"Wow, it's flying!!" Mo Li kept kicking his legs, but to no avail. He remembered that he had not learned the flying skills, and he had not even grown wings, so why did he take off?…

"Little thing, were you thinking about something very rude just now?" The saint raised her hand and lifted up Bai Ji, her face full of teasing.

"No, no! Absolutely not." Bai Ji suddenly felt that the force moved from her waist to her neck, jamming her neck and making her speechless.


"Still saying no? My eyes can read everyone's hearts. What were you thinking just now? Do you think you can escape from my eyes??"

Wow, there is such a shameless setting!

"Of course, you little bug who has never seen any miracles." The saint stared at Bai Ji with a smile. "You are such a dishonest child. It was you who bewitched my knight, right?"

"I don't!"

"Still lying?"

"That's right! Aren't you able to read people's minds? Then you should read and see if I have deceived Sister Bai Ling!" Bai Ji, whose throat was stuck, was still arguing.

"I think it's because you just don't want to accept reality!"

"Say it again?" The saint's flawless cheeks darkened for a moment, and the strength in her hands became stronger.

"Woo!..." Bai Ji felt her neck cracking, and blood continued to flow from the corners of her mouth, causing her great pain.

"Xiao Bai Ji!" Lilith was anxious when she saw this. "You are a saint of the church, how can you bully a junior??" "Holy lady, please put this child down, she is innocent!" Bai Ling saw this and came up with a sword. "Why, my knight, are you going to draw your sword against me for this little vampire?"

"I'm sorry, Lady Saint, but she is the only person I have to protect!" After saying that, there was no more hesitation in Bai Ling's eyes.

"Very good." The saint raised her eyebrows, half-smiling. "Bai Ling, for the sake of vampires, can you even assassinate your own saint?"

"She is my only relative!"

"Recognize vampires as your relatives, Bai Ling. It seems that you are seriously ill." The saint raised her hand. "It seems that I need to imprison you and let you reflect on it."

Bai Ling wanted to rush forward to rescue Bai Ji, but before she even got close to the saint, she was controlled by an invisible pressure and unable to move.

"Bai Ling, you are extremely talented at a young age, but in the end you still haven't been able to master the [Holy Martial Arts]. Give up, you are no match for me." The saint shook her head and looked at the struggling Bai Ling quietly. .

Lilith wanted to take Bai Ji back, but she was also imprisoned in place by the saint, unable to move. Lilith gritted her teeth, chanted silently in her mind, and activated the spell.

"Vampires, is this what you rely on to despise the power of God??" The saint smiled softly, and the fireballs and ice spears with terrifying temperatures disappeared into ashes in front of her and dispersed.

"It's useless. If you want to pose a threat to me, at least bring out the magic spell at the level of divine veins. This kind of child's magic spell is not painful at all." As she said that, the saint dug her hand down and dug in Lilith, who was imprisoned in the air, hit the ground heavily.

"Since you want to associate with vampires so much, then no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to protect anyone.

"Wow!" Bai Ji's skin oozed blood, and her orifices were bleeding. Although the wound kept healing, it was not destroyed at all.

"Ji Bai!"

"Look, is this the person you want to protect? But she is dying." The saint said with a smile. "Is it because of you that you bewitched Bai Ling and made my Bai Ling so rebellious that she even dared to use swords against me?"

"There is no other way. It seems that I can only eradicate you."

"Little, Bai Ji..." Lilith stood up with difficulty. The injuries on her body were so severe that she could not fly again for a short time.

Bai Ji felt that her internal organs were collapsing one after another. The power came from her mouth and destroyed all her organs. The huge pain made her turn her eyes white and she was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

Me, am I going to die?

When her mind went blank, she came up with her last thought. In a blur, as if on her deathbed, she saw a vision.

Could this be an illusion created by her excessive desire to survive? She saw a white-haired girl in a luxurious dress standing with her hands behind her hands and walking toward her with a smile.

"You, are you?..." Bai Ji felt that this girl looked familiar, but she couldn't tell where she had seen her before. She looked very similar to Lilith, but they were different. At least Lilith wouldn't show her face like this. A wicked smile.

"Shush..." The girl pressed Bai Ji's lips and teeth. "Don't make any sound."

"Ah? When she opened her eyes again, she found that her body had been freed from restraints, and not only

At this point, everyone's attention was shifted elsewhere, looking at something very shocking, not her, including

That arrogant saint.

"Here, what's going on?

