"The border town is about to arrive. Passengers arriving at the station please be prepared to get off the bus, get off the bus one after another, and gather in formation.

The mechanical sound woke up Bai Ji, who was still a little hazy. In a daze, she woke up from the bed and rubbed her body.

With sleepy eyes, I suddenly felt that there was a soft pillow beside me.

"Morning, little princess~ Well, although the time can no longer be described as morning."

Huh?! Nai, Nailinya?! Why are you in my bed?!"

"Ah? Are you sleeping so deeply that you don't even remember when I got into bed?" Nailinya said playfully.

"No, stop making trouble. Did you do something to me while I was sleeping?" Bai Ji immediately checked.

Are there any strange things left on your neck, cheeks, chest, or lower abdomen?

"Tch, you're so petty. I obviously didn't do anything." Nailinya spread her hands.

"Then, why did you go to my bed?" Bai Ji still looked unbelieving. "You semen-sucking succubus, come on

What can my bed do besides eat me?"

"Don't make my eating behavior so ambiguous, okay? It's just a matter of sucking some essence."

"You really did it!"

"Tch, you're so stingy. You can't just eat anything on this train. I've been hungry for almost two days. I have to satisfy my hunger.


"Then why are you looking for me?

"Who should I look for if I don't look for you?" Nailinya said with a matter-of-fact expression. "Your Highness and I are both combatants.

You are the only one in the team who cannot fight. If there is an emergency, aren't His Highness and I the only ones who will fight? No.

If you stay in good condition at all times, your safety will be at risk!"

Bai Ji thought for a while, and it seemed that this was true. There was nothing she could do about it. Who said she was a douchebag who didn't know anything?

Woolen cloth?

"No fair, Lilith, I want to learn magic too!"



"No big one, no small one. Is that what you call your mother?" Nailin Ya's pink fist hit Bai Ji on the head.

"Magic is not something that can be learned in a short time. It requires systematic study. This kind of thing

There is no need to rush. "Lilith touched Bai Ji's head and thought for a while. "Don't worry, when you get to the Scarlet Blood Territory, you can forget it.

You have to want to learn even if you don’t want to learn. "

"My mother has been quite bored recently. After you arrive in the Scarlet Blood Territory, she will probably have something to do."

Why do I feel that what you said is a bit gloating? ?" Bai Ji had some bad premonitions in her heart.


"It's just your illusion."

"By the way, the terminal is almost here, probably in a few minutes.

You should be home soon. "Suddenly, Nelinya and Lilith stopped talking.

"What's wrong? You two, don't keep this inexplicable calmness while talking. It's weird."

"Xiao Baiji, is it true that our whereabouts have not been exposed?" Lilith said solemnly.

"Theoretically, there is no reason why this question was suddenly asked." Bai Ji was puzzled.

"We were blocked." Nailinya said.

"Ah? ?" Bai Ji was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile. "Hey, are you two too sensitive?

Even before we get off the station, you are saying that someone is blocking us. Even if you are suffering from paranoia, you won’t be like this, right?”

"I can feel it." Nelinya frowned slightly.

"Just, even if there is someone, they are not necessarily here to block us, right? Maybe they are just ordinary security personnel.

We can feel that among them, there are people who hold [Holy Martial Arts], and they are undoubtedly people from the temple. "

"And there's more than one." Nailinya added

Bo Ji swallowed. "No, it's not.

After all, she can't escape the situation where she becomes the enemy of humans. Will she finally face the temple head-on? ?

"Master Auxiliary Teacher, does our branch have any strategic missions against heretics these days?"

"Why did you say this, Your Majesty the Holy Knight?" Seeing the blond girl coming to look for him with a sword, the auxiliary leader said calmly.

He said what the leader told him to say.

"Then why do I think our branch has lost a lot of combatants recently?" Bai Ling frowned slightly.

"Ah? Really? Haha, isn't this a normal phenomenon? After all, the bishop has his own plans.

It’s not a big deal to use a few combatants, the bishop also has this right, doesn’t he?”

"But since there is a war, why didn't you notify me?"

"Well, you have to ask the bishop himself, but he doesn't seem to be in the church now. He should

I have something important to do, so I went out. "

"Then where exactly did the Bishop go?

"I don't know about this. Besides, where the bishop is going, there is no need to talk to us subordinates.

Tell me?" The assistant teacher smiled.

"Okay, I understand. I'll ask him again when he comes back."

"Well, may the Lord bless your future."

Bai Ling, who learned the bishop's whereabouts from the subordinate knights, felt a surge in her heart for some reason.

I felt a little uneasy.

"No." Bai Ji became a little restless after hearing what the two of them said.

Finally, are we going to face off against humans? ?So, there’s going to be a fight and there’s going to be blood? ?

Well, although this is not the first time she has seen blood, she is still uncomfortable with this kind of scene after seeing it several times!

"Is the battle inevitable?" Bai Ji grabbed the quilt. If she were still alive now, there would be

It's time to be so nervous that you're covered in sweat.

"The people in the temple obviously have a grasp of our movements and are waiting for work."

"Yes, could it be that their target is actually not us?" Bai Ji still felt lucky in her heart. "In case, you

What if they are just here to check people on a routine basis, or to hunt down criminals or something like that?”

"Does the pursuit of criminals require the deployment of temple personnel?"

"Then, that's probably this train. Besides us, are there other demon species on board?" After saying this, Bai Bai

Ji herself was silent. Even she didn't believe such words.

"They, how many people came.

"I don't know. I'll have to look at it to find out. But the only thing I know is that they are held by a [Holy Martial]

The one who led the team. "

"Saint Martial Master Bai Ji sat down on the bed.

I was looking forward to getting off the train, but now, the arrival time has become a countdown to death.

"Now, we are in trouble." Nailinya pulled her tail with a dull look on her face. "I'm not the best right now."

In this state, if there are too many people, His Highness and I may not be able to cope with it.

"Dear passengers, we have arrived at the border town. Please pay attention to the items you carry with you. Welcome to visit again.

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