Facing the enemy, the girl was like an elegant butterfly passing by among the knights, her sword blooming freely, like -

Blossoming white lotus blooms.

"It's really, really amazing." Nailinya looked at Bai Ling in a daze, thinking that her strength was

Her strength is only slightly inferior to that of the blond knight Ji. Looking at it now, Bai Ling might have let it go when she competed with him.

Pacific water.

Even the ace knights of the temple can't get within three meters of her. How terrifying is this strength? ?

The scene was reversed at this moment.

"It's really treasonous." Seeing that his hope of promotion was gradually getting slimmer, the bishop was so angry that he wanted to beat his chest.

Gritting teeth.

"Bai Ling! Have you forgotten the favor the church has given you over the years? ? Even your qualification to use a sword was given by the church.

Yes, now you are pointing your sword at the church that gave birth to you and raised you?!

"I'm sorry, Lord Bishop, I know I am ashamed of the church, but I absolutely cannot leave this child to you.

So even if I am forced to move forward with guilt, I will admit it. "


"The bishop took a deep breath. "Get her down for me. Whoever gets her will be rewarded heavily!"

The bishop was not a fool. He knew that Bai Ling could not be a breakthrough, so he set his sights elsewhere, such as

Just like Bai Ji, who is fighting against the four scumbags, and Nailinya, who is injured, but they are currently under the protection of Bai Ling and cannot

Attack them both.

Therefore, the bishop turned his attention to Lilith, who was resisting on the side.

The Vampires have human emotions and are willing to go through fire and water for their blood relatives, as long as they catch one at random and use it to threaten them.

Threats can reverse the situation

"Catch the vampire princess first!" After asking some knights to hold Bai Ling, the bishop ordered the remaining knights to capture Lilith.

Take control first.

Seeing this scene, Lilith, who had little remaining magic power in her body, felt a little more anxious and launched a large-scale flames

The curse tried to force the surrounding knights back, but the Knights of the Sacred Heart held the curse-resistant Sacred Heart Shield and pushed the shield away.

They moved forward with the cards in front of them, and the spell had nothing to do with them.

"Lilith, come here quickly!" Bai Ji jumped in the crowd and waved to her.

Hearing Bai Ji's voice, Lilith immediately understood and threw bat bombs at the approaching enemies.

"Boom!" At the moment of contact with the shield, the bat bomb exploded quickly, forming thick smoke that obscured the view.

Lilith took this opportunity to spread her wings, bypass the green-winged knight in the air, and fly to Bai Ji. ". After his plan to kill him was discovered, the bishop gritted his teeth and clutched the cross ornament in his hand.

Since Bai Ling wants to protect Bai Ji and others, she cannot stay too far away from them and can only fight the knights in a closer place.

, which also made it impossible to completely defeat the Knights, and the Knights also realized this and continued to

Dealing with Bai Ling consumed her energy, and the situation became a stalemate.

The Knights of the Sacred Heart were unable to defeat Bai Ling and capture the three of them. Bai Ling was also unable to take advantage of the victory and pursue all the knights.

Get rid of.

Now that reasoning was of no use, the bishop gave up his rhetoric, which was obviously to

Delay time and obtain greater support.

"Can you leave?" Bai Ling, already standing opposite the temple, simply sent Buddha to the west, she asked.

"No, there is their airship in the sky, and it is very likely that they have laid a prevention and control net. If we fly up, it will be very difficult.

It is possible to be caught in a net and electrocuted to the point of paralysis. "Lilith analyzed.

"In this case, Bai Ling's expression flashed with dignity." If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

"Ah? What's the trouble? Do they still have a trump card? ?" Bai Ji still seemed to be stunned.

He asked around and couldn't figure out the situation.

"They are waiting for support. Maybe more knights will come to support them later. Moreover, this is not

The most troublesome

"Isn't it the most troublesome?" Lilith frowned slightly.

"It would be really bad if the Holy Lady comes too." Bai Ling said something that the three of them were confused about.

In words.

"Saint? You mean, the highest slapper in the temple?" Lilith felt that she had some impression.

"Yes, their family is the bloodline of the Heavenly Saint, and has been the highest judgment seat of the temple for generations. If she comes in person, the situation will be troublesome."

You are forcing me like this, so I have no choice but to make this decision. "The bishop took a step forward. "Based on our friendship over the years, I would like to ask you one last question, Bai Ling, are you really going to become an enemy of the temple for the sake of a vampire?"

"My Lord Bishop, you know that once I make a decision, I will never have any regrets."

"Very good." The bishop said no more and stood still, as if waiting for something.

The green-winged knights in the sky kept a close eye on several people to prevent them from showing signs of escaping.

Suddenly, the air pressure rose, and all the Knights of the Sacred Heart present seemed to feel something, and they knelt down in pious submission. Including the arrogant bishop, they surprisingly worshiped in one direction.