"Xiao Bai Ji, are you okay?" Suddenly she was embraced into a familiar embrace, and Bai Ji knew it was Lilith.

No, it's okay, so what exactly happened?

"It's okay, we are safe." Lilith's voice became subtle and gave people a sense of security.

"Safe? What do you mean?" Bai Ji didn't understand. She followed Lilith's gaze and saw that she was on the airship.

Fang, she

I saw Dao's beautiful figure.

The girl wore a black dress that moved with the wind, her long silver hair tied with a black lace bow, her mouth

With a calm and relaxed smile, Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his expression, overlooking the sentient beings below.

"Who is that person!?" Bai Ji's eyes widened. "That scheming woman in the dream?

"Don't be so rude, little Baiji. If you call me grandma, at least you must be the Queen." Lilith reminded.

"Milk, grandma?!" Bai Ji didn't react for a while. "So, she is the Scarlet Queen?!"

Have you met my mother?" Lilith's eyes flashed with surprise.

"No, Bai Ji was very curious when she recalled the scene that flashed through her mind just now.

She is the Scarlet Queen? Why does she appear in my dream?

"Scarlet Queen Li looked at the figure in the sky, the Saint murmured in a low voice, clenched her hands tightly, her face flashed

A little bit of fear.

"Long time no see, my allies, everyone in the temple, Your Excellency the Saint." The girl spoke.

Before anyone even reacted, she appeared above the airship.

"Lillian what are you doing here?"

"Ah? You really don't know what I'm doing here, Your Majesty the Saint." A hint of interest flashed at the corner of Lilian's mouth

A profound smile.

"You broke the armistice agreement, planned to imprison my lovely heir Lilith, and set up a dragnet to

To arrest her and threaten me, and even cause her to have a child, do you really think I would be so easy?

Will I let you go? "

"Now, since the agreement has been invalidated, I no longer need to abide by any agreement with you."

Really unlucky. "The saint lowered her head slightly. Even though she was as powerful as her, she still had little confidence in Lilian's strength.

It was fear. She really didn't want to go to war with Lilian unless it was absolutely necessary.

Lillian is a vampire who has lived for thousands of years, and her strength is unfathomable. At least at her level, she cannot fight with the opponent.

Well, you want to save your daughter, right?

"Your Excellency Saint, please don't play these word games with us. We have been playing these things since we were young, but we have never

It's all because of me. grinned the cunning thousand-year-old vampire.

"I want to take them all back."

"You have to take her back too." The saint looked grave and pointed at Bai Ji. "This one came out of nowhere.

Vampires, do you want to take them back too?"

"There's nothing we can do. She's already my granddaughter. There's no reason not to take her back, right?" The look in his eyes

Glancing at the trembling Bai Ji, Lilian smiled.

"Why, Your Majesty the Saint, do you have any objections?".

No. "The saint gritted her teeth, but she had no choice but to agree. Just like before, who has the bigger fist?

The words ring.

"I advise you to put away your tricks." Suddenly, Lilian's words became colder.

She stepped slightly, and the huge airship split into two halves from where she stepped, and a violent explosion occurred in the air.


"You!" The saint glared at Lilian. "You actually

"What's wrong with me? I just destroyed a large toy. Is there anything surprising?" Lily

An said playfully

You are so arrogant, take your daughter and granddaughter and get out of here!" the saint said impatiently, okay

The plan was messed up, and she didn't want to see Lillian at all now.

"Not only that, in addition to these three people, I also want to take away one person." After saying that, Lilian smiled, Qing Qing

Onion-like fingers fell on Bai Ling.

"That's her."

"Your Majesty Lilian, are you kidding me?" the saint said with a smile. "Bai Ling is the Holy Knight of my temple.

Sir, is there any reason for you to take me away casually? ? There should be some moderation in being unreasonable!"

"There is nothing I can do. Who made her my granddaughter's sister~? If I don't take her with me, my granddaughter will get sick.

I'm sick.

"What are you talking nonsense about? One of these two people is a human and the other is a vampire. How are they related to each other?

Yeah, it’s long gone!”

"Who told you there is no more? Sooner or later, we are all a family, so of course we need to bring it with us." As she said this, Lily

An looked at Bai Ling meaningfully and smiled.

"Sooner or later we are all a family?! Don't go too far!"

"Your Majesty the Holy Lady obviously knows what I'm talking about, so you must know it, right? In fact, the Shenglun family is closely related to

We, Ratsambo, have the same origin, so of course we can be considered a family. "


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