"Senior Bai Ming, it's time to go to bed~"

"No, it's already ten o'clock. My dear baby has already gone to bed at this time." Nuo Qiu shook his head.

The bell in his hand, he said with a smile

Is it too early? In the past, I never thought. On the bed, Bai Ming seemed a little uneasy.

"No, no, it should be said that usually, Senior Bai Ming is too abnormal and deviates from the category of normal female students.

Oh, at this point, not everyone stays up late, they have already fallen asleep under the covers." Nuo Qiu said seriously.

explained. "If you stay up late, you will have dark circles and early wrinkles, which are the natural enemies of girls.

cannot be ignored

I can't sleep if I fall asleep so early." Bai Ming still tried to explain.

"That's because, Senior Bai Ming, you don't usually sleep at this time. Your biological clock is out of whack. You'll get better once you get used to it."

That's a lot." Nuo Qiu helped Bai Ming steady little by little and lay down peacefully.

"Okay, turn off the lights, have a good sleep, sleep until six o'clock tomorrow and get up again, and sleep for eight hours."

".I will get up at about four o'clock."

"No, no, it's so cold. As soon as you lie down, you won't want to get up."

"Senior Bai Ming, don't forget, you have to listen to me these few months, and you have to respect my opinions to a certain extent.

I understand." Thinking that his mother had already 'sold' herself to Nuo Qiu, Bai Ming couldn't say more.

What, accept your fate?

"Also, Senior Bai Ming, don't think that I am giving you orders. There is no superior-subordinate relationship between us."

"What's the relationship?" Bai Ming was puzzled.

"If Senior Bai Ming is willing, I would like to be friends with Senior Bai Ming." Nuo Qiu stretched out his hand towards Bai Ming.

, friendly smile

"Friend" Bai Ming tilted his head and murmured this unfamiliar yet familiar word.

She had often heard people around her mention this term, but it was still unfamiliar to her.

She didn't know what the word meant or what a friend was.

But to be honest, she felt that she didn't need such a thing. Every time she saw other colleges in pairs, or

Appearing in groups in the college's casual cafe, she only felt that this was a waste of time and a waste of time.

That's all, apart from that, she felt nothing.

Or perhaps, the true definition of companions is weak people who share the same fate and gather together due to their own lack of strength.

In one place, the essence is that they cannot survive alone.

Bai Ming felt that she was not such a weak person, so she did not need to look for companions or friends.

She will fulfill her obligations as a knight and protect all the weak, but she does not need companions.

Therefore, she didn't understand why Nuoqiu wanted to be friends with her. Is it because Nuoqiu was weak?

Well, compared to others, it is indeed weak.

So is she asking for protection from herself?

After thinking this, Bai Ming felt that she had understood, so she nodded towards Nuo Qiu.

"Well, I understand, I will protect you, and of course, I will also protect others."

Ah? What are you going to say? "Nuo Qiu doesn't know why Bai Ming's thinking span is so wide. Before -

One moment she was still talking about making friends, and the next moment she was saying that she would protect everyone. I always felt that she was not thinking the same way as her.

Same on the channel.

"Forget it, that's it anyway. Senior Bai Ming is obedient. It's bedtime now. Then, I'll go back to the room first.

It’s time. "After turning off the lights, Nuoqiu exited the room.

Bai Ming opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, the room was enveloped in darkness.

Glancing at the clock beside the bed, it was just past ten o'clock.

It was very difficult for her to go to bed so early. On the other hand, she was also dissatisfied with Nuoqiu's training method.

Be skeptical.

He is just a Shenglun who came from the countryside. How can he know about training? Is it true that nothing will happen if he does this? ?Wan-

What should I do if her level deteriorates instead of improving?

Bai Ming, who had received Shenglun education since childhood, couldn't help but feel worried.

"Huhu~~" As if he had decided on a good thing, Nuoqiu whistled softly on the way back to his room, -

Every word is full of the flavor of hometown.

However, suddenly, someone covered her mouth and nose and strangled her neck.

"Uh-huh?!" After a brief moment of shock, Nuoqiu resisted desperately, but the man who caught him was extremely powerful.

Less was on top of him, so he was like this, grabbed like a chicken, and was pulled back bit by bit.


The moment he was dragged into the room, Nuo Qiu thought countless times that this kidnapper was trying to do him harm.

Who is the person.

First of all, Bai Ming was excluded, and then, as a person who often helped Bai Ming make suggestions, Ruoya had no intention of committing the crime.

machine, then there is only one answer, the most dangerous woman in this dormitory, Yelena

After being dragged into the dormitory and thrown to the ground, Nuo Qiu covered his throat and coughed.

"Come on, come on, vomit!" Before she could cry out for help, a soft hand strangled her tightly.

