"Qiuqiu, so you are here." As always, I found the blond girl under the apple tree. The girl

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come back with me quickly. Old Man Medel can't find you and is angry now."

"Don't worry." The girl was lying under the apple tree, with her head on her head and a half-bitten apple in her other hand.

She has brilliant white blond hair like silk, a pair of eyes like green peridot, and a face carved with pink and jade that is perfect.

Flaws, like a gift from the gods, the slender long legs with perfect proportions are wrapped in rough men's stockings, although they are only wearing a pair of

The cheap linen clothes she wore could not hide the girl's otherworldly appearance.

In this ordinary countryside, her appearance can be described as a conspicuous and beautiful scenery.

It is precisely because of this appearance that people often mistake his true gender.

The girl called Qiuqiu looked at the sun in the sky, thoughtfully. "Tell me, will that fireball in the sky

Is it fake? It’s an artificial sun put up by people behind the scenes. This is actually just a prank show. "

"You're saying these weird things again." The girl has been used to this kind of words from Qiuqiu for a long time.

. "Okay, let's go back quickly. The lunch break is over. We have to go to the wheat fields to transplant rice seedlings again. No.

But Madel won't give us anything to eat tonight. "

"It doesn't matter, I'm full anyway." Qiuqiu said nonchalantly.

The apples you are eating are grown by the uncle next door. If that stingy uncle finds out, you will definitely go back.

Being spanked by the old man. "The girl said with black lines on her head.

"It doesn't matter, it's not the first time anyway, just fight." After saying that, Qiuqiu will chew the remaining apple core everywhere.

Throw it away and rub your hands.

"It's so hot. Why don't you have air conditioning in this damn place? If not, you can just give me an electric fan."

, how are you going to survive this hot day?"

"Are you saying strange things again? What is an air conditioner and an electric fan?" The girl held her forehead, Qiuqiu often

He said some strange words that she couldn't understand, which made her confused, as if they were not communicating with each other.

The same as the channel.

"Qiuqiu, can you be more normal? At least, more like a person from this world."

"Oh." Qiuqiu replied on the surface, but actually he was secretly cursing in his heart.

I am not originally from this world.

Yes, he does not belong to this world, he came from a place called Blue Star,

There is advanced technology there, but there is no such thing as 'curse' or 'bloodline'. This place is just the opposite of there.

"Qiuqiu is his nickname. People here call him that. His real name is Nuoqiu."

How many years has it been since you came to this world? Nuo Qiu can't remember. In his previous life, he stayed up late playing games and his eyes went black.

, he traveled here.

He thought that in his previous life, he probably died suddenly because he had been practicing immortality for too long. Who knows, it was inexplicable anyway.

Yes, he appeared on this strange planet, strange world, and strange country.

According to what he inquired about, the name of this country is "Qulan Empire", and the residents living there are the same as the humans on the Blue Star in the previous life.

There is no difference, at least on the outside.

This country has a long history, and it is still one of the most powerful countries in the world. Now its national strength has reached its peak.


These Nuoqiu all learned about it through a few words from the villagers living in this village.

Yes, in his previous life, he was a game master. As a master who pays great attention to details, gathering intelligence is

Very necessary.

First, confirm his own race, human, um, to be determined, it should be human, and then the surrounding areas

According to the country's intelligence, it seems that there are no powerful countries around this country called Gulan, and they all seem to be dependent countries.

This world can be regarded as a standard template for other worlds. There are all kinds of weird races, think of vampires, cats, etc.

Tribes, Argonians, Trolls, all of them.

As a game master, Nuo Qiu's first thought when he traveled to this world was one - he wanted to go home.

There is no such thing as the abnormal thought of finding a meaning to survive in this world.

After Nuoqiu traveled to this world, he just wanted to go home.

In the home he is familiar with, there are parents he is familiar with, friends he is familiar with, and everything he is familiar with.

Why do you want to travel through time? ?

The game is just a pastime. Just read the time-travel novel and feel erotic. If you really want to do it for real, who is this?

Can you bear it? If nothing else, just surviving is a huge challenge.

Oh, there is no WIFE, no Internet, no computer, no PS4, no mobile phone, no novels in this damn place, let alone

There is a game, so why don’t you want me to live? ?

Trampling the apple core at his feet, Nuo Qiu thought with disgust on his face. Passing by the river, he saw that charming face.

Reflected on clear water.

This face of Nuo Qiu can give me a physiological reaction even if I look at it, and I don’t know why he was reincarnated.

In this body.

Fortunately, the gender has not changed, it is still male.

, um, that’s right, he’s a man, he’s so good-looking and cute,

It's a pity that he is a boy.

