"Senior Bai Ming, what are you doing sneaking around here? Are you up at night?" "Yes."

"Then it's time to get up at night, right? It's time to go back to sleep." Nuo Qiu tilted his head. "Or is it that Senior Bai Ming wants to take this opportunity to go out for training??"

..." Bai Mingyan opened his eyes and said nothing.

"If you don't speak, you're admitting it, right?" Nuo Biao sighed. "Senior Bai Ming is really disobedient. Do you have to find a rope to tie you up like a child in order to be obedient?"

Hearing this, Bai Ming took a step back, with a hint of vigilance on his expressionless face.

"It's just an analogy, don't take it seriously. But Senior Bai Ming is too disobedient. She even sneaks out to train at night even if she doesn't sleep. If it's in line with the spirit of humanity, I really want to think of Senior Bai Ming." Just tie them up and sleep well." Nuo Qiu said with some resentment.

I couldn't sleep. After sleeping for a while, I woke up by myself, and then I couldn't fall back to sleep. "Now is the stage to adjust the biological clock. Sleep is the best way to treat it. You have to make up for all the previous sleep time." "With that said, Nuo Qiu pulled Bai Ming on.

"Let's go into the house with me."" Half pushing and half obeying, Bai Ming lay on the bed again, looking at the ceiling slightly uneasily. "Senior Bai Ming, why don't you close your eyes and go to sleep?"

"No I don't think I can sleep."

"Why, you said you can't sleep before you've even tried this." Nuo Qiu yawned widely. After being tortured by Yelena for the first half of the night, she still hasn't had a chance to sleep. Plus, because of Bai Ming, she has to get up early every day.

Do you know how much he wants to end this life of waking up early and going to bed late? She also wants to go to bed at ten o'clock and sleep until eight in the morning, okay??

On the other hand, Bai Ming in front of me finally had a good sleep, but she didn't cherish it at all. She was like a child who had to talk to herself before going to bed obediently.

"Senior Bai Ming, your current situation makes me a little worried. If I leave tomorrow, will you be able to take good care of yourself?"

"?Tomorrow, you want to leave?" Bai Ming grasped the key point of the words and was slightly stunned. "No, um, just an accident."

"So, you want to leave?" Bai Ming grasped the key point.

"It's not that I want to leave, nor do I want to leave. It's just that sometimes people have no choice but to leave." Nuo Qiu sighed.

If your identity is exposed to the eldest lady of this college, she will definitely collapse. Why not try to scream to cover up the embarrassment? Well, although screaming is of no use.

Tomorrow, Yelena will probably report the situation to the teacher. On the other hand, his college career is about to come to an end. Maybe the next chapter of his life will be in prison.

"Noju, Noju?"

Huh? What's wrong? "Bai Ming's voice woke up Nuo Qiu, who then looked at those blank and innocent eyes.

"You look like you're not in a good mood."

"Ah? How long has it been since then, and Senior Bai Ming has already learned to judge other people's mental activities by looking at their faces?" Nuo Qiu said half-jokingly.

"Did something happen?"

"No, okay, Senior Bai Ming, don't think about all this. Just close your eyes and go to sleep." "But I can't sleep..."

"Close your eyes and think about nothing, how can you not fall asleep??" Nuo Qiu tapped Bai Ming's little head. "But, I'm so nervous..."

"?Senior Bai Ming, what are you nervous about?" Nuo Qiu tilted his head and said in confusion..."

"It doesn't matter, just tell me. I'm not an outsider to Senior Bai Ming, right?" Nuo Qiu followed suit. "I don't know, but I just thought that if I didn't do something specific at a specific time, I would be very panicked and at a loss." Bai Ming tried to use his somewhat poor expression skills to express his feelings.

"Oh, that's it." Nuo Qiu thought for a while.

Indeed, an autistic personality like Bai Ming lives step by step every day, as if this is the way she must continue to survive. When her life plan is suddenly interfered with by the outside world and cannot be carried out, she will become anxious and will I will be irritable, restless, and always want to correct my life trajectory.

In this case, it is indeed difficult to fall asleep.

"Senior Bai Ming, are you anxious?" "Yeah."

"In that case, how about I read you a bedtime story?"

"Bedtime story?" This word seemed to be a very foreign thing to her.

"Yes, it's for sleeping." As he said that, recalling the fairy tales in his memory, Nuo Qiu read them to Bai Ming.

One of the traditional fairy tales "Cinderella".

After listening, Bai Ming fell into silence.

"How is it? Have you calmed down?" At this time, there is nothing better than using a story to divert Bai Ming's attention.

I have a question. "

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"Prince, why do you want to marry Cinderella?" After thinking for a long time, Bai Ming said what he couldn't understand at all.


