"The final stop, Biancheng, has been arrived. Passengers please pay attention to your belongings and get off the bus one after another to avoid crowding.

, welcome to visit again. ."

As the train slowly stopped, the three of them looked at each other. Now, even if they were forced to stay on the train and not get off, it would be impossible.

It's possible.

"Troubleshooting? Is there anything to investigate here?"

"That's right, do you think I look like a robber?" The man in suit wiped his tie.

"Is there a suspect on this train? Or is it a serial bombing murderer? Stop making trouble. If that's the case, we won't

He was killed on the train earlier, wasn't he?

“We are all busy, civil servants, you know, we don’t have time to play these search games with you right now.

"Yes, you guys dress strangely. Compared with some suspects and wanted criminals, I think you

Are these people more suspicious? ?”

"Yeah, which law enforcement agency are you from? How come I've never heard of you?"

"Everyone, be quiet." A knight dressed in white robes and an antique medieval plate armor stepped forward and stopped him.

Passengers who want to leave.

"Please cooperate with our investigation, otherwise we have the right to think that you are hiding among the crowd."

"Aliens", I have you locked up.

"Why are you arresting people? Just because you are wearing these antique decorations? The Knight crew is not here

"Here, you're on the wrong set!" The man in a suit stepped forward and poked the knight's chest contemptuously.

"What, so what if I don't cooperate with you? What do you want to do to us? ? Let me tell you, I'm on official duty

A member of the Communist Party of China, the kind who can make great contributions to this country. If you dare to touch me, I will...


"Sir, you don't need your finger anymore. You can donate it to those in need." He held the man in the suit's finger and raised it.

, the man in the suit turned pale and screamed repeatedly.

The white-robed priests behind him also took out warhammers or swords and surrounded the train station.

The war hammer in the nun's hand swung so hard that half of the iron fence was dented.

Everyone's faces turned pale. Only now did they realize that the guys in these people's hands were genuine and not Taoist.


"You guys, what are you doing! A terrorist organization? If this happens, I will call the police.

!" A woman turned pale with fright, took out her mobile phone and threatened.

"Madam, who are you calling the police to arrest?" The knight raised his eyebrows. "Is it possible that you want to catch the aliens lurking among you? If that's the case, let's save it. The police don't care about this. These are under our control. Now, we can really

We are the only ones who guarantee your safety

"Hey, hey, hey?! Police station, can you hear it? It's right here at the border town train station. It's here.

A group of suspected terrorist organizations! We are controlled by them, come here and arrest them all!

Hey, hey?!" Hearing the sound of the phone being hung up, the lady swallowed, her feet trembled and she looked at these unfamiliar people.

People in white robes who know where the sacred place is.

"Okay, ma'am, don't waste your efforts. We told you that the police station will not care about this matter."

"You don't need to be too nervous. As long as you cooperate with our investigation, you will be fine. We usually

It will not harm the people. Just now, we were just showing our determination. "The knight will be dented

The iron fence was restored.

"Determination to find out the aliens thoroughly -

After the demonstration, everyone became much more honest, lined up obediently, and accepted the investigation one by one.

The three of them hid at the end of the team, and Lilith winked at Nelinya and Bai Ji.

It is impossible to muddle through the customs. At present, it seems that the only way to pass the customs is through forceful means.

"Sir, please show me your valid ID." Soon it was Bai Ji's turn, and he handed over his ID.

He went out, but did not stand on the detector.

"This gentleman?" The cleric who was checking the ID number was slightly surprised. Before he could say anything, he stood on the white background.

Nelinya, who was beside Ji, took action and knocked down the cleric with a punch.

"Quick!" At the same time, Lilith spread her wings, picked up Bai Ji and Nailiya and flew into the sky.

"Ah ah ah!" The scene fell into commotion for a moment.

"Oh, a vampire? It's the same as what the bishop said." The knight grinned excitedly. "You guys stay here

Here, just in case there are other aliens, leave the three in the sky to me!"

As he spoke, a pair of long cyan wings extended from the knight's back and flew into the sky.

[Holy Martial: Blue Sky War Rider]

Yuan planned to fly out of the border town directly by relying on his ability to fly, but he didn't want to encounter this

an obstacle.

"Want to escape, vampire?" The knight followed closely. "In terms of speed, I don't think you can beat me.

Lilith was not afraid of aerial confrontation, but in the sky, she was still holding two people in her hands and had no time to release the demon.

Curse, in desperation, Lilith had to make an emergency landing on a nearby high-rise building.

"Oh? Why don't you run away and have to hide in the dark corners of the maggots?" Knight

Land on top of this building

Looking at the three people with contempt.

"Escape? You, on the other hand, plan to fight one against three, are you really ready?" Nailinya snorted coldly.

"One versus three? Are you sure that's all?" As soon as the knight finished speaking, a six-star array of white light appeared in front of him.

At the bottom of his feet, in a dazed moment, rows of battle nuns and priests appeared.

Directly behind them, an old man wearing a white robe and holding a cross walked slowly.

"Your Excellency must be Your Highness the Vampire Princess, right, Your Excellency Lilith?" The old man bowed humbly. "

It's a pleasure to meet you. I am an unknown bishop in the temple. When I heard that the vampire princess was here, I was really disappointed.

"Now that you are at the end of your rope, I wonder if Her Majesty the Princess can come with us.

Go back and sit down, drink some tea or something. "

"Don't even think about it." Before Lilith could answer, Nelinya answered first.

She looked at the bishop coldly. "How did you know where we were?'

"Traces? Regarding this point, it is probably just the dereliction of duty and repentance of a colleague." The bishop said meaningfully.

"What do you mean by this? ?" Nailinya's heart sank. "Are we being sold?"

"Betrayed? Why is this? Vampires and humans are eternal enemies, so how can we talk about being betrayed? ? "Lord

Teach smile still.

"Haha, as expected, you shouldn't trust humans casually! A battle is inevitable, and Nelinya drew out her long knife.

Lilith secretly cast the spell, leaving Bai Ji alone, standing behind the two of them at a loss and trembling.

This is the first time she has seen such a big scene

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