Blood Princess and the Knight

29~ Taken advantage of

"Senior Bai Ming, it's lunch break time now."

"School was over at noon. Bai Ming, who had planned to go to the training ground to spend the afternoon, was intercepted again. Nuo Qiu stood in front of her with a smile and stretched out his hand towards her. "The break at noon is very important. Senior Bai Ming is not allowed to sneak away for training."

"I know I didn't want to go." Bai Ming looked away.

"Really? That's great. Come on, Senior Bai Ming, let's go have tea during the lunch break." "Tea?" Bai Ming was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"Wrong? Why don't you go?"

"Wouldn't it be better to have a normal meal at noon." Bai Ming said matter-of-factly. "Drinking tea is a waste of time." "Well, although I usually think so, but in order to cultivate your enthusiasm for other things, Senior Bai Ming, there is nothing we can do. You understand, let's go. La, didn’t you agree that you would listen to me this month?”

..." So, being pulled by Nuo Qiu, Bai Ming half pushed and half arrived at the coffee shop that she would never set foot in on weekdays. It was just her and Nuo Qiu.

"I remember, you said that the people who get married on such occasions are all lovers." "Yeah, what's wrong?" Nuoqiu, who was struggling with the menu, asked doubtfully. "Then, are we weird now?" Bai Ming tilted his head.

"What's weird? They're all girls. Why, Senior Bai Ming, do you still want to have a vigorous love affair with me?" Nuo Qiu said angrily.

"""Bai Ming stopped talking.

"Okay~~ I've finished ordering, Senior Bai Ming, it's your turn." "Scented tea, porridge." Bai Ming said after looking at the menu for a long time.

"What? Senior Bai Ming, you don't look at the name but the price, right??" Nuo Qiu took the menu away angrily.

"Give me, give me, I'll have some, um, roasted foie gras, asparagus soup, beef steak."

"I have a question." After handing over the menu, Bai Ming looked at Nuo Qiu quietly. "anymore question?"

"Who pays for this meal?"

"What's the point?" Nuo Qiu looked at Bai Ming matter-of-factly. "Senior Bai Ming, of course it's you."


"Isn't this what it should be? Think about it, it's me who is correcting the way you get along with others. Of course you are the one who gives me the food money. Besides, Senior Sister Bai Ming expects me, a poor kid from the countryside, to give me money. ?I can’t afford it either.


"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Senior Sister Bai Ming, if you don't pay, we really can't afford it. Then we will be detained in the store to wash dishes. We may also be criticized and made public." I don't care about the execution, but do you really don't care either?" Nuo Qiu immediately used his 2LVMAX skills and rolled around in a cute way.

"Senior Bai Ming, children from the countryside have never eaten delicacies from big cities. Do you really have the heart to look at me?" Nuo Qiu looked at Bai Ming with tears in her eyes, blinking her big eyes.

Okay, I get it, but I have no money. Bai Ming nodded, indicating that he understood. "Let's wash the dishes together afterward."

"Puff! Nuo Qiu almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"No, it can't be right? Senior Sister Bai Ming, you are also the eldest lady of one of the three great Gulan clans that protect the country, right? Can't you even afford a meal of tea?" Nuo Qiu couldn't help but complain. .

After all, Sophia is a school for young ladies from famous families. People who study here are either rich or noble. After all, Bai Ming is also a young lady from the Shenglun family. Her status is far more prominent than those from rich and noble families. How can she even pay for a meal? None.

"The prices here are too expensive." Bai Ming said expressionlessly. "My family has planned to give me money every month. It's just enough to eat in an ordinary canteen, not much, not quite."

I am a Buddha. "Nuo Qiu held his forehead.

What kind of big family is this? They are too stingy when it comes to their children! The eldest lady Bai Ming is so hardworking that she doesn’t look like a eldest lady at all. She is not even as good as the children of ordinary wealthy families.

Why doesn’t Auntie give you more money for emergencies?”

"My mother said that if we give too much money, we will misuse it. She is afraid that we will learn bad things and bully others or make some bad friends, so we only give a fixed amount." Bai Ming answered truthfully. "Furthermore, people in our clan generally don't have much pocket money. Everyone is busy training all day long, so any extra money is too much and they won't be used."

Ah, it's true. "Nuo Qiu has become more involved in the Wuyu Shenglun family.

Compared to other great nobles, Sheng Lun was simply a stream of clean water. No, it was no longer a clean stream. It was so clean that it was almost cleaner than dish soap.

From the perspective of others, Shenglun is indeed a noble family that is very popular among common people.

Never oppress the people, never do anything that violates morality and bottom line. The bravery of taking the lead without fear of the enemy, the chivalry and ascetic spirit of strict self-discipline.

