"Xiao Nai."

"Yes." Nailinya nodded understandingly. She also noticed that something was wrong with the temple.

A single bottle of this level of weaponry is obviously not enough to defeat them, but the temple enjoys it and continues to attack them.

The miscellaneous soldiers were sent to die, even if this did not pose a threat to Lilith and Nelinya at all, it would at most consume Lilith.

The magic of silk.

As for the bishop, the old man always stayed at the back, maintaining an unchanged smile and not doing anything at all.

Lilith speculated that the bishop's [Holy Martial Arts] should not belong to the combat category, but what was even more strange was that,

The green-winged knight who was a combatant also did not take action, waiting beside the bishop as if waiting for something.

Lilith winked at Nelinya, it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, they had better leave as soon as possible.

"Do you want to leave?" Seeing this, the Green Wing Knight spread his wings and appeared above the three of them to prevent them from getting away from the battle.


"Something's wrong, Nelinya. They are trying every means to hold us back. They are probably waiting for reinforcements to support them." Lilith guessed the bishop's intention, but they were surrounded from bottom to top and did not escape at all.

Room to go.

"It's really tough!" Nelinya chopped the approaching priests into pieces with one knife. These priests who risked their lives came forward.

One after another, if the companions in front die, another group will come to replace them, and they will continue to form like ants.

The whole body is united and the heart is like one body, no matter how hard it is, it can't be killed.

"Vampire, suffer death!" Not only that, these fanatical believers even resorted to suicide bombings

, before he died, he blew off the bomb tied to his body.

[Despair Level Night Stalker]

Lilith pointed at the priest who was blasting towards her, and the red and black bats quickly gathered on him, covering him with

His whole body seemed to have turned into a membrane, and the explosion suddenly went silent.

Not afraid of death, this is the most terrifying enemy, even if it can be dealt with, it is very troublesome.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. Looking at that smiling old face, Nailinya felt very unhappy.

The old man shouldn't be the fighting type, right?

So, she drew her sword and stood up, rushing towards the old bishop through thorns and thorns.

"Bang!" Her sword was blocked midway, and the Green Wing Knight fell, saving the bishop.

"Miss Alien, don't you take me seriously?" the Green Wing Knight said with a smile.

"Hmph, how dare a mere human to block me? ?" Nailinya snorted coldly, and the long knives intertwined in the air to create a snare.

The Green Wing Knight showed no sign of weakness. The long sword crafted by the Temple and the long sword crafted by the Vampires collided together, causing a dramatic explosion.

Fierce sparks.

In terms of close combat swordsmanship, the Green Winged Knight obviously cannot compete with Nelinya, but with the advantage of being able to fly, when the disadvantage is

He was always able to escape unscathed, and Nairinya could not touch him at all. Although he could not do anything to Nairinya, Nairinya could not completely attack him.

Defeat him.

"You can't fly. It seems you are not a vampire, right?" The Green Wing Knight saw Nelinya's identity.

"You are as annoying as those biting mosquitoes." Nailinya said harshly.

"We are in love with each other, Miss Alien, the human language is pretty good. Since you can understand the human language, don't you understand?

Are you the mosquitoes that bite people?"

"If you all die, the world will be much quieter. Don't you want to make a contribution to this world?"

"I return these words to you intact, human being!

Nelinya and the Green Wing Knight were fighting fiercely, and Lilith was not idle either. - A round of magic bombing could blow it up.

Bai Ji was speechless as she watched dozens of clergymen.

It seems that Lilith was indeed out of shape from hunger that day, otherwise she wouldn’t have even three little priests.

Can't deal with it.

After observing the battlefield for so long, Bai Ji finally figured out who was the big daddy and immediately hugged Lilith.

He hid behind her thighs and didn't dare to move, for fear of getting shot again.

"Here we come." Suddenly, the bishop opened his eyelids.

Everyone stopped, including Lilith and Nelanya, and all looked at the sky.

"What is it?" Bai Ji didn't understand what she meant. She also looked at the sky with these people. As soon as she raised her head, she

It felt like my vision was obscured by the huge silver.

What about the sky? Why is the sky gone? No, it’s not that the sky is gone, but

Seeing the huge airship so close, Bai Ji cowered up in fear.

This big thing with cross symbols written all over it doesn’t look like a friendly army at all!

"This is it," War Lilith murmured to herself, her expression becoming more solemn.

"What is a war airship?" Ji looked at the huge airship suspended above him with trembling shoulders.

It is already longer than the building across the way. It is simply too scary. It is like a huge monster. It can be seen that

Bai Ji has a phobia of giant objects.

Before Lilith could answer, the airship's hatch opened, and countless small white balls jumped out of it, densely packed.

