Blood Princess and the Knight

26~Physical and mental health

"We, um, didn't we know each other before? Haha

"Well, what next." Yelena crossed her legs and gave a "You keep talking, I'm listening" expression.

"So, after finally hearing the sound, I thought about giving it a try, so I couldn't bear to be curious, and besides, I was worried about my friends.

Feeling worried, I came over to take a look, and with your permission, Miss Ye Linna, I entered your room. "

"Oh, that's it. After meeting your true friend, we made an appointment. You helped her escape.


"After all, you can't watch your friend suffer at the hands of an incomprehensible woman, is that what you think?"

Yelena's tone was aggressive, making Nuo Qiu incoherent.

In terms of universal rationality, I do think so, but I don’t think so, but it doesn’t make sense.

"So, what are you going to do next?" Yelena leaned over and pinched Nuo Qiu's chin.

"Oh, I don't need to tell you, you must be planning to destroy me, the devil, and rescue your companions, right?"

"You can't compare to me when it comes to family, so if you want to save her, you can only rely on school rules, that is,

Go to the mentor to report me, right?"

Hey, right, why didn’t I think of that? You are such a genius, wouldn’t it have been over already?

After listening to Yelena's words, Nuo Qiu felt that he had an enlightenment. If he had reported this matter to his tutor earlier, it would have been over.

Is it okay? The devil has been judged, Xue Ya will be released, and everyone is happy

However, Nuoqiu still had this idea, but he just didn't implement it.

It would be okay if Xue Ya was a Gulan, she is an elf, and elves have no human rights in the Gulan Empire.

Tell the instructor about the matter, and at most Yelena will be punished a little, but there will be no solution to Xue Ya.

If you are lucky, you will be repatriated; if you are unlucky, you may have a new alliance dream.

It was also easy to see that Yelena, who fell in love with her, was a woman. If this was some perverted male aristocrat, I am afraid that she would have been tricked out of her mind.

What a tragedy.

But since Yelena expressed fear about this, it proved that she was indeed a little afraid that Nuo Qiu would do this.

"As expected." Yelena saw everything from Nuo Qiu's expression, and she looked at Nuo Qiu meaningfully.

"Hey, then, then that

"You really thought about doing this, right?

"No, that,

"That being the case."

"Crack." Nuo Qiu's hands were suddenly cuffed by a pair of iron handcuffs.

"Eh?! Senior sister, what is this?"

"In this case, we can't let you go easily." Yelena held the other end of the handcuffs and said gloomily.

Senior sister, wow, I started by kidnapping elves to be your slaves, but now I have upgraded to kidnapping classmates.

? ?Stop it, senior, there are all teachers and staff outside, it’s useless! Give up and give me a lenient treatment. "

"Shut up!"

"But I am doing this for your own good, senior sister. If you do this, you will be exposed sooner or later. Do you think the other two

Don’t your roommates know? They know it better than anyone else. It’s just hard to explain. As the saying goes, there is no airtight wall.

Righteousness will kill itself. "

"No one will know." Yelena pulled Nuo Qiu to her and sneered. "Just give it to you too

If things are done in a down-to-earth manner, things will be much easier. Who else would report me?"

Wait?! You mean you want to kill people and silence them?!" Nuo Qiu was shocked when he heard this, and then shivered with fear.


"I, I'm warning you, it's wrong to do this. It's not in line with the behavior of a professional murderer. The traces are too heavy.

!After all, I am still a student of this college, right? And I am also the monitor of our class. If I disappear, I will

Someone will definitely find out! The dormitory will definitely be investigated when the time comes, you can’t hide it!”

"Can't hide it? Ha." Yelena snorted coldly, threw off her slippers, and placed her feet between Nuo Qiu's legs.

"Woooooo?!" Nuoqiu suddenly felt dizzy. After a while, Yelena grabbed her hair and pulled her

The pretty face is close at hand.

"Don't forget, I am the daughter of the head of the Ned family. It may be troublesome to kill other people in the academy, but you

Believe it or not, if this civilian student with no roots or leaves disappeared, no one would dare to mention this matter in two days.

nothing? ?"

Even so, what are you going to do with my body? You can't hide the smell of the body, can you?


"It's easy to do it. Just cut your body into small pieces and bury the pieces of your hands, feet and body separately. Who can do that?"

Found you? ~"

"Why are you so skilled! Sure enough, this isn't your first time doing this kind of thing!" Nuo Qiuqiang

Holding back his well-developed tear ducts, he curled up and shivered.

Damn it, I'm going to be killed by the devil today

Unexpectedly, he did not die from being exposed in the end, but was killed by a perverted murderer, and

Also dismembered

Pfft, your expression now is so funny, hehehe. "Seeing Nuo Qiu's despair,

, Yelena seemed very happy.