Her throat.

"Ah, I advise you to be more honest." Looking into those dangerous beautiful eyes, Nuo Qiu closed her mouth conscientiously.

"I hate noise the most. If something noisy appears in my room, I will

Don’t hesitate to take the most extreme solution. "Yelena smiled and lifted Nuo Qiu's chin with her fingers.

"Very good." Seeing that Nuo Qiu was very aware of current affairs, he closed his mouth with an expression that said, "I'm a good boy, don't do anything to me."

The pleasant smile returned to Yelena's mouth.

"Miss Nuoqiu, sit down. Just find a place to sit. You don't need me to guide you, right?"

She turned away her eyes carelessly and looked elsewhere, covering her mouth and smiling.

"Ara, why, why are you still shy at this time?"

"No, Miss Yelena, I don't know anything, I haven't seen anything." Nuo Qiu tried his best to

Clear the relationship.

"Didn't see anything? Really?

"Well, it's really true!" Nuo Qiu closed his eyes with an expression begging for mercy.

"Oh, what's the problem if you can't see it or not? You can look around. My house doesn't have any secrets anyway.

Find a place to sit down, you are a guest, Miss Nuoqiu. "

"Your Excellency Yelena, I."

"Find a place and sit down~" Yelena smiled even more. "You don't need me to guide you, do you? After all, you are here

Very familiar, this is not the first time. "" Hearing this, Nuo Qiu's heart suddenly jumped into his throat. "What does Miss Yelena mean by this?

, "This is the first time you have invited me to your room as a guest. Of course, it can only be my first time here."

"First time? Oh, indeed, it is your first time to come in through the front door, isn't it?"

"I don't understand what you are doing?

"I don't understand. Do you not understand, or are you pretending to be confused because you understand?" Yelena walked to the window and touched her

Over that sharp scratch.

Seeing this, Nuo Qiu felt a chill in his heart.

Of course he knows what it is, that is, when he sneaks into Elena's room at noon every day, he leaves it with an iron hook


Now, completely exposed, Nuo Qiu felt a cold sweat running down his spine.

"Miss Nuoqiu is a very smart person."

"Thank you, Nuo Qiu lowered her head and said nothing. Needless to say, she could tell at this moment without even looking at her.

Xue Ya is being tied to Yelena's bed, making no secret of it.

Probably, she was looking at him as if her plan had been exposed.

"I really want to know what you mean by this."

"Meaning? Don't worry, I'm probably just seeking death." Nuo Qiu said in despair.

"Isn't it right? Even if you knew that someone was tied up in my room, you wouldn't come here every noon.

So in the end there were too many scratches and flaws were exposed, right?" Yelena tilted her head, seeing that Nuo Qiu was unwilling to sit down, she

He sat down by himself, sipping black tea and looking at Nuo Qiu playfully.

"Miss Nuoqiu, are you sure you don't want to sit down?"

"No, I like to kneel."

"Oh, then, why don't you say hello to your old friend?"

Hearing this, Nuo Qiu trembled slightly. "What is your Excellency Yelena talking about, old friend, I don't know."

"Miss Nuoqiu, it's already this time, and I don't have the patience to see you acting stupid.

Nuo Qiu, who seemed resigned to his fate, raised his eyes and met the eyes of Xue Ya who was tied to the bed. As he said,

As expected, the latter also looked like everything was over and was full of worries about her.

"You two know each other, right?"

"Uh, woo!" Even though her mouth was gagged, Xue Ya still shook her head desperately.

Nuo Qiu, who was kneeling next to him, covered his face and turned his head away.

Sister, if you act so excited, won’t you be exposed even more miserably? ? You still think Yelena is not convinced enough, right?


"Oh, that's just acquaintance."

Yes, I do. "I can't pretend to be stupid, Nuo Qiu can only admit it.

"Oh, when did we meet?"


"Before, when did you mean specifically?" Yelena narrowed her eyes.

"Probably, maybe, before coming to this academy."

"Oh, you guys knew each other before coming here." Yelena raised her eyebrows. "-A Quran from the countryside

, and an elf from other places, the two of them actually know each other, is it a coincidence?"

Yelena clearly didn't believe what she said.

"Yes, yes, indeed." Nuo Qiu nodded with shame.

"Then, may I know why, Miss Nuoqiu, you have been contacting her? You want to save yourself.

A former friend? But since you are trying to save your friends, you shouldn’t defeat me, the devil who kidnapped the princess, first.

Or maybe they stole the keys or something? What plan are you preparing?

"We, now that things have happened, Nuo Qiu feels that she can't hide it anymore. She can't tell Yelena that she sneaks into her room every day just to chat and play with the elf she kidnapped, right?

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