"-It's too late. So what if I get out? I'm already homeless and it doesn't make any sense.

"Homeless?" Nuo Qiu was stunned when he heard this, and then hesitated. "Excuse me, miss, are you not a human being?"

The green-haired girl looked at Nuoqiu deeply. She didn't want to talk to this human girl, but for some reason, the other person's...

Her pair of olive eyes made her feel very friendly, and her mouth opened involuntarily.

"No, I'm not a human, I'm an elf, an elf from the Elf Forest."

"The elves of the Elf Forest?" Nuo Qiu's eyes lit up when he heard the name of the Elf Forest.

"You are an elf from the Elf Forest, so how did you end up in the Gulan Empire?"

"There was a war there, and we were invaded by a very strange creature. In an accident, I and my

The attendant got separated and met those monsters again, so I was chased all the way. Finally, I collapsed from exhaustion and - -

When he woke up, he was captured as a slave by the Gulan people. "The green-haired elf explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way that she came to Gulan Emperor.

The opportunities and reasons for the country.

"Wait a minute, as an elf, you are also a foreigner, so you can't apply for exemption? The Gulan people should

Shouldn’t I have the right to arrest you?’

The green-haired elf just shook his head. "The Quran Empire is one of the two most powerful empires today. In their eyes,

Here, other races are either slaves, vassals, or enemies. "

"The Forest of Elves once disobeyed the requirements of the Gulan Empire. Therefore, the relationship between the elves and the Gulan people was not good.

, if it weren’t for the geographical location and the imbalance between income and payment, maybe the Gulan Empire would have already taken action on the Forest of Elves.

"In this way", if elves are found in the Gulan Empire, the Gulan people will not hesitate to use them as slaves.

"Then, you were attracted by Miss Gulan and bought you?"

"Yeah." Perhaps because she hadn't communicated with others for a long time, the elf girl unexpectedly talked a lot with Nuo Qiu, and then

Perhaps she felt a sense of long-lost intimacy from him and was willing to talk to him a few more words.

You know, elves are a very cold race. Although the elves are close to each other, they are as arrogant as they are.

What are the words and expressions of foreigners?

Even though Yelena kept torturing this elf girl, she rarely talked to Yelena.

This was the reason why Lina never tired of torturing and toying with her.

A toy that can never be completely conquered can more arouse the desire to conquer in others. Yelena is such a person.

Speaking of which, what are the numerical values ​​of this elf?

Nuo Qiu thought about it, opened the identification panel, and was suddenly shocked.


Last name: Pablo

Race: Elf

Skills mastered: Space Magic Basics LV30, Space Magic Construction Knowledge LV50, Teleportation LV45, Space

Intermediate Teleportation LV45, Space Jump LV45, Distortion Singularity LV40, Turbulence Cutoff

Nuo Qiu was stunned by the dazzling array of skills, and they were not at the level of a beginner at all, they were all very high level.

The difference from Bai Ming is that Bai Ming practices sword skills. Sword skills require talent, but magic spells are different.

Level 10 is a big hurdle. No matter how talented you are, without years of accumulation, it is absolutely impossible to break through level 30 or above.


In other words, the age of the elf in front of him may be beyond Nuoqiu's imagination.

What's wrong with you?" Seeing Nuo Qiu suddenly looking at her from ear to ear in surprise, Xue Ya was confused.

Somewhat puzzled.

"No, it's nothing. Well, may I ask, how old are you, Miss?"

"Me? I'm not that old. I'm probably about two hundred years old."


He is older than his previous life plus this life!

It turns out that the person in front of him is already his grandmother? No, his grandmother doesn’t have this

It's so big, it should belong to great-grandma or someone above.

Yelena is really big-hearted, taking an elf so much older than her home to train her.

But what excited Nuo Qiu the most was the space skills mastered by this elf.

Nuoqiu, who was worried about having the conditions but no way to learn space magic, had a plan in his mind. He might as well make a relationship with this elf.

Make a deal, negotiate a condition, and find a way to restore her freedom. In exchange, she will teach her the magic spell of space.

Plan passes!

Nuo Qiu gave a thumbs up to his idea.

"Miss Elf, my name is Nuoqiu. Well, I don't have a surname. I came from the country. I can give you a name that I can know."


Xue Ya looked at Nuo Qiu and said nothing. It took a long time before she swallowed her words. "Xueya."

She didn't say her last name, but it didn't matter if she didn't say it. Nuo Qiu was just a formality.

He already knew his first and last name.

"Miss Xueya, right? I sympathize with your experience. Being captured in a completely unfamiliar foreign country, you must really want to go home." Nuo Qiu cleared his throat and spoke with a voice full of pity. He said with great emotion.

