"Thank you. Did you help me untie the rope?

You are truly a loser. "Hearing this, Ruoya held her forehead. "There is no need for me to untie it at all.

Okay, isn’t the gun that is tied to you a condensation of your blood? You can retract it freely, right? ?

"Eh, eh eh?!" Nuo Qiu was stunned for a long time when he heard this, and then patted his head. "You're right, I understand

It can be retracted and released freely, so why did you let it tie me up for so long?"

"You ask me? ?" Ruoya and Nuoqiu stared at each other with big eyes.

Ha, I must have been awake at the time and didn't expect this. " Nuo Qiu said, patting his head.

"You are really. How do you say that word? You are stupid."

"By the way, where is Senior Bai Ming?

"Where is Senior Bai Ming here? Don't you even look at what time it is? At this hour, everyone is going

Are you going to school? "

"You are really a little stupid. At five o'clock, before dawn, you are there singing opposite roles with Bai Ming. You

Do you know how loud your voice was at that time? How many students who were still catching up on their sleep were awakened? ?"

"Ah? Did I scream so loudly?" Nuo Qiu's head was full of black lines.

"What do you think? For those who don't know, you might think that someone moved the farmhouse to the college and treated it like a butchered pig. I

I slept well at five o'clock, but you woke me up, and I didn't fall asleep until six o'clock. "

"Well, you were beaten badly, weren't you? Really, why did you provoke her? There are some extra bandages here, you can use them.

Okay, but I probably won't need it, I don't seem to be hurt. "Nuo Qiu rubbed the places where Bai Ming had hit him. Surprisingly, he didn't feel any pain. He moved around without any hindrance.

"Ah? This is not the time to show off your position, idiot. It would be troublesome to leave hidden wounds. The training at Sophia Academy is inherently high-intensity. If you train with an injury, it is very likely that the injury will not heal for life! This is not a joke. ." Ruoya said angrily.

"Ruoya learns

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? It's so disgusting.

"It's nothing, Senior Sister Ruoya, you are indeed a very kind-hearted person.

"Wha, what? Don't talk to yourself and say some inexplicable things. Even if you say that, I won't be happy. On the contrary, I will feel disgusted."

"But, that's it. Senior sister, although you don't say it on the surface, you are actually very good to me."

"What a ghost, I just think it's interesting to make Yelena and Bai Ming suffer together.

, maybe there will be a lot of fun if you continue to stay in the dormitory, don’t get me wrong.

"Yeah, yeah!" Nuoqiu Duck sat on the sofa and nodded with a smile.

Do you know that the look on your face now makes me want to punch you? "Ruoya narrowed her eyes


"Speaking of which, why are you always pestering Bai Ming? After these days of observation, you can also see that

Is this guy a stupid person who can’t understand the problem? ?”.

Senior Bai Ming always looks lonely. She seems to have a morbid obsession with training and becoming stronger.

I don’t know if I have any heart problems, but I still can’t feel at ease with her appearance, so I thought about whether I could

Nuo Qiu made up random things on the spot. After all, he couldn't tell Ruoya that everything was just a systematic task, right?

However, although it is a random fabrication, it is not entirely a fabrication. At least it is indeed his true impression of Bai Ming.


"It's boring, it's just a futile effort. You can't change that person." Unexpectedly, Ruoya said something to her before she finished listening.

Nuoqiu's words generated a rebuttal.


"That guy, no, I should say it's that guy's family. They are a group of aliens, a group of extremes.

Alien. "Ruoya clicked her tongue.

"The discipline method they implement for the children of the clan is extremely strict. Although it is because of this harsh method that

There are many sword masters and famous knights, but in the final analysis, their education methods are too inhumane. "

"As long as we are human, we cannot achieve absolute justice and fairness. Human nature always tends to be emotional and selfish.

Bending the law is unavoidable. The so-called fairness and justice, and justice without fear are all conceptual words.

If you want to implement it thoroughly, you have to eliminate human nature. "It seems that something was aroused in her heart, Ruoya talked about herself


"What those guys are doing is erasing the humanity that humans should have.

"Erase, humanity? So, is this why, Senior Ruoya, you don't like Senior Bai Ming?"

"That's right, but in the final analysis it's not that I don't like her, it's that I don't like Sheng Lun." Ruoya gritted her teeth and said. "

I really don't like those wooden heads. Whenever I see their expressionless faces, I

Just the opposite

"In short, I don't like anyone with the syllable Shenglun in their name."

"Yes, is that so?" Hearing this, Nuo Qiu laughed sarcastically.

"That's right, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Nuo Qiu looked away.

"And wow, there's more!" At this point, Ruoya's tone was a little more resentful.

