"You! The saint glared at the smiling Lilian. "Vampire Queen, don't push yourself too far.

Damn it! Bai Ling is a paladin taught by me, how can I go back with you, a vampire?!"

"Huh? What does it matter? As her elder, of course I am qualified to take her back with me, after all.

Jingwu and others are this child's only relatives in the world now. "

"Hehe, hehe, what are you talking about? Vampires and humans are relatives, why didn't you say bronze beast, troll, man?

We are also relatives to you?" the saint said coldly. "That's not how random relationships work. "

"Here, that blond girl, is your surname Shenglun?" Lilian ignored the saint and shouted to Bai Ling.


"Ah? Me? It's Bai Ling who doesn't understand why the other party asked.

"That's right, little girl, do you know why your blood-related brother was adopted as a blood brother for the first time?

Clan, this is not consistent with common sense at all, is it?" Lilian stood with her hands behind her hands and said with a smile, as if she felt

Something interesting is going to happen.

In fact, everyone is curious about this, including Nelanya and Lilith, who can't figure it out.

Why could Ji Bai, who was of the wrong gender and race, be embraced as a vampire by Lilith for the first time so smoothly, without even being present?

The Knights of the Sacred Heart were confused and curious.

"The reason is very simple. I think some people may have known this fact for a long time, but they have been deliberately treating you badly.

What is hidden. " Lilian glanced at the silent bishop and the gloomy-looking saint, intentionally or unintentionally.

"The facts may be unbelievable to you, but please listen carefully. Your brother and your family,

Our ancestors are from the same origin as our vampire royal family, the Ratsambo family. "

"What? As soon as the words came out, not only Bai Ling, but also Bai Ji and Lilith were shocked.

"There is a secret that is not told outside the family among our vampire royal family, the secret of twin flowers."

"It is rumored that in ancient times, the ancestors of Lasambo and the ancestors of Shenglun were sisters from the same father and mother.

Later, due to some differences, they fought each other and turned into different camps. But even so, the blood of both sides still remained.

The old is of the same origin. "Lillian said calmly, as if she was just telling a very ordinary thing.

"I have always had this suspicion. If there are still descendants of the Shenglun family, with the blood of the same origin, can they

What about inheriting the blood of Ratsambo? Haha, this was just an unrealistic idea of ​​mine.

It actually came true, haha, this also confirms my guess. Sure enough, all of you who have the same origin as Ratsambo

How can he accept the first embrace of the vampires. "

"You said that your brother is your only relative, right? Then take a good look, Miss Bai Ling, now your

Your younger brother has also become a vampire, and those beings standing next to you who you regard as similar beings, they are not even willing to tell you the facts and truth, can they really be regarded as your companions? "

"In terms of blood relationship, we are much closer to you than they are."

"Shut up! Vampire Queen Lilian, stop misleading the public with your monstrous words. Your temptation has no effect on the Paladin."

What meaning. "As if she couldn't listen any more, the saint interrupted.

"Your Excellency Saint, it is very impolite to interrupt others when they are talking. Your parents did not teach you

Pass you?

He... After all, you tried your best to keep her by your side. "

"Ah, I really want to see your expression when your beloved thing is taken away~~" Lillian teased

Look at Bai Ling.

"You hateful vampire! Bai Ling, don't believe her bewitchment, this thousand-year-old vampire likes

All you do is play with people’s hearts!”

"Yes, I do like to play with people's hearts." Lilian did not deny it, pinched her fingers, and then changed her subject. "But I will never use this method on my relatives. At least I have absolute trust in my relatives."

"Unlike you, you even refused to tell her the truth. It's really pitiful. She was kept in the dark and deceived so much.

Years, probably in their eyes, you are just a killing tool. "Lillian said with great emotion, the words

The words were full of disdain for Bai Ling, and I didn't know whether it was true or false, but I succeeded in gaining popularity.

"No, Bai Ling, don't be bewitched by vampires, they are just a bunch of heartless monsters!"

"I have to refute what I said. Compared with you who kill a thousand by mistake and are unwilling to let one go, I

Our vampires are obviously much more kind to their fellow humans. If we don’t have a heart, then you will lose both your heart and lungs, or

It's a wolf's heart and a dog's lungs. "

"Vampire, shut up."

"Why, are you anxious? Don't you dare to let me continue? Then you should stop me." Li

Li An smiled and raised her hand in provocation.

"You damn woman! Now the saint has no time to talk to Lillian. She must focus now."

Yu made Bai Ling's shaken heart change.

"Bai Ling, listen to me, this vampire is

"Lord Saint, is what she said true?"

