The room is decorated with various accessories in a bright and gorgeous style, which makes Nuoqiu slightly different.

As we all know, in Baland, a country with relatively backward technological civilization, the only people who can decorate their homes with various accessories are

For rich people, ordinary civilian houses are bare, with tile-roofed brick houses without any decorative features.

The style of this bungalow gives Nuoqiu a subtle feeling, just like the girly style house of Blue Star in the previous life.

same time.

No matter what, it would be too inappropriate for this place to be used as a dormitory for boys, right? It’s because I’m a newbie here.

Come on, haven’t you understood the decorative style of the nobles of the Gulan Empire?

"Teacher, is this really a boys' dormitory?" Nuo Qiu couldn't help but ask.

Classmate Nuo Qiu, what are you talking about? How can this be a boys' dormitory?" Who knows, after hearing that Nuo Qiu

Qiu's speech made the dormitory teacher look surprised.

Ah, if it’s not a boys’ dormitory, how can it be a girls’ dormitory?” Nuo Qiu was also confused.

"Of course it's the girls' dormitory. As a girl, Nuoqiu, why are you always thinking about the boys' dormitory?"

Teacher She was puzzled

Teacher, I am a male!" Nuo Qiu said after being stunned for a long time.

"Oh, we know about this." The dormitory teacher sighed and patted Nuo Qiu's head. "I

I've heard from the receptionist, is it a girl who thinks she is a boy? It's okay.

, this needs to be corrected slowly, I hope you can help you during this period of living with a girl. "

"No, I'm really a man!" Only then did Nuo Qiu realize that he had been tricked, and hurriedly


"Nuoqiu, don't talk nonsense. You are already fifteen years old, and your secondary sexual characteristics have already started to develop. But hello,

Take a look in the mirror, do you think you have anything to do with boys?" The dormitory management teacher sighed,

He touched Nuoqiu's head.

"But I really

"Okay, I understand, but Nuoqiu classmate, have you ever thought about it, if you live in a civilian room with this appearance?

A boys’ dormitory, is this really appropriate?”

Hearing this, Nuo Qiu fell silent.

"It's not that teachers look down on civilian students, it's just that compared to aristocratic students, civilian students don't have good education.

Due to the educational conditions, my moral constraints and bottom line may not be that high, you understand what I mean?"

"These words are really not without purpose. Ever since I was reincarnated into this world, it is because of this look that can be called a monster.

With his evil appearance, he has to worry about his anus not being protected all the time.

If he lives in a women's dormitory, he really doesn't have to think about this issue, but if he lives in a women's dormitory

There is also the problem of girls’ dormitories!

First of all, he is not a girl. No matter how similar he looks, he is not a girl after all.

The faces are very different, and living with several classmates with completely different physiological structures, are you sure there won't be any problems?


It will definitely be possible, right? ? Things like taking a bath must be very difficult. If you don’t expose yourself well and drop out of school, it will be a minor offense.

Who among those who study here is not a rich and powerful young lady? It is simply too easy for them to disappear from the world.

Nuo Qiu felt like he was walking across a single-plank bridge again, in a dilemma.

"Here, I'll give you the key. This is the key to the door and the key to your room. Your room is at the end of the corridor.

Oh, by the way, for some reason in this dormitory, one person dropped out, and there are only three left, um, the other three

The status of students is somewhat special. "Having said this, the dormitory management teacher's expression became more profound.

"Special status?" Nuo Qiu frowned, he had a bad feeling.

"Yes, although the college treats everyone equally, the status of the three of them is somewhat special. They dropped out of school before.

The student in the dormitory has a certain relationship with them." The dormitory teacher paused here.

"If possible, don't fight with them.

Thanks for the reminder, instructor. "It seems that there is no need to discuss the matter now, Nuo Qiu nodded resignedly.

There are wolves in front of him and tigers in the back. Maybe he still has some ways to survive living under the same roof with these young ladies.

The village chief, he was fed up with the way those men looked at him like a wolf and a tiger.

At least the eldest ladies from these aristocratic families wouldn't be so unreasonable and just kick her out of the dormitory, right? Okay?

After all, you have received an aristocratic upbringing and education, so you should be more polite, right?

As long as you don't interact too much with them, you won't get into trouble.

Everyone plays their own thing and doesn't interfere with each other.

But when talking about the girls' dormitory, Nuoqiu thought of the white-blond girl he saw when he entered school.

Is she here too?

After introducing the college’s canteen, teaching area, and practical combat area to Nuo Qiu, these are relatively important.

After entering the institution, the hostess left.

It can be said that it is the most luxurious college in the empire. The accommodation environment is absolutely first-class. This single room is simply

It was even more luxurious than Nuoqiu's home in his previous life, with everything except modern equipment.

