"Yelena is a really strange person.

"Bai Ming remained silent.

Seeing this, Nuo Qiu continued minding his own business. "I always feel that she hides a lot of secrets. Senior Bai Ming, you and her

We’ve lived together for so long, haven’t you noticed?”

Bai Ming opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he remained silent.

"You're right, senior Bai Ming, it was as if I discovered some secret about her last night.

Dragging me into the house was like trying to get rid of me too.

"Okay, stop talking." Bai Ming gradually looked away, as if to remind Nuo Qiu something.

"Eh? Nuo Qiu gradually reacted and his head slowly turned to the back.

"Good morning, classmate Nuo Qiu, classmate Bai Ming~" Yelena's smiling face came into view, and Nuo Qiu almost fell off her chair in fright.

Fell off the bed.

"Good morning. Ah Nuoqiu was sitting upright. He felt that all the hairs on his body stood up. He didn't dare to

Look directly into Yelena's eyes.

"Hmph~" I don't know if it was a coincidence, but when Yelena passed by Nuo Qiu, she brushed her shoulder with a strong force.

It was a little heavy, so heavy that it made Nuoqiu's shoulders hurt.

"Well, class is about to begin, is Senior Yelena still so leisurely?

"Ah? No way." Yelena said teasingly. "We have class at half past eight, there's still half an hour left.

The reporting time for your freshmen is only eight o'clock. "

"Oh, so that's it?" Nuo Qiu held a piece of bread in his mouth and ran out of the room immediately.

Seeing this, Bai Ming picked up the cup of milk on the table and followed closely.

"Oh, it's really interesting..." Looking at the leaving figures of the two blond girls, Yelena gradually stopped smiling.

"Speaking of which, Senior Bai Ming, who prepared this breakfast?" Nuo Qiu asked as he ran.

There was no need to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. It could be served in the dormitory hall. She didn't think the cafeteria would deliver the food.


Bai Ming remained silent for a long time, and it took a while before he uttered three words. "Yelena."

"Ah? Nuoqiu was speechless for a moment. Then didn't he just scold the cook after he was full?

"Here, there's nothing wrong with this bread, right?" Nuoqiu spat out the pieces of bread in his mouth, feeling relieved.


"Based on universal rationality, no." Bai Ming said with a dull expression. "I haven't had any problems after eating it for so long, so it shouldn't happen."

"Ah? Nuo Qiu was shocked. "Senior Bai Ming, you have been with classmate Yelena for so long, don't you?

Do you notice something weird about Senior Yelena?"

"Well, I noticed it, what's wrong?"

"Then do you dare to eat the food she made? ?" Nuo Qiu was speechless. Bai Ming was really big-hearted and doubtful.

Someone who seems to imprison other girls in his room and play around with them is not normal, right? ?

I dare to eat this, I have to say that I am really big-hearted.

"Her behavior is weird, does it have anything to do with me eating her breakfast?" Bai Ming tilted his head, -

An expression of incomprehension.

Ah Nuoqiu was speechless. He didn't know whether Bai Ming was stupid or just too single-minded.

She couldn't figure out threads or even slightly complicated problems.

Glancing at the latter's chest, Nuo Qiu understood a little.

This is probably the legendary type with big breasts and no brains?

Well, so far, it seems that Bai Ming is the most normal person in this dormitory. Well, although she is not very normal either.

It's normal, but it's not completely abnormal. At least she won't pose any threat to Nuo Qiu. With her simple mind,

With her appearance, Nuo Qiu didn't think such a girl would have any evil thoughts about anyone.

"Ah, we're going to be late, we're going to be late, we have to hurry!


"Ah for what."

"Do you know where the auditorium for freshmen reports is?" While running, Bai Ming suddenly stopped moving.

"Ah, it seems, probably, maybe, I don't know?"

"Then why have you been dragging me away for so long?" Bai Ming stared at Nuo Qiu expressionlessly, making the latter embarrassed.

"Ah, hug

"It's a mistake." Bai Ming pointed to the auditorium she had just passed by.

"The freshman report is here, you go first."

"Oh, okay, thank you, Senior Bai Ming." After thanking him, Nuo Qiu walked into the great hall.

It seemed that because there were not many freshmen, the instructor led a group of students and sat there boredly.

Next to the seats in the Great Hall, there was a banner saying "Welcome New Students", which looked so shabby.


"Um, teacher?" Nuoqiu poked the Mediterranean male teacher. The latter raised his head and glanced at Nuoqiu.

, and then he lay down again and continued sleeping, making Nuo Qiu dumbfounded.

"Oh, sorry, you're a freshman, right?" The instructor, who took a moment to react, straightened up and said melodiously

He yawned loudly.


