In the magnificent church, a blond girl wearing armor knelt down in front of the church statue, clasping her hands.

Pray sincerely.

"You don't come to this place often. Do you have any worries or confusion?"

Hearing this, the blond girl turned around and saw a kind and kind godfather with narrowed eyes and holding a cross.

"Your Majesty Bishop, I have a little trouble and I want to talk to the Lord."

"Oh, that's right." The bishop nodded and patted the blonde girl's shoulder kindly. "Then, after all

Why is your indestructible sword full of confusion?"

"I always feel that I have done something wrong, something that cannot be forgiven.

Selfish desires lead to things that are disobedient to God. "

"That's it." The bishop sighed. "We are mortals after all, not gods. As long as we are mortals,

Then we will never be able to reach true perfection. The seven emotions and six desires constrain us and make us misjudge certain things.

It is normal to make mistakes. "

"Lord, will you forgive me?" Bai Ling asked hopefully.

"Of course, the Holy Lord is merciful and tolerant of all. Human beings are all his children. He will tolerate everyone unconditionally.

Believers who are willing to return from their lost ways. "

"Is that so?" - After some enlightenment, Bai Ling suddenly felt enlightened.

"Thank you, Lord Bishop, I understand." After thanking the bishop, Bai Ling left the church.

"Let the glory of the Lord guide your way." The bishop stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at Bai Ling's leaving back with a smile.

After Bai Ling was completely invisible, there was still half a smile on her wrinkled face.

"Go and find out who the Holy Knight Commander has been in contact with these days, where he has been, and what he has done." Bishop

Leng Yan ordered.

"Your will, sir." The man in white robe serving beside him stood with his head lowered and said respectfully.

"Lilith, the tickets have been bought. Where is Lin Ya?" Bai Ji, holding three tickets in her little hand, came back and found her old man

The pink-haired succubus who stayed by Lilith's side disappeared, and she couldn't help but ask.

Lilith remained silent and pointed to a certain steel ball shop inside the station.

"What are you doing? ?" Bai Ji walked up to the succubus with black lines on her head. The latter was playing steel at this moment.

The beads are playing happily.

"Shhhh, don't make trouble, wait for me to find an angle."

"Stop playing, it's time for us to set off."

"Hey, has the train arrived at the station?" Nailinya pouted and hit the steel ball out.

"We're almost there. We bought a sleeper berth. Let's go. Lilith is still waiting for you." She put on a disappointed look on her face.

After having enough fun with Nailinya, Bai Ji returned to Lilith, only to find that Lilith was missing.

"Ah, you two." Bai Ji covered her head, feeling like she was being led by an elder. She was clearly

With two small children by his side.

"Baby, what is that?" Lilith was standing at the door of a toy store, looking at a toy store with bright eyes.

shaking rattle

No, you don't want that thing, do you?" Bai Ji covered her head and felt her blood pressure rising.


"Yeah." Lilith nodded. "I'm just, just a little curious

"Bai Ji sighed, these two Scarlet Blood Territory residents looked like two country bumpkin girls when they entered the train station.

, curious about everything.

"Boss, how much does this thing cost?" Under Lilith's shining eyes, Bai Ji was helpless.

He agreed and bought this toy that even he despised when he was a child.

"Haha, I'm buying toys for my sister." Seeing the helplessness in Bai Ji's eyes, the toy store owner said

Have a laugh.

Since several people were wearing disguise pendants, in their eyes Bai Ji was a young man, while Nailinya and Li

Liz is a young girl.

It's obvious that you are enough to be your grandmother at these two ages.

Bai Ji whispered.

"Take it, I'll count this. Speaking of which, I also have a little sister at home, just like your sister.

So cute. "

"Thank you, boss." He took the brand new toy and handed it to Lilith's hand.

Who is whose mother? ?

Bai Ji never thought of this.

"Besides shaking, does this thing have any novel functions?" Lilith poked the rattle left and right.


"What new features do you expect? This is not a PSP." Bai Ji complained. "Speaking of which, you scarlet

Don’t Bloodland even sell toys for preschoolers? ?”

"Toys for preschoolers? Well, books?" Lilith tilted her head.

"Do your preschoolers only have books as toys? God, this is outrageous. Your industry there is

How far behind have you fallen behind? Naelinya, don’t run around! What, you, a succubus, also want to eat oden??”

After struggling for a long time, the three of them finally got on the train.

Bai Ling very considerately prepared sleeper berths for the three of them, instead of torturous train tickets like seat tickets or standing tickets.

Three people per box

, Baiji and Lilith are at the bottom, and Nailinya is at the top.

Lilith and Nelinya took a train for the first time in human society and looked around curiously.

"This box is so cramped."

"It's great to have a private room, what else do you expect?" Bai Ji said angrily. "You should be glad you're not standing

The ticket, if it were a standing ticket, there wouldn’t even be a box or a bed. Everyone would be packed into a box like a can of sardines.

The kind that would cause you to step on someone if you move your body. "

It makes me feel sick just thinking about it. "Nelinya looked disgusted.

"Young man, do you want a box lunch?" An aunt in an apron came to this box.

Bai Ji looked at Lilith, then at Nelinya, and finally at herself. "No need, none of us

Hungry. "

She's not hungry. She just had a few mouthfuls of rice yesterday, and now she's almost hungry.

It’s just that now she can’t eat human food, she can only

Bai Ji silently glanced at Lilith.

"Baby, are you hungry? .Xiao Nai Xiao Nai

"Ah, I know, come on~" Taking off their clothes, Nailanya and Lilith got into the bed and used the quilts.

After wrapping myself up, there was a shaking in the bed

This kind of movement made me feel embarrassed several times. I wonder if it was influenced by the two of them.

Ji also began to take off her clothes, her face flushed, and she tried her best not to listen to the noises made by the two people on the upper bunk.

"Okay, cub, come up."

"Looking at Nailanya who got off the bed with shame, Bai Ji finally lost to the hungry one, and she couldn't help but be ashamed.

He already took off his clothes and got into the upper bunk.

"Be gentle, kid."

Don’t, don’t put it in such a misleading way!”

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