"It's funny how big you are, you scheming girl!" Now that things have happened, we are all doomed anyway, so we might as well be tougher.

Nuo Qiu didn't even think about it. He stopped being polite to Yelena and started scolding her.

"Ah, a scheming girl? ~" Yelena narrowed her eyes. "Interesting, you are the first one who dares to call me that."

"You won't be the last one, devil girl! Come on, kill or chop as you please, I'm invulnerable, anyway.

More than ten years later, I am a good man again!"

"Puff, who said I was going to kill you?

Huh? It wasn’t you who said just now that you wanted to kill me to silence me and cut me into pieces. Before Nuo Qiu could continue,

As he went down, his mouth was pinched by Yelena's white jade-like fingers.

"Killing is too troublesome, and this is Sophia Academy. Even if I kill someone, it would be unrealistic.

Oh, what's going on

"If you want me to kill such a cute child like you, I can't do it~"

"Then you still said you were going to do it

"Ah, don't you understand yet?" Yelena said with a smile as she poked Nuo Qiu Yima Pingchuan's chest. "I said

To be practical means to make you honest. "

"Ah?" Nuo Qiu didn't understand for a while. "What does it mean to make me honest?

Before he could finish speaking, his student uniform was taken off by Elena.

"Huh? After being stunned for a moment, Nuo Qiu reacted instantly and quickly moved back. "Huh? ! You,

What are you going to do? ?”

"Of course, fuck you, yeah." Yelena's smile was full of weirdness, and she pounced on her like a hungry wolf.

"Hey?! Don't, don't take it off, don't take it off! Skirt, my skirt, don't take it off!!"

It should be said that he was a professional player. In less than two minutes, the naked Nuoqiu was thrown onto the bed.

"Well, he was so ashamed that he subconsciously wanted to cover his chest, but he had to protect his skirt from being ripped away.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to do at all.

"What are you covering up? It's not like you haven't seen it before, so you're shy because of Taiping? It doesn't matter.

I won't reject anyone who comes, I won't dislike it~" After saying that, Yelena pounced and came up.

"Show yourself well to me!"

"No, no! Listen to me, don't!" Nuo Qiu covered her skirt with all her strength and warned loudly. "You,

If you don’t want to be mentally polluted, don’t do it!!”

"Spiritual pollution? How could it be possible? Even if a child as cute as Nuoqiu is a boy, I don't care.

Yes!" Looking at Yelena's expression, it seemed that nothing could stop her.

"Really, really? Are you sure?" Nuo Qiu raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, not to mention, how could there be such a cute boy in this world?" Yelena said firmly


Stop it now. "

"What are you talking about? How can you still accept the situation now?"

What do you know, I am doing this entirely for the sake of your physical and mental health!"

"If that's the case, then take it off."


"Uh huh! Xue Ya kept struggling next to her, as if she wanted to help Nuo Qiu. When she saw Nuo Qiu

When he was about to fall, he was powerless and could only close his eyes helplessly, sighing secretly that another member of his race had been harmed.

The poisonous hand of this evil Quran woman.

However, three seconds passed

What, what is this? ?" came Yelena's frozen voice.

So I told you earlier, I am doing this for your physical and mental health

"Goo!" After a moment of silence, Yelena made a strange noise, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

It was already three o'clock in the middle of the night when he came out of Yelena's room. Recalling the predicament just now, Nuo Qiu couldn't help but feel

There is lingering fear in my heart.

After Yelena was frightened and fainted, his crisis was relieved, but he ushered in a bigger crisis, that is,

It's an identity exposure crisis.

It seemed that Yelena was quite shocked, and Xue Ya was also greatly shocked.

After Nuoqiu repeatedly explained that she was not a girl, the other party accepted this fact and has been doing so to this day.

Still difficult to digest.

Too bad, he probably won't be able to survive college life from now on.

He sighed helplessly in his heart. He had indeed thought about the day when he would be exposed, but he did not expect that this day would be the day when he would be exposed.

It will come so quickly.

Forget it, what should it be?

After a day of hard work, Nuo Qiu was also tired. Now he just wanted to go back and have a good sleep.

At this moment, the sound of a door opening came from the corridor.

Nuo Qiu looked over doubtfully.

At this time, Ruoya should still be sleeping. Yelena was frightened and fainted, so she would not wake up so early.

Under Nuo Qiu's nose, a golden retriever quietly slipped out of the room.

"Where do you want to go, Senior Bai Ming?" Nuo Qiu stopped Bai Ming. The latter's shoulders trembled slightly and he turned his head with an expressionless expression.

A few traces of sweat appeared on Qing's face as she was caught doing something wrong.

What are you doing if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

"You, you haven't slept either.

"This is because I had an accident. Looking at Bai Ming who was trying to sneak out sneakily, Nuo Qiu sighed.

gas. "Go back to bed quickly, Senior Bai Ming.

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