Is this the question you want to ask? There is no reason for this, because I like it, he is a prince

Ah, which girl you like, can't you marry her? Just let her be happy. "Nuo Qiu really didn't expect Bai Mingjiu to

The knot is not the great love affair between Cinderella and the prince, but this tricky angle.

The prince wants to marry Cinderella, how does he know why he wants to marry her? Anyway, love is enough

what is love

What? "

"Love, love, you ask me who should I ask? Anyway, you like me and I like you. I have a very high seed.

If you ask me about deep things, I won’t know!" Nuo Qiu said angrily. "If you want to know more about this aspect, you are asking the wrong person.

Why are you asking me, a person who has never been in love?"

"If you like it, does it count as love?" Bai Ming stared at Nuo Qiu in silence. "Then how can I say I like it?

Like? Aren't they just couples? Those are the pairs you see on the street. "Nuoqiu has

Tired of answering.

"Oh, do you just like staying together all day?"

"Don't interpret it casually, okay? Even if you like it if you stay together all day, then Ruoya and Yelena are not

Do you like you very much?"

"Then, what should I do?"

"For example, getting up together, eating together, living under the same roof, doing everything together

We often go home together, and one party even makes accommodations for the sake of the other party. Well, that's pretty much it.

Bar. "Nuo Qiu couldn't explain why.

"Oh, that's it." Bai Ming looked stunned. "So, Nuoqiu-san, you like me, right?"

"Huh? How did you come to this conclusion?" Nuo Qiu was shocked.

"Classmate Nuoqiu, you are tired of being with me all day long. You even got up half an hour earlier than me just to see me in the morning.

For an hour, I can see you during dinner, isn’t that why we often go back to the dormitory together?”

"Anuo Qiu thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is really the case.

Then what kind of feelings do you have towards Bai Ming?

"That's not the point anymore! Isn't this different?"

"What's different?"

Nuo Qiu was speechless and reasonable. He seemed to be unable to find anything wrong.

"Ah, let's not talk about this anymore! Listen to the story.

"I'm listening well.

"Did I ask you to ask these weird questions? ?"

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to marvel at the cross-class love between Cinderella and the prince!"

"Aren't I just asking you about love affairs now?"

These questions of yours are too hard-core!

"Besides, classmate Nuo Qiu, I don't think two people across class can get together." Bai Ming continued to be expressionless.

Analyzed affectionately. "I personally think it is impossible for a concubine from an ordinary wealthy family to get together with the royal family."

Nuo Qiu held his head, feeling that he could no longer communicate with Bai Ming.

"How about now? After chatting for so long, do you feel a little sleepy?"

It's o'clock. "

"It's already almost five o'clock.

"But, I still can't sleep."

"Are you not sleepy?!" Nuo Qiu's eyes widened.

"You're not sleepy, you don't want to sleep, but I want to sleep!" I patiently told Bai Ming a bedtime story for so long.

Not only did the other party not want to sleep, he also kept asking tricky questions, which made Nuo Qiu very annoyed.

So, he didn't care about Bai Ming's reaction, he pulled off Bai Ming's quilt without taking off his clothes, and got into Bai Ming's quilt.


"No, Qiu?"

"Stop making trouble, you don't want to sleep, I want to sleep! I've been tossing for most of the night, and I'm still sleeping now!"

, Nuo Qiu lay on Bai Ming's pillow, hugging the quilt, muttering in his mouth, and then quickly fell into sleep, and let out a

A few babbles in sleep.

"When Bai Ming saw this, before he had time to react, he felt something holding him softly, sticky.

On oneself.


Looking at Nuo Qiu sleeping peacefully in her arms, she seemed to be using herself as a pillow.

For some reason, with Nuo Qiu beside him, smelling his unique body fragrance, Bai Ming's heart calmed down inexplicably.

, she felt an unprecedented sense of security.

After calming down, it was replaced by a deep sleep.

My eyes were blinking, feeling a little heavy.

In the early morning, a burst of bird chirping woke up Bai Ming. When he woke up from his hazy sleep, Bai Ming saw him for the first time.

When I open my eyes in the morning, I see the sun at seven or eight o'clock.

At the same time, there was an unprecedented energy, as if the brain had completely rested and recovered all the energy.

The vitality made her feel refreshed.


"Huh-huh-huh. .

She glanced at a certain blond creature lying on top of her, using herself as a pillow, and then glanced at the clock.

"Noju, Noju?"


"It's time to get up, I'm going to be late for school."

"Huhu. Huh? What? Ah, stop disturbing me, I haven't had enough sleep yet~~"

Bai Ming said nothing, just looking at Nuo Qiu's sleeping face quietly.

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