Nuo Qiu sighed lightly, and along with his facial movements, the beautiful face on the water surface also showed a distressed look.

Even if it's time travel, wouldn't it be better to give yourself a normal face? But to give yourself such a dangerous appearance,

If this was accidentally seen by a nobleman in the heavy metal refining industry, wouldn't his virginity be lost? ?

Consistent with common time-travel novels, the rulers of this country are those lazy nobles, well, at least

In Nuoqiu's eyes, they are like this, although Nolin, who has lived in the countryside since she was a child, has never seen such things as nobles.

As for his own birth, Nuo Qiu can guarantee that he is of no small importance. Not to mention anything else, just this look is shocking to everyone.

His appearance tells you that his identity must be extraordinary.

However, Nuo Qiu is not interested in his origins. He just wants to go home.

So far, he has a plan. Since there is such a thing as magic in this world, he can definitely

Learn space magic, and then re-teleport yourself back to the original world.

These years of experience in this world were not in vain. He learned a lot about this world, such as

Only elves can cast large-scale space spells, so if he wants to learn magic in this area, he must go there

Forest of Elves.

He has almost understood the system of this world. Basically, blood determines ability in the future.

As the saying goes, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice are born to burrow. Precisely because blood is inherited, all nobles and royal families have the ability to burrow.


As for the ability embodied by blood, it is also commonly known as [magic]. This is what the master uses.

In the West, people are subordinate to others. For example, ordinary people without blood use [martial arts].

To put it bluntly, one is a large-scale AOE with various magic damage, and the other is a small-scale single-target physical damage.

Harmful, it is clear who is strong and who is weak.

Nuo Qiu didn't know whether he was the illegitimate son of a noble family or whether he had bloodline, so he kept waiting.

, waiting for the day when he turns fifteen.

He didn't know about other races. Gulan people usually awaken their bloodline talents when they are fifteen years old, and success or failure depends on this -

Well, we just have to wait and see whether he can go home.

But it doesn't matter even if he doesn't have blood, at most he will lose the ability to learn magic spells, as long as he becomes enough

Strong, even if it takes physical damage, he can still play tricks.

After all, he is a master of the game.

No matter what, when he reaches the age of fifteen, he will resolutely leave the village and find a way out, whether it is to become an adventurer or not.

Whether he joins a mercenary group or not, he must find a way to increase his strength. As long as he is strong enough, even if he cannot use

What about using magic spells?

If he is so powerful, he can go to the Elf Forest to tie up the Elf Queen and force her to teleport him back.

"Ouch!" - At this point, he suddenly felt like he had been hit hard on the head.

"You brat, what are you doing when you're planting rice? Work harder. If you don't work hard, you won't be able to eat tonight."

Hey, you can still eat if you want. Come to my room tonight and I'll give you something to eat.

"Eat, but it's not a serious meal." The short but strong old man, who looked like a tree stump, dragged Nuo

Qiu's hair revealed a lewd smile.

Tsk, how disgusting!

"Sorry, Grandpa Mader, I will do my best." Nuoqiu's voice was neither humble nor overbearing, and he would not pretend to be mean.

Weakness, because that will only make people want to bully him more, so the most important thing for him to live here is to be masculine

It makes one's image in the eyes of others tend to be masculine. Only in this way can one be able to preserve his poor virginity.


Humph, brat, if you could pretend to be pitiful and show off, you wouldn't be stuck with these wild brats.

Just like a child, he goes to work in the fields. "After looking at Nuo Qiu for a long time, the old man snorted and left after feeling bored.


After Madel left, Nuo Qiu's face darkened.

This damn world of slavery is so disgusting!

He hated this place so much that he wanted to leave quickly.

In this hellish place, he has no so-called relatives or friends at all, not even those with the same status and status as him.

The boys he lived with looked at him wrong.

Is it okay to continue like this? ? If you don’t leave this hellish place quickly, are you waiting for your own chrysanthemum to bloom? ?

Nuoqiu is waiting for the opportunity. He only needs to wait until once a year, when those knights come to patrol the countryside. His talent unexpectedly awakens.

When he has a child with blood, he will have a chance. By then, getting rid of this ghost place will no longer be a dream!

Before that, she could only farm hard and work for free for this dead old man in exchange for humble food.

, even during Bao Bao's short leisure time, he couldn't rest and had to exercise to arm himself.

The young man is full of energy, and many boys his age have already expressed their feelings to him. Nuo Qiu

I don’t want to be pushed down by someone inexplicably one day. Only if I have a strong body can I be strong.

Getting angry.

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