But if you are a member of the Shenglun family or other nobles, a family like Shenglun will only give people a headache.

There is no way to try to use common interests to win over this group of stupid young people, let alone use bribes on them, nor can they completely draw them into their own faction---this group of iron fools will not hesitate. Standing on the side of justice and fairness, we should give priority to fairness when dealing with things, without paying any attention to human touch.

No colleague would like such a nobleman. It is conceivable that the Shenglun family must not be very popular in the Gulan Empire, and may even be ostracized to a great extent.

Those Quran nobles believe that this kind of exclusion and targeting can make the Shenglun family soberly aware of how smooth they are in officialdom.

So important, yet they couldn't be more wrong.

The more this happened, the more the Shenglun family would rather die than surrender, and defined these nobles as 'maggots corrupted by a comfortable and luxurious life', so the two sides became completely hostile.

Also because the industry was hit and squeezed out everywhere, the income and expenditure of the Shenglun family was seriously insufficient. It was clear that they had such a large territory, but the entire clan was frugal.

Perhaps many people in Gulan did not expect that this world-famous family, which has produced countless knight kings and hero kings, has always lived in poverty. Compared with Ned and Mirror, who also belong to the protective family, they are completely opposite.

Sheng Lun lives in a luxurious mansion second only to the palace, but Sheng Lun lives in a flat-tiled house. She has a reinforced company of personal servants. Sheng Lun has to do everything by herself, including eating, drinking, washing, and washing clothes. It is a dress made of high-grade monster fur. Shenglun is wearing linen training for the cheeks.

"I said, it doesn't matter if I give you a little more money, right? If I give you a little more money, will you be able to bully others?

That little money is enough? No such thing. "Nuo Qiu shook the coffee spoon and said sadly.

"My pocket money this month should be enough to buy a cup of relatively expensive coffee here." Bai Ming calculated.

Do you really want to wash the dishes? ?”

"I wash it often at home, no problem."

"Is this something that I wash frequently, so there is no problem? I am obviously a student of Sofia, but I ate in a high-end restaurant in Sofia without paying for it. This is really going to be criticized by the public notice!"

"No, we have to think of a way." Nuo Qiu's eyes were spinning wildly, as if he was having some evil idea.

"Huh?" Bai Ming was beside him, and wherever Nuo Qiu looked, she followed.

"Hey! Got it!" Nuo Qiu slapped the table and suddenly had an idea.

"Got it? Got it."

"Kuku~~ Find the meal ticket!" Nuo Qiu suddenly became confident because an acquaintance appeared in his sight.

So, he jumped out of his seat and came to the person with small steps and bounces.

"Huhu~ Classmate Yelena, long time no see~"

"Yelena's body stiffened as she took the menu and ordered, and then her head turned around bit by bit.

Why are you here?" After a long silence, Yelena just uttered a sentence.

"What does this mean? This is the coffee shop inside the college. Why can't I appear here?"

"I think, well, this place shouldn't be within your consumption category." Yelena didn't mean to put it tactfully and hit the point directly. However, this did not hurt Nuo Qiu, who had a deep understanding of himself as a poor man.

"Ah, I occasionally want to come here and try something new. After all, it's a drink shop in a big city. I want to come and experience it.

"Oh, what then?"

"Hey, then, as you said, this is not my consumption area. Can the two of us share a table? ~" Nuo Qiu said with a bright smile.

Yelena hesitated, as if she was about to say rejection, but then she seemed to think of something.

, swallowed it back.

"Is that okay~ Please, you are the only one who can help me now."

Are you alone? "

"I also brought an acquaintance with me. Well, he is also an acquaintance to you."


"Yes, yes." As he said that, Nuo Qiu pulled Bai Ming forward. "Come on, say hello. We are roommates living under the same roof after all, aren't we?"

The other person you are talking about is her? ?" Yelena's face was even uglier. It seemed that she was more ugly than Nuo Qiu.

Add Bai Ming.

"Yes, yes, Yelena is such a good friend, she will agree, right?"

"Nuo Qiu, forget it." Bai Ming said.

"It's okay, classmate Yelena is willing, don't you think so?

Ye Linna remained silent, but could not say any words of rejection.

"You agree if you don't say anything? Very good. I know that classmate Yelena, you are very helpful. Although you usually don't complain, you still care about your roommates. If your roommates are in trouble, you will definitely lend a helping hand generously.

"Yelena lowered her head and said nothing.

So, just like that, the enemy Yelena was solely responsible for the money for the meal, and Bai Ming and Nuo Qiu had a free lunch.

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