"Sure enough, nothing can be identified." Under the apple tree, Nuo Qiu looked at his identification with sadness on his face.


As a standard equipment for time travellers, he should have the innate skill of identification, which can be used on others.

You can also use it on yourself, but what about this identification technique? It's too low.

The identification result of the apple tree after identification: apple tree, the identification result of the soil: soil, and then the identification result of the self

own results.

Name: Nuoqiu

Last name: unknown

Sex: Male

Race: unknown

Bloodline: Unawakened

Skills mastered: Rice transplanting skill LV1, physical fitness LV1, flannel ball skill LV?

I can't understand it. I can't understand it in any sense. The information column is completely unknown. Except for the name, even the race is unknown.

It's unknown.

Is there something wrong? Is race unknown? What else can I be if I’m not a human being? ?

Also, not to mention the skills I have mastered, including the rice transplanting skills, what the hell is the velvet ball technique? ?

Nuo Qiu complained in his heart.

Forget it, anyway, in a few days the knights from the imperial city will go to the countryside to search for children who have awakened their bloodline. Tomorrow

It's his fifteenth birthday. Whether he can turn over or not remains to be seen.

Night had come, and Nuo Qiu lay on the mat unable to sleep for a long time, so he had to lie down and count the stars.

He did not sleep in the landlord's room like other children, but slept on a mat in the stable.

There are many reasons, and one of the biggest reasons is probably the fear of waking up from a dream in the middle of the night with several big ones on my body.


It’s scary just thinking about it. This is basically a ghost story!

Pushing aside his brilliant platinum hair, Nuo Qiu sighed. To be honest, he looks like this and wouldn't go out to show off his appearance.

Even he himself felt it was a pity that he was a man after all! How could he do such a thing?!

The brilliant stars cast from the sky are the same color as Nuoqiu's hair. She is lying on the mat without feeling sleepy.

With nothing to do, she spread her palms and played with her fingers.

To be honest, he had never even touched a girl’s hand before traveling through time, and he didn’t know what to do after traveling here.

, does touching your own hand count as touching a girl’s hand?

It should be considered, he dared to say with a pat on his chest, whether it is the original world or this world, he can find a comparison.

It's almost impossible to find a pretty girl.

Well, he is probably already considered a great slut in this world.

Nuo Qiu gnawed on the apple and sighed softly. He raised his hand and suddenly found a starlight on his hand.

"This is?

Nuo Qiu was shocked and blinked her big eyes to confirm that it was not her hallucination.

Is it possible that the bloodline has really awakened?

Nuo Qiu hurriedly opened the identification technique and used it on himself.

Name: Nuoqiu

Last name: Sheng Lun/Evening Star

Sex: Male

Race: half-elf

Bloodline: Awakened

Skills mastered: Rice transplanting skill LV1, physical fitness LV1, flannel ball skill LV?

The identification technique obviously displays much more information than before, including bloodline, race, and even surname.

The surname is, Sheng Lun/Evening Star? ? What kind of strange surname is this? If he remembers correctly, this world’s

A person's surname should only have one prefix, but he has two.

What surprised Nuoqiu the most was undoubtedly the race column, half-elf.

Only people with elven blood can learn space magic, and now, she has undoubtedly achieved the first step

As for blood

"Now that I've awakened, how can I make my bloodline appear?" Nuo Qiu tilted his head and tried to tap.

In the blood column, the identification window disappeared in an instant, and the starlight in her hand was shaped into a silver spear with a flag.

The shape of this spear is a bit weird. It is made of silver. It seems to be made from a pair of silver armor.

It was completed, with a blue battle flag tied to it, and a cross sword embroidered on it.

"Oh?" Nuo Qiu looked at the spear in his hand that looked heavy but was as light as nothing in shock.

"This is my bloodline? ?"

He threw an appraisal technique at the silver gun.

[Radiant Holy Spear]

Length: 2.2 meters

Heavy: Adjustable according to the owner's strength

Comes with exclusive magic spell: Fengshen Cutting

Comes with exclusive martial arts: Zhuoying Gun Dance

Martial Arts Penetration: Ten Stars

Curse Penetration: Two Stars

"What is this?" What kind of magic penetration, martial arts penetration, these things, even as a game master

Nuoqiu couldn't understand it either.

His general guess was the strength of this bloodline creation as a physical attack weapon and a magic attack weapon.

There seems to be no level in this world. There are only levels of magic spells and martial arts, and each person has his own level.

The body has no hierarchy.

In other words, the only way to become stronger is to upgrade these skill levels.

"Attached skill, Fengshen Cutting?" Nuo Qiu murmured, and then

Concentrating slightly, the spear surged in the air

There was a shallow trace of wind, and the fallen leaves were chopped into pieces in an instant.

