Bai Ji felt that this month was the most tiring one for her. Ziran, who had nothing to worry about, couldn't do anything this month.

Inexplicably, a biological mother and a biological sister appeared, and they both appeared in such an unexpected way.


"Well, sister Bai Ling, please stop crying. I didn't say I don't recognize you, but I really don't understand why you have to

Do you want to recognize me as your brother?"

"Isn't the implication of your words saying that I am mistaking my relatives?" Bai Jin pouted slightly, looking extremely aggrieved.


"no no,

"Sure enough, you still don't trust me, right? Let's go to the hospital and talk about all the problems in person.


"No, no! I believe it, I really believe it. Then why did my sister come to me this time?"

"Hmm!" Bai Ling's heart trembled again, "Sister" and Bai Ling's sister are not on the same level.

! Calling sister directly is obviously much more affectionate than calling her with her life.

"Ji Bai, you, come here."

"Ah?" Bai Ji didn't understand what happened to Bai Ling suddenly, but she still came over.

"Puff!" Bai Ling rushed forward and hugged Bai Ji's body.

"Hey?! What are you doing! What are you doing all of a sudden? ?" Despite the disguise, Bai Ji's current

The body is no longer the human male body before. I don’t know if it is because of the birth.

She's so sensitive, even if she does this, she'll turn red in the face.

"Let sister hug you." Bai Ling said expressionlessly, hugging Bai Ji into her arms, but there was a trace of sadness on her face.


"Uh, uh, the girl's unique virgin body fragrance rushed into the nose, and the waves surged up, and Bai Ji felt herself

I'm about to suffocate.

She was stoic, and so was someone in the room.

"Your Highness Lilith, calm down, calm down. Cold sweat broke out on Nelanya's forehead. She grabbed Lilith's arm and didn't let go.

, for fear that she would do something irrational next moment.

"This woman." Lilith stared at Bai Ling expressionlessly through the crack in the door.

It's hard, the fist is hard.

"Where did this woman come from? Didn't you see that Xiao Baiji was reluctant? Why did you hug her? You should have a certain amount of shamelessness."

"I really want to teach her what it means to be reserved."

"Bear it, Your Highness." Nailinya held her forehead. "You can't reveal your identity, otherwise you'll be in trouble."

"It's easy to handle. Just let that woman disappear."

"No, Your Highness, taking human lives is not conducive to our actions. Please calm down. You are already violating your original intention."

Then the edge jumps back and forth.

"Nelinya said something nice, and Lilith gradually calmed down.

"Little Ji Bai." Bai Ling, who took a long time to let go of Ji Bai, looked at Bai Ji affectionately. "It's so cute."

"Uh-huh, Bai Ji is dizzy.

"Well, um, sister Bai Ling, why are you here this time?

"I heard that there was a terrorist attack here, and I am here to ensure your safety." Bai Ling said seriously. "Now

It seems that you are not missing any arms or legs, sister, don’t worry

"That's right, brother." Bai Ling suddenly looked solemn.

"Ah? What." Bai Ji didn't know why.

"Have you been in any trouble recently?"

"Trouble? No."

"Really?" Bai Ling tilted her head.

"No, no, sister." Bai Ji waved her hand and looked away. She always felt that when she looked into those eyes, she

The whole person will be seen through.

"It doesn't matter if you are in trouble, just tell your sister." Bai Ling rubbed Bai Ji's head. "After all, sister, I said

Come on, I am very good at dealing with troubles, so if I encounter any trouble, even if I am threatened, I will

You can tell your sister and she will help you solve it. "

"Threats or something like that? How can you? Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?" Bai Ji forced a smile.


"I live alone. It's okay. There are no problems."

"Is that so?" Bai Ling sighed. "Then I really want to see it."

"Ah? What have you seen?

"See what kind of woman she is. She dares to instigate my brother to lie and deceive others.

A sister. "

"Ah? What do you mean?" Bai Ji suddenly broke into cold sweat and could hardly keep her composure.

"What do you mean?" Bai Ling stood up and looked straight into the room.

"Oops!" Nelinya quickly pulled Lilith back, who was peeking at the crack, and hid in the closet together.

"Have you been discovered?" Lilith tilted her head. "Then we can only take coercive measures."

"No, no, Your Highness Lilith, that woman is not an ordinary person!" Nailinya clenched her pink fists, just now

Just then, the moment she pulled Lilith back, the blond girl's eyes actually caught her, as if she had known it for a long time.

They were both in the same room.

"What's the meaning?"

"That blonde woman, she's very

Maybe from the temple

"Bang!" The door was violently pushed open, and Bai Ling walked into the inner room coldly and ruthlessly, looking at everyone in the room.

After all, his eyes finally rested on the big wardrobe that could only hide people.

"Sister, sister, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Bai Ji hurriedly caught up and took the initiative to hold Bai Ling's arm.

"Well, sister, this is my room. I live alone and there is no one else. Then

Take a look, there's nothing interesting to see. "

"Let's go out, how about we go out~" Bai Ji even showed off the cuteness of a little puppy, trying to make Bai Ji

Ling changed her mind.

"As long as it's my brother's request, I can agree to it." Bai Ling shook off Bai Ji's hand. "I will entangle my brother."

It is also my responsibility to clean up my brother's pests. "

"What!" Seeing Bai Ling approaching the closet step by step, Bai Ji became a little anxious.

At the critical moment, before Bai Ling reached out to pull the closet door, two figures flew out.

"Ha." Bai Ling, who easily avoided it, looked at the two people posing coldly and sneered.

"Sure enough, there's a bug in the closet."

"A vampire, and a succubus?" Bai Ling's eyes became colder and colder as she looked at Lilith and Nelinya. "You are the ones harming my brother and inciting her to lie, aren't you?"

"Please clarify the relationship, this blonde lady." Lilith responded expressionlessly. "Please don't do anything to me

Didn't you see how reluctant she was when Zi Si moved his hands and feet?"

"Son? Dirty maggot, you are so whimsical." Bai Ling pulled out a silver

Crossed sword, and Nailinya also drew out the long sword, with a tense posture.

"Well, Bai Ji, who is caught in the middle, is in a dilemma.

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