. "Don't you think this ethnic group has changed too much?

Are you ready? ?”

"Pervert? Ah, where exactly do you mean pervert?" Nuo Qiu didn't understand.

"Hey, I still treat you as the same kind of person, but you can't even notice this? How slow are you?" Ruo

Ya's tone was a little more contemptuous.

"Ah? What did you notice?"

"No need to say it." Ruoya glanced at Nuoqiu's chest. "Tsk, I don't know why the genes of those golden retrievers are so...

Okay, stupid, how can girls like us who are still in the developmental stage live like this in every wave?

"Ah this." Nuo Qiu glanced at his own flat plain, and then at the plain where Ruoya was no better, and paused.

Time figured out what she was complaining about.

"Tsk, it must be because those golden retrievers used the nutrients and hormones used to develop their brains to develop sexual characteristics.

Well, it must be like this! Otherwise there is no way to explain it!"

Nuoqiu remained silent, but for some reason, he felt like he was lying on his back.

Ruoya was dissatisfied with Sheng Lun. She scolded Sheng Lun in this place for several minutes, and he also lay there for several minutes.

There really isn't much to say about guns.

"Um, can you stop scolding them and involve all the blond people?" Nuoqiu, who couldn't stop, weakly raised his hand.


"Huh? What are you afraid of? You are not among them. Although your hair is also platinum, you are unexpectedly different from those guys.

Similar, but you are very different from them. "Ruoya glanced at Nuoqiu's chest.

"You have developed like this, how dare you say that you are Sheng Lun? No one will believe you when you go out, right?"


I'm a boy, so of course I don't have breasts, but it's different for you, girl.

Now Nuo Qiu finally figured out why no one was suspicious of his platinum attire. It turned out to be because

Because he was contrary to Sheng Lun's biggest characteristic, no one thought about it and just laughed it off.

Okay, she was treated like a girl with small breasts.

"Ah, I really want to say too much. It's true. Maybe it's because of the boss. I said this to someone who doesn't matter.

There are so many words, hey, don’t tell Bai Ming in private?”

"Hey, no, no, no, I'm not the kind of big talker who can't keep secrets. I tell everyone about everything.

Nuo Qiu waved her hand quickly

But even if you tell her, it doesn't matter. Anyway, that guy won't do anything. The Shenglun family is more

Nothing will happen. "There are groups of girls in the college. Although some girls are polite on the surface, they secretly

The field is very good at crowding people. If they hear bad things about them, they will use many tricks to prevent them.

But Bai Ming is obviously not among this group. Even if he speaks ill of her in front of her, nothing will happen.

She doesn't even look at you.

Why are you still looking at me? ?" Seeing Nuo Qiu sitting on the sofa and staring at her, Ruoya said angrily

"What time is it? Don't you go to school? Do you know what the first impression is? It's the first day of school.

You are late today, and you still want to leave a good impression on the teacher? ?"

"Ah?" Looking at the time on the clock, Nuo Qiu's eyes widened.

"Ah ah ah! I'm going to be late." Saying that, Nuo Qiu hurriedly said thank you to Ruoya, and then ran away

Leave the room.

"Idiot, you forgot your schoolbag."

"Oh! Sorry!" Nuoqiu rushed back to the dormitory, went upstairs, picked up the bag, and rushed out of the dormitory door again.

"Ah, he is indeed an out-and-out idiot. He is as brainless as that guy Bai Ming -

Fight. "Looking at the back of Nuo Qiu leaving in a hurry, Ruoya complained -

The class started on the same day. Fortunately, Nuoqiu was not late when he came, and he happened to be stuck.

After taking the necessary cultural classes in the morning, Nuoqiu took the required courses that he chose in the afternoon. At noon, he followed yesterday's

As promised by God, he used a rope to go to Yelena's dormitory and learn space magic with Xue Ya.

Although there is a high probability that the space spell will not be able to send him back to his original world, there is a saying that it is better to learn more than one skill.

Courses are always good.

His spell penetration is only two-star strength, which means that he cannot use spells that are too powerful. So this kind of

At this time, the effect of auxiliary spells will be obvious. Learning more space spells can play a very obvious role in the battle.


After a day of classes, Nuoqiu didn't have time to rush home to do her homework.

He has more important things to do.

That's right, it's time to advance the main plot.

"Ha! Bai Ming, I found you!" On the training ground, Nuo Qiu appeared in front of Bai Ming again.

"Let's go! Follow me back to the dormitory! Your energy has been exhausted today and you can't practice anymore! You must go home with me.

Otherwise I will have to take some tough measures!"

Are you here again?" Bai Ming had a rare look on his face - impatient.

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