"Paji!" Due to the previous violent exercise and the hail of bullets, the pendant hanging in Bai Ji's arms was already overwhelmed.

When it fell, it made a crisp sound, broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"? ? ?" Nailinya turned around to look, and then fell silent.

Not only was she silent, but everyone present, including the bishop and Lilith, was silent.

"Well, Bo Ji raised her hands and carefully looked around, silently staring at her.

Stop people. "Did I do something wrong again?"

"Let's go! Nailinya felt like she was going to be pissed off by Bai Ji, so she pulled Bai Ji's wrist and wanted to go out of the field.


"Wait a minute." As he passed by the bishop, the latter spoke.

Nelinya ignored him and quickened her pace.

"Stop them." The bishop ordered, and several Knights of the Sacred Heart stepped forward and blocked the way for the two of them.

"Your Majesty, Bishop, as one of the presiding officers of the temple, have you ever done something like this?" Li

Liz frowned. "You just promised me to return the promise within ten seconds. I thought you were a man with a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, so

Even though they are enemies, they are also worthy of respect.

"Don't put too much blame on me, Your Highness, Princess. When it comes to breaking promises, it's Your Highness who comes first." Bishop

He pointed at Bai Ji with a smile. "May I ask, Your Highness the Princess, who is she?"

"My subordinates.

"Oh, I think you must have made a mistake, Princess. What I asked about was not her position, but her identity.

, what is her relationship with you?"

"Can you answer that?"

Lilith was silent for a long time. "I don't think the bishop has the right to know this question?"

"Then let me guess, is she your sister, or heir?" the bishop said jokingly. "That's why you

You are so desperate to protect her, right? Because as long as she is still there, even if you are captured by us, the vampires will still have

There’s room for maneuver, right?”

"I don't understand what you are talking about. I came to the Human Federation alone, didn't I?

"It's true. If you hook up with a princess, even if the vampires have the ability to send someone to rescue them, they won't be able to rescue you."

Would he be stupid enough to catch up with a bishop? He glanced at Bai Ji and showed a meaningful smile.

"But this doesn't mean you can't create an heir in the Human Federation, right?"

"I can't understand what you said." Lilith's face was expressionless, but she was horrified in her heart.

She couldn't understand why this old human bishop could guess so accurately. It was clear that according to common sense, it was impossible for humans to be embraced as vampires by the vampires.

Could it be that this bishop knows something inside?

As for why Bai Ji can be successfully adopted as a vampire for the first time, even Lilith herself does not know the reason.

Maybe her mother, the Scarlet Queen, knows, but no matter how you look at it, no human should know these secrets, right? ?

"Oh? Haha, Her Highness Lilith is really good at finding people. She was able to bump into that person even after living in human society for once.

I actually didn’t understand what was going on in the family at first, but when I think about what happened recently

Love, I just figured it out. "

"You guys really bumped into each other."

"What are you talking about?" Lilith frowned. She couldn't understand the other party's riddle-like speech, but

She was certain that the bishop did know some inside information.

"Why, is it possible that Your Highness Lilith doesn't know?" The bishop made a surprised look. "Forget it, just wait.

After you both mother and daughter are arrested, I will talk to you slowly. "

"What do you want to do?!" Lilith clenched her fists. "Your Excellency, is this one different from what was promised?"

"Your Highness, do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me now?"

"So, you want to break your promise?"

"I said, this is because Your Highness Princess did not tell me the truth first, so strictly speaking, it is not

Can it be regarded as a breach of contract? What if I regret it?" the bishop said teasingly.

"Together with the blood clan princess and the princess's heirs, the blood clan royal family will directly cut off their descendants. This achievement

My work is enough for me to be promoted to archbishop, so why should I reason with you, a living dead? ?" As he said, the bishop revealed his face

A look of greed

"Catch all three of them and remember none of them. I want to live!"

The Knights of the Sacred Heart drew out their cross swords smeared with holy water and holy shields blessed by the saint, and moved toward Lilith.

On the other side, led by the Green Wing Knight, they captured Bai Ji and Nailiya.

"Which of you dares to take another step forward?" Nailinya stood with a sword in hand. As soon as he handed over the sword to the Knights of the Sacred Heart, he was

The knight in the sky attracted attention.

"Miss Succubus, I am your opponent." The Green Wing Knight's harassment made Nelinya tire of it, regardless of it.

No, but he couldn't leave Bai Ji even half a step away. Seeing the Knights of the Sacred Heart chasing and blocking her, the situation was not optimistic.

"Xiao Nai, Bai Ji!" Seeing this, Lilith wanted to go to the rescue, but was intercepted by the Knights of the Sacred Heart who formed the city wall.

, unable to move an inch.

She herself still has the strength to fight, but Nailinya and Bai Ji cannot.