It wasn't until I got closer that I saw clearly that it wasn't some little white group, but individual knights!

The priests immediately gave in and gave these knights a place to stay.

"Alright, Your Highness the Vampire, let's officially start the game." The bishop opened his arms. "This knight is mine

The elite among the elite of our temple, [Knights of the Sacred Heart], I think you should have some impression, right?"

Lilith didn't speak, but her face gradually became a little ugly.

At this moment, Nelinya also abandoned the Green Wing Knight and returned to Lilith.

"Is the Knights of the Sacred Heart very strong?" Bai Ji asked casually.

It is very strong and can be matched three-for-one with the vampire's ace, the Forbidden Army. "Nelinya replied, also clenching her hands.

knife inside.

"I didn't expect you to be able to contact them so quickly." Lilith said.

"Don't underestimate our human communication tools, Your Highness, you should know the speed of this airship.

He only appeared at a certain time, so he was considered late as usual. "

"Furthermore, you should feel honored. This knighthood generally does not appear on the stage. Ordinary vampires have no chance of showing up."

I was too lazy to care, so I made it clear to their leader that this time there was His Highness the Vampire here, and he

We came so quickly, do you think we pay enough attention to you?"

"Today, no matter how many wings you have, Your Highness, you will never be able to escape from the palm of our hands. Of course, you can come now

Just give up the useless struggle and go back with us. "

Lilith was silent.

"Okay, I don't have to resist and just let you take it back obediently."

"Your Highness?! What are you talking about?" Nailinya was stunned.

"However, I have a condition. You must let go of my two servants." After saying that, Lilith pointed to the person behind her.

Narinya and Baiji.

"The two of them came to save me and should not have been involved in this dispute. If you agree to let them go,

I'll go back with you. "

"Hey, wait a minute, I don't

"Shut up." Nailinya gritted her teeth and covered Bai Ji's mouth with a snap.

Why can’t this idiot Y head not understand the problem at this time? ?

Lilith was deliberately concealing her identity by calling her a servant. Otherwise, if the temple knew about it,

, things will not be so simple

"Oh? That's it." The bishop looked meaningfully at the two people behind Lilith, especially Bai Ji. "

I didn’t expect Her Excellency Lilith to be so kind and kind to her subordinates?”

"They are my subordinates, and everything happened because of me. Naturally, I can't let them suffer with me." Lily

Silk said calmly. "How about it? Do you agree?"

"To be honest, I still have a lot of remaining magic power. It is only a matter of time before you want me to obey. But if this is the case, you will still have to bleed a lot." Lilith squeezed her palms with a cold expression. Look harshly

to the bishop.

The bishop was silent, as if weighing the pros and cons.

At this time, all members of the Knights of the Sacred Heart also arrived. This fully armed group fell in front of the bishop. In the Middle Ages,

Under the cross-shaped iron helmets, their faces and expressions could not be seen clearly.

"I am very touched by His Highness the Vampire's proposal. To be honest, the most valuable thing here is you. I really

There is no need to pay more for bringing along two unrelated people. "

"Nelinya gritted her teeth, her fingers almost bleeding from being pinched.

It would be better if she was alone, she would never abandon Lilith, but at this moment, there is someone beside her

Bai Ji, she is the descendant of Lilith’s first embrace and the hope for the continuation of the royal bloodline of the blood clan. She cannot be left behind by humans.

in hands.

Taking a step back, if Lilith really encounters something unexpected, even if the vampire's vitality is seriously injured, there won't be any big problems.

Because the heir is still there, the bloodline can continue.

Nelinya knew what she was carrying now, so even if Lilith made this proposal, she would not

Can't refute.

Compared with three people being captured together and the vampire losing their heir, this is the best situation now.

"It's up to you, Your Highness." After thinking for a long time, the bishop agreed to this request.

He had already noticed that one of the other two was a succubus, and the other was an unknown male alien. He took these two-

It's of no use at all. It's better to lose less and just capture Lilith, the sole heir to the blood royal family.

"Let them go, I will ensure that they really leave the Human Federation." Lilith said word for word.

"Of course, my princess, we said we would not take action against them, and we will definitely not do it."


I see. "Nelinya knows that now is not the time for her to be pretentious. She must focus on the overall situation, even if

Even if he endures the humiliation and bears the heavy burden, he has to take Bai Ji, the heir, back.

"Bai Ji, follow me

Bai Ji looked at Lilith.

"Don't let your mother worry, come with me quickly!" Nailinya gritted her teeth, grabbed Bai Ji's hand and left.

Bai Ji was dragged too hard by her, and now the camouflage pendant that had been affected by the battle was broken on the spot.

The Lord immediately narrowed his eyes.

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