"Bai Ming, remember, from now on, you will abandon everything as a girl and go all out to become a member of the Shenglun family. Don't forget, your father is a rare genius in the Shenglun family. As his My daughter, how can you slack off??”

"Toys like dolls are forbidden to be touched. How many times do I have to say it? Bai Ming, you are the daughter of the sword master. You can't let your deceased father down. Do you understand? Remember, from now on, you can't lose to anyone."

Training, immediately, without delay.

Her mother's urgent voice sounded in her ears all the time, urging her not to neglect even the slightest bit.

Any energy you have must be used for training, and any time you have to be distracted must be used to think about how to carry out training.

No matter what she does, it is wrong, someone has been telling her this since she was a child.

Perhaps, only in this endless trial and temper can she find the right path. Only at this moment can she no longer be confused and not let down the expectations of others.

"Clang!!" The sound of metal echoed, and the long sword was blocked by a silver spear.

"Stop going on, you're about to lose your strength!" A slightly familiar voice made Bai Ming turn around slightly.

No, Qiu. ”.

If you don't continue, you should really look in the mirror and see what you look like now. You're all drowned.

Come on!" Nuo Qiu put away the gun and resisted the shock to her arms that were numb.

Is this woman's strength so abnormal? ? Just the slightest attempt to block her movements caused her arms to go numb.

Damn it, the sword in her hand is still wooden.

"No." After saying these words, Bai Ming ignored Nuo Qiu and continued to hold the sword.

"What do you mean you can't do it? Look at how much you sweat. If you continue like this, you will become dehydrated and faint.

Go ahead. "Nuo Qiu was a little anxious.

"No." Glancing at the silver spear in Nuo Qiu's hand, Bai Ming felt a little surprised.

Is this Nuoqiu's blood condensation? Why does the breath feel familiar, and it is not disconnected?

Staring at the place where the wooden sword hit before, Bai Ming took a deep breath. Because it caught her attention, she

I paid a little more attention to this big gun and found that the shape and texture of this gun seemed a little familiar.

like she often

"Don't always say things you can't do. You know how to say things like this? When I came here that day, didn't you just

Did you faint?" Nuo Qiu pursed his lips. "Do you think you are safe? Fortunately, this is a school, and it is a girls' school. If it were outside, your careless character would be waiting to be punished. Pick up the corpse!"

"What does it mean to pick up corpses?" Bai Ming looked like a dazed young man who didn't understand anything except swords.

, as if completely out of touch with this world.

"That's right, it's too complicated to explain to you." And Nuo Qiu didn't think that after telling Bai Ming,

With Bai Ming's single-threaded thinking mode, she could understand.

"Anyway, stop practicing. If you keep practicing like this, you may lose your hair. Hair belongs to women."

Capital, if you don’t have hair then, I’ll see if you can get married in the future!” After talking for so long, Bai Ming still couldn’t quite understand, for example, why cultivation is related to hair.

, and what if your hair falls out? As long as it doesn’t affect your strength improvement, anything is fine.

"You, you are too stupid and too young." Seeing that Bai Ming couldn't listen to his words at all, Nuo Qiu couldn't sit still and shouted.

He used his rich life experience of nearly thirty years to convince Bai Ming.

"You train so hard, will anyone feel sorry for you? Do you know what a biological clock is? That's what it is

Do you know what kind of things should be done at the right time? Only by combining work and rest can the highest efficiency be achieved? ?"

"Look, what time is it? It's eleven o'clock! It's so late. There are classes tomorrow. Go to bed. You've been training well.

No one cares about you at this late hour. "

no. "Obviously, Bai Ming did not accept Nuo Qiu's statement and categorically rejected it.

"Oh, why are you so stubborn? To put it bluntly, you are still too stupid and too young.

"But if I remember correctly, I'm one year older than you." Bai Ming complained silently.

"Don't worry about these details. Am I talking about biological age? What I'm talking about is psychological age, psychological,

How can someone like you, who does nothing but train all day long, have more life experience than me? You have to know

Tao, there is more to life than what is in front of you. "At this moment, Nuo Qiu is pretending to be a learned bachelor.

I almost pushed up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of my nose.

"Oh." Bai Ming said as if you said yes, then I won't refute. "Can you step aside a little, I want to continue

Practice sword practice. "

"Ah, you, how are you a human being!?" Nuo Qiu scratched his hair and spread his head.

The blond hair is messed up. "You are just like a piece of wood, an absolute piece of wood!"

Bai Ming ignored Nuo Qiu.

"Okay, as expected, you are really used to doing your own thing! You don't want to listen to outside opinions at all." Nuo

Qiu clicked his tongue, turned and left.

"You really don't know what's good and what's good. Then do whatever you want! I don't care about you anymore."