Nelinya does not know any magic spells, and the lethality of the blade is limited. It cannot capture multiple enemies and cause large-scale damage. Moreover, she does not have three heads and six arms and is not a vampire. If she is injured, she is likely to die like this.

Not to mention Bai Ji, Zhan Wu Zha is stronger than her. She can only run when encountering enemies, but she can't outrun others.

In fact, Lilith had guessed the outcome when she saw the Knights of the Sacred Heart coming in large numbers.

Even if there is another regular vampire army to protect them, it will be in vain. The combat effectiveness of the Knights of the Sacred Heart is not ordinary.

Compared with other troops, they are the most elite alien terminators. They wear heavy armor with magic protection.

, the sword and shield held in his hand are products blessed by the saint, and can cause great harm to vampires.

"Let's go!" Nailinya quickly insisted while fighting against the Sacred Heart Knights and also having a sneak attack from the Green Wing Knights.

Can't stand it anymore.

Protecting Bai Ji, they retreated steadily, and soon there was no way to retreat.

"Are you okay? Boji is very worried, but as a fourth scumbag of war, she can't help at all, so she can't help herself.

It was useless, I could only watch Nailinya get injured trying to protect her, and finally lose her strength.

There were simply too many and too powerful enemies. Nailinya could only defend and had no chance to attack.

There were several scratches on his body due to the sneak attack of the Green Wing Knight. The opponent's sword was obviously smeared with holy water.

Lin Ya caused great harm.

The regeneration ability of the succubus is not strong, at least it cannot be compared with that of the vampires. Nailin Yain was injured in many places.

Unable to recover from his wounds, he was gradually unable to fight.

She held the knife and knelt on the ground on one knee, looking at the flickering fire in the distance, feeling powerless.

"Ah, sure enough, I'm still not strong enough."

Bai Ji clenched her fists. She had never been so aware of her weakness as she was today, even though she had always been a fighter.

A weakling whose fighting power is almost negligible, but it wasn’t until today that she realized how important her fighting power was to her now.

How important is it.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!" Bai Ji stepped forward while protecting Nailinya in her arms.

"We surrender, we are willing to surrender, please, don't beat me." Bai Ji looked in front of her with tears in her eyes.

The stone-hearted Knights of the Sacred Heart begged.

Their hammers and blades were still stained with Nelinya's blood.

"What are you talking about, how can you surrender? ?

"If you don't surrender, will you be beaten to death by them?" Bai Ji gritted her teeth and turned her head, her face filled with tears that made Nai

Lin Ya was stunned.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, let's not fight, okay?"

Sorry, Naelinya lowered her head. "I'm still too weak to protect you

"It doesn't matter, as long as you live, there is still hope. Even though Bai Ji herself doesn't believe it.

What good outcome could there be if one is caught by the temple, which is cruel and shows no mercy to foreigners? ?

They don't even regard them as human beings. If they are caught, they can only be tortured and die alone.

"Xiao Bai Ji! Mr. Bishop, count me in. I beg you, please let them both go, okay?"

"No, Your Highness Lilith, your request makes me very embarrassed. After all, we are each our own masters, and we are still enemies.

I can't give up justice for some personal affairs, right?" The bishop smiled slightly.

"Then, at least don't let them suffer

"Suffering, it will definitely not happen. Our temple treats prisoners preferentially. Well, of course, the premise is that you are obedient.

Accept our experiment. "

"What experiment?

"Haha, what other kind of experiment could it be? For example, digging out the heart and lungs, doing slice studies, etc.

"You! Lilith gritted her teeth.

"What does it matter? You won't die from this anyway. You are not human beings at all.

But you can’t be judged by human humanity, can you?” the bishop sneered.

“Tie them up with chains.

"Your will, Mr. Bishop." The Knights of the Sacred Heart took out their chains and walked towards Bai Ji step by step.

Hearing the bishop's unabashed tone, Bai Ji was extremely frightened, but it was useless no matter how scared she was.

Maybe, this is destiny

"Stop!" At this moment, a golden figure flashed past and stopped in front of the Knights of the Sacred Heart and Bai Ji.

After seeing the person clearly, no one, including the bishop, expected

Miss Bai Ling?" Lilith asked in surprise.

"Bai Ling, sister?" Bai Ji also widened her eyes.

Your Excellency, Holy Knight, why are you here?" Looking at the blond knight Ji standing in front of Bai Ji, the bishop's face

The color is a little gloomy.

"Mr. Bishop! You have investigated my recent whereabouts, right?" Bai Ling asked as she opened her mouth.

"This is not an investigation, my Lord Paladin. I am giving you a chance to return from your lost ways."

"Colluding with the vampires, and even providing them with help, you have committed a crime of rebellion against the temple, do you understand?


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