In the afternoon, after getting familiar with the class he chose, Nuo Qiu returned to his dormitory.

Yelena and the red-haired girl also came back. Seeing this, Nuo Qiu pretended to be nothing and passed by Yelena.

"Ah, are you back? How are you, classmate Nuo Qiu, how do you feel on the first day of class?" Yelena stopped Nuo Qiu, looking very concerned.

The red-haired girl next to her snorted slightly when she saw this, and seemed to be very disdainful of Yelena's attitude.

"It's not bad, thank you Senior Yelena for your concern." Nuo Qiu smiled and nodded, with a friendly and respectful look as if he had completely forgotten what happened last night.

"Really, the first day of class will be a bit unaccustomed to you. Well, you will get used to it in the future. However, class is just like in the dormitory. You still need to know some rules." Ye Linna seemed to have something in her words, but Nuo Qiu was I can only pretend to be dumbfounded.

"Ah, thank you Senior Yelena for your advice, I will keep it in mind." Nuo Qiu replied with a smile, and then quickly walked up to the second floor and returned to his room.

Speaking of which, is Bai Ming in the dormitory?

Nuo Qiu hesitated for a moment and knocked on Bai Ming's door. "Excuse me, Senior Bai Ming, are you in there?"

No one responded.

"Senior Bai Ming?" Nuo Qiu was about to continue knocking on the door, but he lost his balance and hit the door panel with his body, leaving the room ajar.

The door was pushed open directly.

"Eh? Nuo Qiu was stunned.

Didn't you lock the door?

Bai Ming's room style is very simple, well, it's more simple than simple.

Yelena's room is filled with many accessories. The walls are decorated with various wall decorations, and the tables and chairs are also covered.

There is soft leather, but Bai Ming's room has nothing. There is a wooden table and wooden chairs. There is no decoration in the room.

Just like her expressionless face.

This is what Bai Ming feels like. It doesn't look like a girl's room at all.

It is not proper behavior to randomly check other people's rooms. Just when Nuoqiu wanted to exit the room, the wall

A table on the wall attracted Nuoqiu's attention.

That watch was posted beside Bai Ming's bed, and you could see it every time you opened your eyes and looked up.

Curious Nuo Qiu walked over.

I saw that Bai Mingtian's itinerary was clearly planned on this form.

5:00: Get up and have breakfast.

5:30: Morning exercise

3:00: Go to school

11:30: Have lunch

14:00:Go to school


18:30: Sword practice

11:30: Go back to the dormitory, take a shower and go to bed

Is this a day's life for Bai Ming? Getting up at five o'clock is too self-disciplined, right? ?

Are all self-disciplined people so scary?

In other words, it was already past dinner time, so Bai Ming should be practicing swordplay at the training ground.

Do you have to go practice swordplay so late? ?

Recalling Bai Ming who fainted from sword practice a few days ago, Nuo Qiu felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Exit the room and collide with the person entering the room from behind.

"Hey, Senior Bai Ming, are you back? ?

"Ah, I'm not Bai Ming."

"Eh? This, the red-haired lady?

"What do you call a red-haired lady? Can I have a name?" The red-haired girl raised her eyebrows. "What's wrong with Nuoqiu-san?"

You’re also Sofia’s student, so you don’t even call your roommates by their names?”

"But, young lady, you didn't tell me your name." Nuo Qiu felt helpless.

"Eh? Didn't I tell you?" The red-haired girl tilted her head and hesitated. "Okay, it seems like it is.

So, remember, my name is Ruoya, Ruoya Mirror. "

"Then, Miss Ruoya, do you have anything to do with me?

"Me? What can I do to you? It's you, sneaking into other people's rooms. What do you want to do?"

Ruoya looked at Nuoqiu evilly.

Ah, this is because the door of Senior Bai Ming's room was not closed properly. I pushed it open accidentally and was about to go back.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. You're pretty good." Ruoya patted Nuo Qiu's shoulder and said with an unknown meaning.

"Ah? What's okay?" Nuo Qiu was puzzled.

"You can actually make Yelena helpless, yes, I admire you~" Ruoya said carelessly. "To know,

That guy has a good way of playing tricks on the freshmen. The girl before him was scared away by her like this. I didn't expect that you not only didn't run away, but also stayed well. To be honest, this was the first time I saw that guy look defeated. "

"Yes Yes

Did Yelena want to scare him away a few days ago?

From the current point of view, even if Yelena really drags him into the room, nothing will happen. After all, she is very interested in

The elf imprisoned in the room didn't do anything extraordinary, let alone a boy like him.

Of course, there are no absolutes in everything.

"By the way, Senior Ruoya, do you know where Senior Bai Ming is now?"

"Her? Who knows, that guy won't come back unless he makes himself faint. Besides, you

No matter what she does, why are you caring about her after only two days together?

?" Ruoya said playfully.

"Eh? Does Senior Bai Ming train himself to faint every day?"

"It's not every day, it depends on your luck. If you're lucky, you'll be able to come back to sleep successfully. If you're not lucky, it will probably be later.

I didn't see her until midnight. "Ruoya spread her hands, and then felt Nuo Qiu looking at her with a strange look.

Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Senior Ruoya, how do you know so clearly?"

Ah, I, ah, I pass by the training ground from time to time, so, um, I just look at it if I pass by too much

Much more. "When Nuo Qiu asked, Ruoya was stunned for a moment, then stammered, her eyes couldn't stop looking away.

Glancing everywhere.

"Well, Senior Ruoya, you actually care about Senior Bai Ming, right?" Nuo Qiu tilted his head.

"It's so noisy. Don't say such weird things. That self-righteous guy is fine no matter what. Don't treat me like that."

Get involved!" Ruoya said angrily with a red face. She didn't know whether she was angry or what, so she hurriedly ran into her room.

, slamming the door in

This is a strange relationship. "Nuo Qiu is becoming more and more obsessed with the relationship between these three people.

Without further ado, Nuo Qiu went to the training ground. As expected, at this time when everyone returned to the dormitory to rest,

, that figure is still sweating profusely on the training ground.

Sweat wet her clothes and dripped onto the ground, even forming a small pool.

This amount of training is too exaggerated.

"That, Senior Bai Ming."

"Senior Bai Ming?" After calling twice without getting a response, Nuo Qiu immediately stepped forward and summoned the Radiant Holy Spear to stop him.

He scratched Bai Ming's movements.

"Don't continue like this, you will faint from dehydration!"

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