Why are you here again?" A rare look other than indifference appeared on Bai Ming's face.

The pretty face showed a rare hint of impatience.

"Dear Ming, why don't you look at what time it is now? It's nine o'clock. At this o'clock, the good boy is already here.

Hurry yourself under the quilt, come on, come home with me and sleep!" Nuo Qiu stopped in front of Bai Ming as usual, obstructing her.

her way.

"If you want to continue training without being disturbed, you have to get through me first!"

"You are no match for me."

"Why are you saying this again? My ears are getting calloused. There is still a long way to go. This situation will

It happens all the time, you don't have to make the same opening remarks every time, right? ?" Nuo Qiu didn't care about so much, he was so arrogant

He was full of energy and held a spear in his hand.

Bai Ming - as before - casually drew the wooden sword, and a stream of air struck out.

He raised his sword and put it down. Nuo Qiu rolled up the mosquito coils with his eyes like usual and lay on the ground.

Bai Ming closed her eyes, turned her head and ignored Nuo Qiu, and headed to the training room.

"Wait, wait!" At this moment, a stubborn voice came from behind her.

"Ha, is this like escaping? Tell you, there's no way, I haven't fallen down yet!" As he said that, Nuo Qiu held on.

Spear stood up from the ground.

"Today, if you don't beat me completely, I won't be able to leave!" Nuo Qiu ran towards Bai Ming.

[Wind God Cut]

"Bang!" The beam of light erupted from the tip of the gun was deflected by Bai Ming holding the sword with one hand, as if to let Nuo Qiu understand that he and

The gap between them was the same. Bai Ming no longer looked back. He turned his back to Nuo Qiu and took over all these small tricks.

"Haha, seeing what happened, Nuo Qiu lowered his head slightly, and then suddenly raised it. "Even if you are a genius, you won't be able to do it.

It’s too arrogant!”

Saying that, Nuo Qiu rushed towards Bai Ming with a gun, started a close combat with Bai Ming, and was beaten to death as expected.

Pig head.

"Wu Ming was hit by the wooden sword in Bai Ming's hand, and his weak points such as his jaw, ribs, soft abdomen, and waist were hit.

Qiu lay on the ground in discomfort and kept moaning.

Fortunately, Bai Ming knew how to measure and didn't use too much force, otherwise the beating would have forced him to be hospitalized.

"Tch, you, what's so great about you? ?"

Bai Ming stopped walking because the figure behind him staggered and stood up again.

"To put it bluntly, it's just that you are more talented! Apart from that, do you have any other outstanding qualities? Even if you don't look at it, you are already regarded as an alien by other students in this college!"

"Ah, now I finally know why you met a tragic end. That's how it is, one by one except for the sword.

You're a good-for-nothing guy, if you encounter a problem that you can't solve on your own, who will be willing to help you? ?"

"Life is not just about the sword in your hand!" Nuoqiu gasped, but still shouted loudly.

Bai Ming was silent.

"Okay, then let me show you. I will defeat you in the aspect that you should be most proud of. Just give me

Watch it!" Nuo Qiu speeded up. After being injured, his speed was far less than before. In Bai Ming's eyes, he was even slower than a turtle.

When the spear fell, Bai Ming didn't even want to use his sword to block it.

It's just too slow.

However, just as she slightly clenched her palm, trying to grab Nuo Qiu's gun, she unexpectedly missed it.

Bai Ming was stunned and found that Nuo Qiu had already disappeared.

Even with Nuoqiu's extreme speed, it is absolutely impossible to disappear under her nose.

The next moment, danger signs arose. Bai Ming suddenly turned around and retreated, the tip of the gun just grazed in front of her face.

He passed by and chopped off a strand of her hair.

"Haha! I hit you!" Nuo Qiu said proudly. "Squirt, it would be nice if the speed was faster.

"Boom, boom, boom!" However, before Nuo Qiu could be proud, countless halo particles were instantly generated, and Bai Ming

His body was built into an indestructible knight named Ji Yinhele.

"Eh? Nuo Qiu was stunned. For some reason, when this armor appeared, he felt that

The spear resonated with it.

"What a feeling!" Before Nuo Qiu could say anything, the fist attached to the gauntlet fell on Nuo Qiu's abdomen.

The latter immediately rolled his eyes and fell down. This time, he did not wake up again.

Glancing at Nuo Qiu who was lying on the ground, Bai Ming's eyes flashed with worry, but in the end he ignored him and left.


Nuo Qiu didn't know how long he had been lying on the ground, his consciousness was groggy, until he heard someone's shout in front of his ear.

Then he was hugged up

Oh, it’s so dark and cold. Am I dead again?

Hey, why should I say it again?

It's so noisy. What's going on around here?

"How many times have I told you that private fighting is prohibited in the academy? Do you understand it clearly? ?"

"This little classmate has come here twice in a week. Classmate Bai Ming, can you explain to me what is going on?"