Wind God Cutting: Wind elemental spell type, ignores some wind elemental resistance and removes part of the enemy's physical protection

Zhuoying Gun Dance: According to the attack speed - the number of times the spear is swung within a certain time, the more serious the enemy will be injured in the final blow.

, the higher the effect.

"Oh, I understand. Armor reduction and beheading have the same effect, right? Having said all that, it never changes from its roots." Look.

After seeing the skill introduction, Nuo Qiu understood it instantly.

Early next morning.

"Qiuqiu, didn't you sleep well last night?" The girl looked worriedly at Nuo Qiu, who had thick dark circles under her eyes.

It’s okay. “Because I awakened my bloodline, I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep all night, and I struggled all night.

He finally figured out his skills through hard work.

Although he has experienced hundreds of battles when it comes to playing games, this is obviously reality and not a game. A bad person can really do it.

The kind of person who is dead-set is naturally very curious about things like skills.

"Okay, okay, let's go have breakfast quickly and then go to work in the fields, otherwise the old man will make things difficult for you again today.

. "

"No need." A confident smile appeared on Nuo Qiu's lips. "That old man will never dare to embarrass me from now on.

. "

"Ah?" The girl was stunned, thinking that Nuo Qiu was talking in her sleep.

"Qiuqiu, don't say such things, be careful if that old man hears you, he will definitely find a way to punish you.

You will be punished. "

"What I said is true." Nuo Qiu smiled slightly. "I've seen it. The soldiers coming from the imperial city to patrol will know

Passed by this village. "

"So what do these things have to do with us?"

"It has a lot to do with me." Nuo Qiu vowed. As he spoke, he took out an apple and sat on the bench.

He crossed his legs and began to chew while humming to himself.

Qiuqiu, stop making trouble. The old man is here. Get up quickly. Stop being so careless.


Nuo Qiu disagreed and sat on the bench humming a song. His previous complacency and surrendering attitude disappeared.


"Okay, boy, if you don't work but are still sitting here eating apples, your life is more comfortable than mine."

Really? ?" Seeing Nuoqiu's arrogance and self-esteem, the old man Mader was furious.

He came here, grabbed the broom next to him and rushed over.

The children standing nearby were gloating about this scene, wishing that the old man would hit him harder so that this ordinary man would be beaten.

The little girl who always looked disgusted at them screamed a few times to listen.

Nuo Qiu didn't speak, but muttered something silently, and then a silver spear appeared out of thin air.

The old man didn't react at all. He rushed over and got to the end of the gun, and it flew straight away.

"Oops!" The old man flew into the field, hit a pile of mud, and rolled a few times, making him miserable.


"This, this is? All the children were stunned, staring at the silver spear in Nuoqiu's hand.

Have you grown up? ?What is this?!" It took a lot of effort to crawl out of the field.

The old man became even more angry, but when he saw the weapon in Nuo Qiu's hand, he suddenly felt a little wary.

"Wait!" At this moment, a group of knights broke into the scene.

The leading knight glanced at Nuoqiu and came to him cautiously. "May I have your name?"

finally come.

Nuoqiu made this show just to let these knights see it, otherwise he would not think like he did last year and feel that this village

There was nothing to search at all, so I asked the village chief as usual and left.


"Can you conjure this gun out of thin air?" The knight was a little unbelievable.

"Of course." As he said that, Nuo Qiu put the spear back as if to verify his statement.

He is a bloodline person. "The leading knight carefully communicated the report to his subordinates.

"What? ? ?" The old man was stunned. After living for such a long time, of course he knew the bloodline.

What does the word "person" mean, otherwise your life will be in vain.

Isn’t that something only high-ranking officials have? No matter how you look at it, it shouldn’t be something that can come out of such a down-and-out village, right? ?

Is it possible that the grass machine really turned into a phoenix? ?

Seeing that the knights' eyes gradually turned from contempt to respect, the old man understood what was going on.

That seems to be the case.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the search team sent by the Imperial City. I am responsible for selecting people from the villages every year.

Give birth to extremely talented children and ask them about their intentions. If they agree to serve the country in the future, they can enter a school in the imperial capital.

If you study in a college, your tuition, meals, and accommodation will be reimbursed by the state, and you will definitely be successful in the future.

"Little girl, you have blood and are a good seedling. What do you think? Are you willing to enter the imperial capital for further study? ?

This is a good opportunity. Maybe you can be promoted to a knight or even a noble in the future.

"Mr. Knight, I am a boy." Nuoqiu corrected him speechlessly.

"Ah?" The leading knight and all the knights were stunned and looked at each other.

They looked at each other, and it took a few minutes to digest this.

Huge amount of information.

"Um, kid, are you sure you don't have gender cognitive disorder?" the knight commander still couldn't help but asked.

"No! I am really a man. Do you need me to take off my pants to prove my innocence? ?" Nuo Qiu puffed up his cheeks.

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