"Anyway, you are determined not to be able to do today's morning exercise!" Nuo Qiuyi yawned while speaking eloquently to Bai Ming. He was so arrogant and arrogant, with his arms crossed and his hands crossed. momentum.

"If you didn't sleep well, go and catch up on it." Bai Ming glanced at Nuo Qiuyi. "You're shouting in such a lackluster voice. You have to go to class later."

"Ah Ming Yao..., I want you to take care of it. Also, are you qualified to speak to me about this? Go back to sleep."

Well, you only slept for less than five hours yesterday! If you perform such a high-intensity training with less than five hours of rest time, sooner or later your body will not be able to hold it anymore!" said Nuo Qiu. Strive with reason.

"Good boy, be obedient and go back to sleep."

Bai Ming was slightly startled by this sentence that a good boy should be obedient. It gradually overlapped with a certain scene in her memory. After that, she lowered her head and remained silent.

"You can correct your mistakes and find your way back. You've already gone crazy. Dear Bai Ming, stop it now!" Nuo Qiu didn't see anything unusual about Bai Ming at all, and stepped forward to pull Bai Ming back. But the latter slapped his hand away.

"Hey, wait!" Seeing that Bai Ming ignored his dissuasion and resolutely opened the door, Nuo Qiu hurriedly stopped him, but was stopped by him.

Bai Ming grabbed his hand and pressed it against the wall.

"Woo?!" Nuoqiu shrank into a ball like a frightened bird.

Stop it, mind your own business. "Bai Ming's expression at this moment is different from before. It's something Nuo Qiu has never seen before.

With a gloomy look, it was hard to imagine that such an expression would appear on the face of such a beautiful girl.

Nuo Qiu was so stunned that she didn't even notice when Bai Ming left.

"Hey, wait, wait!" Nuo Qiu's sleepiness was swept away. He ran onto the street and caught up with Bai Ming.

"Do you think my perseverance only has this level? I won't let you go if I tell you. I just won't let you go."

I will let you go!" Nuo Qiu opened his arms when he came to Bai Ming.

"If you want to leave, just step on me!" Nuo Qiu shouted at the blond girl.

"Step aside."

"No!" Bai Ming's sharp eyes were already on Nuo Qiu. He could feel it, as if he was

It's like being targeted by a dangerous beast, which is in stark contrast to its beautiful appearance.

Nuo Qiu mustered up his courage and refused to give in.

No matter what, he must break Bai Ming's completely wrong life pattern. If this continues, even if Nuo Qiu

I can also feel that Bai Ming's body will definitely be worn down. Let alone training, I'm afraid that even holding a sword will no longer be possible.

A luxury.

"Since you are unwilling to listen to me, then I have no choice but to take coercive measures! As promised in advance, I will not hold back!" As he said that, Nuo Qiu took out the Radiant Holy Spear and blocked Bai Ming like an iron tower. the way to go.

"You are no match for me."

"Hmph, I still don't know if I'll try or not! If you want to go to the training ground, you have to get past me, otherwise I will be useless.

How about annoying you all the time? What do you want?

"Bang!" Nuo Qiu fell heavily to the ground and lost consciousness.

Bai Ming easily slapped Nuo Qiu's spear away without even using a wooden sword and threw it away.


The attack from behind did not hit Bai Ming. The latter perfectly dodged and grabbed the attacker's gun tip.

"Huh, huh, huh!" Nuo Qiu, who got up from the ground, gasped. It was obvious that with his physique,

Considering the strength of his muscles and bones, he was hit hard by this fall.

"But this level is far from enough! Bai Ming, what you have to face is a ****!" That's it.

, Nuo Qiu started talking nonsense, saying whatever he wanted to say about being handsome, anyway, there was a huge gap in strength, and he was no better than Bai Ming.

Even if he loses the game, he cannot lose his momentum. In terms of aura, he must win!

"Ha! Look at my Fengshen Cut!" He shouted the name of his exclusive skill loudly, and the spear lingered in the sky.

A few gun flowers were fired, and the silver light pierced through like lightning.

The speed of Fengshen's cutting shocked Nuoqiu himself. Since it was the first time he used it to attack others, he was very surprised.

Due to his lack of skill and the fact that his opponent was Bai Ming, this attack naturally failed.

Bai Ming dodged this seemingly fatal blow with an unpretentious sidestep, then grabbed the gun head, and then

Pulled the entire Nuoqiu over.

"Ah ah ah! Well, be merciful, sister Bai Ming." Looking close at hand, coldly - Zhang

With a white face, Nuo Qiu said with a smile.

Hearing this, the fist that was about to fall stopped. He glanced at Nuo Qiu blankly, and then Bai Ming left.

"Ahhh!" However, the moment she turned around, Nuoqiu took this opportunity to attack again. "Awakening

, Classmate Bai Ming! You can't get out today no matter what!"

Nuo Qiu launched a blow that was bound to win, but it was of no use. As early as the moment he had this idea,

Bai Ming sensed it in an instant, turned sideways and knocked away Nuo Qiu's spear, then pushed him to the ground.

