Blood Princess and the Knight

39~Misunderstanding solved

"Brother, when Bai Ji took off the disguise pendant with her own hands, Bai Ling was so stunned that she didn't hold it tightly.

Cross sword in hand.

"See clearly, this is my true posture now."

Bai Ling's beautiful eyes widened, and she rubbed her eyes to make sure she saw it correctly.

Standing in front of her is her brother? Silver hair, scarlet eyes, sharp fangs, and

He was no taller than his own chest and had almost no undulations.

"Are you a vampire?!" Looking at Lilith and then at Bai Ji, Bai Ling narrowed her eyes. "You put me

Where is my brother hiding? ?"

"I am Ji Bai.

"No, you lie, you vampire." Bai Ling said coldly. "Knowing how to use the appearance of my relatives to deceive me

What kind of price will love pay? ?”

"I'm not lying to you, I am Ji Bai."

"Oh, how dare a vampire speak nonsense?" Bai Ling clenched the cross sword in her hand. "Within ten seconds,

Tell me where my brother is. "

"What do you want to do?" Lilith stopped between Bai Ling and Bai Ji.

"Vampire, I didn't intend to fight with you when I came here this time, but if you are targeting my brother, then you

Don't even think about leaving here today. "Bai Ling's voice was as cold as the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month.

"I asked you why you kept preventing me from entering the room. Where is my brother? Tell the truth. What are you doing?"

How did you find him, and why are you looking for him? ?"

"Xiao Baiji, you shouldn't be so impulsive." A hint of blame flashed in Lilith's eyes. "If we can't defeat this woman

Man, you still have a chance to escape unscathed, now

"It's okay, leave it to me." With that said, Bai Ji took it out from the compartment of the bedside table in full view of everyone -

Taking the key, he opened a door of the closet compartment with ease.

Then, under Bai Ling's strange expression, she took out wooden boxes one after another.

Bai Ling recognized it. This was the box she would send to Ji Bai on time every month. It was filled with money and

Her letter to her brother.

"Sister Bai Ling, this is the first box you sent me. I remember the date. It was about five years ago.

One night, I wasn't in high school yet, probably in the first year of junior high school. At that time, I was accepted into the orphanage.

He went to a cheap junior high school in the old city for relief. "

"Because I have a withdrawn personality and have no friends in school, the aunt in the orphanage often ignored me and regarded me as a burden to spend money on. At that time, I was not old enough to work for others, so I couldn't live without the person who disliked me.

There was no one to talk to in the orphanage. Now that I think about it, it was really the worst moment in my life. "

Bai Ling listened and lowered the sword in her hand little by little.

"Really, thank you very much for sending me a letter at that time." Bai Ji bowed deeply towards Bai Ling.

"Thank you for being willing to be my first communication partner, even if I have never met you, even if I don't know you

Where, can't just a few words a month be enough to make me understand that there are still people in this world?

Love me and care for me unconditionally. "

"The aunts in the welfare home also mistakenly thought that I was the illegitimate child of a high-ranking cadre because of your letters and sending money.

My wife’s complexion and attitude towards me have also improved a lot. "Bai Ji showed a sincere smile.

"Thank you for letting me spend a childhood that was not lonely. Thank you very much, Sister Bai Ling."

"It was you who taught me to look for warmth in the world.

"No matter whether I have a blood relationship with you or not, you will always be my sister. It was you who helped me when I was most desperate.

, brought this heart-warming temperature. "

"Ugh, after hearing the last word, Bai Ling completely put down the sword in her hand and dropped it to the ground. She lowered her head and raised her shoulders.

Trembling, constant sobbing.

She suddenly rushed forward and hugged Bai Ji. "Xiaobai, it's really you, it's really you

Bai Jiying fell into Bai Ling's hug.

These words not only solved the misunderstanding, but also made Bai Ji anxious and unsure of what kind of position he occupies in Bai Ji's heart.

Bai Ling understood.

Did it turn out that she occupies such an important position in his brother's heart? ? It's a pity that I have been cautious


After successfully resolving the misunderstanding, several people could finally sit down and talk things through. Although Lilith and Nailin

Ya is still wary of Bai Ling, and Bai Ling also dislikes these two aliens, so there is Bai Ji between the three of them.

Caught her in the middle.

"Xiao Bai, what happened? Why did you become a vampire? ?" Even though the misunderstanding was resolved,

Bai Ling still found it incredible.

How can a human become a vampire? This is clearly a cross-species transformation, right? ?

"Well, there are many reasons why Bai Ji thinks it will be difficult to explain this matter.

"Let's go." Bai Ling grabbed Bai Ji's hand. "Sister, take you to the temple and see the bishop. He must have

A way to restore your body. "

"I can't just sit idly by regarding this." At this moment, Lilith held Bai Ji's other hand.

"I didn't know it before, but now, Bai Ji is my heir, and I can't watch her being harmed because of your own opinions."

"You really dare to say that, Your Highness the Vampire." Bai Ling's face became a little gloomy. "I haven't settled the score with you yet.

Well, the fact that my brother became a vampire has nothing to do with you, right? ?"

"So what." Nelinya interjected.

"Why, haven't you been beaten enough?" Bai Ling's tone became cold.

"Huh? I got beaten, and I don't know who got beaten until the end!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing! Sister, they chose to embrace me for the first time in fact to save me." See you.

The scene was full of gunpowder again, and Bai Ji hurriedly came out to smooth things over.

"Save you?" Bai Ling was stunned, and then touched Bai Ji's forehead. "Is this child confused due to fever?

How could you say something like this? ?”

"I don't have a fever. Besides, how should a vampire have a fever?" Bai Ji said helplessly.

"Let me explain to you. Your brother was killed by people from the temple. In order to save him, my Highness did this.

You just embraced him as a vampire for the first time, do you understand now?" Nelinya snorted.

"You also said that you should take him to the temple to find the bishop. This is really nonsense. After meeting the bishop, will she still be able to live?

?The temple will save her? I think we should move her to the operating table to save her!"

"How is that possible? You are confusing right and wrong."

"Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, ask your good brother? Oh no, she is now the little princess of our blood clan."

"Is what she said true?" Bai Ling didn't believe it and asked.

"It was Mashiro-hime who nodded.

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