Blood Princess and the Knight

3~ There is something wrong with the dormitory

"Classmate Nuoqiu, classmate Nuoqiu? ?

"Ah? Oh, I'm here, I'm here." The dull Nuo Qiu responded quickly.

"What? Are you stunned?" Mr. Knight Commander looked at Nuoqiu who was stunned as if he had just woken up from a dream with great interest.

"You've found the right girl before you even enter school? But I can understand it. Young people are so hot-blooded.

Fang Gang, when hormones are at their strongest, it is normal to have a girl you like. "

"No, I

"Haha, no need to explain." The knight commander gave me a look that I understood. "Little classmate Nuoqiu, it's not me

Damn, I was also born as a commoner. When I was your age, I was a dazzling flower in the manor. Admirers

countless. "

"Haha, really." Nuoqiu laughed twice, catching a glimpse of the knight commander's weather-beaten face, but said nothing.

"Haha, don't look at me like this now. Those are the traces left by the years. I used to be handsome when I was young.

! "The knight commander seemed to realize that his words were somewhat untenable, and added awkwardly.

"Oh." Nuo Qiu nodded, but he didn't believe it in his heart.

"But if you think you have fallen in love with that girl, I advise you to give up." The knight commander turned serious and said.

"Eh? Why?" Nuo Qiu was confused and a little curious.

"Do you know who that girl is?

"You said it was a cross of swords earlier?" Nuo Qiu tilted his head. He didn't understand what a cross of swords was, but he heard that it was a cross of swords.

It seems that they belong to a certain noble family in the Gulan Empire.

"Have you never heard of Sword Cross? ?" The knight commander looked surprised, as if he had never heard that the name Sword Cross was a very special thing.

strange things.

"Isn't it weird that there isn't?"

"It can no longer be described as strange, little Nuoqiu, are you really a native of Gulan?"

Sorry, it's really not the case.

"Ah, that's right. I grew up in the countryside, so it's normal that I haven't heard of it." The knight chief patted his head.

"I don't understand. Is Sword Cross a family?

"It seems that you really don't understand the culture of your own country. The sword and the cross are our Gulan Empire.

One of the three major protecting families of the country, it is one of the top families in the entire Barand, with the title of "big family".

The principality in charge covers the largest area and is one of the most prominent families in the entire Gulan Empire. "

"Not only that, this family is full of talents and has produced many sword masters with outstanding achievements. For example, Sheng Lun, the ancestor of the Sword Cross family, killed the demon king who almost destroyed Baland and saved thousands of Gulan people."

"In addition, the concept of knight is a rank extended from the spirit of Shenglun."

"Is this the old story about a brave man destroying the devil again? But... Sheng Lun? Isn't this his name?

Where have you seen it?

"The girl who just walked over should be from the Jianshiji family, and it seems that she is not an ordinary Jianshiji.

Zi tribe member, if I read it correctly, that girl should be the contemporary Sword Cross family, or even the Gulan Empire.

The most gifted daughter of the younger generation, Bai Ming Sheng Lun. "

"Bai Ming. Sheng Lun?" Nuo Qiu raised his eyebrows.

Oh, it turns out that Sword Cross is not the surname, but Sheng Lun is?

Wait, the last name is Sheng Lun?

Nuo Qiu thought of something, used the identification technique on himself, opened his data panel, and moved his eyes to

The column below your name.

Name: Nuoqiu

Surname: Sheng Lun/Evening Star

Shenglun? Is it this letter? Or is it just the same sound?

Nuo Qiu frowned slightly. So far, he was unable to confirm whether the Sheng Lun in the Knight Commander's mouth was his face.

This Holy Lun is on the list, but even if it is, I am different from them.

There is also "Evening Star" after his surname. Nuo Qiu doesn't understand what the surname Evening Star means, but

What is certain is that he is not a complete human being, and the "half-elf" written in the race line below proves everything.

Forget it, let's do whatever it takes with love. When he is strong enough, he will be able to pass the world. After that, where can he go?

It doesn’t matter if I’m afraid that the world will be destroyed.

By the way, what are the data of the one named Bai Ming just now? He hasn't had time to use the identification technique yet!

Nuo Qiu patted his face.

Since he is known as a genius, the skill levels he masters should be very high. He can just see what he is doing with him.

What is the gap between geniuses in this world? It's a pity that they passed each other so quickly that he didn't even see what their parents looked like.

Just missed it.


"Alas, civilians like us can only work as patrol knights and vanguard knights.

I can't climb up anymore. "Mr. Knight Commander sighed.

"How many civilians can awaken their bloodline? Even the poorest quality bloodline is still bloodline.

