"Noju, it's time for school."

"Hmm. Just let me sleep a little longer. I can't sleep well." Nuo Qiu covered his head in the quilt and whispered.

The voice whispered.

"But, class has already begun." Bai Ming's face remained expressionless as always. "If you are late, you will be punished by the teacher.

of. "

"Ah, it doesn't matter if you're forced to stand or something like that. Nuo Qiu covered his face and said. "I'm almost there. I'm almost there."

I'm going to die in class. Everyone will soon know my true identity and they will despise me. Well, I'm sorry.

Don't get treated like a street rat, right?

Why is this?" Bai Ming was puzzled.

"Ah? Do you need to say it?" Nuo Qiu was confused and didn't care about anything else at all. "My identity has been discovered

Yes. "

"All the secrets have been exposed, what else do I have to say? Just wait for me to be exposed in public at today's school assembly.

Everyone, please carry it up. "

By the time Nuo Qiu slowly got up from the bed, he was already at his peak strength. Half an hour had passed since class started.

V refreshed successfully


"Are you awake?

Huh?!" After Nuo Qiu came to his senses in a daze, he immediately discovered something was wrong. "You,

Why are you in my bed? ?”

"This is my bed." After a moment of silence, Bai Ming tilted his head and explained.

"Your bed?" Rubbing his head, Nuo Qiu gradually recalled.

Yesterday, it seemed that it was because he was too tired, so he just lay on Bai Ming's bed and followed her without thinking.

Got up and slept all night

It’s over! Then won’t the punishment be even more severe during today’s execution? !-

After thinking about this, Nuo Qiu looked at Bai Ming, who looked innocent and didn't understand anything, with despair.

"Can I go to school now?" Bai Ming meant to ask Nuo Qiu if he could go to school now.

However, at this moment, Nuo Qiu, who felt that his life was over, only felt that his future was bleak.

"What, go to school? Ah, I probably don't need this kind of thing anymore.

"Bang bang bang." At this moment, three gradual knocks sounded in the room.

"Um, may I ask, is Master Nuoqiu inside?"

Lord Nuoqiu?" Hearing this, Nuoqiu was surprised.

The voice sounds familiar, but in this dormitory, who would call themselves "sir"?


It feels like something is wrong.

"Excuse me, who is it?" Nuo Qiu and Bai Ming looked at each other.

"Yes, it's me, Shi Yelina

Ah this!

Is it Miss Yelena who fainted from being frightened by her true identity yesterday?

What, are you here today to ask questions? ?

After being mentally prepared, Nuo Qiu opened the door carefully.

"Um? Looking at the door, his hands were intertwined and placed on his chest, his head was slightly lowered, and he looked extremely coquettish.

Ashamed of the young lady, Nuo Qiu wondered if she had recognized the wrong person.

"Um, are you, Miss Yelena?" Nuo Qiu asked in disbelief.

Well, it's me. "Yelena nodded, still refusing to raise her head to look at Nuo Qiu.

"Is there something wrong?" Nuo Qiu asked this question a bit too much. Even he himself knew why the other party was looking for him.

Fuck him.

"Well, well Yelena nodded twice in succession, but she still didn't speak after nodding.

This made Nuo Qiu very strange.

In his impression, Yelena was an out-and-out aristocratic lady. She was decent and generous on the surface, but in fact

He is naughty by nature and has a strong desire to sadize what he likes.

People with this kind of personality will behave like a little white rabbit standing in front of themselves and being extremely obedient.

"Why did you appear in Bai Ming's dormitory?" There was no words between the two of them. They were silent for a long time. Yelena

He suddenly said, "Senior Bai Ming, you go to class first, you don't have to wait for me."

"Oh." Bai Ming in the room nodded, took the necessary utensils and left the room.

It's time for her normal life now, and Noju won't interfere with that.

"Is something wrong, Miss Yelena?"

Yelena was silent.

"Then, let's talk after we go in?" Nuo Qiu motioned for Elena to come into the room.

Yelena still seemed hesitant, but still followed in.

This look made Nuo Qiu a little funny, as if he was a big bad wolf ready to eat people at any time.

Ming's own numerical value is much lower than hers.

Why do I feel like she has changed from a female bully to a weak woman after not seeing her for a day? ?

"Want to drink tea? Or boiled water. Well, although there is no tea here, there is only boiled water." Bai Ming said in his room.

Of course, I haven’t prepared anything, let alone snacks or something.

You're not a girl, right?" Without taking the teacup from Nuo Qiu's hand, Yelena held it tightly

Staring at Nuoqiu.

Nuo Qiu's hand holding the cup trembled slightly. He took a deep breath and was mentally prepared.

"Yes, I'm not, I'm a boy."