"No, no, of course not true

"Then, how should you explain my brother's situation?"

The saint was speechless for a moment.

"Believe me, Miss Bai Ling, we will never tell lies about this kind of thing. Unlike some guys,

We respect our ancestors very much, and it is absolutely impossible for some irrelevant people to get involved with our ancestors.

," Lilian said with added jealousy.

“If you still don’t believe it, then you can go find your brother, oh, that is my current granddaughter.

After a few years, after she has the ability to have a first love, let her try to have a first love with you. I dare to guarantee with my personality that she will succeed.

, then you will naturally believe everything. "

"You! The saint suddenly became anxious. "Lillian! You, are you trying to rob someone by force?!"

"What do you mean by robbery? You see clearly, Your Majesty the Saint, I have never lifted a finger from the beginning to the end.

I have always been here to talk to you and tell you the truth, but you are like a flea on a kettle, anxious -

Just jump, if it weren't for the lack of strength, I'm afraid he would have jumped up to fight with me. "

"Li, Li, An!" The saint's annoyance at Lilian couldn't be increased, but she couldn't beat her.

He didn't dare to take action, so he could only stay in place and rage.

"Miss Bai Ling, I know that you may not be able to accept what I am telling you now, and you may not be able to fully believe it.

I believe it, but now, your brother has been adopted as a vampire for the first time. This is something that cannot be changed, and we are willing to

Accept this family member who originally came from another clan. "Lillian stretched out her hand towards Bai Ling.

"Then, will you join us for your brother?"

"After all, after this, you may never see her again for the rest of your life. This is not the most important thing. I

I say this purely for your safety. After all, there is no place for you in the temple now, right?

? "Lillian said.

"But don't worry, no matter what, I am still the Scarlet Queen, and I will definitely not do such unclassy things as robbing people.

As things stand, this is just a suggestion to you. The decision is yours and I have no way to interfere. "Say it, Lillian

No more words, waiting for Bai Ling to speak.

"elder sister.

Looking at Bai Ji who was holding her legs to prevent her from walking, Bai Ling was silent for a moment and walked to the saint.

"Your Majesty the Saint."

"Bai Ling,

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Saint." Bai Ling saluted the Saint and bowed deeply. "Now, I just want to

Be her own knight. "

The saint's eyes widened and her face turned pale.

"I owed her something before, but now that I have the chance, I have to pay it back, so I'm sorry." He said,

Bai Ling threw the sword in her hand on the ground, turned around and strode away.

"Bai Ling, wait a minute

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Saint, Bai Ling, I don't want to continue to be your pet anymore."

"No, it's not a pet. I didn't treat you as a pet." The saint stretched out her hand, unable to

To win back Bai Ling who abandoned her, she instead transferred her resentful anger to Lillian.

"It's all because of you, a deceptive old woman!" As she spoke, the saint became furious and summoned several golden spears.

He hit Lilian.

"Kacha kacha! Several golden spears burst into pieces the moment they touched Lilian's surroundings. Not only were there no injuries,

When it came to Lilian, it had the opposite effect on the Saint.

"Woo!" The saint was knocked to the ground, and the knights around her quickly stepped forward to help her.

"Then everyone, let this farce come to an end first." Lilith carried Nelinya on her back, while Lilian

One of them picked up Bai Ling and Bai Ji, who had not yet figured out the situation.

"Lillian!" The saint gritted her teeth and stared at the figure getting further and further away in the sky, her eyes wide open.

"You, just wait for me, sooner or later I will take back everything that belongs to me from you!

No one could hear her shouting, and even if they heard her, they probably wouldn't care much.

"The huhu ended successfully, it's safe." Bai Ji squeezed her sweat and muttered to herself.

It is indeed safe, but is it a happy ending? No~" Lilian's teasing smile suddenly came from above

"Is it Bai Ji? The name Lilith gave you? Well, it sounds pretty good. Then Bai Ji~ starting from today,

Since your mother Lilith has handed over the inheritance rights to you, you have become the only member of the blood family royal family so far.

As soon as you become a royal family member with the first power, according to the laws and ancestral precepts, I will teach you well to become a qualified member of the vampire family.


"So, before you become a qualified vampire, your suitcase will be kept by me.

"Hey, wait, when?!" Looking at the suitcase that suddenly appeared next to Lilian, Bai Ji was frightened.

His hair stood on end.

"Starting from today, you will receive one-on-one training from the royal family. By the way, my teaching can be

It's very strict. "

"Why is this happening, sister? ?"


Ling turned her head away.

"Lilith? ?"

"Baby, grandma will cheer for you from behind."


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