"I can help you escape, but to be honest, I would be taking a huge risk in doing so, so

I cannot make this decision easily. If you want to regain your freedom, you must

You have to give me a reason to do this.

"To put it bluntly, he is forcing this elf girl to make a deal. He will contribute, and the elf girl will teach him the space magic spell.


Now, all he needs is for the elf girl to agree and say it step by step as he planned.

What do you want me to do? "Tell me, what's the price?" In this case, the plan can proceed. Learn the space magic.

The curse is just a matter of course.


"Yeah, yeah, I know. What did you say? What did you say?" Nuo Qiu thought for a moment that he had heard


"I said, I don't need it." The green-haired elf tilted his head.

"You, don't you want to escape from here?" Nuo Qiu said in disbelief.

"I said, it doesn't make any sense any more"... Hey, what does it mean that it doesn't make any sense anymore? "The elf girl's appearance of being broken into pieces also made Nuo Qiu feel...

It's too much to look at.

"I don't have the nerve to go back and meet my people. Since that's the case, why go back?"

"What does it mean to be faceless? Hey, let me ask you, do you have your own parents?" Maybe he feels the same way,

The elf girl's attitude of giving up made Nuoqiu a little angry.

"Since you have your parents, let me ask you, do you love them?"

"If you love them, you should know how much they love you. You know how much you have been missing these days.

, How anxious are they? Maybe they are looking for you all over the world now! "Nuo Qiu gritted his teeth and said.

"Although you are in a foreign country now, at least you are still in the same world, at least you are still in the same sky! As long as you don't

Give up and you will be able to meet them one day."

"Do you think about how anxious your parents, your relatives, and your friends are now because of your disappearance?

Before they found you, they might not even be able to close their eyes, but as for you, here you are saying that you have no face.

Tell them that you are giving up. Let me ask you, - Thinking that your relatives are anxious about you and giving up, do you really want to give up?

Can you feel so at ease? ? "This is what Nuoqiu wanted to say to her, and this is what he has always thought.

He was thinking about his old world all the time, wondering whether his disappearance caused a commotion, and whether his white-haired

Will Ran's parents have sleepless nights because of his disappearance? ? Will he do anything to find him?

Intelligent things.

He was really worried and wanted to go back, but he couldn't go back. He couldn't go back even after exhausting all methods. However, the elf girl in front of him was different. She could clearly go back, and the opportunity was right in front of her, but she didn't take advantage of it. Instead, she this

What can I say that I have no face to face such depressing words?

What shameless face? Your parents are your parents after all. No matter where you go, they will always be your home.

Is there any shameless face-to-face between family members? ?

You're a Quran, what do you know?" Xue Ya said impatiently, as if she was tired of being told by Nuo Qiu.

"Stop pretending to be a good person, you just wanted to get something from me and that's why you chose to help me, right? And,

Who knows if you will fulfill your promise? You Qurans are all the same, pretending to be sanctimonious but dirty at heart.

Dirty and disgusting. "

"Oh, I see you have been a slave for so long that you no longer know what to do!" Nuo Qiu was also touched by the elf girl.

What he said made me angry. Although it was a conditional help, he had good intentions and risked his life to save him.

What is she trying to do? ?This elf is really not grateful at all!

"Why, I've been a slave here for too long and I've been trained to look like Yelena, so I don't want to leave.

Really? You have Stockholm Syndrome, right?"

Although the elf girl didn’t understand what the Stockholm Syndrome in Nuoqiu’s words meant, it definitely wasn’t

He just said anything nice, his eyes were slightly stern and became even colder.

"Why, you were right, are you embarrassed to speak?" Nuo Qiu jumped on the bed.

The elf girl remained silent, as if she didn't hear Nuo Qiu's words.

"Ha! That's true. I think it's not just the Gulan people's problem. You elves also have a big problem.

, is it possible that you were born to be slaves? ? No, if not, just say something to me?"

Seeing that the elf girl still didn't speak, Nuo Qiu became a little anxious. This person was the key to his escape from this world.

Factor, now she actually treats herself as air and is silent, so how can that be done? ?

Immediately, Nuo Qiu jumped up and sat on the elf girl's waist.

"You!" The elf girl became anxious when she saw this, and hurriedly tried to pull Nuo Qiu down, but her hands and feet were tied to the bedside.

She had no room to move her body at all.

"Huh, don't say anything, right?" Nuo Qiu said, pulling the elf girl's collar. "You may say it today, but you won't.


"You don't want to go home, I think! Tell me the secret!'

"You, what are you going to say?" The elf girl blushed. "Get down here quickly!

"Not coming down! Unless you agree to teach me the space magic!" Nuo Qiu acted like a child.

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