"Acridine! It hurts, it hurts! That,...that senior Bai Ming, I was wrong, I was wrong. Just now, just now, that was with

Are you kidding? Hahahaha." Nuoqiu stuck out his tongue and hit

I managed to get through it, but it was obvious that I was not perfunctory this time.

Got some white tea.

I saw the latter with a cold and pretty face at this moment.

"Kneel down and don't move."

"Eh? "

Then, under Nuo Qiu's gaze, Bai Ming found a rope from nowhere.

"Hey?! You, what are you doing?" Bai Bai, who was about to pick up the rope, raised and lowered his hands.

Ming, Nuoqiu shouted. "Don't you think you want to tie my hands and feet and throw me into the moat?"

?! It’s too cruel. You’re too vindictive. Wow, oh, oh, I’m so cute, can you do it?

Seeing that Bai Ming was unmoved, Nuo Qiu had no choice but to cry and beg for help, feeling embarrassed and humiliated, wiping her tears while acting cute.

, However, even in this way, he could not move Mo De's emotional Bai Ming.

Bai Ming's hands kept moving.

"I'm warning you, murder is illegal in the academy, and someone will see it, for example, for example." Just as Nuoqiu said this, he was speechless for a moment.

It's five o'clock in the morning, and everyone is still in bed. At this point, even the school's environmental servants are not available.

Get up, how can there be a witness? ?

At five o'clock, it was pitch dark, you couldn't see your fingers, there were no surveillance cameras, and everyone was still asleep.

Simply, this is an excellent environment for committing crimes!!

"Too, too much! Damn it, are these all part of your plan? ? You, you can't do this, no

You can murder me just because there are no witnesses nearby, let alone tie me with stones and sink me into the moat!

Nuo Qiu was still crying, but Bai Ming had already finished the work. After getting up, he stopped talking to Nuo Qiu and turned around.


"Eh, eh? Wait, you don't care about me now? ?" Nuo Qiu puffed up his cheeks, very dissatisfied. When he was about to get up and continue chasing Bai Ming, he found that his hands and feet were tied up. .

Being tied to something.

"Eh, eh eh?!" Nuo Qiu struggled for a while, and then he saw the dim brightness clearly.

Ahhh! This Bai Ming! He actually hung his hands and feet on his spear and tied him behind his back.

It's so hateful! I can't spare her, and I'm ready to stare at her with my eyes!

However, Nuoqiu, who was tied up like a mutton skewer, could not move at all and could only roll around like a wheel.

"Ah! Bai Ming, you and I are at odds with each other.

Damn it, just tie it up, why do you have to tie it in such a shameful position? She is still wearing pajamas now.

It's over, it's over! It's five o'clock in the morning, so there's no one. Wait a few hours and everyone wakes up, so what's going on with him?

Will he lose his face soon?! How can he survive in this academy in the future? ?

What will everyone say about him? ?A man in pajamas performing strange binding and placement on the street before dawn

The perversion of PLAY? ?

No, he can't accept this weird name, whether it's a prefix or a title!

No, no! He couldn't sit still and wait for death. In order to fight to the end with this hateful blonde devil, how could he

Can dogs be leashed so easily? ?

It doesn't matter, there's still some time before dawn, it won't bother him, he can crawl back!

"Still, still a little bit close, just a little bit woo woo hoo, but it's so far, so far!"

In the early morning, a ray of light shone on Nuoqiu's face. When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by people talking about him.


"Hey, hey?!" Nuo Qiu's eyes widened, and he looked at the people gesticulating at him, and they were disgusted.

face, and he suddenly understood what happened.

"Ah ah ah! No, no, I'm really not a pervert. Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

"Why are you shouting so loudly so early in the morning? ?"

"Ah?" Nuo Qiu was startled. He opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the sofa in the dormitory. When he got up and took a look, if

Ya is coming down the stairs.

"Eh? Eh? Then, where are those people?"

"What are those people? Are you confused in your sleep?" Ruoya rolled her eyes at Nuo Qiu.

"I, wasn't I tied up on the street waiting for death? Why, I suddenly returned to the dormitory? Could it be that I managed to crawl back? ?

"You're a ghost! You can crawl to sleep even though you're crawling. You're also a talent." Ruoya snorted. "If I had known better, I would have left you in the middle of the road for a longer time, or I would have let you die in the true sense of the word."

"Eh?" Nuo Qiu gradually understood the situation. "Miss Ruoya, you saved me?"

"Otherwise? You're a loser who can crawl and fall asleep. How do you expect you to crawl back? ?, but think about it, it seems quite interesting to just leave you alone."

"How interesting is that? Thank you."

"Hmph, should you tell me thank you?"

"Ah? Otherwise

"Apologise." Ruoya approached Nuo Qiu and said dissatisfied. "That guy screamed so loudly at five o'clock and kept me awake? It's all thanks to you.

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