"Be sure to keep warm when you go out. Also, raw food cannot be eaten - it must be cooked before eating.

Edible. "

"That's right, there may not even be decent houses over there in the vampire realm, so be sure to wear more clothes.

Take it. When it gets cold, remember to light a bonfire to keep warm. Be careful of catching a cold. Is there enough food? If not, my sister will give it to you.

you prepare

"Also, no one is watching you, so you can't stay up late playing games."

"Sister Bai Ling, I am a vampire, not a human anymore." Bai Ji said with black lines on her head. "I won't get sick, I won't

He is afraid of the cold and cannot eat human food, either raw or cooked. ’

"As for breathing, vampires are nocturnal creatures, right?

"Hey, let me tell you, Miss Bai Ling, do you think our Scarlet Blood Territory is an uncivilized primitive tribe?

? ?There are not even decent houses? Who did you listen to? ?The buildings in our Scarlet Blood Domain are comparable to those of you humans

These reinforced concretes are much more artistic. "After hearing Bai Ling's speech, Nailinya protested dissatisfied.

"All in all, it's too dangerous for you to go to the vampire's base camp alone." Bai Ling took a sip.

He pursed his lips, his eyes full of unbearability. "I have to meet the Queen of Vampires, which is so unbelievable that I can't even think about it.

So, you used to be a human, and those vampires would never look at you as a fellow human being.

"If you continue to keep her in human society, she is really in danger." Nailinya pursed her lips. "Maybe those

The noble ministers will doubt her origin, but they will never question her identity. She will get the best results in our Scarlet Blood Territory.

A good treatment, but if she continues to be placed in human society, she will be burned in the temple as a heretic.


Bai Ling remained silent, but held Bai Ji's hand tightly and refused to let go.

"Sister Bai Ling?

"Can my sister see you again in the future?

"Bai Ji lowered her head and remained silent. She couldn't answer this question. After going to the Scarlet Blood Territory, the two of them were completely different.

, and the two camps are opposed to each other, and it would be more difficult to meet each other than to reach the sky.

"Of course there is a chance." At this time, Lilith promised. “There is nothing more powerful than the bond between family members.

It's important. We all understand the desire to see our loved ones, so if you miss Bai Ji at any time, feel free to

Ji Ke can come to the Scarlet Blood Territory to find her.

Thank you. "Bai Ling bowed deeply to Lilith. "Although you are an enemy, you are a respectable person.


"I just hope we don't meet on the battlefield." Lilith smiled faintly.

"I hope so." Looking at Bai Ji affectionately, Bai Ling agreed.

"Your Highness Lilith, I leave my brother to you."

"Don't worry, whether it's out of obligation or something else, I will protect her."

"I just hope your queen mother thinks so too." Bai Ling sighed.

"You must have misunderstood. Although my mother was a bit strict with the heir, it was essentially a kind of care.

This kind of care is not available to ordinary people. "

Hearing what Lilith said, Bai Ji couldn't help but tremble.

This kind of care is scary in every sense of the word.

Under Lilith's soul torture just now, Bai Ling finally decided to follow her heart.

In order to prevent herself from making a decision that she would regret in the future, she decisively pushed Bai Ji to Lilith.

Even if she does the unjust act of releasing a vampire or even cooperating with a vampire now, she doesn't want to do it in the future.

She was in a dilemma regarding Ji Bai and did something that she would regret for the rest of her life.

Unlike other people, she has no father or mother and only one relative in the world like Bai Ji. She can no longer lose her.

This worries me.

This time, Sheng Lun violated his bottom line for the sake of his family, and only wanted to save those who could no longer survive in the human world.

My younger brother is living well in another new world.

"I will take care of the matter of leaving the Human Federation, so you don't need to worry about it." Bai Ling said

I turned on my phone and clicked on it a few times.

"The train is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. You can go there after you disguise yourself. I will have someone pick you up at noon tomorrow.

The completed identification documents will be mailed to you. You can use these to buy train tickets and go through security check. "

"Thank you." Lilith thanked her.

"It doesn't matter, all this is for me and this time the temple did not obey the rules and forcibly tied you up.

It is indeed unjust to come to the Human Federation. As a member of the temple, let me consider it as compensation for this. "

"You are worthy of being Xiaobai Ji's sister." Lilith said deeply. "Like her, full of sense of justice.

"I don't deserve justice. If I was really just, I should have stood up and said something about this matter."

Here, Bai Ling seemed a little ashamed.

"But you still did something that ordinary people can't do, right?" Lilith caressed her chest and bowed. "You are a

A true knight. "

"By the way, Xiao Ji Bai, this mobile phone is for you." After saying that, Bai Ling took out a brand new bag from her bag.



"My sister's phone number is 13984526216. If anything happens in the future, remember to call my sister. Of course, it's okay.


"Sister, there is no signal in the Scarlet Blood Territory." Bai Ji said sadly.

"Anyway, let's take it first.".

Okay, it's almost time for me to leave. Actually, I came here just to see if Xiao Jibai is okay.

If you stay longer, the bishop may have objections. "

"Sister, Temple, I won't embarrass you, right?" Bai Ji was a little uneasy.

"There is no need to worry about me. My sister is also the current Templar Knight Commander. There are not many people who can make things difficult for me.

oh. "Bai Ling squeezed out a smile and patted Bai Ji's shoulder. It could be seen that Bai Ling didn't smile often, so her smile was very...

It's stiff.

"It's time for me to go." He touched Bai Ji's face, as if he wanted to completely memorize her face, and his palms were slightly

Reluctantly letting go, Bai Ling walked to the entrance with one last deep look at her.

"Miss Lilith, from now on, Bai Ji will be entrusted to you."

"Go with ease, Your Excellency Bai Ling."

Be sure to treat her well. "After saying that, Bai Ling turned and left.

After gathering her emotions, Bai Ling returned to her previous indifference and calmness when she went out.

Bai Ji stood inside the door, staring blankly at the closed door of the entrance hall, always feeling a little empty in her heart.

Although this was the first time she met her biological sister, it felt like the two had actually known each other for a long time.

They have said a lot of things, but today, the two of them are about to separate, and they will go their separate ways from now on.

Perhaps after becoming a girl, Bai Ji began to become sentimental. She was reluctant to leave and at the same time very sad.

It's sad.

"It's okay, we will meet again in the future." Lilith patted Bai Ji's back and comforted her.

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