I think so. After all, it is also a place to send talents to the family, and the treatment is not good.

How about better?

The luxurious big bed is enough to sleep three people, and there are incense burners and herbs for consumption in the room.

The building materials in the room are also decorated with light blue soft wall cushions, gold-plated soft leather sofas, tables and chairs, and a refreshing small

There are silver kettles and cups on the table, engraved with patterns and patterns.

This room seems to be cleaned regularly and it doesn't take much time. The table, chairs and bed sheets are not there.

No matter how much dust it gets, just clean it up and go to bed.

Nuoqiu came empty-handed, with no sheets or clothes to change, so there was nothing to change.

I picked up the feather duster and dusted it casually before sitting on the bed.

He didn't mind it being dirty. Compared to the bed, he himself was probably dirtier.

Putting down the few salutes, Nuo Qiu walked down from the attic, sat on the sofa and looked at it nonchalantly.

Get this two-story villa.

It's quite luxurious. I feel like if I take out anything from this room and sell it, it will sell for a lot of money.

Interesting price.

He took off his shoes, as casually as he did at home in his previous life, lay down on the sofa, and hummed happily


Life in another world has just begun, and now he can be regarded as a phoenix. In short, - it's good to start

Come on!

The college is currently on vacation, and the three eldest ladies are probably still at home.

The villa belongs to him and he can enjoy it

"Creak." At this moment, unexpectedly, the door was opened.

"Hey!" Nuo Qiu was so frightened that he stood up from the sofa.

"Hey, I thought I was the first one to come back. I didn't expect Miss Shenglun that you are faster than me. It's really

As expected of a top student, she is the one sister who is looked up to by everyone in the academy. "-A red-haired girl caught sight of her as soon as she entered the door.

Nuoqiu lying on the sofa.

"Sheng, Shenglun?" Nuo Qiu was stunned, not understanding that the red-haired girl was calling him.

"Ah? It's not Sheng Lun." The red-haired girl took a closer look and narrowed her eyes like a cat. "kitten

Mi, who are you?

"Well, it was a little embarrassing to be seen lying on the bed without any image. Nuo Qiu quickly removed his naked clothes.

Put your feet into slippers.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm the new student who just transferred here today." How long has it been since then? Has the eldest lady returned on the 1st?

Nuo Qiu thought this in his mind and quickly got up. He must not lose etiquette when getting along with the eldest lady.

"That's it." After looking at Nuo Qiu's clothes, the red-haired girl replied with a smile and said bluntly.

, “Little Kitty, you are the civilian student recruited by the college this year, right?

"Yes." This was probably aristocratic disdain.

Although it was well hidden, Nuo Qiu still felt the slight sense of overlooking and superiority in the red-haired girl's words.

It feels like it is innately noble.

The girl has a pair of beautiful red eyes, bright red hair, and pink and porcelain doll-like cheeks.

And the little tiger teeth that are always exposed inadvertently when talking give people a very cute feeling.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake. You look a bit like one of our classmates in the same dormitory.

I can't say they are similar, I can only say that their features are somewhat similar. The red-haired girl smiled. "Anyway, classmates, welcome to school."

oh. "

After that, the girl took off her shoes, and several maids behind her helped to carry the large and small bags as a salute, and went up to the living room on the second floor.

Sleeping room.

Well, eldest ladies usually don’t come to class alone. This is a matter of common sense.

Nuo Qiu withdrew his gaze.

The red-haired girl neither introduced herself nor asked her name, which made it obvious.

It probably means that it has nothing to do with me what your name is or what you do. I am not interested in your name.

You don't have the right to know my name.

It's probably an unfriendly gesture, but it doesn't matter to Nuo Qiu.

This was the way he expected to get along, and he just hoped that the remaining two roommates wouldn't be more weird.

Nuo Qiu was still wondering whether these eldest ladies could clean up the house. Now it seemed that there was no need to worry. These eldest ladies

The young ladies are all equipped with maids, and have people to serve them for food and clothing.

But what surprised Nobiao was that the maids left after cleaning the red-haired girl's room.


"Does your classmate think it's weird? Well, this is a school that prohibits bringing maids with you. After all, it's okay.

It's an academy, and it's not good for the academy to let such a loose guy in. "Seems to have noticed that Nuo

What Qiu was thinking, the red-haired girl explained nonchalantly.

Nuo Qiu nodded silently and then pretended to be innocent. "Yeah, I really want to have a good relationship with you.

Department. "

"Oh, is that so? But it would be a pity if you really think so. After all, besides me,

The other two are somewhat strange people..."

The house was not quiet for a while, there was a sound of twisting in the keyhole, and the door was pushed open again.

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