There is always a place in this world for those who can cast one or two fancy spells. Anyway, it's better than nothing.

Mr. Qiu, you are very lucky, better than most people in this world. "The knight commander said helplessly.

"In this world, there are many

Many people have no way to serve their country and want to enter Sophia Academy, but they haven't even reached the I threshold.

Compared to them, you are really lucky. Even I envy you. "

"Cherish this opportunity."

To be honest, Nuo Qiu didn't quite understand what the knight said. As a time traveler, according to the rules of travel,

In terms of the transcendent theorem, if he doesn’t have a golden finger nearby, it really can’t be justified, and he probably won’t be able to play this game.

Well, just wait until death.

So he didn't quite understand the knight commander's words, and he didn't understand what the aspiring civilians in this world actually wanted-

What kind of helplessness and even despair.

"Okay, let's stop here. A tutor will arrange a dormitory for you later. Congratulations on enrolling in Sophia.

College, Mr. Nuoqiu, if it is gold, it will shine here. Remember, as long as you have real talent and hard work, no matter what you are,

Whether you are a commoner or a noble, you can stay well in this academy. I'm afraid that next time we meet, your official position will be higher than

I'm several levels higher. "The knight commander smiled.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Knight Commander."

"I'm just doing what I should do. If you really want to thank me, thank this country."

Nuo Qiu was slightly startled.

If nothing else, this civilian knight commander still has a pretty upright concept of life. He is not like Nuoqiu thought.

The world is full of guys with twisted personalities and abnormal sexual orientation.

"You have to seize this opportunity. You don't know. Your admission qualification seems simple. Just stamp it and you're done.

"But in fact, there are too many opportunities in this." The knight sighed. "I have to say, your parents gave me

You were born in the right year.

"Born in the right year?

"Yes, you have to know that recruiting civilian students started the year before last. In the year before last, as long as you are not

Born into a noble family, no matter how talented you are, you will not be able to enter Sophia Academy. This is a thousand-year-old school with a rich heritage.

Putting it there requires not only strength, but also your family background. In the final analysis, they look down on civilians and only

Accept talented noble children. "

This remark may have been an unintentional remark by the Knight Commander, but it exposed a piece of information to Nuoqiu: Sophia Academy is from

It only started recruiting civilian students the year before last, and this college has a deep foundation and is dedicated to serving those aristocratic grandfathers.

Ben looks down on civilians.

So the question is, why do they, who have always looked down on civilians, suddenly recruit civilian students? ?

Nuoqiu is a player who pays great attention to details. He can interpret a lot of things from one detail. This is his habit of playing games.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to change this old and rigid school in a short time, so

It can only be external pressure that forces them to do this. Perhaps it is the order of Emperor Gulan, or perhaps they lack the ability to do so.

Few sources of students?

The former is still possible, the latter is almost impossible.

It is simply impossible that this world-famous university will be short of students. Then, it is very likely that someone from the upper level

The superior ordered it, so why did the superior issue such an order? He really just wanted to give civilian students a

A chance?

Recalling what the knight commander told him to "serve the country well in the future", he felt that things were not that simple.

The knight commander left, leaving Nuoqiu alone standing there thinking about something.

"Hello, you are the new student Nuo Qiu, right?"

"Oh, yes." A voice brought Nuo Qiu's thoughts back. When he looked up, he saw that it was a handsome man in decent clothes.

A beautiful woman.

"you are?"

"I am the tutor of Sophia College. Well, I am responsible for managing the accommodation. From now on, if it is the accommodation

If you have any questions, you can ask me. "The woman said very politely, even when facing Nuo Qiu, who is a junior.

It also gives people a very comfortable feeling.

"Your student information has been registered. From now on, you will be a student of Sophia. Before that,

, the college will arrange dormitories for you. "The woman smiled politely. "Let's go, little classmate Nuoqiu. "

"Oh, ok, I'm done." Nuo Qiu nodded and followed the woman's lead without thinking too much.

He left, thinking about how to break the situation and go home. He didn't pay attention to the style of the buildings around him.

"Okay, we're here. From now on, this will be your dormitory."

"Eh?" After stopping and seeing the two-story villa in front of him, Nuo Qiu was briefly surprised.


It is indeed a world-famous university. Are even the dormitories so luxurious?

"The dormitory is for five people. Apart from you, there are four other people living in this dormitory. Nuoqiu is new here.

, get along well with your classmates. "

"Oh." Nuo Qiu hasn't thought about how to get along with people from another world for the time being.

After pushing the door open and entering, I gradually realized something was wrong.

Why is there something wrong with the appearance of this dormitory?

Nuo Qiu frowned slightly.

It doesn't feel like a boys' dormitory at all.

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