After using the hair identification technique on Bai Ming, Nuo Qiu was about to leave when he was suddenly attracted by Bai Ming's numerical value.

Most of the values ​​do not change. The higher the level, the harder it is to level up. This is common sense.

However, a red dot lit up underneath all the values ​​​​of Bai Ming. This was something that had never appeared before.

"What is this?" Nuo Qiu didn't know why. He clicked on it and the red dot disappeared, replaced by a striking paragraph.

crimson text.

‘The favorability level has reached, please complete the commission and prevent Bai Ming’s tragic ending.

"Ah? Tragic ending? ?" Nuo Qiu was stunned. It was obvious that only she could see the things in the identification technique, and the others

None of them could be seen, so from the perspective of others, he was just talking to himself.

It has appeared, it has finally appeared! Is this the so-called mission assigned to itself by the time-travel system? ?

Generally speaking, after completing this kind of task, he can unlock the main plot step by step. When he reaches the level,

Then he can go home smoothly!

He was worried that the space spell could not bring him home. What should he do next? Now, Nuo Qiu finally has a direction.

What is the tragic outcome of stopping Bai Ming? Will Bai Ming's future ending be tragic? How tragic is it? Not at all

As for betraying relatives and being abandoned by scum, right?

Even so, how can I save her?

This is his first time traveling through time and space. He is not the kind of person who travels through time and space every day and wanders through various storylines.

A time traveler is not proficient in business at all, so how can he avoid the tragic ending of this wooden lady?

Woolen cloth? ?

Got it!

A lightbulb went off in Nuoqiu's head and he had a great idea.

Since the world line develops naturally without his own interference and Bai Ming takes the tragic route, then as long as the opposite is true

, wouldn’t changing Bai Ming’s original living conditions change the outcome? ?

Looking at Bai Ming, who was fighting increasingly fiercely on the training ground, Nuo Qiu made up his mind.

Let’s start ‘correcting’ this habit!

"Hey, wait!" Nuo Qiu stepped forward and called Bai Ming, who turned around with an expression that said, "You haven't left yet."

"Of course you're not leaving, Kuku, dear Bai Ming, your sanity has gone to zero today, you can't continue training.

Oh~ If you want to continue training, you have to take a nap to regain your consciousness, which is tomorrow. "

Bai Ming couldn't understand what Nuo Qiu was talking about, so he simply stopped listening and continued to practice as if Nuo Qiu didn't exist.

"I told you to stop!" As he said that, Nuo Qiu stood in front of Bai Ming, blocking her way.

"I told you that you can no longer continue practicing today, so go to bed quickly."

"Get out of the way." Bai Ming's words were simple and pure, telling Nuo Qiu to get out of here.

"Want me to get out of the way? Hum, yes." As he said that, Nuo Qiu picked up the Radiant Holy Spear.

"If you can knock me down, I'll get out of your way!"

"Do you want to get hurt?" After a long silence, Bai Ming looked at Nuo Qiu meaningfully.

"Ha, hurt? ?Who do you want to get hurt? Let me tell you, Bai Ming, when I was a child, I was also a

Lian Jiazi, knows a little bit about Southern Boxing and Northern Legs - 2. His spearmanship master is Li Shuwen, and his boxing master is Huo Yuanjia! If you dare to move today

If you take even half a step, I'll beat you to the point where you can't find your way!" Nuo Qiu shouted loudly and put on a decent posture.

Bai Ming has never heard of the vertical pattern and the source price. He has never heard of this master at all, but Nuo Qiu

Interfering with her training and forcing her to take coercive measures to clean him out.

"Come on! Aren't you just one year older than me? I don't know what's so cool about you! Aren't you two?

Legs and two arms? Can you kill me instantly with this sword?" Nuo Qiu was very disdainful and held up the gun.

, posing like an iron bridge blocking the river. I don’t know who these words were meant for, maybe they were just used to embolden himself.

"You mean, you want to spar with me?" Bai Ming tilted his head.

"That's what I meant, but let's talk it over first so that you won't cry later. Traditional sparring only goes as far as it goes. If it goes too far, it doesn't count as sparring.

"Is that so?" Hearing this, Bai Ming no longer ignored Nuo Qiu, but rather said, "I'm not sleepy anymore when you talk about sparring."

"Ha, ha! It's you, Bai Ming. How dare you accept this, this stupid young man? It looks like I have to show off my skills to you!" Nuo Qiu pretended to be drunk, but in fact his legs were shaking.

"Ha, come on! Let me see your strength!"

"Then, please enlighten me." After saying that, Bai Ming held up the wooden sword and the picture was frozen here, because this was the last picture that Nuo Qiu kept before he was still awake. After that, his mind went blank. , like a free bird flying out of Guizhou

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