Blood Princess and the Knight

15~Reminder to sleep assistant

Uh-huh? Fa, what happened? "When Nuoqiu woke up, she found herself lying on a white bed, like the one in a funeral home, just covered with a white cloth to announce her death.

"You finally woke up? Oh, I thought you just died." A voice that didn't know whether it was teasing or sarcastic came.


"It's a miracle that you're still alive." Zoya said jokingly, sitting next to the hospital bed. "As a freshman who has just awakened his bloodline, you actually dare to challenge Bai Ming. You are truly a fool."

"Do you know what you are doing? You are challenging Bai Ming. You may not have a concrete idea of ​​how strong that guy is.

Hearing this, Nuo Qiu fell silent. In fact, he knew better than anyone how strong Bai Ming was.

As a time traveler, he can check the information and abilities of any person or creature. Naturally, he has a good idea of ​​the gap between himself and Bai Ming.

To be honest, Bai Ming would cry if he shot him.

Well, I pinched the person and begged him not to die.

"To put it simply, Bai Ming is the well-deserved number one person in Sophia Academy. Do you know? In fact, Bai Ming

She is the only one in this college who does not need to attend classes because there is no tutor who can teach her.

She also completed this promotion task independently, and no one was qualified to be her teammate. "

"Is she very strong?"

"Otherwise, what do you think? Not to mention his peers, even in the entire Gulan Empire, Bai Ming is one of the few

Count of masters, their strength is at least as strong as the Lord Knight. "

"How much strength does the Lord have as a knight?"

"Tch, he is indeed a country bumpkin. He knows nothing about the knight class of the Gulan Empire." Zoya rolled her eyes.

"Then what level of knight am I?"

"You? You haven't even entered the threshold, and you are still a knight?" Ruoya smiled. "When you are in second grade, you can complete the knight exam.

Liancai is considered an apprentice knight. "

"Is Bai Ming finished?"

"Are you talking nonsense? People have already completed the graduation trial directly, and it is still rated S. If it weren't for

If you are not old enough, you can graduate directly. "

"Recalling Bai Ming's astonishing skill levels, almost all of them average around fifty. This should be

It’s the ceiling of this world.

"Miss Ruoya, I'm sorry."

"Why did you suddenly say such things to me?" Ruoya narrowed her eyes. "You didn't say you were sorry

My words?"

"That's not the case. I'm just thanking you for taking care of me. You are actually a very good person." As a roommate

, I heard something happened to him and came over to see him. Who would be willing to waste their precious sleep time at night?

This shows that Ruoya is actually not bad-hearted.

"Tsk, you're so disgusting. I'm just here to join in the fun. I want to see if you're dead." Ruoya showed a hint of disgust.

Evil expression. "Next time, don't say such disgusting words. It makes my skin crawl when I hear it."

"Are you okay?" At this moment, the door was opened, and Bai Ming, who was covered in sweat, just walked in and looked at

On Nuoqiu.

"Hey, the real owner is here. Then I won't disturb your communication. I'm leaving first." With that said, Ruoya took the photo

He patted his butt, passed by Bai Ming, and walked straight out of the door of the infirmary.

It is indeed the largest university in the empire. Even the infirmary is so luxurious and it is open 24 hours a day.


Nuo Qiu suddenly thought of this.

"My move is a bit heavy?"

"It's not heavy, not heavy at all. Aren't I fine?" Nuo Qiu said firmly.

Bai Ming stared at Liao Nuoqiu for a while. "Why do you do this?"

Even Bai Ming, who is a model of single-threaded thinking, can't figure out this problem. In her opinion, Nuo Qiu's

Doing this is totally seeking death.

"Huh? Why? I just wanted to discuss with you on a whim. What time is it now?

Is it time?"

"Twelve thirty." Bai Ming replied. "You were unconscious for almost an hour."

"Oh, it's only been an hour." Nuo Qiu rubbed his head. "Then it's time to rest now, why don't you

Are you going back to rest?"

"I've already finished taking a shower." Bai Ming tilted his head and said

The corner of Nuo Qiu's mouth twitched.

The life or death of the person who was beaten is uncertain, and you still have time to take a shower. This sister is too worried, right? ?

"I didn't tell you that. I'm already in the hospital and you actually went back to the dormitory and took a shower?"

"The plan cannot be broken." Bai Ming's answer made Nuo Qiu a little confused. "You should work for a certain period of time

Duan's matter, at least just now, I should take a shower. ”.

"My sense of time is really strong.

No, it can no longer be said to be strong. He felt that Bai Ming had reached a morbid state towards the timetable on her wall.


"If I remember correctly, you get up at five o'clock every morning, right?"

"Yes, is there anything wrong?

"There are so many things wrong with you! Every day you

Only sleep for five hours? ?