What’s going on? ?”

"Tell me the truth, classmate Bai Ming, did you bully her? ?'

"Hey, I don't know what the conflict is between you, but bullying is absolutely prohibited in the academy. This kind of situation

The situation is extremely bad, do you understand? ?”

"Even if you are the chief student of Sophia Academy and have a special status, you cannot do such a thing!

If this is not the case, you know, if it happens again, even you will be punished. "


"Fortunately, it's not a serious injury. This classmate's self-healing ability is pretty good. I'll wait until this classmate wakes up later."

, -You must apologize to others properly, do you understand?"


It’s so noisy. Who is Diao talking to? ?

Nuo Qiu narrowed his eyes, and then gradually saw the scene in front of him clearly.

Ah, it’s the familiar ceiling of the infirmary again. It’s not familiar at all. It’s just that we come here a little too often. One

Came here twice in less than four days this week.

"Feel sorry.".

Are you talking to me?"


"Then why aren't you facing me?" Nuo Qiu looked at Bai Ming, who had his back turned to him, with black lines on his head.

"Sorry." Bai Ming turned around

Ah, this is really funny. Every time I go to the infirmary, the person who accompanies me is the one who beats me. " Nuoqiu laughed at himself

The way.

"Feel sorry.

"Okay, don't praise me anymore. Seeing your apology makes me feel that this happened on my own accord. I can't blame you.

Yes, it was self-defense. "

"Just now, they asked you if you were being bullied. Why didn't you tell them the truth?" Nuo Qiu thought in his mind.

Still very self-aware.

What he did was just like a dog messing around with a mouse, but in order to advance the main plot and let himself go home

, had to do this, he had to change the original world line and make Bai Ming deviate from the original trajectory. Although this

I felt a little sorry for Bai Ming, but I felt relieved when I thought that this was for her sake and to avoid her BAD END.

"Bai Ming didn't speak, looking out the window in silence.

Ah, has this boring gourd started again? - Without saying a word, can it be expected that he can read minds and understand her?

Hidden meaning? ?

"If there is a fight in school, both parties will be punished." Not long after, Bai Ming said coldly.

"Eh?" Nuo Qiu was stunned, and then understood what Bai Ming meant.

Was she trying to downgrade the fight to bullying so that only one party would be punished? ?

This guy actually doesn't have a bad heart.

No, it would be better to say that she is like this. On the first day, when she was brutally attacked by Yelena, she was also the one who was suitable for her.

Shi's appearance saved him, otherwise he might have been kicked out of the academy as a pervert because of his gender.

"Don't do such dangerous things again." Bai Ming stood up and said. "If you are not good, you will be expelled.

Yes, unless you are willing to give up your current lifestyle and return to normal, otherwise, I will not

Give up. "Nuo Qiu said decisively without much hesitation.

Bai Ming glanced at him and lowered his head slightly. "Why do you do this?"

"I just feel that your lifestyle, Bai Ming, is very different from other people's. I want to help you, even if it's just wishful thinking."

I want to help you willingly, and I also want to do so. You can completely treat me as someone who will do whatever you want and do whatever you want.

Damn it, I already had this realization. ”.

Just now, at that moment, how did you escape my attack?" Bai Ming changed the topic.

At that moment, she even felt that her life was threatened, so she subconsciously activated her bloodline -

She had no idea that a new student who had only been in school for less than a few days could force her to the point of bleeding.


"Ah, that is an exclusive ability of my bloodline.

"It's a space curse, right?" Bai Ming said suddenly.

Ah what? Space curse? What is that? "

"You're obviously not fast enough to launch an attack that I won't notice, so it can only be a space spell. In addition to instantaneous

Apart from transferring one's own spatial coordinates between spaces, I can't think of any other possibility. "

Nuo Qiu gritted his teeth. He didn't expect Bai Ming's fighting intuition to be so strong. He almost insisted that it was

Space spell.

Yes, in the battle with Bai Ming just now, Nuo Qiu used the basic space teleportation port given to him by Professor Xue Ya.

Jue, he has been waiting for that opportunity, making Bai Ming carelessly think that his speed and attack skills are extremely one-sided.

First, after Bai Ming had such an illusion, he launched an attack. Even Bai Ming, who had experienced many battles, felt that there was no reaction.

Don't come here

His impulsiveness at that time caused his current predicament.

As we all know, space magic can only be used by the elves, but she used the space magic and revealed it in disguise.

The fact that he is an elf came out.

If Bai Ming used this to blackmail him, then his situation would be dangerous.

"Yes." Seeing Bai Ming's silence, Bai Ming nodded as if he had confirmed his suspicion, and then

He stood up and walked towards the door of the infirmary.

"Hey, you, you just left like that? Ming's attitude of leaving without saying a word made Nuo Qiu a little unexpected.

Bai Ming didn't look back. "Didn't you say that you wanted to defeat me in the field I'm best at?"


Then give it a try.

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