"Here we come." Bai Ling put down the sword in her hand.

"That is, the saint of the temple?" Bai Ji hugged Bai Ling's thigh

, hiding behind Bai Ling and cautiously sticking his head out.

A big white cross appeared at the focus of many eyes. The cross suddenly fell to the ground, and everyone

Only then did he see a beautiful girl in a purple dress standing above it.

The girl is wearing a purple dress, inlaid with sterling silver jewelry, and her long ink-like hair is flowing in the wind, standing

, like an immovable holy elephant, the holy breath is natural.

After a moment, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

"See the Holy Lady." Everyone, including the bishop, prostrated on the ground to offer the highest devotion to the Holy Lady.

"Bai Ling, as a paladin of the church, why are you indifferent?" The saint opened her amethyst-like eyes.

His eyes fell quietly on Bai Ling.

"See the Holy Lady." Bai Ling hesitated for a moment, put the sword on her shoulder blade, and performed a knight's salute.

"Do you want to knight me?" the saint said without a smile. "Then now, are you my knight or someone else?

Where is the knight of man?”

"Sorry, Lady Saint, I have been expelled from the church and am no longer a knight." Bai Ling lowered her head


"My Lady Saint, the former Paladin Bai Ling colluded with the vampires, sheltered the vampires and helped them escape, and fought with the vampires.

The vampires are complicit and the bishop has repeatedly tried to persuade them to turn back, but they still fall into the abyss and refuse to extricate themselves. "The bishop interjected

Come on.

"Mr. Bishop, this is me asking Bai Ling, not you, right?" the saint said softly.

"Yes, I have overstepped my identity." The bishop suddenly broke into a cold sweat. The saint's strength was unfathomable.

It only takes one look to kill him, how dare he continue to talk? ?

"So what's going on now, Bai Ling, how come I see you standing with a group of vampires?"

The woman's voice was always very soft when she spoke, but it put an invisible pressure on people. Bai Ji, who was standing next to her, was a little overwhelmed.

She was stunned. If she hadn't been holding Bai Ling's big white legs, she would have felt like she was about to give up.

"Sorry, Lady Saint, she is the person I must protect." Bai Ling lowered her head, lowered her posture, and

It can be seen from their words that the two people obviously know each other, and their relationship seems to be not simple.

Bai Ji looked at the saint with black hair and purple eyes, and then at Bai Ling who was very close at hand. She was gossiping in her heart.

human relationships.

"The person who must be protected?" The saint glanced at Bai Ji. The moment she was stared at by the other party, Bai Ji felt as if

It's like being targeted by some wild beast. It's clear that the other person is a very good-looking girl, but she still feels like this.

"The person you must protect is a vampire, Bai Ling. It's hard for me not to believe that you are not bewitched.

"It's not a ploy, Holy Lady, she is my relative, the most important person in my life, so I want to protect her."

Protect him, even if it costs your life. "

"Really?" The saint raised her head. "Well, let me see your consciousness."

After saying that, the saint's eyes were fixed on Bai Ling. Bai Ling's body began to tremble, and both hands holding the sword were shaking.

She could no longer hold the sword, so she gritted her teeth and held on.

How is this going? ?

Bai Ji was confused and looked at the saint and then at Bai Ling.

Didn't the two of them do nothing? Why?

"That saint is casting a spell on Miss Bai Ling."

"A magic spell? But she just blinked."

That's right. "Lilith's expression became solemn. "That saint is so strong that she doesn't need any prerequisites or spells, just

To the point where you can cast a spell just by blinking your eyelids. "

"Clang!" The sword fell at Bai Ling's feet. She gasped and half-crouched on the ground, having difficulty breathing.

"Is this your enlightenment?" The saint tilted her head. "Look, you can't even hold the sword in your hand firmly, and

How do you protect the people you want to protect?”

After the words fell, the saint raised her hand. Bai Ji suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness, and she lost control of her body.

The feeling of power came and she was lifted up from the air.

"Wow! Fly, fly." She kicked her legs randomly, but to no avail. She was lifted more and more


"Xiao Baiji!"

"Look, she is right in front of you, but you can't even protect her." The saint looked at Bai Ling playfully. "white

Ling, do you really think you are strong enough to say something like protecting others in front of me?"

At this moment, even though she was suspended in the air, Bai Ji always had a subtle feeling.

Is this saint girl jealous? Seeing that Bai Ling regards herself as the person to protect, she can't be

Are you jealous? ?

For some reason, Bai Ji had this idea in her mind.

"Little thing, are you thinking of something very rude?" Suddenly, the saint's eyes fell on Bai Ji.


"Ah ah ah, no, no, it's just your illusion, it's just an illusion!"

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