"Are what they said true?" Bai Ling couldn't believe it.

"It's true." Bai Ji nodded, although the previous plot of the priest chasing Lilith was deliberately deleted.

Yes, but as a matter of fact, it is indeed like this.

"Have you brainwashed my brother?" Bai Ling turned her cold eyes to Lilith and Nai.

Lin Ya.

"That's funny enough. Didn't you just make sure that she was not manipulated by us? Now, this

Are you deceiving yourself and not wanting to accept the truth?" Nailinya snorted.

"But why did the priests take action against my brother? In the final analysis, it's because of you two pests.

Bar? ?

"You really have the nerve to say this. Your temple acted indiscriminately and accidentally injured ordinary people.

The citizens are still planning to hide the past, can this be blamed on us?"

"In order to save her, my young lady spent her only precious opportunity to have her first love. Otherwise, you would still be able to see her now.

Did you see your brother? "Although what Nailinya said is still true, she deliberately cut off the beginning.

Who did it?" Bai Ling stared at Bai Ji and said every word.

"They're all dead. You should really see how your temple enforces the law. It's wrong to accidentally injure innocent people."

He said that a few days ago, in order to attract new members, other alien races were released to cause trouble in the town, leaving those students homeless.

Forced to join your temple

"That's nonsense, vampire, do you have any evidence for saying that?" Bai Ling frowned.

"Maybe I don't have evidence, but anyone with a discerning eye can see who is causing trouble." Nailinya argued.

"Excuse me, why do the Bronze Men, who have been enslaved by humans, appear in human city-states? You need to know

The territory of the Bronze Men has now become a no man's land. The only place where the Bronze Men exist is you humans.

Federation, in the underground prison of your human federation!”

"You are talking nonsense! We are not a group of vampires like you who do all kinds of evil for profit!

"Oh, it doesn't matter. You are all just the same. What am I telling you for? It's a waste.

tongue. "

"Let's go, little Ji Bai, follow me to find the bishop. Don't worry, the bishop is kind. He will not hurt you.

Moreover, with your sister here, you will definitely be able to successfully recover your body.

"The bishop of the temple will be merciful to a vampire? Miss Bai Ling, are you kidding me?"

"This is my brother. You foreigners don't have to deal with the matter between me and her." Bai Ling said coldly. Even after knowing that Lilith saved Bai Ji, her attitude towards them was still very unfriendly.

"Bai Ling sister Bai Ji thought for a while and finally let go of Bai Ling's hand.

When she heard that humans could be restored, she did have a flash of hope in her heart, but after experiencing the temple twice in a row,

After the incident, Bai Ji's view of the temple has changed from a tall and positive image to a completely negative image.

Release the imprisoned alien races and carry out terrorist attacks based on their hatred of humans. At least for now, Bai Ji

Think it is entirely possible for the Temple to do such a thing.

The pain of having her fingers cut off was still fresh in her memory, and she did not want to become a test subject on the temple's operating table.

Perhaps because her race and body have been changed, she now has a fascination with those humans wearing white robes and holding crosses.

natural fear.

"younger brother?

"Sister, what do you think of me now?" Bai Ji asked Bai Ling questions one by one.

"No matter what you become, you will always be my brother, and this will never change." Bai Ling said firmly.

The way.

"Thank you, Sister Bai Ling, but if, if the bishop of the temple regards me as a heretic, he wants to eradicate me.

Or imprisoned, or even dragged onto the operating table for experimentation, what decision would you make?"

"No, the bishop is a very good person and they will definitely not make such a decision." Bai Ling was stunned and then insisted

Set the path.

"I mean, if, sister Bai Ling, can you answer my question?"

Boling was at a loss for words. She didn't know how to answer. If something like that really happened, she would

Somewhat at a loss.

In her mind, she and her brother must be classified as kind and righteous, so the temple will naturally

It is the base camp of the camp of kindness and justice, so since we both belong to the same camp, why do we hurt each other?

She couldn't understand.

"Sister Bai Ling, it's hard for you to answer, right?" Bai Ji sighed softly. "In order to avoid this dilemma,

Face, Sister Bai Ling, please don’t take me to the temple. "

"But this situation will never happen."

"Won't it happen? Haha, just yesterday, your sister was caught by a group of clerics and had several of her hands chopped off.

Point to it. "Nelinya teased coldly.


"Yes." Bai Ji turned her head away and nodded with difficulty.

"Then, it must be because we didn't speak clearly, right? ? As long as we speak clearly, the misunderstanding will be resolved."

"Some misunderstandings may be easy to resolve, but race is not

This kind of misunderstanding cannot be solved in any case.

It's a misunderstanding, but it's better to say it's prejudice. "Lilith added.

"Miss Knight, if you really want your brother to survive, you shouldn't take her to the temple."

"Sister Bai Ling." Bai Ji shook her head and let go of Bai Ling's hand. "I explained to the priests that I was full of

I tried to tell them that I was once a human, but the only answer I got was stupid vampires, stop pretending to be human.

'Such words

Bai Ling was silent. She really didn't expect such an ending.

"No matter what justice you firmly believe in, your brother can no longer survive in human society now.


"Miss Knight Ji, what is your choice? Would you rather sacrifice your brother or choose that hypocritical justice?

"It's not like what you said

"Even if that's not the case, the risk definitely exists. At that time, you are willing to betray your own tribe for her."

"What?" Lilith asked calmly.

"I dare." Before Bai Ling could answer, Lilith answered first.

You, Bai Ling, were stunned, not only because the other party answered so decisively and betrayed the entire ethnic group, this

How much courage does it take? ?

"At least in my opinion, nothing in this world is more important than blood relatives. For them, I am willing to carry

Rebel against everything. "

"Miss Bai Ling, do you have such a consciousness?"

"Abandon everything, including so-called justice and glory, and choose to stand with those closest to you -

Come on, Miss Bai Ling, do you have such a consciousness? ?"

"When faced with a choice, are you really willing to abandon the justice in your heart? ?"

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