bai Ji is a girl with two heads and one head. She didn't expect that this girl as beautiful as Knight Ji would have such an awkward side.

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