"What a ghost, are you a superman? You only sleep for five hours? You are already going against the will of heaven, right? It's a violation.

common sense of mankind. "

"I think it's okay."

"I don't think so." Nuo Qiu stood up. "You are so young. You didn't cherish yourself so much when you were young.

The body, all kinds of overdrafts, when you get older, you will know why health care is a popular topic now.

"Popular topics?" Bai Ming doesn't understand very well. She doesn't pay attention to the outside world and doesn't understand what popular topics are.

It would be better to say that the word "popular" is always incompatible with her.

At least in her life, there were only two things: training and getting stronger, and the rest was irrelevant.

"I'm talking about you, do you know what is the combination of work and rest? Only by combining work and rest can you become stronger.

Do you understand at all? It is impossible to achieve miracles by training blindly. Haste makes waste, do you know?"

Bai Ming couldn't understand any of these allusions and idioms that came out of Nuo Qiu's mouth, but he thought they seemed quite powerful.

"Okay, listen to me. From today on, sleep well. Anyway, you have class at 8:30 and you will sleep until

How about going at 7:30, sleeping for eight hours, and then getting up for morning exercise?"

"Not at all." Bai Ming shook his head.

"Huh? Little girl, do you think I can't teach you a lesson? ?" Nuo Qiu stood up quickly with a snap.

Ah, then he slammed Bai Ming's wall against the white wall of the infirmary.

The two blond girls started a confrontation.

"I was just trying to protect myself from water, do you understand? If I really attack you, I'll beat you until you can't get out of bed tonight.

! "Nuo Qiu is fierce, majestic and confident, however.

"Pa!" The next second, Bai Ming changed his attack and pushed Jiang Nuoqiu against the wall.

"Well, um, senior Bai Ming, if you have something to say, please tell me." Nuo Qiu huddled into a small ball and said weakly.

"Don't come in my way." After saying these words, Bai Ming left.

"Hu Nuoqiu seemed to be relieved, and lay limply on the bed with lingering fear.

That woman is too scary

Recalling the previous severe injury, Nuo Qiu still had fresh memories, and he was afraid that if he had to do it a few more times, he would be left with a psychological shadow.

"No, we can't give up just like that! Nuo Qiu clenched his fists.

This is the only possibility for him to go home. He will never give in and lead the dog so easily!

Speaking of which, why does Bai Ming train so hard? She is obviously already so strong and wants to become even better.

Qiang, do you want to challenge Godzilla? ?

Bai Ming doesn't seem like the kind of person who is eager to be recognized, so why would she be so interested in this kind of high-intensity

Do you have a perverted obsession with training? ?

Nuo Qiu couldn't figure it out. After all, he was not Bai Ming himself, and he didn't know what happened to this girl.


This feeling of Nuoqiu may need to eradicate the hidden dangers in Bai Ming's character to save it.

But saving her is secondary. Nuo Qiu’s fundamental wish is to go home. If it weren’t for this broken identification system,

After explaining his mission, he didn't want to deal with this wooden girl.

Well, although she is indeed good-looking and has an extremely hot figure, her temperament is too weird.

Bai Ming, right? Just wait, don't think I can't subdue you. "Nuoqiu encouraged himself.

I guess he is a master of the game after all. How could he succumb to such a difficult situation? ?

So he returned to his dormitory, made a plan, and then fell asleep.

Early the next morning, before dawn, a room above the corridor was gently pushed open.

Bai Ming, who had changed into fresh morning exercise clothes, stepped out of the room, closed the door quietly, and went downstairs.

As usual, everyone was still in their beds at this time, and she was the only one who went out for morning exercise.


It was as if she was the only one left in the world.

"Senior Bai Ming, where do you want to go?"

Just as she opened the dormitory door and went out for morning exercises as usual, a familiar voice came.

"Haha, haha, I didn't expect it! I got up at half past four today, I got up earlier than you.

Morning! I just want to stay here to guard you!" Staring at the blond girl with two dark circles under her eyes, she pointed at Bai Ming.

He swore proudly and yawned while speaking.

Then what. "Looking at Nuo Qiu's funny look of being exhausted but holding his eyelids open, Bai Ming couldn't help but

For some reason, I suddenly thought this girl was a little funny.

She should, probably, use the word 'funny'. She didn't know how to describe the feeling in her heart at this moment.

Impressions of Nuoqiu.

"Then? Then of course I let you go back to sleep!" It seems to be due to a serious lack of sleep.

Because of this, Nuo Qiu thought for a long time before he figured out what he wanted to do, and shouted at Bai Ming.

"Okay, you go back to sleep quickly, I discovered it, ah, I discovered it, morning exercise

It’s no longer possible to specify. You can’t sleep until 7:30 today!

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