"Okay, tell me what your bloodline is."

Nuo Qiu nodded and summoned the

A silver-white spear that seemed to be made of some kind of metal armor

Grab a class, okay, I understand. Not to mention basic courses, you should also take a marksmanship class in order to

and basic magic spell application

"Are there any classes for space spells?" Nuo Qiu's eyes lit up when he heard that Sophia School's teaching method was elective.

He has coveted the space curse for a long time.

"This does not."

"Ah? No Nuoqiu is a little disappointed.

"Classmate, the space curse is uniquely created by elves. You can't grasp it without the blood of elves." Nuo Qiu saw this.

"You have a special liking," Teacher Mediterranean sighed.

"Is there really no place to study?" Nuo Qiu was still a little unwilling.

"Except for the Elf Forest, I can't find any other place to study." Teacher Mediterranean shook his head.

And even if you go to the Elf Forest, you most likely won’t be able to learn it. "

"You are a Gulan, not an elf, so you cannot learn the elf's spell."

"Yeah, I know." Nuo Qiu sighed. He couldn't tell the other person that he had the blood of elves.


On the first day of school, I was thinking about who my classmates would be, but I didn’t see any of my classmates.

After meeting the teacher and arranging all the course selections, the teacher asked him to familiarize himself with the class environment.

However, he did not go directly, but chose to return to the dormitory.

Going up to the second floor, it was empty and quiet.

At this time, Yelena should go to school, right?

Nuo Qiu knelt down and looked through the crack in the door. After confirming that there was no movement inside, he thought of a way.

The incident yesterday made him brood, and he would never let it go until he found out.

Yes, Yelena did bring a huge psychological shadow to him, but if he didn't overcome it, Nuo Qiu knew that he would

It will be difficult for me to move forward in this strange world in the future.

So, no matter what today, he had to go into Elena's room to find out what was going on.

, there must be an explanation.

As a young man living in the new era, in Nuoqiu's mind, restricting other people's freedom is already considered illegal, not to mention endangering the lives of others.

Turning the doorknob, as expected, the door was locked. It was not impossible for him to destroy the door, but after that

It will be very troublesome. If she really does this, when Yelena comes back, she will really be finished.

It's better to be cautious. Since you can't get in through the door, go in through the window.

Nuo Qiu came outside the building. This plan was not his impromptu idea, but was prepared all night.

He was well prepared and even had a grappling rope made of cloth.

Great, the window is open.

Nuo Qiu swung his hook, and it turned out that this thing requires a bit of technical content to play, and Nuo Qiu failed several times.

It looked like he had hit himself on the head.

"Whoosh!" Accompanied by a gust of wind, the hook and claw sound was thrown up, but it failed and did not reach the window.

After repeated attempts, Nuo Qiu finally succeeded in hanging the hook on the edge of the window.

"Very good!" Nuo Qiu tightened the rope in his hand and felt that he could do it. He held on to the rope as if climbing a rock.

Click to climb up.

The process of coming up is a bit difficult. After all, for Nuo Qiu, who only has LV1 rice transplanting skills,

His strength was still a little lacking, and he almost fell down a few times without a firm grip, but fortunately, there was no danger, and she was able to

Climbed up smoothly.

Well, is this Yelena's room? It's unexpected and normal.

The general structure of his room is no different, except that there are some things on the bed that ordinary students would not be able to place.


Looking at the cyan figure on the bed, Nuo Qiu blinked a few times and moved over step by step.

A dreamlike face like a fairy tale, crystal clear skin, long cyan hair, and spiky hair.

Pointed ears.

Sure enough, Yelena did hide a living person in her room, and she was still such a delicate girl, no matter what

What's the matter with these ears? It obviously doesn't look like a Gulan person. Could it be an elf? ?

With this curiosity, Nuo Qiu slowly walked up to the green-haired girl.

It seemed as if she felt someone was coming. The dull and tired face of the green-haired girl changed slightly, and she looked lifeless.

Turning his head, when his eyes fell on Nuo Qiu, his eyes suddenly widened.

"You, who are you? It seems that she hasn't seen anyone except Yelena for a long time, she exclaimed

"Hush, don't say anything, little sister, I'm here to rescue you." Nuoqiu made a gesture and hissed.

"Save me, get out?" Hearing this, the green-haired girl tilted her head, as if she didn't understand the meaning of Nuo Qiu's words.

"Yes, you were forcibly kidnapped here by that noble girl, right? Do you want to go out? If you want to go out, come back

If you ask me a few questions, I'll help you figure it out from here.

"No need.

Huh?" The other party's answer completely surprised Nuo Qiu.

"Even if I go out, so what? It's meaningless already."

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