Sure enough, it turned out that the boy seemed to have thought of something again. Yelena buried her head

He lowered his head a little, and his cheeks were a little blushing.

"As a boy, you disguised yourself as a girl and sneaked into the girls' dormitory. Do you know that if your identity is revealed?

What will happen if we go out?" Suddenly, Yelena raised her head.


Presumably, maybe, he would be captured by the Imperial Knights and thrown into prison, where he would spend the rest of his life.

For the rest of my life. "

"Aren't you very clear about this?" Yelena stared at Nuoqiu closely. "Then why do you know the law and break it?"

"I don't want to either," Nuo Qiu said helplessly. “I was mistakenly identified by the front desk as having the wrong gender. I explained to them that they

He didn't listen and had no choice but to bring me here. "

"Is it really just like this? Are you sure it's not for peeping on girls taking a shower, living with girls, and being satisfied?

Your perverted desires? ?" Yelena's words gradually became more intense.

"No, no, it's really not!" Nuo Qiu waved her hands quickly, then lowered her head and said. "Besides, I need to see a girl

Does the child take a bath?

I think my figure is better than most girls. "

The words silenced Yelena.

Indeed, Nuo Qiu's figure is very well-proportioned, and he has a figure that is slimmer and more attractive than that of women. If he hadn't confirmed it with his own eyes,

, Yelena couldn't believe that this person was actually a male.

"Miss Yelena, if you want to report me, I have already been mentally prepared." Nuo Qiu took a deep breath.

I knew from the beginning that walking this road was on a tightrope. If I was not careful, I would fall into a catastrophic situation.

It’s my fault that I’m in such a bad situation, I can’t blame you anymore

Are you willing to be fired like this?" Yelena suddenly asked.

"Otherwise? Is there a second way for me to go? As Miss Yelena said, your family

The cause is huge, and it couldn't be easier to crush this little ant like me. Nuo Qiu sighed.

What an absolute idiot. "Yelina suddenly looked at Nuo Qiu with some disgust. "If I

Not only will you not feel guilty about this, but you will intensify your efforts and threaten this young lady. After all, if this kind of thing is spread,

If she goes out, this eldest lady's reputation will be almost over. She may even be punished by her family for throwing away her precious reputation to vent evil in exchange for a despicable life, but everyone knows whether it is worth it. "

"After the blackmail is successful, this young lady will be your plaything. She can be at your mercy, no matter what.

Use her as a shield. She can't disobey your orders anyway, and the worst is possible.

"Ah, Yelena was talking eloquently. Nuo Qiu was stunned for a while while listening to it, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

No, how can you, a young lady, know so much? ?

"It's just because I'm the eldest lady that I know so much." Seeing the meaning written on Nuo Qiu's face, Yelena


"To sum up, if you do this, I will be completely passive, and you will take the absolute initiative.

, after that, with my protection, I walked sideways in the college. "

"Looking at the proud Yelena, Nuo Qiu didn't know what to say.

Call her stupid. She can think of so many problems and analyze them clearly for herself. Call her smart.

You’ve told yourself so much, are you sure it’s okay? ?

Is she really not afraid of herself and just do it? ?

"Stop, stop, Miss Yelena, stop talking, are you sure you can continue talking?

Is safety still guaranteed?" Nuo Qiu said speechlessly.

Tsk!" Yelena glanced at Nuo Qiu with disgust again and whispered. "You have no ambition. "

"Ah? What did you say?" The voice was too low and Nuo Qiu didn't hear it.

"It's nothing! I don't know why, Yelena gave Nuoqiu a sign of giving you a chance, but you are useless."


What's going on? Could it be that she was deliberately trying to expose him to a flaw? It's impossible, right? Why would Yelena put herself at risk?

At that point, she is not a pussy, she likes to be abused? ?

"Anyway, do you have my secret now? Yelena looked away.

"Ah? Oh, yes. "She keeps an 'illegal pet' in her dormitory. Logically speaking, it does control her.

's secret.

"Well, since you also have my secret, I also have your secret, everyone - pen

How about canceling it?" Yelena suggested.

"-Written off?"

"That's right, even if you don't see it, don't regret it to anyone, the other person will

If we go to expose his secret, neither of us will be able to reconcile, and the fish will die. "

"No, no, Miss Yelena, you are also the eldest lady of the Ned family, so you won't be like me.

Do you think that a small citizen from the countryside knows this?" Nuo Qiu waved his hand quickly.

"Humph, it's not a bad thing that you came from the country." Yelena murmured in a low voice. "Obviously a happy life is close to you."

He was so close, but he turned a blind eye to it. It was really a standard country thing.

Nuo Qiu touched his nose. He didn't quite understand what Yelina said.


What does it mean to have a happy life so close to him?

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