"Your Majesty Bishop, this is the registration list of Your Excellency Bai Ling these days. It lists all her places these days.

Towards. "

Not long after, in the early morning of the next day, all the people Bai Ling had come into contact with in the past few days and the places she had been were listed -

On the table.

"Si City?" The bishop frowned slightly. "Why would she go to that place?"

"I don't know, but after detailed investigation by our people, we confirmed the specific route of Sir Bai Ling that day."

"Silk City, slums? ?"

"Yes, according to locals, a blond girl entered an old building. It seemed that she was specifically looking for someone.

people. "

"Can you find out who she is looking for?"

"We checked, and just yesterday, the man left the old building and disappeared."

"Can we find out who the resident is?" A bad premonition flashed through the bishop's heart.

"My name is Ji Bai, male, seventeen years old, a high school student. He once lived in a small building in the old town of Sicheng. Now he

There was no one in that room. We tried again and again, and when we broke into it, we found that the room had been cleaned.

, leaving nothing behind

"However, we found traces of aliens in the house, which seemed to be blood-sucking

"Oops!" The bishop stood up immediately. "Why wasn't this reported earlier?

"We have just concluded the inspection. After all, if there was no such thing, we would not deliberately explore it.

Check - every household. "Seeing that the bishop was angry, his subordinates immediately showed weakness.

Who are the clergy left in this church today?" The bishop's face darkened, and he no longer had the kindness of the past.


"A battle nun, a battle priest, and Mr. Ragl, the silver knight, are also here."

"Okay, call them all!"


"Ah, it's so annoying." Nailinya yawned and said with a sad face. "You are obviously not human, but you still pretend to be

Human beings go to bed at night, why should I do such stupid things? How can I sleep at night?

"Shhhh, keep your voice down. With so many people listening, don't you think your voice is too quiet?" Bai Ji immediately covered her voice.

Narinya's mouth.

"Hey, what are you afraid of? There are no people from the temple in this car. So what if you hear it? You can just treat it as a joke. What else can you do? Arrest us?" Nailinya said to Bai Ji. One glance.

"Well, Your Highness, you are awake too. Good morning."

"Hmm." Lilith climbed up from the bed and stretched out her hand to say hello. She just looked at her eyes.

I probably didn't sleep all night.

After all, it is too difficult for vampires to reverse their biological clock, just like getting enough sleep during the day for humans -

, surprisingly difficult to sleep.

"Ah, I lay there all night. I feel so uncomfortable. I'm so bored. Damn Bai Ji, what did you do last night?"

The bed was lit up all night. "Nailanya looked at Bai Ji sadly.

"Yes, yes?

"I saw it, you played with your phone all night, right? ?" Nailinya narrowed her eyes.

"So what? I can't sleep anyway, so I might as well play with my phone or something."

"Humph, that's really too much. You have a mobile phone to play with) L but you don't want to share it with me."

"How can I share it with you?" Bai Ji said angrily. How about you come under my bed and we can play together? "

"Okay, okay~ Then, I happily decided tonight."

"Wait, wait, what does it mean to decide happily? When did I agree? Don't mess around?" Bai

Ji showed a vigilant look on her face. This succubus that sucks people's energy will definitely cause bad things if she gets under the covers.

"Pfft, I lied to you. He looked so serious. It was quite funny." After saying that, Nailinya said haha.

owe. "But I really need to take a rest. I was busy all day yesterday and I didn't even sleep at all."

"Eh? Are you going to sleep?"

"Of course, I'm not allowed to eat, and I can't be allowed to sleep, right?"

"But if three people sleep together, what if they are targeted by someone with malicious intentions? After all, what happens in the carriage?

Bai Ji said worriedly with so many heads.

"So, someone must guard the other two."


"Hey, it's first come, first served. I'll take the first step." With that said, Nailinya rolled over on the bed and buried her head in the bed.

Bag then fell asleep.

"Eh? ?" Bai Ji turned her gaze to Lilith, who was still lying on the bed.

"Baby, I'll leave it to you to guard the door. Mother, please take a nap first." After saying that, Lilith also buried her head.

“Eh eh eh?

The breathing of the two people gradually stabilized, indicating that they both fell asleep.

"You two! It's too much. I, I want to sleep too. Wu Ming is afraid that Ji will stand in the middle of the room aggrieved.

In the middle, I felt like a little fool.

"Bullying children, what are you doing?!" In desperation, Bai Ji could only hold on to her energy, sit on the bed and mumble.

He opened his mouth and played with the mobile phone Bai Ling gave him.

At this time, she saw that there were new chat messages

The message was sent to her by Bai Ling last night.

"Brother, how are you? Is everything going well?" Bai Ling's avatar is the avatar that comes with the basic chat APP.

It has not been changed. The date of birth and other information that ordinary people would never fill in truthfully are also filled in carefully one by one.

After writing it down, based on Bai Ling's personality, Bai Ji felt that the information filled in above was most likely true.

"Everything goes well, sister." After thinking about it for a while, she felt that it would not be good to leave the other party alone, so Bai Ji cut out a piece of text and sent it

Go up.

"Well, that's good. Remember to tell your sister if anything happens." Bai Ling's message came back almost instantly.

"Okay, thank you sister. By the way, sister, we should not have been discovered by the priests, right?"

"No, no, unless they check the train tickets and identification I gave you, by the way, Xiao Jibai

Yesterday, I talked to the bishop a little bit and got some pointers, which were quite useful. "

"Oh, Bishop?"

"Yeah, he is a very good bishop in our diocese. I will tell him anything on my mind. He

He often uses his profound knowledge to answer my questions. "

"Oh, that's it." After chatting with Bai Ling for a while, Bai Ji was no longer so sleepy, but she always

I was a little uneasy, always feeling that things were going too smoothly, something wasn't right.

In the evening, Lilith woke up early and changed shifts with Bai Ji.

"Xiao Nai is still sleeping with him. She spent too much energy last night and hasn't eaten until today.

You really need to get some sleep. "Lilith nodded and did not wake up Xiao Nai.

"Zai, how long will it take to arrive at the border town?"

"Well, if nothing else happens, it will be at noon tomorrow."

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